Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1531

When he left Qingya Academy, Jiang Wang's face was all wooden.

That thief Mo Ci didn't feel at ease at all.

What bullshit "help you verify yourself".

Let Mo Ci arrange for on-site teaching!

Every disciple from the academy came over to discuss the strategy before the battle, call at any time during the battle, and summarize in detail after the battle. After the battle, the whole set was put down, and Jiang Wang was used clearly.

He obviously came to ask for swords, to confront the strong in this realm, to prove what each other has learned, and to pursue the ultimate intention of the outer building. In the end, he became a training partner for the disciples of Qingya Academy!

Seventeen teaching battles.

The beating was tedious and meticulous, physically and mentally exhausting.

YouQi was playing, and Mo Cihuan would come to a timeout from time to time. Then blah blah, blah, blah, comment, and then call again to continue.

In the post-war summary, Jiang Wang would be brought over to explain himself—"If he was like this at the time, would you have been like this..." and so on.

Jiang Wang felt like a puppet produced by Momen, no, worse than a puppet. Puppets have to spend money anyway!

He is fine.

I have to thank you for sending them to your door to teach hard and let the disciples of other academies "see the world"! I almost paid for it as an expense to "prove myself"...

Although it is said that these seventeen battles were devastating, every battle was won. Although it is said that the disciples of the outer building of Qingya Academy also have their own charms, it cannot be said that they have nothing to gain in the battle. Although he has left quite a good reputation in Qingya Academy... But Jiang Wang has no joy of victory, only the bitterness of being exploited.

So poignant.

When I came to Qingya Academy, I experienced the feeling of an old scalper.

What they eat is grass and what they sell is blood.

It wasn't until Jiang Wang hurriedly bid farewell and left like fleeing famine that he suddenly realized that he didn't even drink a sip of water when he came to Qingya Academy this time, and he was only here to make a contribution!

Who said that Qingya Academy is undisciplined and natural?

What gave me the illusion that Xu Xianggan's senior brother is actually a kind person?

Xu Xiang has plucked the wild geese, so Mo Ci made the best use of them.

If you are not a family, how can you enter a family?

hateful! hateful!

Jiang Wang sorted out several Qingya swordsmanship that he had stolen during the fight, dismantled the parts that could be used, and transformed them into the humane sword style...while feeling aggrieved.

With resentment towards the unscrupulous disciples of Qingya Academy, he set off again.

Go northeast and go straight to the East King Valley.

Of course, there are many countries and sects along the way, but no one is worth his stop.


Dongwang Valley is located further east of Duanhun Gorge, and has a great reputation, but in fact, people outside the sect know very little about their residence.

Gein is located in a remote place, and poisonous substances gather, and the miasma spreads, and no stranger dares to approach it.

The monks in the East King Valley are not very ostentatious themselves, or in order to downplay the sense of confrontation with Qi, they have deliberately kept a low profile over the years.

On the contrary, some affiliated sects show their saints outside all the year round.

In the area controlled by the East King Valley, there are also many ordinary people living in it. A thousand miles away, it is like a country of its own.

However, the people within the rule of East King Valley are not allowed to move out.

Even East King Valley's contact with the outside world is mostly through Shen Guo or other affiliated sects.

Of course, ordinary people without the protection of extraordinary power basically have no ability to migrate.

None of the believers in the territory of Xuankong Temple wanted to move to other countries.

Many ordinary people may spend their whole lives around the town where they were born. Many people have never even been out of the village in their entire lives.

It's just that the control of East King Valley may be stricter... that's all.

Of course, the Renxin Pavilion is the largest in the world.

Yi Tang's face is also very easy to use here.

Jiang Wang took out Yi Tang's recommendation letter, and immediately more than a dozen people surrounded him.

All of them crossed their swords and raised their swords with great enthusiasm.

I sincerely extend my greetings and earnestly invite him to have a few cups of remnant wine.

Jiang Wang euphemistically refused, and said that he was recommended by Yi Tang, and he had a mission on his back, so he couldn't take what he wanted, and he could only appreciate his kindness. At the same time, I advise children not to drink alcohol, and tell me again that I am here to find your adults...

In short, after a cordial exchange.

A large group of people "escorted" him step by step to find Xie Junmeng, the first person in the outer building of the East King Valley that Yi Tangxin had named to visit.

This is a very good-looking man, but his complexion is a little pale and a little sick.

When Jiang Wang saw him, he had just walked out of a dark cellar.

