Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1535

Dead silence.

The entire Buddha's Palm Square fell into an unspeakable silence.

For the monks in the audience, this is a battle that is too difficult to describe. Thousands of words are in my throat, I don't know how to feel.

Who can say that Jinghai is not strong?

He even endured Jiang Wang's set of terrifying combination techniques that defeated Yi Tang, and survived without missing any aftermath.

Looking at all the strong outsiders that Jiang Wang has fought against along the way, Jinghai's defense should be number one.

But in the battle that took place at Jianglongtai today, from beginning to end, the rhythm was under Jiang Wang's control, and there was no deviation.

The Leiyin Yanque in the opening hand was too sudden, too spiritual and too strong!

The use of the real person Lei Yin directly resulted in oppressive results.

The superimposed Five Senses Hell is also a nearly perfect means of response, maximizing the expansion of the power of Leiyin Yanque.

As a result, Jinghai had no choice but to take out the Immortal Subduing Dragon Golden Body immediately, supplemented by the six-way Vajra Mantra body protection. Otherwise, he would not have a chance to breathe, and there would be no possibility of counterattack.

But on the gambling table, the first person to reveal the strongest hole card is always difficult to win.

Jiang Wang took the first step, and after that, he took the lead every step of the way.

After the Hell of the Five Consciousnesses, the City of Flames burns, and the City of Fires explodes directly into the Fire Realm, and then the City of Fires falls from the Fire Realm.

Immediately afterwards, Jue Dian turned his sword into a herringbone sword.

Sealing technique, pupil technique, secret technique, Taoism technique, supernatural power, sword technique... everything is from the heart, everything is calm!

Really integrated all the learning and thinking, and turned a wonderful battle that should have been tit-for-tat into a one-sided performance.

On the Jianglong Terrace, in front of the first Master of Suffering Disease in Jianglongyuan, in front of the old monk who felt bitter, and in front of all the monks in the audience, he performed his gorgeous and smooth attack, and smashed the indestructible golden body of Jianglong powerfully. The myth of immortality in the same realm!

Why does he need to cleanse the sea and give the door to the clean sea?

He directly held Jing Hai's strongest golden body, the strongest defense, and directly broke the golden body.

From the beginning to the end, Monk Jinghai, the number one in the outer building of the Xuankong Temple, also issued an immortal golden body and a six-way vajra mantra from the very beginning.

Originally, he wanted to use this to gain a chance to breathe and free his hands to counterattack, but he couldn't win the time for this breath.

Trying my best, I just made up a thunder sound and blessed the Six Paths Vajra Mantra once...

And these, plus the power of the way he released, are just his exhaustion under Jiang Wangruchao's offensive.

His Immortal Dragon Subduing Golden Body has always been a battlefield for the two sides to confront each other. He can only bear it continuously until the string becomes tighter and tighter, and even reaches the limit.

The head of Jianglongyuan, suffering from a bitter illness, had complicated eyes.

The start of the whole battle turned out to be the sound of thunder that he unintentionally released.

In other words, his direct disciple was beaten from beginning to end, and he also contributed to it... This made it difficult for him not to feel complicated.

Jinghai's strength on paper will never be weaker than Jiang Wang's, and even because of his grasp of the power of the way, he should have the upper hand.

But the two sides' understanding of the battle is not on the same level at all.

The state of suffering is not enough to deceive oneself. Judging from the performance of this battle, even without that thunder sound, the result of the battle will most likely not change. At most, Jinghai will show a few more hands...

But he couldn't help but think that it would be nice to show a few more hands.

Save some old thing so proud!

Next to the bitter illness, the old monk Kujue wrinkled his old face with a smile, just like an old camellia in full bloom.

None of them paid attention to Jinghai.

The current situation of Jinghai is waiting for the self-healing of the Immortal Dragon Subduing Golden Body.

Of course he didn't die, nor was he irreversibly injured.

After Jiang Wang broke his Immortal Subduing Dragon Gold, he had already withdrawn his sword in time.

At this moment, the bleeding from the seven orifices seemed terrifying, but it was just a coma. Of course, a few months of recuperation is impossible.

Jiang Wang stood on the stage, and when he turned around, he met the burning gaze of Monk Jingli.

Can't help but say: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Monk Jingli raised his head with a look of admiration: "Junior brother, you are so amazing!"

A cultivator who is in the realm of the gods worships a monk who is in the outer realm, which seems to be ironic.

But in the cleansing ceremony, it must come from the heart and reveal the true feelings.

Of course he is very strong, Jinghai has the indestructible golden body of subduing the dragon, he can put on a cloth bag and start beating him anytime and anywhere. No matter how much someone who looked down on his master could not deny his talent. What kind of Liuli Buddha disciple, what kind of little holy monk... But his little junior brother is really amazing!

