Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1533 Lei Yin

The sun in November can't help being soaked in chill.

The camphor tree outside the gate seems to have no spirit.

An ant seems to have lost its way, leaving the team and circling under the high threshold alone.

Jiang Wang and Jingli Kujue have been waiting for two hours outside the gate of Jianglongyuan...

The monk who sent the message said to go back and inform the chief seat, and then he never returned.

Ku Jue crossed his arms and stood imposingly. He looked like a creditor who came to collect his debts, rather than a poor man who was rejected by the door-although there was only a closed door in front of him.

It's also difficult for him to hold his head up and chest up like this for two full hours, and his posture has not changed.

Jiang Wang was also standing, but very silent, as silent as a bluestone. He is naturally patient enough.

Jingli was wearing the bamboo hat, squatting beside him, looking at the master from time to time, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"Cough." Jiang Wang finally couldn't bear to see the yellow-faced old monk continue to be embarrassed, so he said, "Maybe the head of Jianglongyuan is not here, or come back tomorrow?"

Ku Jue breathed a sigh of relief: "My good boy is right, that kid Ku Bing is probably on a long trip, even if he hears about me and rushes back, it will be too late in a while. Another day, another day!"

He turned his head to look at Jingli: "Why don't you hurry up and prepare some vegetarian food for your junior brother? Squatting there like a log, stupid!"

Jingli squatted motionless, only raised her eyes to look at Kujue: "Master, I think... don't delay the business of junior brother."

Ku Jue squinted at him: "What do you mean?"

Jing Li lowered his head, and said in a muffled voice: "I mean, Junior Brother doesn't want to fight Martial Uncle, it doesn't matter if Martial Uncle is there or not. He wants to find Jing Hai, I'll go in and talk to Jing Hai, won't it be all right? "

"You think you have more face than me, don't you?" Ku Jue pointed at him, and then said to Jiang Wang: "Hahaha, this kid actually thinks he has more face than me! It's just that he doesn't know the weight of the next abbot of Xuankong Temple! Do you think it's funny?"

Jiang Wang clasped his palms to Jingli and said, "Then I'll have to thank you little holy monk."

After all, Jingli is a good apprentice, and after Jiang Wang's request, he still looked at Kujue eagerly.

Kujue waved his hand impatiently: "Go, go."

"Look at mine!" Jingli smiled, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, like shattered snow.

Jumping will get up, hurrying and crashing into Jianglong Courtyard through the small door next to him.

Outside the huge gate with copper nails, there were only two people left.

It's a great opportunity to bond.

"Hey." Ku Jue suddenly came over and bumped Jiang Wang's shoulder with his shoulder.

With the stability of Jiang Wang's foothold, he almost staggered.

"It's not Master blowing it up with you." He has already blown it away: "If the Patriarch hadn't established a rule back then that no one should make trouble in Jianglongyuan, Master would have beaten him in long ago, and it would be the old boy's turn to be here Showing off? Do you know what your master's status is in Xuankong Temple?"

He gushed on and on: "I just let Brother Kuming be old and have a hard life, so I let him go and ask him to be a few years first. In those countries, there is some kind of emperor, right? Your master is almost the same. You are too high! You are now a beginner, and as a teacher, I can arrange for you to jump in the queue, and you will be after me, how about it?"

Jiang Wang said in a muffled voice: "When I first came to Xuankong Temple, I specially asked a few believers outside the mountain to ask about your whereabouts, to see if you were in the temple... I asked many people, and they all said they didn't know about suffering. Who is Master Jue?"

This fact is indeed a bit embarrassing. But what kind of person is suffering? Not the slightest bit of embarrassment.

"How can ordinary eyes recognize the real Buddha!" ​​He said with emotion: "Your master is low-key! Respecting the Buddha piously is called a poor scripture. Do you understand? It is the truth of those Buddhist scriptures. I even told my hands , then tell me, what else does your master not understand? Your master is indifferent to fame and wealth, unlike your uncles and uncles who are just trying to gain fame and hold on to some positions. Those ordinary people at the foot of the mountain only know a few of their names. , but I don’t know, the real Buddha is in the mountains, the real Buddha is on the road, the real Buddha—”

He stretched out his hand and drew a circle around himself: "It looks like this."

Jiang Wang pursed his lips, smiled back, and didn't speak.

If you feel bitter, strike while the iron is hot.

The gate of Jianglongyuan suddenly opened!

A huge voice sounded first - "Your apprentice wants to practice with my apprentice?"

Then came the dry and thin man who seemed to be on the verge of death, but who was like a thunderbolt while shouting, striding out from the courtyard.

What a holy place of Buddhism, the world's largest sect, the real people outside the door are like scoundrels, and the real people inside the door are like bandits.