Wearing a green robe with a collar, long hair hanging down, holding a twisting two-headed snake in his hand, he lifted it up to look at it in the sun.

The thin scales are dark, and there are dense snow waves when they are turned up.

A large group of people who escorted Jiang Wang over did not speak.

Jiang Wang didn't speak either.

After Xie Junmeng looked at it carefully for a while, he casually threw the strange snake into the cellar.

Then he smiled at Jiang Wang: "I've been waiting for a long time! I heard you're looking for me?"

Jiang Wang repeated the old tune: "I have admired you for a long time..."

"What's the relationship between Yi Tang and you?" Xie Junmeng cut off his words, raised his hand and dialed out, and said to the others: "Go down first."

A large group of Dongwanggu disciples walked away without any nonsense.

This is a person with an extremely strong personality, and he may not have a good temper.

Jiang Wang judged in his heart, and said: "It's just acquaintance."

Xie Junmeng smiled, and his smile had an inexplicably cold taste: "Why, aren't you an enemy?"

"Hahaha, not really." Jiang Wang tried his best to adjust the atmosphere so that he could turn to the topic of discussion later: "Brother Yi actually said that his recommendation letter might cause me trouble, but I think Dongwang Gu is Dazong under heaven, Brother Xie, you are the true heir of a famous family, so you should not be angry with me. In fact, I am here..."

Xie Junmeng nodded, and said to himself: "Since he has such a reminder, he should be regarded as a friend."

"Ha! This kid is so idle, yet he just writes a letter to bother me. It just so happens that I have developed a new toxin. Wouldn't it be appropriate to use you to test him?"

The more he talked, the more he felt that his idea was very good. He looked at Jiang Wang and said, "Don't be nervous, I will reserve enough time for you to rush back to the Renxin Hall. As the second medical school in the world, their medical skills are very good!"

As he spoke, he raised a finger and pointed at Jiang Wang: "But it's best not to struggle, or if I make a wrong will die ugly."

At the same time as the voice fell, a plume of black smoke sprang out from the fingertips, flew into a line, and attacked Jiang Wang extremely quickly!

It's his mother's demur, let's try Jiang Wang first.

At this time, Jiang Wang was wearing a bamboo hat and a coir raincoat.

No description, no other words.

Just showing off his momentum in an instant, his eyes turned red gold.

Qianyang's red pupils sparked the true fire of Samadhi!

It is true that there is no need to talk anymore, who is the number one doctor of medicine between Renxin Pavilion and Dongwanggu, of course it has nothing to do with him. Xie Junmeng took people to test poison casually, which of course made him a little angry. But in this case, the battle triggered in this form is more suitable for him than a serious discussion, and it can also verify his practice.

He has nothing to say, all he needs to respond to is the battle itself.

The place where the eyes fall is the place where the flame burns.

The incoming strand of black smoke was already burning halfway, making strange chirping noises, like a group of tiny living creatures!

But it was burned immediately.

One glance is empty.

Xie Junmeng raised his brows and said coldly, "You're in big trouble!"

His voice has a weird rhythm at this moment, like the sound of a flute, but it is played with a disgusting sound.

Behind him, a large swath of black mist suddenly poured out, steaming and filling the air. In the black mist, mist snakes twisted one by one. Like a coiled snake flower, it bloomed behind him, bypassed him, and rushed towards Jiang Wang in unison.

Or show their fangs, or spit out snake letters, forming various evil shapes.

Before that, the stench was already approaching!

And Jiang Wang directly closed his nose consciousness, and stepped on it!

Stepping out, flames are everywhere, and flame sparrows are all over the sky.

The Brilliant Fire Realm circled around, leaving no gaps in all directions.

He knew very well that Dongwanggu's poisonous methods were hard to guard against, so he isolated himself first to ensure that the ship would not capsize in the gutter.

Then the gaze moved, and the red fire was drawn in the eyes, igniting the attacking mist snakes one by one.

The mist snake burned into a fiery snake, and there was a strange noise in the air.

In the world of fire, Jiang Wang's red pupils shifted slightly, and he was already looking at Xie Junmeng.

So ignite!

At the same time that the Samadhi True Fire landed on Xie Junmeng, he had already caught Xie Junmeng's sight with his own sight.

In an instant, a battle of spirits and souls was triggered!

A breath of external struggle, a thousand years of soul.

