Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1534 Indestructible Dragon Subduing Golden Body

It all happened so fast, so suddenly.

Who would have thought that such casual Lei Yin as Kubing could be brought into battle?

He had such a dream, but he could really realize it!

Many monks in the arena didn't react at all, and the battle had already spread to such an intense level.

"Jiang Qingyang's ability to grasp the opportunity of battle is really unparalleled in the world!" A monk couldn't help but sigh.

Of course Jianglongtai will not open easily.

At least relying on the weight of the battle between Jiang Wang and Jing Hai should not be enough.

The giant Buddha in Jianglongyuan has stood for a long time, and what a glorious past the Buddha's palm subduing the dragon represents.

Before the Taoist calendar restarted, the Hanging Temple had already stood. Dating back to ancient times, the Buddhist sect in the world has not changed its name.

In the Middle Ages, when the emperor chased the dragon emperor in the sea, Buddhism was the sect that influenced the most dragons. There was even a mysterious "Dragon Buddha", who inspired the dragons beyond measure, and granted the Dharma Protector Heavenly Dragon. For the final battle between humans and dragons, he made an indelible contribution.

Even if it is the first outer building of this sect fighting against the most popular Tianjiao in the Eastern Region in the past few years, it may not be able to attract so many monks to watch the battle.

Open this Dragon Subduing Platform.

Suffering has the anger of suffering, and suffering has the cause of suffering.

But regardless of the cause and effect behind it, in this battle on stage, Jiang Wang undoubtedly won the first place!


Chirp chirp chirp.

The violent sounds of thunder and fire completely filled the hearing.

Of course, the thunder that shone brightly in the audience also took the spotlight.

Thousands of thunder and lightning strikes in an instant, as well as the terrifying high temperature that occurred at the same time, must have covered Jing Hai's body consciousness.

In the rage of Leiyin Yanque, Jiang Wangyao stretched out his hand and pressed the Five Senses Hell at the same time!

Pain is the instinctive protection of creatures.

Only when you know the pain can you know that you have been injured, and only then can you know how to hide and block.

In the environment where thunder and fire raged, Jiang Wang helped Jinghai isolate the five senses so considerately, so he wanted to extinguish his self-protection.

Close his five senses, disintegrate his defenses, make him ignorant, helpless, and self-defeating.

Wonderful connection!

At this moment, there is no better choice.

In the thunderstorm, it is impossible to see where the Jinghai is.

With all his senses and senses in his hands, Jiang Wang pushed the battle to a climax with his hands, and the raging offensive seemed to have no possibility of stopping in a short time.

The monks in the audience couldn't help but tremble with fear.

If you think about it, few people can survive this round.

But in the blazing electric light and the crimson flame, there is a kind of eternal gold gradually revealed.

Among the screams of the flame sparrows and the crackling of thunder and lightning, there is a huge voice, which is extremely firm——

"Wa! Ah! Ha! Xia! Sha! Ah!"

The sound of the Sanskrit singing is like a bell striking from a deep mountain. It is long and mighty, and it seems that one sound can reverberate throughout the day.

And that golden color is so stable, as if it stretches from ancient times to the present, connecting the sky and the earth. Majestic and solemn, the eight winds do not move, the six sounds do not hear, the thunder and lightning do not invade, and the flame does not burn.

Six Paths Vajra Mantra!

Immortal Subduing Dragon Golden Body!

The Hell of the Five Senses couldn't squeeze into this golden color at all, and it was overthrown without a sound.

In the raging of Lei and Huo becoming more and more violent, Jing Hai's chubby figure became clearer and clearer.

Including his bald head, his obesity, and the solemn expression on his face.

He sat cross-legged on the other side of the high platform, and his whole body was covered with golden light that precipitated the meaning of eternity. He had a golden body outside his body, sitting high like a Buddha.

There is splendor and greatness in motion.

Without saying a word, I have seen mercy and majesty.

Behind this golden body, what appears in the boundless Buddha light is a phantom of a golden dragon overlooking all living beings. The scales and claws are fully visible, and the two dragon whiskers are hanging down, like the whip of a demon, twisting and dancing according to some mysterious trajectory.

Its golden scales shone brightly, as if reflecting the scorching sun.

Its dragon claws easily tore through the thunder and lightning, and it was about to rush out.

The reality is derived from the myth, and the power is drawn from eternity. It is necessary to tear away the illusory, to suppress the catastrophe of the world, and to return the universe to clarity!

At this moment, a long cry suddenly sounded. This voice is clearer than ten thousand voices, clearer than ten thousand thoughts, and it still retains its own arrogance and majesty amidst the thunder, bird chirping, and Sanskrit singing.

The voice came from a one-legged divine bird, calling out "Bifang"! The flame wings spread out, like burning clouds in the sky. The clouds glowing red that day are like extensions of its wings.

Its wings are like... a cloud hanging from the sky!

Burning flames, the original intention of real fire.

There is nothing in the sky and on the earth.

