Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1538

If it is a big event, the battle of Fa Xia's coach is the biggest event in Qi country recently.

Jiang Mengxiong, Cao Jie, Chongxuan Chuliang, and Xiu Yuan are undoubtedly the top figures in the world, and there is no need to add any qualifying words before this "top".

In the competition between them, the gains and losses are not just one job at a time. Under the premise of ensuring the victory of the Xia campaign, it must be related to history, the interests of all parties, the political structure of the entire Qi State, and of course the emperor Qi's fate in the whole world.

Before such an important battle as Faxia, in the face of several world famous generals who actively challenged the battle, Qi Tianzi calmly determined the commander-in-chief with a military strategy, and made the wind and thunder at the bottom of the Pinghu Lake, showing the emperor's mastery of chess. force!

With a usual smile on Chong Xuansheng's face, he lazily said: "The Son of Heaven has a deep meaning."

This is Dingyuan Houfu.

Jiang Wang, who had just returned to Linzi, was dragged here by Chong Xuansheng to hear the secrets.

At this time, in the study of the Hou's Mansion, there were only Chongxuan Chuliang, Chongxuan Sheng, Jiang Wang, and Fourteen.

Chongxuan Chuliang, who was slightly fat, was sitting behind the huge purple sinking wood desk, his kind expression did not show the so-called "murderous" attitude at all, his eyes were half-closed and half-open, as if resting his mind.

Chong Xuansheng and Jiang Wang each moved a chair and sat at the desk separately. Of course, Chong Xuansheng's seat is more than twice as wide as Jiang Wang's.

Constrained by his body size, Chong Xuansheng has to bring his own special big chair wherever he goes, otherwise he has to stand or sit on the floor. Only Lai Chongxuan Chuliang's mansion doesn't need to be like this, there will always be a chair for him to sit on here.

The fourteen routines are hidden in the armor, standing behind Chongxuansheng, silent like a statue.

Hearing Chong Xuan Sheng's words, Chong Xuan Chu Liang opened his eyes and said, "What's the meaning?"

"Hahahaha." Chong Xuansheng laughed happily: "Please rest assured, Uncle, I won't talk nonsense."

You don't need to hit the drum with a heavy hammer, but you move your shoulder, and before you even raise your hand, it starts to ring by itself.

Jiang Wang pondered silently and did not speak.

At this time, Chong Xuansheng asked again: "How about the military strategy given by those few?"

Chongxuan and Chuliang finally couldn't care too much about this guy, thought for a while, and said: "At that time, the emperor said that everyone should hand in the military strategy in two days, and the commander-in-chief was determined by the military strategy. In front of the emperor, he painted the sky as a picture, imitated the air as mountains and rivers, soldiers, horses and weapons... and played out the military strategy again."

"The God of War has already planned for the campaign against Xia." Chongxuan Sheng thoughtfully said, "I think there is no fault in this military strategy."

Chong Xuan and Chu Liang said with a sigh: "The military god's use of troops is indeed unparalleled in the world. Who among the famous generals in the country has no idea about the Xia Kingdom, and who hasn't thought about the military strategy of defeating Xia? The situation is a big victory, really invincible!"

Chong Xuansheng's eyes glowed: "I wish I could see it!"

Chongxuan and Chuliang looked at him: "What are you thinking? This is what you can see?"

Jiang Mengxiong's military strategy of conquering Xia is naturally the top secret of Qi State at present. When the military strategy was being played out, the only people who heard about it were the few people in the Political Affairs Hall and Military Affairs Hall.

Of course Chongxuan Chuliang couldn't make this mistake, so he turned to Chongxuan Shengzhi.

"Isn't this in front of you, so I don't have to hide my curiosity?" Chong Xuansheng said with a playful smile, "I'm not like this in front of outsiders."

Ever since Zhongxuan Chuliang drew his sword against the God of War for him, he was no longer so cautious before Chongxuan Chuliang. It can even be said...a bit of a push on the nose.

Chong Xuan and Chu Liang didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

Sometimes I feel relieved, and sometimes I feel very annoying.

Simply do not say anything.