Jiang Wang smiled, turned his gaze, and looked at the yellow-faced old monk.

He had seen the old monk many times.

Every time I saw him, he looked like a traveler, without the slightest demeanor of a real person in the world.

He was scolded by the old monk, beaten by the old monk, and saved by the old monk at the risk of his life.

He naturally had complex and unspeakable emotions in his heart.

When he was in the East King Valley earlier, Chong Xuansheng sent another letter. This journey of sword-questioning was already complete, and he didn't plan to go any further.

The reason for the last battle before returning to Qi was to choose the Hanging Temple.

just because of--

Outside of Qi State, it was the last battle to verify all his practice in the Outer Building Realm.

He... hopes to let the bitterness witness.

Kujue originally smiled like an old camellia flower, smiling complacently and triumphantly,

Originally, no matter how indifferent Jiang Wang was, how he resisted, and how he separated the relationship, he could say with a shy face that this is his good disciple! This is a peerless genius trained by himself!

He can announce to the whole world that he has left the mountain gate with his front foot, and then run back eagerly with his back foot.

He can announce to everyone that he is the next abbot of Xuankong Temple, even if he does not have any position in Xuankong Temple.

He has nothing to be ashamed of.

What a dough is, he never knew.

But at this moment, meeting Jiang Wang's eyes like this.

He suddenly twitched a little.

"Why are you looking at Buddha like that?" He had a nasty expression on his face.

Jiang Wang watched the old monk quietly for a while.

Then on the stage, he bowed deeply to him.

"Thank you."

He said: "No matter why you came to me in the first place, and why you gave me your heart and soul."

"Jiang Wangming is grateful for your many times of saving lives."

"Although you have a lot of weight on your shoulders, you can't enter the Buddhist gate. This body is always lonely, and you can't practice the teacher's etiquette. But you have the teacher's friendship in your heart."

"Jiang Wang's parents died, and no elders survived. Although I often laugh with you, I treat you like a close relative in my heart."

"This journey to the east will stop here. My practice, my will, and this battle, please bear witness!"

The wrinkled face of the old monk who felt bitter, unfolded for a while, and wrinkled again for a while, and he couldn't tell whether he was laughing or crying.

"Damn it." He finally said, "You're such a bitch, you made it so touching."

As he said that, he rolled up his sleeves, pulled out from his body, and took out a yellowed torn book: "You speak so sincerely, Buddha, if I don't teach you something, it will be difficult to end."

Jiang Wang suddenly woke up, ignoring the emotions of the past: "Ah, no, no, this—"

Doesn't this confirm the master-student relationship? !

But Ku Jue was already close to him in one step, and he didn't care what he said at all, just stuffed the broken book into his arms, lifted it up and kicked it!

When Jiang Wang reacted, he was already outside the mountain gate of Xuankong Temple.

It was like a dream!

At that time, the believers at the foot of the mountain were like ants, and they could vaguely hear the bell. There are a few idle clouds in the sky, with strange faces changing in a trance.

With a slight shake of Ruyi Xianyi, the sole prints on her buttocks were scattered, Jiang Wang took out the yellowed torn book in his arms, and was speechless for a while.

He stuffed the old tattered book back, and walked away.

After a while, he left the Xuankong Temple and went straight to the state of Qi.


Amidst the strong wind and clouds passing by, the figure in the green shirt holding the sword suddenly stopped.

Standing in the cloud, Jiang Wang's expression changed for a while, and finally he took out the broken book that was forced into his arms by the bitter feeling. Open it and take a look, only to see a line of words on the title page, which is full of ingenuity, it is for——

Watching freely.

This is the supreme secret method of Guanshiyuan of Xuankong Temple! It is the top way to practice ear consciousness in the world.

These four words.

That is to say, the practice in this life is nothing more than observing freedom.

In other words, this is a pair of ears that "view freely".

And the method recorded above is from the outer building to the gods, and even to the real hole! The direct access to the practice method of ear consciousness of real people in the world is of inestimable value.

Jiang Wang looked at these four words for a long time, but felt heavy.

Holding this yellowed old book in my hand, I feel a little strange.

Jiang Wang flipped through the book, and found some papers torn from nowhere in this ugly torn book.

They were randomly inserted among the pages of the book, and they might have been hastily hidden when they were hidden, as messy as the monk's robes of a bitter monk.

Very untidy.

Jiang Wang picked up the paper, looked at it briefly, and found that what was recorded on it was a sound killing technique.

It's called King Kong Leiyin.

It is the art of sound killing, the method of subduing heretics.