In the world of spirits and souls, the diagram of breaking through the formation on a single rider obtained from the Xiang family of the great Chu unfolded rapidly.

There seems to be a war, and there seems to be the sound of fighting.

Jiang Wang's figure in the bamboo hat and coir raincoat was printed on it, and using it as a bridge, he immediately rushed into Xie Junmeng's Tongtian Palace!

At the same time that the manifested body of the soul invaded.

Hiss hiss, hiss hiss.

Countless soul snakes also sneaked into Tongtian Palace.

With the hidden snake in the soul world, repay the mist snake outside the body!

There is also the soul flame sparrow, flying on the dome of this Tongtian Palace. Chirping and chirping, pecking at the local Daoyuan.

In a very short gap, Jiang Wang has completed a full-scale invasion at the level of spirit and soul!

Xie Junmeng in Tongtian Palace stood on top of a huge blue-eyed toad with a surprised expression: "Who gave you the courage to enter my Tongtian Palace?"

While speaking, he flexed his middle finger and flicked forward, and the power of the soul diffused in front of him instantly condensed and gathered into a silver needle, which shot like lightning, and suddenly pierced through the air.

This is a soul needle with a light silver glow around its head and tail, and three bright nodes on the needle body.

The speed is not fast, in the world of the soul, it can even be considered slow.

But it made a scream, like a ghost crying.

The really scary part is that...

The moment it appeared, no matter whether it was the spirit snake that was scurrying around in evil looks, or the spirit flame sparrow flying all over the sky, they all stopped for a moment, unable to move!

The fierce soul invasion, before this needle, turned into a still picture.

Even Jiang Wang, who carried Sauvignon Blanc to manifest the sword spirit, felt that his body, which was condensed with spirit and soul, was locked by an invisible force, and it was difficult to break free from this body.

Obviously, Jiang Wang hit an iron plate in this battle of spirits and souls.

Xie Junmeng's exquisite use of spirit is not inferior to him, and even surpasses him.

Neither side knew the opponent's hole cards in advance, and gradually pushed the battle situation to a climax in the increasingly fierce showdown.

This is the unpredictable part of the battle, and it is also the wonderful part of the battle.

And Xie Junmeng's injection is called Dinghun.

Twelve Needles of the Eastern King's Soul Fixation!

Its name is so, in fact it is so.

When the needle falls, the soul will be fixed and the soul will be killed, and both gods and ghosts will be shackles.

Jiang Wang's soul-condensed body was not only imprisoned by invisible forces. And every inch can feel a strong tingling pain! It was like thousands of sharp needles piercing all over the body, bringing pain that almost exceeded the limit of willpower!

The soul is almost about to collapse.

However, at the next moment, Jiang Wang glowed all over his body!

His soul manifested body, emitting a blazing, sun-like light.

This body was glowing red, shining brightly for a moment.

The Tongtian Palace of Xie Junmeng is also reflected brightly in the room.

Its body turned into a scorching sun, as if reenacting the scene in the myth, the sun fell into the world, and thus ushered in the end of the world. The soul-fixing needle that was persistently coming to fix everything was directly blown away, and the scorching sun that was covered in flames shot straight at Xie Junmeng.

For a while, the subject and the object were reversed, and the offense and defense were different.

Changed room.

Soul killing method, fall to the west!

At the same time, the Soul Flame Sparrow and Soul Hidden Snake who invaded Fang Tongtian Palace were also freed. They seemed to be their own spiritual creatures, more freely than Xie Junmeng's blue-eyed toad.

In the frenzied biting, another violent explosion occurred one after another, each time it exploded at a key node where the power of the spirit and soul gathered, making a deafening sound in Tongtian Palace.

Although Jiang Wang's own skills in using the soul are not as exquisite as the peerless acupuncture techniques handed down from the East King Valley for thousands of years. But the strength of his soul after being tempered by the red makeup mirror is not comparable to Xie Junmeng.

In the situation where his skills were not dominant, he did not hesitate to use several times the power of his soul to fight Xie Junmeng's soul, and overturned the needle on the spot!

The blue-eyed toad that Xie Junmeng stepped on was his true spirit, and under such shocks, he almost failed to stand still.

The eyes that had been confident all this time finally showed fear.

"It's impossible for Yi Tang's soul to be so strong! Who are you?!"

Surprise is real, of course, but fear is impossible.

The astonishment in his eyes jumped out, and out of this astonishment, a dreamlike flying needle carrying five colors of light was formed.

