Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1532 Daqi Qingyangzi

Xie Junmeng is a strong, self-centered, paranoid, and even crazy character.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have to use Jiang Wang to test the poison without saying a word, and use a stranger who has never met before to test Yi Tang's medical skills in Renxinguan.

He has no concept of good or evil, only his own will.

If Yi Tang dared to write this letter, and this guy wearing a bamboo hat dared to bother him with Yi Tang's letter, he was going to teach him a lesson, that's all.

As for whether Yi Tang can detoxify in time, whether this person can survive, those are irrelevant things.

In the process of fighting, he was completely inspired to kill this stranger, and he really killed this stranger, and he also had the consciousness of being killed at the same time.

If he died, he would admit it.

But the young man hidden in the bamboo hat and coir raincoat said, "Forgive others and forgive them."

At this moment, his mood cannot be expressed in words.

For the first time, there was confusion on his pale face.

But Jiang Wang just followed the sword and never looked back.

He came all the way east just to test his sword, to prove his way.

It was he who insisted on using Yi Tang's recommendation letter as a stepping stone, and he also deliberately aroused Xie Junmeng's anger.

Although Xie Junmeng's strength and ruthlessness were beyond expectations. But it did maximize the effect of this discussion. For him, the goal has been achieved, and nothing else is so important.

Sitting quietly in the Wuyandu Mountains for half a year made him settle down in the past.

From Renxin Pavilion to Qinku Academy to Qingya Academy and then to Dongwang Valley, his mentality gradually changed.

He finally understood why Xiang Fengqi wanted to test the sword in the world back then, and he also truly understood the way forward to take the road of invincibility again.

Not to kill Xie Junmeng, of course there is a reason for East King Valley.

But even if he is not in the East King Valley now, without any other threats, he will not kill Xie Junmeng.

Without it, he himself wants to come to the door to discuss.

When Xiang Fengqi tried his sword in the world, there must have been many people who killed him, and he must have encountered many life and death crises.

But he walked down step by step, and finally he made a hole and was invincible.

To be forgiving and forgiving, the point is not to be tolerant, but to be calm!

Only by truly controlling the outcome and grasping the situation can we fight as we say, stop as we say, and fight as far as we say.

What Jiang Wang showed Xie Junmeng was an insurmountable gap.

So he was so depressed that he was about to die!

At this moment, suddenly there was a sound in the sky——

"Who is arrogant in my East King Valley!?"

From the high sky, a silver needle suddenly fell.

The needle just appeared in the field of vision, and Jiang Wang already felt the end of the road!

no way no money.


It was also Dongwang's twelve needles, and it was also a needle that suspended his life, but this needle really set the way and the end of death——Jiang Wang would definitely not be able to take it!

But he didn't answer at all.

He only pulled off the bamboo hat, and by the way even the mask.

Instead, he jumped up, leaped into the air, and said in a loud and dignified voice: "Da Qi Qingyangzi Jiang Wang!"

He even left his hands from the hilt of the sword, and opened his hands wide, as if he was embracing the needle that fell from the sky, but he showed an unscrupulous attitude!

He only asked: "I am patrolling the Eastern Territory with a blue card, what's your opinion?"

I am here.

I don't resist.

I do nothing.

Do you dare to hurt a hair on me?

No matter what the purpose of the shooter is, whether it is to help Xie Junmeng erase his shadow, or simply to protect his shortcomings.

With Jiang Wang's identity revealed, who would dare to kill him in East King Valley?

You must know that this is in the Eastern Territory!

The Zhuhe Alliance has been signed for many years, and Qi Guoqing's headhunters can fly all over the eastern region!

Although Dongwanggu is also a great sect in the world, after all, it does not have the confidence like Daomen and Sanxinggong.

What about the former Kurongyuan? It is even known as the third holy place of Buddhism.

Didn't Qi Tianzi flatten it with one hand?

The silver needle that suddenly appeared in the sky stopped suddenly. That dreadful hanging needle seemed to have never appeared before. The suffocating powerful deterrence disappeared without a trace. Only the aftermath bursts, stirring up clouds in the sky.

All that fell on Jiang Wang was the warm sunshine and the breeze.

An unspeakable embarrassment enveloped the East King Valley at this moment.

Especially the strong man who made the move, the one who wants to make the move is also the same person, and the one who can no longer continue is also the same person. He shot extremely arrogantly, but he couldn't even deter him at all. He even tried his best to contain his own attacks so as not to contaminate Jiang Wang in the aftermath.

In this defenseless situation, Jiang Wang was really injured and died when touched. Death is the responsibility of East King Valley!