Chong Xuansheng sank into the big chair with soft cushions, and asked with a smile, "Where is Shuai Cao?"

Who would have thought Tangtang Jitu had such a good temper and such patience, he almost answered every question: "Cao Shuai also prepared a military strategy to attack Xia, but he didn't show it at that time. Instead, he waited until the second day." Today, I dragged ten boxes directly into the palace. Inside were maps, formation maps, food and grass budgets, ordnance comparisons, Daoyuan stone reserve consumption... all kinds of materials, and even local chronicles from various places in Xia Kingdom... He talked about his military strategy for a whole day and night."

"Yes." Chong Xuansheng spread his hands and said, "Your advantage of being familiar with the environment is gone."

Chong Xuan and Chu Liang also shook his head: "There is no other way. Cao Shuai's complete military strategy is amazing. The ever-changing war situation is under his control, and I can only feel ashamed."

"Alas!" Chong Xuansheng sighed suddenly: "There are too many talents in the older generation, when will I be able to have a bright day like a young man like me?"

Chongxuan and Chuliang scolded with a smile: "You first achieve the godly presence, and then talk about the outstanding things, young Junyan!"

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." Chong Xuansheng got the answer he wanted, so he changed the subject: "What about Shuai Shuai? How about the military strategy? Although he has no chance, he has a very friendly relationship with our Jiang Wang. Lord Jiang is very curious to think about it."

He took a special look at Jiang Wang: "Is it?"

Jiang Wang just rolled his eyes and said nothing.

He asked himself that he didn't know anything about military strategy, and he didn't have any right to speak about the political situation. He insisted on the principle of bringing only one pair of ears, listening and learning, that's all.

From his current angle, he could see a murderous picture hanging behind Chongxuan Chuliang. What is painted is the scene of two generals, one sword and one gun, breaking the formation side by side. The style of painting is extremely fierce, with just a few strokes, the outline is murderous. The title is "The Famous Sword Breaks the Formation", and the inscription is "Gu Han".

He thought, who is Gu Han? Looking at the painting is of a famous artist's level, but I can't remember who this person is... probably not famous.

Of course, Chongxuan Chuliang's answer was not missed in his ears.

Chongxuan Chuliang said: "Xiuyuan formulated a military strategy against Xia Guo overnight. It is also a first-class military strategy with the utmost skill."

Jiang Wang thought to himself, it seems that Marquis Dingyuan is not convinced by the military strategy of the prisoner electric army commander.

At this moment, Chong Xuansheng smiled and said, "Uncle's military strategy is the simplest!"

The military strategy presented to the emperor by several generals is the top secret of the empire, but Chong Xuansheng looks confident.

Chong Xuan and Chu Liang looked at him with calm eyes: "Then tell me, what kind of military strategy am I writing?"

Jiang Wang was also quite curious.

"The god of war is unparalleled in the world, Cao Shuai's military strategy is perfect, Xiu Shuai is also a master of military skills. Uncle has no other way to win the position of commander..."

Chong Xuansheng slowly sat up straight: "It's nothing more than a military order! It may be said that summer will be destroyed in May, or summer will be destroyed in April. If the emperor sees it, you can end this war in the shortest time and make the war come to an end. The country has nothing to worry about before and nothing to worry about in the future. This is the only chance to win in this battle for the commander-in-chief, and my uncle is just the most powerful figure in Qi, so he will not let go of this chance, let alone such a challenge !"

Chong Xuan Chu Liang smiled, his smile was very similar to Chong Xuan Sheng.

The same tenderness and softness, the same harmless to humans and animals.

But he held up three fingers.

"Three months."

He said: "What I have made with the Son of Heaven is the agreement to destroy Xia in three months. If the three months expire, and the kingdom of Xia still exists in the world, I am willing to depose the prince and make him a prisoner, and go to the execution platform."

His tone was calm.

But Jiang Wang was shocked beyond words!

Regardless of how determined it is for a powerful person standing at the highest level of the current hegemony to abandon all his life's accumulation.

Let's just say that the military order to destroy summer in March, the sharpness reflected is really unparalleled in the world!

