Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1537

There are some regrets in life that no one can erase.

Let it be that you are magnificent, let it be that you are unparalleled in the world, let it be that you hold the highest authority in the world.

Also useless.

For example, Emperor Qi also has the sorrow of loving his concubine and the regret of Jiang Wuqiu.

How can Jiang Wang forget the streets and alleys of Fenglin City, neighbors and classmates?

How could he want to miss Jiang Anan's growth?

Just because I "don't want to", it happened after all, so it becomes a regret.

Jiang Wang had a bowl with him, and he drank so much that his energy was surging and his enthusiasm was stirring.

Drink so that the world is full of wind and thunder, and my chest is full of pride.

"Since that's the case, this wine might as well be called the righteous way in the world!" He was drunk, with a sense of carelessness.

Gu Shiyi was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "The world is right!"

He picked up the wine jar and poured wine again, and said to Jiang Wang, "Come on, let's have another bowl of this righteous way in the world!"

The smell of wine surged back again and again, intertwined layer by layer, fragrant and fragrant.

The wine worm in the belly has woken up, making people scratch their hearts and lungs with greed.

Every part of the body seems to be waiting for the irrigation of fine wine.

But Jiang Wang reached out to hold his wine bowl, shook his head and said, "I can't drink anymore."

Gu Shiyi put down the wine jar and looked at him: "Is the wine bad?"

"Wine is so good! I'm not addicted to alcohol, but now I'm scratching my head with alcohol bugs, and I'm so hungry!"

"Is that someone from a certain family is not good?"

"Brother Gu's cultivation is unrivaled, and he is famous all over the world, but he is so informal and makes people get close. How can it be bad?"

"Then why did you refuse this bowl of wine?" Gu Shiyi asked.

"Enough is enough." Jiang Wang met Gu Shiyi's scrutinizing eyes and said seriously: "The more addictive something is, the more I have to restrain myself and keep a distance."

"I just said that you are happy, but you are so unhappy!" Gu Shiyi said: "You can't indulge yourself when you are young. Do you have to wait until you are old to cherish it?"

Jiang Wang only said: "I have a long way to go, so I won't stay on the road for too long."

His eyes were smudged with wine, his face was also flushed with wine, and his voice was also a little erratic, but his expression was very calm.

At all times, it was his ego.

Gu Shiyi looked at him silently for a while.

Jiang Wang also sat there quietly. Like an ordinary drunk who is about to collapse at any moment. But Ning himself is by no means ordinary.

"You convinced a certain family." Gu Shiyi pushed the wine bowl: "Then stop drinking!"

The liquor swung out of the bowl and spilled on the table like broken jade. There is a heartbreaking regret.

Jiang Wang said apologetically: "I hope one day I can stop and have a drink with Brother Gu."

Gu Shiyi paused for a while, and said, "Do you know who was drinking with a certain family here earlier?"

Jiang Wang shook his head.

"Are you curious?" Gu Shiyi asked.

Jiang Wang asked back, "Should I be curious?"

"You are very cunning!" Gu Shiyi said.

Jiang Wang said, "I'm just doing my job."

Gu Shiyi laughed again.

He was really a man who drank too much, no different from those drunks in the market, and his mood changed very quickly.

He sighed: "That is a person who used to accompany me to drink and have fun."

"It seems that it won't happen now." Jiang Wang said.

"People will always change!" Gu Shiyi said.

After a pause, he continued: "Or maybe, as you said, a person who has a long way to go should not stay in one place for too long!"

Jiang Wangdao: "Brother Gu's friend, Brother Gu himself must know better."

"That person is not my friend!" Gu Shiyi said.

But he added: "Maybe it is."

His heart is very contradictory, his emotions are very contradictory.

Could it be that the real people in the world control the principles and see the real existence of the world, and it is said that even the end of the world will not easily shake their will, but he looks so different.

so complicated.

Perhaps this is also a kind of "true".

This man has a lot of stories. Jiang Wang thought to himself.

But he also just said: "A person who keeps going forward always has to leave something behind. Maybe it was intentional or unintentional at the time. But in hindsight, it should be considered intentional."

"Are you sad about this?" Gu Shiyi's eyelids drooped slightly.

"There will inevitably be regrets." Jiang Wang said: "But I still have to move forward."

"No one will stop and wait for you, everyone has their own story to happen." Gu Shiyi said.

"This is a pity." Jiang Wang said: "Sometimes you have no choice."

"You're so young, how can you have so many emotions!" Gu Shiyi's voice became frantic: "You are very vulgar now!"

Jiang Wangdao: "It's all stories from books. Maybe I'm drunk and talking nonsense. Brother Gu, don't blame me."

"The speaker is not guilty, but the drinker is justified!" Gu Shiyi took a sip of alcohol, probably not wanting to continue the topic, and changed the subject, "Brother Jiang, what do you think of the word 'righteousness'?"

"Righteousness can be big or small. There is the righteousness of being a friend with the sword, the righteousness of repaying the enemy, the righteousness of punishing the evil and promoting the good, the righteousness of the family and the country, the righteousness of the ethnic group, and the righteousness of the world." Jiang Wangdao: "This sage I can't say anything about it."

