Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1530 Listening to the tide in the bamboo sea

When Cui Yigeng drew his sword, the whole bamboo sea seemed to be silent.

Everything that was sharp, restless, and stinging was silent at this moment.

Everything cut by the sword is also subdued by the sword.

Cui Yigeng's medium eyes, when looking at Jiang Wang, were no different from when he was looking at bamboo.

He seemed to be exploring something, or just immersed in his own world.

His grip on the sword is very steady.

You feel that after another ten or twenty years with such a posture, his sword and his hand will not deflect in the slightest.

The process of drawing his sword is very specific.

Appears rather slow to the eye.

His five fingers fell down one by one.

His finger bones began to exert strength, and the slender meridians emerged on the back of his hand, and the roots were raised.

The hilt made of logs seemed to grow in the palm of his hand.

He drew his sword from the bamboo scabbard, like pulling his bones out of his body. And his blood, his persistence, and the countless days and nights he drenched in sweat have long been melted into the blade.

At this moment, Jiang Wang even thought of the scene where Zhao Rucheng pulled out the emperor's sword on the viewing platform.

What kind of sword is this! ?

The process of unsheathing is like the end of a person's life!

And the long sword he unsheathed was just announcing such a result.

In the past ten years, twenty years, since the time of the hair... Autumn frost, spring moon, summer wind and winter snow, in all experiences, Cui Yigeng has only practiced this sword.

There is no day and no rest.

The long sword in his hand is called "One Heart".

Read the books of sages and sages, and practice Yixinjian.

At that time, the waves of the bamboo sea were calm, and the world was silent.

Pointing at millions of bamboo leaves, the sword intent is all concentrated in this sword.

So this sword came alone.

The air, the space, and even the line of sight are cut open.

Everything you see, experience, and encounter will be cut open by it!

Jiang Wang found that it was impossible for him to defuse the sword!

Only at the level of swordsmanship, he is already hitting the pinnacle of this realm. After replicating the skill of turning sword energy into silk, it is undoubtedly already in the peak.

But it was impossible for him to receive the sword with pure swordsmanship.

The famous swordsmen such as Ning swordsman, who practiced the best swordsmanship, each one can be called the best swordsmanship. She has practiced every Absolute Sword Art to the end of her current state.

But Swordsman Ning couldn't stop the sword.

Because some sword skills can break through the limit in the hands of specific people.

Ning Jianke cultivated the sword of the predecessors.

What Cui Yigeng cultivated was his own sword, and it had reached the extreme state.

The so-called high line above the top.

It is a scenery that cannot be seen in this environment.

Only those who truly implement themselves and truly comprehend the ultimate intention can achieve this step.

That incomparably pure sword came head-on,

In the visual experience, it seems that the whole world has been plunged into darkness - that's because the sword has cut the sight to pieces.

Although he couldn't see anything in front of his eyes, he could still feel the sword.

It's sharp, it's firm, it's sharp.

Unavoidable, unstoppable.

So come closer.

So the sword arrives.

There is the light of the supernatural powers of the five prefectures, shining in the chest and abdomen.

There is a stream of fire rising around him.

There are frost capes fluttering in the wind.

In the red-gold eyes, the sword light shines.

The body of Tianfu manifests the Sword Immortal!

Jiang Wang's whole body was shrouded in an indescribable brilliance, momentum, intention, technique, Tao, Qi... were integrated into the most extreme sword intent. Confused with this body, it reaches beyond the sky.

The so-called sword celestial beings, the sword performs the supernatural powers of all arts.

This is to integrate all the supernatural powers of oneself, and this will grow with the growth of one's own strength.

Today's Jiang Wang.

Sitting alone in the Wuyandu Mountain Range, Jiang Wang devoted himself to enlightenment.

Jiang Wang who digested all the gains from the Mountain and Sea Territory, the Huai State Mansion, and the City of Buredemption.

Using skills to break skills, smashed Jiang Wang, Yi Tang's strongest defense in the Renxin Pavilion.

Play yourself with a sword, and transform into this overwhelming sword, with endless sharpness!

The pillar supporting the sky has been broken.

How about now? How is this world?

The day collapsed and the ground collapsed, making the world unstoppable!

He couldn't defeat Cui Yigeng's sword of heart at the level of swordsmanship.

But Cui Yigeng's most refined and pure sword, also has a most appropriate way to deal with it - throwing everything on himself, bursting out with all his strength, and facing Yixin with extreme intention.

Use strength to break cleverness, use a sledgehammer to smash the tip of the sword!

The entire bamboo sea, the emerald bamboo in front of Jiang Wang, all turned backwards. The ubiquitous terrifying sword intent bends his waist like a strong wind. It was Cui Yigeng's waist that was broken!

But their bamboo leaves are still pointed at Jiang Wang.