Behind Kubing was the clean and handsome Monk Jingli, and the bald head next to Monk Jingli, presumably he was the number one outer building in Xuankong Temple, with the Buddhist name Jinghai.

His master was skinny, but he was a fat man. It was three times as wide as the clean ceremony, and the fat on the face was piled up, which was a bit fatter than Zhongxuan fat.

"It's my apprentice!" Ku Jue put his hands on his hips, triumphantly: "What's the matter?"

Kubing stared at him for a while: "Who are you? Is there such a person in our Xuankong Temple?"

No matter what the chief seat of Jianglongyuan said, it was like a thunderbolt, which made people tremble with fear.

"Uncle Master." Jingli called out from behind.

Kubing snorted again, but really let it go, turned around and walked in: "If you want to fight, you should fight in a regular way, so that some people don't know the heights of the world, and some people forget the source!"

He directly shouted an order: "Open the Dragon Subduing Terrace!"

Its sound is like thunder, which is deafening. If there is evil in the heart, it is inevitable that the soul will be separated.

Kujue picked out his ears nonchalantly, walked in swaggeringly, and did not forget to greet Jiang Wang: "Follow me, good boy! What did the master tell you? You are only the head of Jianglongyuan, how dare you not give your master face?" ? The Dragon Subduing Terrace has been opened for you! Do you know what specification this is?"

He leaned close to Jiang Wang's ear, covered his hands and said, "The last time it was opened was because of the bald donkeys on Mount Sumeru. How about it, do you know your master's status?"

Jiang Wang blinked his eyes, only to feel that the yellow-faced old monk was really extraordinary.

The Xia Mawei displayed by Jianglongyuan's first seat unexpectedly turned into his step.

For example, Chong Xuanpang, Xu Gao'e and the like, the thick skin is the thick skin, after all, they are too young, so they still have to learn one!

A group of people turned east and west in the huge Jianglong courtyard, and all the monks along the way paid attention, looking at Jiang Wang with all kinds of curiosity in their eyes.

When bitterness speaks, it is difficult for ordinary people not to hear it. Of course they all knew that this person was here to challenge Monk Jinghai, but no one came up to talk to him.

Not long after, everyone came to a huge Buddha statue.

It is so tall that the area above its neck is shrouded in clouds and mist in the high sky. Only when the clouds and tides are surging, the outline of the Buddha statue can be vaguely seen.

It sits cross-legged, and the lotus platform is like a high mountain.

One of its Buddha palms stands in front of the chest and abdomen, and the other Buddha palm is stretched out - this Buddha palm is the Dragon Subduing Platform!

The thumb, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger of the Buddha's palm stand up and bend, which is the high fence wall of the Dragon Subduing Terrace. Only the index finger stretched out flat, constituted the passage into this Dragon Subduing Terrace.

A group of people flew up, but there was nothing but mist.

Compared with the human body, even the passage of the Buddha Finger itself is very wide, roughly enough to drive three carriages abreast.

Pedestrians walking on this passage can't help but look at the Buddha and sigh, deeply feeling their own insignificance.

When you walk into the interior, you can see that the Buddha's palm is like a square, and there is a high platform built in the center of the Buddha's palm.

There are many bald heads sitting together in the audience, one brighter than the other.

And behind the Buddha's Palm Square, is the arm of this giant Buddha, extending to the distance of sight, connecting with the great Buddha's body.

Kubing didn't say any nonsense, raised his chin and said, "Go up."

Jing Hai seemed to listen to his master very much, and immediately made a provocative expression to Jiang Wang when he heard the sound.

Jiang Wang smiled and nodded in response.

Just at this time, the sneaky sound transmission from the monk Jingli came in my ears: "The door to the indestructible dragon subduing golden body practiced by Senior Brother Jinghai is here..."

Jiang Wang found it both funny and helpless, and immediately stopped him via voice transmission: "Master Jingli...Little Sage Jingli, I'm here to compete fairly!"

Jing Hai looked at them vigilantly: "What are you two doing with your sneaky sound transmission!?"

Jing Li wrinkled his nose: "Which eye of yours saw our sound transmission?"

Jinghai was furious: "I saw it with both eyes!"

Jing Li clenched her fist and shook at him: "You're wrong!"

Jing Hai immediately searched for suffering and complained: "Master, have you seen it? Jingli eats the inside and the outside, eats the inside and the outside!"

"Nonsense!" Jing Li said proudly: "Brother Jing Shen and I are under the same master's sect, we are our own people!"

With the strength of the head of the Suffering Dragon Academy, of course, he can easily capture the sound transmission of Jingli and Jiang Wang, knowing that Jiang Wang has rejected Jingli's act of telling the truth... He could have turned a blind eye, but Since his apprentice found out, he still had to show his majesty to support his apprentice.