Gu Shiyi nodded him with his hand, as if he wanted to say that he was cunning again, but he didn't say that in the end. Instead, he looked at him with drunken eyes: "What is your righteousness? Is Jiang Qingyang a righteous man?"

Jiang Wang shook his head: "I'm not a righteous man. There used to be justice, and I couldn't uphold it. There was anger in my heart, and I couldn't draw the sword. There was a conflict of interests, and I killed people with the sword."

He repeated: "I am not a righteous man."

Gu Shiyi said earnestly and earnestly: "Sometimes you need to restrain yourself, sometimes you can only choose the less bad one among the bad choices, because you have a more important life, and God has given you a unique mission."

Jiang Wangdao: "I don't think I'm such a special person. My shortcomings and advantages make me who I am."

He thought, my life lies in my own choice, and my mission is not given by any existence.

Gu Shiyi just waved his hand: "You don't drink, it's meaningless to stay here, let's go!"

Jiang Wang didn't say much, just said take care.

Then he got up, with a slight feeling of drunkenness, and walked away like that.

Come and go is nothing more than a few bowls of wine.

This body drifts like a cloud.

There are few people in the barren hills.

I don't know who built this pavilion on the top of the mountain.

In fact, it has fallen into disrepair. The red paint peels off, and the wind sees the dead wood.

Gu Shiyi sat alone in it, looking coldly at the leftovers, as if looking at his regretful life, so he opened another jar of wine.

Vicissitudes of wine, vicissitudes of wine.

It's easy to write a sentence about the vicissitudes of life.

"A young man who can't enjoy himself to his heart's content is indeed not a righteous man."

He sighed: "But he is an honest man and a believer."



Zhao Guo is famous for his obedience to Qi Guo.

The ruling and opposition parties in this country admire Qi Feng very much. The first-class talents in Zhao State are all proud of being an official in Qi State. Those who cannot go to Qi will stay in Zhao.

In fact, the scope of the entire Eastern Region is not limited to Zhao Kingdom?

It is precisely because Qi State recruits talents from all over the world that Qi State is prosperous today.

It's just that Zhaoguo's performance is more obvious...

People in other places have to say something like "Good birds choose trees to live in", "If you don't stay here, you have a place to stay" and so on.

The people of Zhaoguo openly regard being an official of Qi as their ideal, and regard becoming a member of Qi as their goal in life.

This is by no means a shabby thing in Zhao Country.

Even the king of Zhao State himself wrote letters many times, persistently requesting to be incorporated into the territory of Qi State.

In the letter of credence handed to Qi State, the lord of Zhao State claimed to be Zhaohou and did not dare to be called king. Qi Tianzi has his own vegetables... Lin Shu wept so much...

He was rejected by Emperor Qi on the grounds that the Yangzong Temple could not be abandoned.

Some time ago, Equal Kingdom revealed that one of their three supreme leaders was called "King Zhao".

The king of Zhao Kingdom was so frightened that he wrote a letter to Emperor Qi overnight, claiming to be innocent. Ask Qi Ting to send someone to Zhaoguo to investigate and verify, and to restore his innocence. And urgently summoned a group of ministers to discuss changing the country's name immediately to avoid unreasonable disasters.

In the end, Emperor Qi specially wrote back to appease him, saying that "Zhao" is a name of honor, the old Yang Zhengshuo, and should not be discarded lightly. And how can dragons and tigers divert for snakes and rats?

Only in this way will the turmoil be calmed down.

Jiang Wang was a hermit in this country at the beginning, but because he spoke with a little Linzi accent, he received a very warm reception from the shopkeeper.

Now crossing the border here, there will be no accidents.

Except for the drunkenness and the misty clouds, there is nothing to say.

All the way high in the sky, there are occasional thunder sounds.

There are ordinary people who accidentally see it and think it is a fairy in a trance.



After crossing Yangdi without entering Qingyang Town, Jiang Wang went straight to Qidu.

When the three hundred li city of Linzi appeared in sight, he suddenly felt a sense of support.

His honor, his name, his official position and his contacts are all closely related to this great city.

Of course, it was a choice I didn't regret at the time when I gave up my heavy duty as captain of the Beiya Yamen.

The experience in the mountains and seas in Chu State is also wonderful enough. He didn't lead anything, but he witnessed a wonderful chapter.

Returning after traveling around the world this time, the moment he saw Linzi City, he truly realized that he had struggled here for too long and experienced too much. He has established too deep a bond with this city.

Living in Linzi is not easy.

And he, Jiang Qingyang, seems to be from here in a trance.



The military affairs hall wrote a letter to ask for Xia Xia, and the emperor granted it.

The whole country of Qi was mobilized, Daoyuan stone, food, information, negotiations with countries along the way... all kinds of things.

But once the decision to go to war falls, it will be difficult for Hong Yong to change course.

Overnight, the swords and guns came out of the warehouse, and the soldiers fought like forests.

But before Fa Xia, there is one most urgent question——

In this war against Xia, who should be the commander of the three armies?