It refers to Cui Yigeng's sword heart.

One Heart Sword and Long Lovesickness finally meet!

Even the sword qi had already made a sound one step ahead, that chirping like the chirping of thousands of sparrows... was exactly the sword qi that fought righteously.


The two famous swords in the world did not actually meet.

In the gap that may have been less than an inch, Cui Yigeng suddenly took a step back.

With this step, he retreated into the "empty" again.

From the sharp-edged swordsman who seemed to cut through everything, he retreated to the outside world, isolated in a place that didn't exist.

And with a specific movement, in the slowness of the visual sense, he still focused on the sword in the bamboo sheath.

He has already seen the result of the collision of the two swords, so there is no need to continue.

He only has this sword, so the victory is already divided.

Sometimes it is more courageous and capable to withdraw the sword than to draw it.

across from him.

Jiang Wanggu made a sword with extreme intent, pushing the peak of the sky, controlling such a terrifying sword intent——

In the end, it was a light pick, and the tip of Sauvignon Blanc's sword trembled slightly, like ripples in an autumn lake, provoking a sword flower woven with sword energy and sword intent.

The translucent sword flower reflects the sharp edge like frost and snow.

Petal by petal withered.

And all the impressive things about the sword power also dissipated calmly...

He sheathed his sword.

There is something more similar to Cui Yi.

The two famous swords in the world fell silent.

Those bent green bamboos stood upright again, and those sharp bamboo leaves, of course, softened their sharpness.

Only then can the wind blow.

So blah blah, blah blah...

The bamboo sea listens to the tide.

"You won." Cui Yigeng came out of the 'empty' state and said calmly: "Do I need to announce it to the world through the academy?"

Jiang Wang said seriously: "I'm here only for the sake of learning, not for fame. No one in the world will know the result of this battle."

Cui Yigeng just said "Oh".

That's really not a big deal.

Jiang Wang then bowed his hands to him: "Farewell."

For such a person, not wasting his time is the greatest respect for him.



Leave the Hardworking Academy and continue eastward.

The two countries, Mujing and Jing, are already officially at war, and the battle is still unfolding in the Liyuan City area.

But this situation is bound to not last long. It is impossible for powerful troops like Jing Bajia, Tiefutu, and Wangzhang cavalry to be trapped in a square inch. It is foreseeable that... as the war intensifies, the entire prosperous country may become a battlefield between the two hegemonic powers!

The Northern Territory and the Central Territory will inevitably fall into turmoil.

Jiang Wang, who had never set foot in the Central Territory, came here in person this time.

Different from the imagined atmosphere where the storm has come, what you see along the way is peaceful and extraordinary. People seem to be unaware of the ongoing war at all, and the collision of the two hegemonic powers is like a cloud in the sky.

Perhaps it was because Jiang Wang went to a place far away from Shengguo, or perhaps it was because of the self-confidence that Zhongyu people had built up over a long period of time.

After all, Jingguo has always occupied the center of the world from the beginning of the Daoist calendar until now.

Of course, Jiang Wang doesn't have much thought about Jing Guo now.

If it's an appointment to fight against Jingguo's Outer Building Realm Tianjiao... I don't know if Chen Suan has achieved God's presence, but even if he doesn't, Chen Suan has no time to talk to him at this meeting.

Back then in Xingyueyuan, he used the starlight gifted by Master Guanyan to crush the other side, Jiang Wang couldn't feel at ease, and Chen Suan must not be really convinced.

But in such grand events as personal honor and disgrace and Jingmu war, it is self-evident how Chen Suan would choose.

As for the rest of the people... it doesn't matter if they don't fight.

It's not that Jingguo has no fighters, it's just that Jiang Wang only wants to find the strongest one.

The No. 1 man in Jing's family who died behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters before the Yellow River Meeting, if he survived, he must be a worthy figure now.

But the reality is so cold, like a corpse, it loses its body temperature and gradually cools down... No matter how talented that person is and how powerful he is in Jingguo, no one will remember him soon after his death.

Not to mention Jiang Wang, even in Jingguo, not many people still remember his name.

But it doesn't really matter.

Jiang Wang's trip is for Qingya Academy.

In the central region, which is almost a hall of Taoism, Qingya Academy can gain a foothold and reputation far and wide, ranking among the top four academies in the world, and becoming a palace of scholarship that all scholars yearn for, naturally it has its extraordinary features.

Perhaps because of the relationship between the Taoist school in the middle region, Qingya Academy also has some willful and natural Taoist temperament in it.

Among the progressive academies such as Qinku, Longmen, and Mugu, Qingya Academy is unique in its laxity.

Of course, Jiang Wang also has a very deep understanding of this...

Bringing Yi Tang's recommendation letter to visit, but there was no hindrance.

