Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1536 The right way in the world is vicissitudes

At this moment, Jiang had no idea that all the secret techniques he had learned were "stolen goods".

Remembering the friendship of the old monk Kujue in his heart, he briefly learned about the two secret arts, then pondered all the way, and returned to Qi State by himself.

Within the scope of the Eastern Territory, of course he doesn't need to hide his whereabouts anymore, and he can also practice secret techniques while flying freely, regardless of whose territory he flies over or whose majesty he will offend—this is the state of Qi. His status in the Eastern Region is also the dignity he gained from fighting in Qi for so long.

In Chong Xuansheng's letter earlier, a major event was mentioned.

It is said that the Bingshitang has formally written a letter, requesting to send troops to attack Xia.

This letter of invitation to fight was written by Marshal Zhen Guo himself, and signed by five commanders of nine soldiers.

And the emperor Qi...the emperor's seal has already been pressed by the imperial pen!

That is to say, when the war between Jing and Mu broke out and entered the most intense level, Qi, the beast of war, had already bared its fangs, and its soldiers pointed directly at Xia, intending to complete the unfinished business of Qi and Xia's hegemony!

Just like at the end of Qixia's struggle for hegemony, Jingguo set up Yitian Temple in Xiaguo, which was regarded as a sign of the end of the war.

It started with Qi Tianjiao winning the battle of Xingyueyuan, making Jingguo make an agreement with Xingyue, and abolishing Yitian Temple.

Everyone knows that this battle will come sooner or later.

This time Faxia was very different from the last time the Spring Death Army attacked Jianfeng Mountain.

The biggest difference is of course the purpose.

The last time Qi Tianzi fell down the mountain and wanted to teach Xia Guo a lesson, smash the entire chessboard at the same time, force out the hidden Pingguo, and divert Qi's internal conflicts.

Of course, looking at it now, that battle can also be regarded as a preview of this battle, almost a big training to setback Xia Guo's spirit.

In this battle, Qi Tianzi is not only satisfied with teaching Xia Guo a lesson.

The World War I established the status of the overlord of the Qi State, and Yu Qi Tianzi was the greatest military service in his life. It was a great achievement that allowed him to rank alongside Qi Taizu and Qi Wudi in the ancestral temple.

But he couldn't swallow Xia Guo completely in one gulp, and in the end it was flawed, which became an indelible regret in his heart.

At that time, Jing Guo was very powerful, and even he, Jiang Shu, had to avoid the edge.

Now that he has accumulated national power for more than 30 years, he has completely secured his position as the overlord.

Looking ahead, we have completely conquered the so-called Sunrise Nine Kingdoms who inherited the old Yang Empire, and either destroyed their kingdoms or received their tribute. The Eastern Region dominates, and there is no one to resist.

Looking overseas, they fought steadily in the offshore islands, and became the absolute main force of the human race in the lost world battlefield, making it difficult for Diaohailou to survive. After finally pulling out a Zhenhai League, they had to transfer power to Qi. Putting up a sea honor list, all made the Tianjiao of the Qi Kingdom famous.

Eliminate hidden dangers inside and subdue the contradictions of all parties. Qi Tianzi controls the military and politics with one hand, and holds eight handles in the palm of his hand.

Looking at the world, he said that he would teach Xia Guo a lesson, and he took down Jianfeng Mountain in one fell swoop. Speaking of participating in the meeting of the Yellow River, he won the leader of the Yellow River in the year 3919 of the Dao calendar.

Behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, the elite of Qi's nine soldiers made the world know about it.

Surrounding the fame of Qi Tianjiao and Jiang Wang, there is also a confrontation of Qi Jing hidden underwater. The final outcome is that the Dao belongs to Zhuangguo to swallow the bitter fruit, and the Sanxing Palace pays off its name to Qi Tianjiao.

In Xingyueyuan, he even won the battle of Qi Jingtianjiao!

Such a state of Qi... is of course qualified to have more ambitions.