Qi State is the new hegemony, and it is the last country among the six hegemony countries to achieve hegemony.

Many famous generals who have proved themselves in previous wars are still in the army. There are not a few people who are qualified to lead the army.

However, Xia Guo, after all, has its special significance, and its own strength should not be ignored.

Back then Qi Xia struggled for hegemony, and it was the emperor's personal conquest of today's Emperor Qi. What was the importance of Xuan Yunbo, Xuan Chuliang, Xuan Ming Mountain, Xuan Ming River... What Yan Ping, what Jiang Mengxiong, what Yan Tu, what Yang Jiande, what Tian Xili ...all in the formation.

Gather generals and stars, ants gather talents, rejuvenate the army of the whole country, and destroy the Xia Kingdom that spanned the southeast and southeast regions at that time.

Since the first battle in the thirty-eighth year of Yuanfeng to quell the rebellion of Lord Loulan in Mingdi, Emperor Qi has never personally put on armor.

Of course, the current state of Xia is not worthy of the battle of Emperor Qi himself.

It is said that Qi Tianzi will not come out, and the coach of Faxia should not be second-guessing except for Jiang Mengxiong, the god of the Qi army.

The generalissimo of the town country did write a letter to ask for a fight.

Needless to say, Jiang Mengxiong's honor and ability, with invincible extraordinary power, and the use of soldiers like a god, is a well-deserved number one in the army.

But at the same time, there were three other people who asked for the battle.

These three people all have extraordinary weight.

One is Cao Du, the commander of the Chunsheng Army, the other is the new real murderer Tu Zhongxuan Chuliang, and the other is Xiu Yuan, the commander of the Prisoner Army.

These three people are also handsome enough to command an army of one million. They are in charge of the most elite nine soldiers in the Great Qi Empire, and their ability to use troops is beyond doubt.

It is not a problem to improve the cultivation base. If they are in charge of the army, Qi Ting will naturally send another Yan Dao strongman to accompany the army.

Therefore, the candidate for Faxia's coach is actually still up for grabs.

Among them, Cao Jie is the most stable in using troops, and he is "the best fighter in the world" in the mouth of Qi Tianzi. No matter how many troops are handed over to him, there is basically no possibility of problems, and of course it is difficult to see a quick victory.

There have always been voices who think that he can only fight dumbly and stupidly.

But before, under the guise of Wanyan Xionglue's identity, he defeated Qi Hong, a famous general of the Sheng Kingdom, and helped the Mu Kingdom take Liyuan City, which also showed his changeable military style.

He is a real all-round handsome talent, who can compete with the military god only by using soldiers.

Murderous Tu Zhongxuan and Chu Liang had the first achievement in breaking Xia back then, and he was very familiar with the situation in Xia Kingdom. This factor was very critical in the competition for Xia's coach.

And although he is not as omnipotent as Cao Jie, nor is he "the number one soldier in the world" than Jiang Mengxiong, but he is unique in the strength of his soldiers, and there is no match in the world.

In this kind of war of destroying the country, the situation can be played out the fastest. For example, the Battle of Extinguishing Yang that made him a Marquis was almost destructive. Destroyed Yang Kingdom's resistance in the shortest possible time without giving Yang Jiande, the last emperor of Yang Kingdom a chance, beheading him among the ten thousand armies.

He was promoted to Dongzhen with the strength of the number one God in the Eastern Territory, and he was certified as Dongzhen's first battle.

Regardless of momentum, intention, or strength, they are all at the peak of their lives. Use him at this time, the soldiers are in full swing.

And Xiuyuan...

Yan Tu, his close friend and commander of the Zhanyu Army, was proven to be a spy of Pingping Kingdom last year, and died of being hacked into pieces. He himself has gone through prison.

Now it is a war that is needed to prove itself.

Of course, everyone knew that he was just showing his gesture and came to accompany him for a run. It is impossible to entrust him with such a big matter as Faxia to prove himself.

Although he, Xiuyuan, was also a world-renowned general who was killed in a sea of ​​corpses and blood, but he wanted to prove his mentality, so he was excluded from the list of coaches first.

Today, Emperor Qi is a soldier who knows how to fight, so he only asked these four people to hand over a military strategy, and made it clear that the commander-in-chief was only determined by the military strategy——

All of a sudden, there was a turmoil, from the court officials to the traffickers and pawns, they were all arguing over who should be the commander-in-chief of Fa Xia.

This one says that the God of War is invincible, and the other says that Cao Shuai is undefeated. Some people say that Jitu became famous for breaking Xia, and it is time to end Xia Kingdom with Jitu. Some people also say that Xiuyuan has fought in battles all his life, and has used the weak to attack the strong many times. He is a true master of military art, and there should be such an occasion to display it.

But no one said that this battle could not be fought, that Faxia could not win.

So the Prime Minister Jiang Rumo said——

"People's hearts are available."



Ps: "The country is unlucky, the poets are lucky, and the poems are easy to work in the vicissitudes of life" is a sentence written by Zhao Yi in the Qing Dynasty. He also has a more famous poem, "There are talented people from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years."

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