Jiang Wang's eyes had turned red gold at this moment. What fell with the eyes was a city of burning flames, which smashed into the clean sea with a magnificence and dominance that no one could ignore!


The flames burned the city and smashed on the body-protecting golden dragon, stopping its pounce.

The sound of this collision was actually not clear compared to the noisy Jianglongtai at this time. But in the perception of the fairy state of sound and hearing, every detail of it is rich enough.

It is specific to the process of extinguishing each flame.

Its vitality is extinguished, its details are eliminated, it exists as a Taoism, and it is shattered in the lonely sound.

In this kind of specific and subtle grasp, the pavilions, pavilions, carriages, horses and pedestrians... everything that gathered in Yancheng suddenly collapsed!

The city of flames belongs to the flames, and flame flowers bloom from the flames, flame sparrows fly out, and flame meteors fly past!

Surrounding the immortal golden body of subduing dragon in Jinghai, the world of fire has come!

The Immortal Subduing Dragon Golden Body is a technique of Jianglongyuan, and it is necessary to burn the seeds of supernatural powers as incense and pay homage to the Buddha in order to have a chance to master it. Supplemented with the Six Paths Vajra Mantra, which is known as the inviolability of all dharmas, it really has the power of immortality in the same realm.

Even in the face of a super-grade Taoist technique like Flame and Burning City, it still held the front line, showing no signs of being defeated at all.

But the move where the flames burned the city and turned directly into the Fire Realm was so wonderful that it made people want to scream.

Why did Jiang Wang open the Bi Fang seal first, and then set fire to the city?

Naturally, it was for this seamless moment, to ensure that his tide-like offensive would never stop!

While the fire realm enveloped the indestructible dragon subduing golden body, Jiang Wang's five blazing lights rotated between his chest and abdomen, and the body of Tianfu was instantly opened, and the basic composition of the fire realm was replaced with the real fire of samadhi, pushing this technique forward in an instant. to the limit.

And then again...

In the world of flames, the bright and gorgeous flames smashed down the city once again!

Beyond the limit, it can be stronger!

The Body of Heaven, Bi Fangyin, Samadhi True Fire, Art of the Fire Realm, Burning City with Fireworks...

Gathering together, it is a terrifying outbreak that cannot be described in words!

As strong as Renxinguan Yitang, under this set of offensives, his defense was directly crushed and he was declared defeated.

In contrast, the Thundering Flame Sparrow that hadn't completely dissipated was ignored.

Such a powerful force, like a landslide, like a torrent, overturned the Immortal Jianglongjin in Jinghai in an instant.

The solid and seemingly eternal golden light is dimming at a speed visible to the naked eye!



That terrifying sound was not the bombardment of the surgery.

It is the pure sea sitting on a high platform, and the sound of thunder comes out of its mouth.

He seemed to be sitting cross-legged in a doomsday scene, as the last devout believer, keeping the faith of Buddha.

Golden blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

His eyes are wide open, showing the wrath of the Buddha.

Behind him was the phantom of the golden dragon protecting his body, and the golden dragon eyes also showed majesty. And the dragon's mouth opened, and it actually recited the Buddha's voice——

"Wa! Ah! Ha! Xia! Sha! Ah!"

With the power of the body-protecting golden dragon, once again bless the six vajra mantras.

His body, his golden body, has completely become a battlefield where two forces clash.

Of course he didn't want to, but he had to bear it.

Jiang Wang firmly grasped the initiative of this battle, nailing the process of confrontation to him.

Only by carrying it through can he have other possibilities.

He must carry it over!

It's not because my master and Uncle Kujue dislike each other.

It wasn't because that guy Jing Li beat him with a sap many times.

But only because...

This is Jianglongtai!

He represents Jianglongyuan!

How can he lose? !

This moment. Every inch of his fat body was exerting force.

When you look at him, you will find that his face seems to be a force-generating organ, twisted into a ball with hard work.

Body, soul, mind, force, all dharmas prove the mind.

His eyes, already smudged into gold, began to reflect a kind of eternity.

But eternity is also drowned.

Submerged in the tide of terrorist attacks.

The world seemed to have fallen into dead silence.

Day does not seem to exist.

There seems to be no sunshine and no sound in the world.

Everything about sight and sound on Jianglongtai has been destroyed!

With the strength of Jing Li, of course he was able to concentrate his gaze in this kind of collapse, but when he saw the cobweb-like space cracks above Jianglongtai, he couldn't help but open his mouth slightly in surprise.

And all the monks under the stage lost their voices.

Then there is sound, condensed in the silent world.

From "nothing" to "existence", from "empty" to "true".

"The Buddha's heart proves me, and I prove the lotus flower..." His voice sang like this.

The Sanskrit sound has always been small, and has never changed the original appearance of the sound. But in the mind of the listener, it gradually reveals its grandeur, reveals its greatness.