The Twelve Needles of the Eastern King, which are famous all over the world, have three needles that are specially adapted to the spirit and soul.

The soul-suppressing needle has been overturned, and before Jiang Wang has such a majestic soul power, it is difficult for the soul-suppressing needle to work again.

So this needle is a dream!

It seems to have brought a dream, a dream that makes people intoxicated, sinks, and doesn't want to get rid of.

In the long lonely night, I will give you a short-term comfort and a moment of peace.

And then hit it with one shot!

The bombardment of the flame sparrows in the sky seemed to be silent.

The biting of the hidden snakes seems to have stopped.

That round of scorching and brilliant sun seemed to have never risen.

This Tongtian Palace belonging to Xie Junmeng seemed to have always been so peaceful.

In this battle of spirits and souls.

Xie Junmeng has woken up from the startling dream, and completely got rid of the terrible state of mind and soul.

Jiang Wang's Pang Ju's soul power receded like a tide, as if it had never appeared.

In terms of the results, Jiang Wang should have suffered in this contest at the level of spirit and soul.

Because his mind and soul wasted a lot for nothing, but he returned without success. But with his soul power far superior to that of Xie Junmeng, this level of wear and tear would not affect the battle situation at all.

It's nothing more than that there are no flowers here, and there are other places where flowers bloom.

At this moment, outside the world of spirit and soul, the true fire of samadhi had already covered Xie Junmeng's body. The fire was so violent that it was burnt out in a blink of an eye, turning into a piece of coke and falling. During the fall, the coke was also burned away.

Of course Xie Junmeng is not a wood demon, so this piece of coke is certainly not him.

There is no Xie Junmeng here, but the real Xie Junmeng is like a spring grass breaking through the ground, emerging from a ray of blue light.

After Li Daitao stiffened, it was another spring grass.

While the green light was swimming, he raised his hand in the green robe and pressed it, and the inexhaustible green light suddenly had a spiritual sense, directly pierced the fire realm, and invaded immediately!

His green light is a kind of "life" power, but amidst the vitality, there is also a faint murderous intent surging. Terrible toxins are stored in it and grow in it.

Azure invades the burning world of fire.

While being continuously incinerated, it is also continuously growing.

It seems endless, it seems never to dry up.

Dye the flame bird green and soak the flame flower.

Spread in this red fire world with terrifying tenacity, crazily alienating everything they touch.

Turn red into blue.

Between Jiang Wang's chest and abdomen, the five mansions unfolded, and the blazing lights shone together, and the body of the heavenly mansions appeared!

In such a state, Qianyang Chitong has been urged. With the left hand pinching the seal of Bi Fang, the divine bird roams in the fire realm with one foot. The real fire of samadhi, which was originally only the fire of this world, instantly filled the fire world, replaced the fire of Taoism, and became the background color of this fire world!

Samadhi real fire is far from ordinary fire.

He got his samadhi, and then burned it.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the green light in the Fire Realm has disappeared.

However, at the same time, Xie Junmeng's eyes suddenly flashed with a crazy killing intent!

This murderous intent is very vivid and very specific. As if it had its own spirituality, it suddenly jumped out and swept outside. The needle had no shape, but through Xie Junmeng's line of sight, it instantly reached Jiang Wang's eyes. Before he made any other movements, Jiang Wang's dry-yang red pupils were already in pain of splitting!

This is not the end.

At this moment, Xie Junmeng would not feel that he could solve his opponent with one shot.

At the same time, he bit the tip of his tongue, and a line of blood flew out from the tip of his tongue. The slender and pale blood thread is also a needle, and when it travels through the world, it will also kill everything. Before the needle arrives, Jiang Wang's blood has already started to heat up, his blood vessels are gradually scorched, and he gradually becomes dizzy, weak, and weak... This body's blood seems to be exhausted!

In such a terrifying offensive, Xie Junmeng's hands were not idle. He raised his right index finger and pointed at Jiang Wang's heart from a distance. There was no needle shadow or dharma mark, but Jiang Wang's heart began to suffer from pain and convulsions, feeling like it was about to be broken inch by inch!

Xie Junmeng also flicked the little finger of his right hand, as if a spirit snake had come out of its hole, too fast, too sudden, too precise. There was nothing in the field of vision, only the lightning-like snake kiss. The fangs are now, when a needle hangs in the air!

Fighting has been going on for thousands of years, life and death are dependent on each other, medicine and poison are not distinguished.