Yitian Temple is the strategic military equipment of the Taoist sect, which can deploy high-end military force at the fastest speed, and even receive the power of the three holy places of the Taoist sect. As soon as the Yitian Temple in Xia State was completed, Qi State immediately withdrew its troops!

Now that Jing Guo abolished Yitian Temple, he completely gave up his interests in Xia State, so as to avoid a two-sided war with Qi State and Mu State.

Because of the battle of Xingyueyuan, they had already seen the strength and determination of Qi. Even if it is the strongest scene in the world, it must be given enough caution to the current situation in the world.

Emperor Qi sent Cao Jie to the grassland to help Mu Guo capture Liyuan City, just for today.

The first strategic goal of Muguo's attack on Shengguo was to defeat Jingguo and spread the glory of Cangtu God beyond the grassland. The secondary strategic purpose is to break the steel knife of the first vassal state of Daomai and open the door to the south.

They were fed up with the days when they lost blood with Shengguo year after year, and the horseshoes could never step out of the grassland!

The state of Qi wanted to take advantage of the distraction of Jingmu's war against Wuxia, expand its territory to the south, and rebuild martial arts.

Once this strategic vision is completed, Qi State will immediately become a behemoth spanning the southeast and southeast domains, with immeasurable future potential.

These are all on the bright side, and no one can hide it from anyone.

The war between Qi Jing and Xiang Xu two countries in Xingyueyuan was a kind of sand table deduction between each other, and it was a test of each other's cards.

Qi State forces Jing State to give up Xia State on the condition that it abandons its alliance with Mu State.

And Jingguo has the arrogance of the most powerful country in the world, and they don't even lack the confidence to fight on both sides. To give up Xia Guo, they had to try Qi Guo's weight, so there was the battle of Xingyueyuan.

From Qi Tianzi's point of view, this temptation is also what he wants. If Jing Guo still maintains the strength to see the world and reach far away, he can only temporarily give up his ambitions for Xia Guo.

If Jing Guo showed that he was strong on the outside but weak on the inside, and that the giant tree was in a state of withering on the inside, then he might have to join forces with Emperor Mu to divide the huge fertile land of the Central Territory first.

Although Jing Guo was defeated in the battle of Xingyueyuan, Jing Tianjiao showed his demeanor after all, and there was no shortage of talents.

So Jing Guo gave up Xia Guo, and Qi Guo attacked Xia, and it became a matter of course.

The tacit understanding between the two sides was reached before the war started.

Even so, in order to prevent Jing State from breaking the contract, Qi State also postponed the war time and again until the Jingmu War broke out.

The strategic purpose of this battle against Xia is to wipe out the country of Xia and gain a firm foothold in the southern region.

The scale is far from comparable to that of cutting Ming and Yang.

To destroy a big country, it is impossible to achieve it in a hurry.

The human and material resources that need to be mobilized are incalculable.

After the Battle of Xingyueyuan, Qi State had already begun to prepare secretly. At the most intense moment of the Jingmu War, the official mobilization of the whole country began!

It was impossible for Jingguo to withdraw at this time.

There is nothing to worry about in the entire eastern region and even in the offshore islands.

What Qi State needs to deal with is only Xia State.

This is such an important battle. To put it bluntly, it is related to the national destiny of Qi State in the next century! To put it mildly, it is also related to the changes in the domestic political structure of Qi.

How many families rose and fell in Qi Xia's hegemony? How many people rise and how many fall?

The past is not far away, and those who come later should know it.

Therefore, all the famous families actively participated, and even changed the previous principle of never participating in too many heirs in a war...

Destroy Li Fengyao and Li Longchuan in the Marquis Mansion of the City.

Shuofang's family, Bao Bozhao and Bao Zhongqing.

Even Bowanghou's Mansion emphasized Xuansheng and Xuanzun...

All confirmed to join the battle!

From noble sons of aristocratic families to ordinary people, from princes and ministers to small soldiers, the people of Qi have heard the battle, and there is no one to be afraid of!