But letting him stand so proudly in the sky and no one responds to his publicity, it will inevitably damage the majesty of the East King Valley.

Fortunately, at this moment, an old voice sounded——

"Why is Jiang Xiaoyou so free today, come to my East King Valley to hang out?"

The talking old man came from a distance and stepped into the field of vision.

With a kind smile on his face, he landed in front of Jiang Wang in a few steps.

Speaking of which, although Dongwanggu secretly supported Shen Guo and had some quarrels with Qi State, it could be regarded as some actions to ensure its own independence.

On the bright side, he didn't confront Qi Guo tit for tat.


Like the Diaohai Tower, it is almost clear that the chariots and horses compete with the Qi State for the interests of the coastal waters. When the Zhenhai League is formed, can't they also get rid of the Qi State?

In the Eastern Region, no one can ignore Qi!

Therefore, the attitude of Qiguo within the East King Valley is also divided. Under the common premise of maintaining the sect's independent tradition, there are those who are hostile and those who are friendly.

For example, when we were at Tianya Terrace, in order to help Jiang Wang save Zhu Biqiong, the head of Huaying Palace, Jiang Wuyou, specially invited the doctor from East King Valley—it was the old man surnamed Su in front of him.

Xie Junmeng taught Jiang Wang a lesson at the spiritual level with the Dream Startling Needle, while this old man surnamed Su had used the Dream Startling Needle in exchange for Zhu Biqiong's momentary recovery and left his "last words". This is how he was later buried in the secret realm of Tianfu and unexpectedly returned.

Jiang Wang couldn't help thinking about it.

So he also flew down, and said with a light smile: "I just came to find brother Xie Junmeng and Xie Xie for a discussion, nothing else... If I had known that Mr. Su was in the valley, I should have bothered a cup of tea!"

"Hahahaha." The Dongwanggu elder named Su Zhuan laughed loudly, "It's too late to drink now."

Jiang Wangli said: "Then bother."

Su Zhuan stretched out his hand and said, "This way, please!"

The two talked and laughed, and then they walked far away.

It's just that everything before has never happened.

Xie Junmeng watched their backs silently, turned around and walked into the cellar alone.

"That sword... I should have recognized it earlier," he thought.

That green robe, in the dark cellar, has a faint, faint light.

Although the parties were silent, the discussion about Jiang Wang in Dongwang Valley did not stop.

In a certain medicinal garden, a few disciples collecting medicinal herbs were still aggrieved.

"Hey! This guy surnamed Jiang is really arrogant. Who was he questioning just now? If any real person among us made a move, the real one would be poisoned quietly by him. If there is no proof, what can Qi do?"

"That's right! The elders of our sect don't want to argue with him, a junior. Is it really possible to avoid death with a broken card?"

"If senior brother Ji Xiu is still here, how can a real person be used? His nine-death poison is enough for someone surnamed Jiang to drink a pot!"

"Senior Brother Ji Xiu... Sigh. I still remember him telling me before that the purpose of his coming to the East King Valley is to help others keep the smile of their loved ones and make the world less regretful..."

There was silence in the medicine garden.

Some people who ended their stories early were once stars that others looked up to.

This is where the cruelty of the story lies.

What's even more cruel is that some genius monks who were born in small countries and small towns died too early. Even the name will not be mentioned again, such as Mo Zichu in the Jiacheng of Ruyang Country.

Many people can have stories, but not everyone can survive.

"Speaking of Senior Brother Ji Xiu, did Jiang Wang also participate in the Tianfu Secret Realm that he fell into?"

"It seems to be, I don't remember clearly. I have to go back and ask the brother who handles the information."

"If senior brother Ji Xiu was still around, it wouldn't be..."

"Shh! If someone heard you, they thought you were questioning Senior Brother Xie!"

"Shaohua, why don't you speak?" Someone asked again.

Jiang Shaohua, who once climbed to the Guanhe Terrace and lost to Yongguo Beigong Ke, is now bowed in the depths of the medicine garden, slowly digging up the soil with a hoe, just shrugged his shoulders: "You are right."



Of course, Jiang Wang didn't drink tea with Su Chen for too long, so he said goodbye after expressing his intentions.

Coming out of the East King Valley, it was already very close to Qi State, but Jiang Wang didn't go back directly.

Instead, he went through Rong Country, Zheng Country, Xingyueyuan...and came to Xuankong Temple.

In order to finish the sparring safely, he still wears a bamboo hat, a face scarf, and a coir raincoat.

He has been to the mountain gate of Xuankong Temple several times, so he is very familiar with it.