"When I get the relics, there are all kinds of strange appearances, and I don't know and hear. I ask the world-honored one who knows the world, why the heretics surrender. With the diamond body, the Arhat fruit, all dharmas will not be ground..."

It is an enlightenment, an awareness, a manifestation of the path.

"When I go to hell, I think evil things, and I don't avoid this heart. Ask the turbid scriptures and insects in the turbid world, why the Buddha's mind lasts forever. With the vajra mind and Arhat skills, there is no result for a thousand causes..."

In this dense and thin Sanskrit singing, a change is taking place.

Outside the high platform where the two sides are fighting.

Outside the entire Buddha's Palm Square called Jianglongtai.

Outside Jianglongyuan.

out of this world.

In that ancient and distant vault of stars... lit up!

The power of the way that belongs to the pure sea is now fully manifested. Recite the relics!


The golden color that had dimmed too much but was unshakable gradually appeared on the dull and silent Dragon Subduing Platform.

Like the charcoal light that has not been completely dimmed out of the cold ashes.

Many monks in the audience almost wanted to cheer and almost cry!

Jinghai took it!

Under such a terrifying offensive, Jing Hai actually managed to keep his own indestructible golden light!

He followed his path and stepped out of the Dharma-ending era.

His eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips, and even the fine pores are so clear and defined. It is clearly an Arhat, it is clearly a King Kong, it clearly has the image of a Buddha, the majesty of a Buddha, and the supernatural powers of a Buddha!

Even though there are blood lines at the corners of his eyes, even though there are blood lines around his lips, even though golden blood flows from all seven orifices, it seems that his body has been defeated and his supernatural powers have dried up... But he still shines with golden light after all!

It is a kind of light that is immortal and permeable through eternity.

Return the sound to the ears and the sight to the eyes. Return everything destroyed by that terrorist attack to this world!

The eternal golden light is like a kindling of hope, re-lighting the world.

Of course it's lit up--

A figure clad in frosty wind, bathed in red fire, and stepping on the blue sky!

Jiang Wang's Zongjian has come to the east.

What roared was the mournful sound of space.

That vertical and horizontal is the sharpness of the sword energy.

The pillar supporting the sky has been folded to the west, and the immortal uses it as a sword to hit the gods and Buddhas. The gloomy "world" that had just been illuminated by the inextinguishable golden light immediately faced the danger of overturning again.

What a troubled world!

At this time, Jianglongtai is like a lone boat passing through a raging sea, the wind and rain are precarious, the world is dark, and it is trapped in the era of the end of the Dharma.

Monk Jinghai sits like a Buddha and realizes the sea of ​​suffering. Use the golden body to suppress disasters, and ignite the immortal golden light. The way of relics, the golden dragon protects the body of the Buddha, reconstructs the world that is being destroyed, and regains the land of bliss.

While reconstructing everything, it is also controlling everything.

Compassionate rescue, majestic protection.

But Jiang Wang's sword——


The Qingshan Yijian with the body of Tianfu superimposed the state of Sword Immortal, almost at the same time that the immortal golden light appeared in the sight, it had already arrived suddenly, and hit the huge golden dragon protecting the body!

As the sword light roared, the body-protecting golden dragon, which represented the supreme power to subdue the dragon, was directly twisted into golden light spots all over the sky. Amid the faint mournful cry of the golden dragon and the wailing of believers, it fluttered and scattered, and the world floated up and down.

So magnificent and so powerless.

One sword has slain the dragon!

But Jiang Wang's sword didn't end. His sword of overturning the peak went to the end, smashed through the sky and the earth, chopped the golden dragon protecting Jinghai's body, and completed the meaning of "destroying the world". Then Jian Guang suddenly divided Jian Guang into two, and wrote the word "人".

Herringbone sword!

This is the first time he has combined the Jue Ding Sword and the Herringbone Sword. These two swords can embody Jiang Wang's strongest sword power and strongest sword intent. He has challenged the world's top sects all the way from east to west. The monks in the outer building, and after being invincible all the way——

The rotation is finally done!

The pillar supporting the sky fell, and after the sky collapsed and the earth sank, the herringbone opened the sky again.

What a bright and brilliant sword style this is!

At the end, it was a very fast and calm stroke with all the glory.

Sauvignon Blanc's frost-like sword edge swept across Monk Jinghai's huge Immortal Jianglong Jin.

Like a fleeting shadow, the moon is white and gold.

Winning and losing, heaven and earth, and the power of the eternal way are also divided.


In this extremely concise voice.

Jiang Wang puts his sword back into its sheath.

The man in green shirt and long sword was independent, calm as if nothing had happened.

And in Jinghai in front of him, the immortal golden light on his body was instantly extinguished!

The whole person was bleeding from all seven orifices, and his fat body fell on his back.

Who said that the golden body of subduing the dragon... could not be destroyed? !





(ps: The "Diamond Sutra of Enlightenment and Immortality" recited by Jinghai was written by the author of the novel under the guise of a name, and it is not a real Buddhist scripture.)

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