This is the banner that Qi Tianzi has set up for the people of Qi with one victory after another since he came to the throne.

Ziwei's Zhongtian Taihuang Banner points to the direction of Qi people's blades.

Those who block it must break it.

Chong Xuansheng was anxious to believe that Jiang Wang would return because of the importance of this war.

And the reason why Jiang Wang came all the way to the east and asked swords all the way, he still improved himself at such a critical moment, challenging the world's top monks one by one.

It's because he knows that the direct competition between him and Zhong Xuanzun is inevitable...

From the first time he came to Qi country that year, he knew who Chong Xuansheng's opponent was.

He must help Chong Xuansheng!

"Little Doll!"

While Jiang Wang was flying high in the sky, he suddenly heard such a cry.

He looked down from the clouds, only to see a gazebo standing on the top of the mountain, with a table of wine and meat placed in the pavilion.

A tall, handsome man with a wide face was sitting at the table drinking and eating meat, very bold.

Jiang Wang naturally recognized him, he was the number one master of Zheng Guo, Gu Shiyi who had helped him earlier in the pursuit of the mysterious god-faced strong man in Pingguo!

This person has an excellent reputation and is a first-class hero in the world. He was born in the royal family of Zheng State, but he was not greedy for power and position, and he did not follow the official path. He became a real person in the world by himself.

At that time, the slap of the palm made thousands of miles of rivers and mountains clear and bright, which is still fresh in Jiang Wang's memory.

Naturally, I dare not forget the grace of saving my life.

Jiang Wang put away his thoughts and responded enthusiastically: "Senior Gu!"

Gu Shiyi looked up at him, and only waved: "Come down and drink!"

This is a barren hill in Zhao Kingdom, with no villages or shops behind. Why would someone like Gu Shiyi drink in this place?

With such doubts in mind, Jiang Wangfei fell down.

He bowed his hands first and said: "Since the last farewell, Jiang has always remembered the demeanor of his predecessors. I didn't expect to meet you here today. It's a pleasant surprise!"

Gu Shiyi wore a black and gold two-color Yufeng robe, sat with a big horse and a golden sword, and only waved his hand: "There is no need to talk about these pieces of soup!"

This man speaks too directly.

Of course, Gu Shiyi has the capital to be unscrupulous.

Jiang Wang gave a wry smile and asked, "Why is Senior Gu here?"

Gu Shiyi said: "I'm having a drink with someone here, but I haven't enjoyed myself enough when that person left. If you don't mind the leftovers, you can drink a few jars with me!"

Jiang Wang took a look at the table, and found that he had indeed eaten in a mess, and the cups and plates were messed up.

Opposite Gu Shiyi, there is also a set of used tableware, stacked with gnawed bones, spilled wine, etc. But no one was there, and the seat was cold for a while.

The wine was really fragrant, and some jars were still sealed with mud, and the aroma kept gushing out.

"It's right to drink a few bowls with senior." Jiang Wang sat down next to Gu Shiyi, picked up a jar of wine, patted the mud, took a clean porcelain bowl, and poured himself a full bowl.

"I will respect senior three bowls first, in order to thank senior for helping me last time!"

He picked up the wine bowl and was about to drink it all up.

But Gu Shiyi stretched out his hand to stop him.

This person has been drinking here for an unknown amount of time, and the smell of alcohol on his body seems to be thickening.

The majestic real person in the world also has a little bit of drunkenness in his eyes.

He looked at Jiang Wang with a clear attitude: "A certain family said that you don't need to thank me for a little effort. If you want to thank me, you don't need to drink this wine. If you want to have fun with me, you are allowed to drink this wine!"

"Then don't say anything, just remember it in your heart!" Jiang Wang said: "But Jiang Wang still has urgent matters to return to China. It's no problem to drink a few bowls with the senior. If you want to drink to your heart's content... I'm afraid I can't this time."

Gu Shiyi let go of his hand and looked at him drunkenly: "It's difficult to ask you to drink, you don't respect a certain family very much!"