It was also very easy to see the goal of this trip——

Mo Ci, who is known as the three outstanding talents.

It is different from Xu Xiangqian who claims to be a talented scholar.

The nickname of Mo Ci, the three outstanding talents, was personally certified by the famous Confucianism of the predecessors.

The so-called three masters are the masters of poetry, master of piano and master of sword.

Mo Ci thinks that poetry is the first, the piano is the second, and the sword is the third. But even this third sword is the best among its peers in the academy.

And his collection of poems "Peach Blossom in the Clouds" has been best-selling in Zhongyu for many years, and was once called Tianjing Zhigui.

In contrast, the "Shenxiu Poetry Collection" created by Xu Gao and compiled at his own expense has only "sold" 19 copies so far.

The buyers are Li Longchuan, Jiang Wang, Yan Fu, Yao Zishu...

Mo Ci, who appeared in front of Jiang Wang at this time, was a little thin, with a bright expression on his brows and eyes, wearing a long gown, showing himself to be romantic. There is only a piece of black jade ring hanging from the waist, and there are extremely thin inscriptions hidden, which are hard to see unless you look carefully.

His attitude can be called excellent, especially after Jiang Wang took off his hat and named Chen——

"Isn't this the other pride of our two prides!"

Jiang Wang: ...

He swore that he would never want to mention to anyone in his life that he had been to Ganma Mountain.

But Mo Ci's tone was actually friendly, and of course there were elements of teasing, but there was no malice in it.

Jiang Wang also had no choice but to say: "I didn't expect Gan Mashan to be so famous."

"Of course!" Mo Ci said seriously, "It's the so-called 'The best song in the mountains, the literary thinking is like water. The world is invincible, and the peerless pair of pride.' This poem has been sung here for a while... Hahahahaha... ..."

Halfway through his speech, he couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Wang wanted to leave on the spot.

Fortunately, Mo Ci smiled for a while to react, and changed a relatively serious tone: "By the way, why did you come to Qingya Academy this time?"

He shook the letter in his hand: "Is there still a need for Yi Tang to write a letter?"

"To be honest, I came to Qingya Academy this time to discuss with senior brother Mo Ci." Jiang Wang said with a wry smile, "I didn't expect it to be too late."

The reason why it is late.

It's because of Mo Ci in front of him, his spiritual consciousness is condensed, his aura is hidden deep, and he seems to be a god.

Of course Mo Ci understood Jiang Wang's meaning, and said with a strange expression: "You want to try the sword world, why don't you check the information first? I have been a god for a long time."

The importance of intelligence cannot be doubted.

The so-called "know yourself and know the enemy, and win a hundred battles" is by no means empty words, but a military strategist's truth that has been verified time and time again with blood for thousands of years.

This is true on the battlefield, and it is also true in personal battles.

If Jiang Wang hadn't received Zhu Biqiong's report in advance, obtained information about Hai Zongming through Zhongxuansheng, and had the targeted thinking provided by Chongxuan and Chuliang... even with forward help, it would be difficult to kill Hai Zongming. Zong Ming.

On the other hand, if Hai Zongming knew Jiang Wang's situation well, then there would be basically no possibility of him coming back.

Mo Ci said this because he felt...Jiang Wang was too confident. He didn't even do the most basic intelligence work, and just came to challenge one by one, pinning the victory or defeat entirely on his own personal strength.

But after the words came out, I thought about it again, trying the sword in the world and being number one in each sect of swordsmanship is itself a manifestation of self-confidence.

Jiang Wang is young and enjoys a great reputation, so it's normal to have such self-confidence.

"It's not that Jiang Wang is arrogant and underestimates the heroes of the world." Jiang Wang said seriously: "It's just that I have come this way to verify what I have learned, and I don't want to be disturbed by any other factors... To be honest , My ability to fight will affect my judgment on my own practice."

This sounds very arrogant at first glance!

Because his ability to fight is strong enough to affect his judgment on personal practice. So don't ascertain information in advance, don't allow yourself to prepare in advance. Just go all the way, get in touch with in the battle, understand in the battle, just compete with those who are the strongest in the world, and test yourself to your heart's content!

How many people dare to say that?

However, Jiang Wang's expression is so sincere.

Mo Ci then knew that he really thought so, and he was indeed doing so.

"Interesting, interesting!"

Mo Ci said: "As far as you are concerned, there should be no younger brother or younger sister in my Qingya Academy who can beat you. But since you are here, it is not a waste of time to make a trip. I can see the disciples in the outer building of the academy today. There are..."

He twisted his fingers and calculated: "Seventeen people!"

There was a smile on his face unconsciously: "I'll call you over, let's learn from you, and help you verify yourself, how about it?"

Help Yuanjiang to recommend a book, "Starting from Xiuxian University".

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