Immediately pointing his skinny fingers outward, he said to Monk Jingli, "Get out!"

The sound was like thunder from the sky, and every word sounded with a terrifying oppressive force.

Jingli looked at Kujue with grievances.

Kubing also immediately looked at Kujue fiercely, as if "if you dare to come forward, I will chase you together".

Kujue just put his hands into his sleeves cheerfully and didn't speak.

Jing Li had no choice but to walk out step by step, looking very pitiful.

Look at the high platform for a while, and look at the suffering for a while.

The mouth is silent, but the eyes can indeed speak, all pitiful pleadings.

Kubing turned his head away: "Okay, okay, just sit there, no more nonsense!"

The voice was still like thunder, and even if he said nice things, it sounded like he was cursing.

Overjoyed at the clean ceremony, he turned around quickly and stood upright in front of the high platform.

Bitterness shook his head: "What a Liuli Buddha child, he just got spoiled by some people!"

He had no intention of hiding it at all, and of course it was hard to hide anything with his super loud voice. He also yelled to himself as if he was swearing to the sky, as if he would swear to kill the old thief Kujue in the next moment and eliminate the scum of the sect.

The only thing that surprised Jiang Wang was.

With the usual way of doing things in a bitter state, today he didn't yell or even retort, as if he had changed his nature and practiced Buddhism during this period of time. No...he seems to have cultivated Buddhism in the first place.

Jiang Wang cut off irrelevant thoughts in his mind, and with one light step, he jumped onto the high platform.

At this moment, his bamboo hat was still on Jieli's head, his coir raincoat had been untied, his green shirt stood alone, his spine was high and straight, and his whole body stood there like a sword.

His sharpness is still in its sheath, but no one can ignore his sharpness.

No matter how many bald heads stand in the audience, how important people are watching the game, no matter whose home field it is...

As long as he entered the battle, Jiang Wang only had his opponent in his eyes and all the factors that could determine the outcome.

Jing Hai flew up after him.

This high platform standing on the Buddha's Palm Square has no superfluous decorations, but it has an ancient and heavy atmosphere, and it has a majesty that has penetrated time.

Even the high platform itself faintly gave Jiang Wang a feeling similar to that of an old dragon in the forest.

Jianglongtai, Jianglongtai...

Buddha's Palm Subduing the Dragon?

"Let's begin." The bitter voice said.

His casual proclamation was like thunder from nine heavens.

Jiang Wang activated the savanna fairy state almost immediately!

The jade light in his ears is looming, which is eye-catching.

Jiang Wang has always been emphasizing actual combat and despising demeanor. When using the Shengwen fairy state, he rarely shows jade light. This is the case at this time, which is a manifestation of difficulty in controlling power.

I don't know how many times I have used the fairy state of sound and hearing, how can it be difficult to control?

Naturally, it was because...he tried to control the power that did not belong to him.

It is Lei Yin from suffering!

For a long time, Jiang Wang's voice-hearing fairy state has been mainly based on collecting combat information, and occasionally countering the opponent's sound-killing technique. The eight-tone sea-burning technique gradually failed to keep up with the combat level, and he rarely used his voice to attack opponents.

The confrontation with Yi Tang of the Renxinguan opened his eyes, and he gained a deeper understanding and understanding of the sound.

At that time, Yi Tang used the sound of his drawing his sword, and attacked him in turn, advancing repeatedly, directly breaking his sage-hearing fairy state.

At this moment, he reacted on the spot and used Lei Yin, who was suffering unconsciously, for his own use.

So everyone saw——

Between Jiangwang and the fat Jinghai.

Suddenly, a large piece of lightning exploded!

During the flashes of thunder, a lively shape was outlined, and above the blazing electric light, a circle of fire was ignited. In the interlacing of electricity and fire, a terrifying elf has been born!

All I could hear was chirping and thunder.

All I could see was thunder and light shining all over the place, and there was no gap in the entire Dragon Subduing Platform.

It's for... Leiyin Yanque!

It is really whimsical to use Lei Yin of a real person for his own use.

It’s also really amazing!

First of all, Kubing had no intention of fighting, and just yelled Lei Yin casually, so there was no one to say this sound, and it was possible to be used.

Secondly, Jiang Wang's sound-hearing fairy state is the top-level voice control method in this realm, and his understanding of the sound and sound is advancing day by day, so that this delusion can be realized.

But even so, it is difficult to control the stability of the saravaka celestial state.

But just because it is so difficult, the power it displays at this time is extremely terrifying!

It took only a moment for the war to start, and Jing Hai, the number one person outside the Xuankong Temple and the head disciple of Jianglongyuan, was already overwhelmed by dense thunder!

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