Finding the Zhike monk with ease, he took out Yi Tang's recommendation letter, and was about to speak, when he heard a familiar sentence—"Junior brother!"

Jiang Wang deliberately controlled his voice, and continued to speak to the well-known monk: "This is a letter of recommendation from Yi Tang, the doctor of the Renxin Pavilion. A certain family is a wild crane in the clouds, and I am here to ask you to see the noble..."

An arm was already around his shoulder, pulling him back.

Jingli's clean bald head came over: "Hahahaha, Junior Brother Jingshen, are you coming to see me?"

"Why are you still covering your face?" As he said, he stretched out his hand and tore off Jiang Wang's mask, took off Jiang Wang's bamboo hat, and put it on his bald head.

The face is full of happy smiles.

The Zhike monk looked at the two of them with a confused expression, not knowing what was going on. Why is the younger brother who is personally certified by Master Jingli dressed up like this? How can I go back to the Xuankong Temple and still need a monk from the Renxin Pavilion to write a letter of recommendation?

Jiang Wang quickly covered his face with one hand, his eyes were hidden between his fingers, and his voice squeezed through his teeth: "I have something to do here today, so don't yell."

Monk Jingli's expression instantly became serious.

Turning his head to the Zhike monk, he said, "Go ahead and do your work first, leave this to me. Remember, this person is not important at all. Just forget about it."

The Zhike monk walked to the side with half understanding and half understanding.

Master Jingli's Zen mechanics are so profound!

Do I remember...or forget?

The monk Jingli leaned into Jiang Wang's ear and said quietly: "The idlers have already left, what are you going to do, Junior Brother?"

In broad daylight, it's too sneaky for you to come so close to your ear to whisper something!

What kind of secret mission is there, and it was exposed by you on the spot?

Jiang Wang took a step away, and said speechlessly, "Why do I happen to be touched by you every time?"

Jingli wore the bamboo hat, and said with a smile, "This is called fate."

As if trying to trick himself into believing it, he nodded vigorously again: "Buddha fate!"

Jiang Wang sighed and said, "You tell the truth, I don't blame you."

"Okay." Jingli really has no ability to lie, and said dejectedly: "Master found out that you are back, and specially asked me to block you."

Hearing the word "master" from Jingli's mouth, Jiang Wang instinctively wanted to run away.

But it stopped after all.

"It's not coming back, it's visiting." He corrected.

"Yes, yes, yes." Jinglikuang nodded: "Sanbao Mountain is our home."

Jiang Wang decided to skip this topic.

"Actually, I'm here this time..." He whispered to Jingli: "It's to challenge the number one person in the Outer Building Realm of your Xuankong Temple, who seems to be called Jinghai? Can you help me trick him out?" ?”

Jingli looked left and right, and said furtively: "You don't like him too? I beat him several times. Just wait, I'll get him over."

set? Jiang Wang didn't quite understand why Jingli used the word "set", but it didn't prevent him from quickly stopping Jingli.

"I'm here to learn from each other, to compete, do you understand? I want to fight him, not to beat him."

Jingli blinked and blinked: "If you don't hit him, then what are you going to do with him?"

The wisdom that Jiang Wang has gained from studying history for so long is not enough to support his expression at this moment.

He didn't know how to explain to Jingli for a while.

But there is no need to explain...

Because a voice suddenly sounded in the ear!

"Hey! What do I think you are doing! You are still whispering to each other secretly, isn't it just an appointment to discuss with someone?! How easy it is! You are looking for your master!"

Jiang Wanghaoxuan didn't step out of the blue cloud, controlled himself to turn his head away, and sure enough, he saw Ku Jue's old withered face.

The monk's robe seemed a bit too big, hanging loosely on his body, his face was wrinkled like nicks, and he always gave people a dusty look.

It never seemed to settle down.

It seems to have been wandering.

Even if you know it well, behind him is the Xuankong Temple, the Buddhist sect in the world and the Buddhist East Holy Land.

At this moment, after eavesdropping on the conversation between the two lovers, he appeared on the stage with a savior-like stalwart posture (I think).

"Do you still need someone to write to?"

He pinched the recommendation letter in Jiang Wang's hand in a pretentious and disgusted manner, and glanced at it arrogantly: "An unknown junior, how can I have as much face as the next abbot of Xuankong Temple?"

"Master..." Jing Li cautiously reminded: "Uncle Suibing said last time that you had better not hang out in front of him. Otherwise, you will be killed..."

"Ha! Ha!" Kujue looked at Jingli, then at Jiang Wang, let out two hahas, and then said, "See if he dares!"

Then he waved his hand and turned around arrogantly: "Let's go! The teacher has arranged for you properly!"

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