There is no doubt that it is the secret method passed down in the Jianglongyuan, and it may even be the basis for Leiyin, the first affliction center of the Jianglongyuan.

And these two secret methods seem to be tailor-made for Jiang Wang now, perfectly fitting his current situation. Once the practice is successful, he will be able to catch up with the level of Yi Tang in the Renxin Pavilion and reach the limit of this realm.

The old monk Kujue really put his mind to it.

But as soon as he learned these two secret methods, he and Kujue's master-student relationship had already been set.

Although Ku Jue had helped him a lot before, he had never formally learned a single move from Ku Jue. Therefore, if I can still maintain myself, I can say that I am not a Buddhist.

His trip to Xuankong Temple, under the witness of Kujue, completed the final battle of the sword-testing journey, which can be regarded as an explanation for all the experiences between him and Kujue.

Make it clear that you treat him like a close relative, and you have the friendship of a teacher in your heart. But stick to your own way, don't ask outside, don't enter Buddhism.

The response to the bitter feeling is to plug in these two secret methods and give them a kick.

At this moment, Jiang Wang was standing in the cloud, as if seeing Ku Jue's old yellow and wrinkled face, he was smiling and saying to him——

There is friendship in the heart. Be like a close relative, I agree.

Don't enter Buddhism... Hehe, I will fight again.

Good apprentice, sooner or later you have to realize that worldly affairs are meaningless.

Jiang Wang thought for a while, took out a Qi Dao coin, and threw it high into the sky.

He decided to leave everything to God.

If it falls head-on, practice it. If it is negative, do not practice.

But when the knife coin fell to half.

He suddenly reached out and grabbed it.

He said to himself, "Forget it. Why bother to twitch? When will I be a person who depends on God's will?"

There are traces in the sky, leaving traces in trekking, walking alone, asking the heart and not the will of God.

What is your heart, why bother to deceive yourself and others?

So I simply opened the book in the cloud, and continued to fly, while delving into this concept.

At this time, he has already mastered everything he has learned in the past, and he has enough energy to study new techniques, so that he will not waste time.



In the Dragon Subduing Courtyard.

The giant Buddha stands still, and the Buddha's face is still in the ancient clouds.

Everything on the Dragon Subduing Platform is in the palm of the giant Buddha, as if he is in control of the world.

The wisdom of the Buddha cannot be fathomed. The majesty of Buddha runs through ancient and modern times.

All Buddhist practitioners in the world, throughout their lives, are always approaching greatness.

And those who can achieve greatness, looking at the long river of time, are very few.

The World Honored One was born at the end of the ancient times, when the second generation of Emperor Youxiong built the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons.

At that time, Taoism was still the mainstream of practice, and Confucianism and Legalism had flourished.

He has witnessed the horror of the demon tide destroying the world, and also experienced the end of the ancient era.

After the demon tide, many ordinary people have no place to take refuge in their hearts. With supreme mercy, He saves the world barefoot.

There were three thousand followers at the most, and only one at the least.

People kept following him, and people kept leaving him.

Passed through the end of the ancient times, and achieved greatness in the middle ages. In the battle of the third generation of emperor Lie Shan clan chasing the dragon emperor in the sea, he shined brilliantly.

Then the orthodoxy was passed down, until now.

The Buddha's mind and the Buddha's mind are unknown to the Buddha.

Standing in the Buddha's Palm Square, Kujue stared at Kujue viciously: "What did you give him?"

"Lao Tzu's apprentice, I give what I like, can you control you?!"

Feeling bitter and spitting, he was confident. It seems that the [Viewing Freedom in the Ear] he gave Jiang Wang was indeed his own secret method, not something stolen from Guanshiyuan. It seems that the [Jiang Wang's King Kong Lei Yin] he gave to Jiang Wang was not just stolen from Jianglongyuan...

The suffering really frightened him. With a snort, he mentioned Jinghai who was in a coma and left.

There was a burst of bald heads in the audience, reflecting the sunlight like waves, and all the monks left the stage one after another.

Kujue didn't care about anyone, took a figure-of-eight step, and walked out arrogantly.

Lao Tzu's apprentice is stronger than all of your apprentices!

With one hand pressed on the bamboo hat on his bald head, Jing Li quickly followed behind him.

"Master, master, junior brother is really amazing!"

"You've said it already!"

"Master, I mean, you teach really well, you are worthy of being the Supreme Abbot of our Xuankong Temple!"

"Come on. Let's talk about it!"

The two bald heads walked down the Dragon Terrace laughing and laughing like this one in front of the other.

Probably no one else believes in the knowledge of suffering, the experience of suffering, the wisdom of suffering except them.

But Sanbao Mountain is their home.


Seek "home" in the empty door.

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