Jiang Wang sat upright, very proud, but his tone was very humble: "In the world of mortals, it is really difficult to be free in this body, and I hope that senior will be considerate. If I agree lightly, I will see that senior will have to drink for four or five days to enjoy himself, and I will try to find it. Leaving with a reason is disrespect to the seniors."

"Hahahaha." Gu Shiyi laughed loudly: "Little doll is sincere and cute, she is a wonderful person!"

Regardless of Gu Shiyi's appearance in his forties, his actual age is already over two hundred years old. Call Jiang Wang a little baby, he has nothing to be embarrassed about.

He just picked up the bowl and said, "I respect my senior!"

The two touched the wine bowls and each drank it down.

Jiang Wang felt a scorching hot air flow from his throat to his heart, what a strong wine!

It's no wonder that even a real person like Gu Shiyi was slightly drunk.

After the hot air scorched through the lungs, there was only a burning pain and a sense of relief.

"Again?" Gu Shiyi's eyes were inexplicable.

Without further ado, Jiang Wang picked up the wine jar again, first filled it for Gu Shiyi, and then filled it for himself.

So he touched the bowl again and drank it in one gulp.

When this bowl went down, the air current that had already sunk before rushed up again, and the two alcoholic vapors collided, instantly blowing up the whole body with the smell of alcohol!

"Okay! He's a cheerful person!" Gu Shiyi casually wiped his mouth with his sleeve, picked up the wine jar himself, and poured wine for Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang quickly stopped him: "Senior, how did this happen?"

"What can't be done?" Gu Shiyi pushed his hand away, filled two bowls very quickly, and said in his mouth: "You don't want seniors to come and seniors, there is no size on the wine table, just call me Brother Gu!"

Wine is good wine, but also quite intoxicating.

But what brother Gu, Gu Shiyi dared to listen, how dare Jiang Wang call it?

He couldn't help but said with a bitter face: "You are old and virtuous, how dare I not be old or young? Senior, please don't get entangled in addressing things, let me do what I say."

"Don't talk about it." Gu Shiyi waved his hand and said impatiently: "In this way, since a certain family is falsely older than you, then you can call a certain family Brother Gu, and a certain family call you Brother Jiang!"

One or two hundred years older, also called false length "how old"?


While Jiang Wang was still in a daze, Gu Shiyi had already knocked over with a bowl: "Brother Jiang, come and drink!"

So I touched the bowl, and then I drank it all in one gulp.

This wine is a sip and a sip back. The aroma of wine is superimposed, and the feeling of wine is entangled. It makes people drink more and more vigorously, and the more they drink, the more they want to drink.

After a few bowls, Jiang Wang was already drunk, and couldn't help asking: "Senior, what kind of wine is this?"

Gu Shiyi squinted at him: "What's your name?"

The smell of alcohol seemed to hit the internal organs, the heart, and the mind.

In the drunkenness, Jiang Wang blurted out: "Brother Gu!"

Relying on the drunkenness, Brother Gu yelled out, and he became more natural in an instant: "This wine is really strong! I don't know what it's called?"

Gu Shiyi filled up the wine slowly, this time he did not touch the bowl with Jiang Wang.

Only said: "Vicissitudes."

"The vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of life, the right way in the world is the vicissitudes of vicissitudes!"

He lifted the bowl and drank it down.

There was an indescribable look in his eyes.

Such a person who was born in the direct line of the royal family and became famous at a young age, but chose to abandon the country and resign from the throne, was not subject to the dragon court, traveled the world alone, and became famous all over the world. It has been more than two hundred years.

His experience and his story are legendary.

Who can know his mood and his nostalgia?

In his life as a hero in the world, there must have been many regrets and many unforgettable memories. Let him slowly remember at a moment like now.

It can only be nostalgic.

Thanks to the leader Lianyun for rewarding the new alliance!

Thank you to everyone who has given me strength throughout this long journey.

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