Xie Junmeng's left thumb pressed forward at the same time, as if pressing a fingerprint, and pressed to Jiang Wang's eyebrows from a distance.

Resolute, powerful, carrying out a certain kind of authority.

Press this finger, as if signing a contract of life and death, an unchangeable death document, affecting the rules involving life and death!

When there is no life!

Split eyes! Burning blood! broken heart! hang! Yishou!

Dong Wang's twelve needles are all the principles of heaven and earth. Xie Junmeng fired five needles in a row, each needle was more ferocious than the last, vowing to kill the enemy here and wipe out all the vitality of the opponent.

Each of these five needles has killing power, and they are connected to each other. Like the tide, like the sea rushing.

The glorious inheritance of the East King Valley for many years is truly displayed in front of Jiang Wang at this moment.

The world's most famous Dong Wang Gu Shenlin is the first person below, truly showing his unreserved killing power.

The fire realm that enveloped Jiang Wang's body, even with the comprehensive blessing of Samadhi True Fire, collapsed in an instant. Bi Fang's divine bird's spirit form also returned to this world, fragmented.

But amidst this collapse, the man in the Fire Realm kept moving.

In this collapse of all things shattered, there is a sword light shining!

It's so brilliant!

It is to move forward all the way, to be unyielding in adversity, to practice what one says, to be sincere in one's heart, and to persevere in seeking the answer of life in the midst of confusion.

The answer to life cannot be sought outside.

Everyone has to ask themselves.

His men go forward with his sword.

He himself is a "person".

A man in a cloak of fire.

A person who overcomes obstacles.

Someone who is by no means perfect, has done a lot of stupid things, but is definitely real.

His sword left and right, also wrote a big "person".

This sword is this heart, and this heart is this person.

After the sky collapses and the earth is destroyed, the human character will open the sky again!

How about the eternal chaos? What about the end of the law?

This person is also a "human", and this sword is also a "human".

The needle that splits the eye, this sword accepts it.

The needle of scorching blood, this sword accepts it.

The needle that breaks the heart, this sword accepts it.

The needle of hanging life, this sword accepts it.

The needle of life-changing, this sword also accepts it!

This herringbone sword truly embodies Jiang Wangsheng's life to this day.

The collapsing power of the entire Fire World was mixed in this unparalleled sword power, and the mighty vanguard swept everything away with a bang!

Only five crisp sounds of ding ding ding ding were heard.

So powerless in the screaming sound of opening up the world.

Silent again!

The collapsing world of fire disappeared, and the sword intent that roared like a dragon hid quietly.

This side of the world has been reborn since its destruction, everything is clear and fresh.

Xie Junmeng, who was wearing a green robe, was stunned in place, his face was pale. There was cold sweat dripping on his forehead.

Jiang Wang held his sword, and the tip of the sword stopped just in front of Xie Junmeng's throat.

Under the drooping bamboo hat, Jiang Wang's face was hidden in the scarf.

But the coldness in his eyes is so clear.

"It's a pity that a disciple of a famous family behaves like a heretic!"


Before that drop of cold sweat fell.

The cold light is gone.

Jiang Wang puts his sword back into its sheath.

There is only one regret, nothing else.

So turn around.

Behind him, Xie Junmeng gritted his teeth and asked, "I want to kill you, why didn't you strike down with your sword?"

Jiang Wang didn't turn his head, leaving behind a flat voice, like his sword, engraved in Xie Junmeng's mind——

"Be forgiving and forgiving."

The figure in the bamboo hat and coir raincoat went out alone.

A bit lonely, a bit lonely, a bit free and easy.

As the saying goes——

"Lanke's true tricks are wonderful, and there have been several springs in one round."

"Being invincible since coming out of the cave, you have to forgive others and forgive others!"





(ps: This poem was originally written by an unknown Taoist.)

(A reader told me yesterday that someone pretended to be me to guide newcomers to write for a fee in some writing groups. Please be vigilant here.

I feel that I don't have the ability to teach people to write, and I never think that writing can be taught. Not participating in any writing group, not in any group of authors outside the editorial organization. No time, let alone charge to teach people. Please do not be fooled if you are interested in writing.

Writing work is to read more, think more, write more, and carve more, and everything else depends on talent. Among the ten who sell writing courses, there are eleven liars. Don't pay! Don't pay! Don't pay! )

Add more for Yan Shaofei of the League (51/78.)

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