Xia Kingdom is not the Sunrise Nine Kingdoms that have long existed in name only. It once straddled the southeast and southeast regions and was qualified to compete for world hegemony. Although it is declining now, it is still a centipede, dead but not stiff.

After the first battle of Qixia, he was changed to Yuan Shenwu, and the reign name is still used until now, which shows that his ambition has not been extinguished, and he has never forgotten his humiliation. After so many years of hard work, he has not relaxed for a day, and has gradually recovered to some extent.

Looking at the famous generals in the world, how many people dare to say that they will be wiped out in three months?

But Xuan Chuliang dared to issue such a military order!

Chong Xuansheng was also awe-inspiring, he knew that his uncle was famous in all countries and had always been sharp-edged, but he still underestimated the sharpness of the life-cutting knife!

It is not a difficult task to destroy summer in five months and to destroy summer in four months. Four months of summer and three months of summer, the difficulty is doubled!

"Uncle thinks..." Chong Xuansheng said, "Will the Son of Heaven use you as handsome?"

Chongxuan and Chuliang laughed softly: "Who knows? The heart of heaven is unpredictable. I can only do my best and wait for the emperor's choice!"

The more you understand the Qi State, the closer you are to these top figures in the world, the more you can understand the majesty of the Qi Emperor.

Jiang Mengxiong, who is known as the God of the Great Qi Army, who is the number one soldier and fist; Cao Jie, who is known as "the best fighter in the world"; The military skills of "must travel far" everyone repairs far...

So many bright characters.

They all have to wait for the decision of Emperor Qi, and they all need to submit to the will of Emperor Qi.

The giant city of Linzi for three hundred miles, the territory of the Eastern Region for tens of thousands of miles, even the offshore islands, even the Mystery Realm, even behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, and even the world!

The will of Jiang Shu, the emperor of Qi, stands at the highest place in the world.

A word can cause landslides, a word can cause rivers to fall, and a word can destroy a country.

Eight wilderness and six unions, the four directions and the universe.

Raise your hand to open up the sky and open the earth, and fold your hand to stir up the wind and thunder.

Such a top figure as Chongxuan and Chuliang can only say one thing, the heart of heaven is unpredictable!

And Jiang Wang, who has seen Qi Tianzi many times, how can he not feel deeply?

At this moment in Marquis Dingyuan's study, the three sitting there were silent, feeling the unfathomable majesty in a silent tacit understanding.

"Speaking of..." Chong Xuansheng suddenly said: "The last battle of the Yang Kingdom was as vivid as before, and the time passed really quickly."

Jiang Wang understood why Chong Xuansheng felt this way.

The Battle of Mieyang in the year 3918 of the Dao calendar was the turning point when Chongxuan Sheng competed for the position of Patriarch of the Chongxuan Clan.

From being an obese son with no hope, to fighting against Chongxuan Zun and fighting for the head of the Chongxuan family, Chongxuansheng only took one battle.

Afterwards, he presented Li Longchuan generously with a Qiushan bow, and obtained a sentence from the Donghua scholar, an audience with the emperor, and a sentence of "respect and love for the elder brother", and sent Chongxuanzun to Jixia Academy. Qing Chongxuan Zun's forces... are all relying on the capital earned in the Battle of Qiyang.

In that battle, he and Jiang Wang fought side by side, killing Song Guang, the governor of Rizhao County in Yangguo, and dispersed the local soldiers, so that Qiusha's army entered Chiwei without any worries.

They also took the lead in the Battle of Chiwei, and the two of them wrapped up the army formation and joined forces to kill the generals and capture the flag, giving veteran Ji Cheng a tragic end.

One by one, one by one, now that I think about it, it really seems like it happened yesterday.

And this time in the battle of Qi Xia, Chong Xuanzun has also decided to participate in the battle.

In the past period of time, Chong Xuansheng demonstrated his superhuman wisdom through a series of layouts. Chong Xuanzun, through the gift of the master, the meeting of the Yellow River, and the trip to the lost world, showed his personal force that surpassed the elegance of his peers.

At the same time, Chong Xuansheng himself is also an extraordinary monk with outstanding talent, and Chong Xuanzun himself also has extraordinary wisdom.

Bo Wanghou's entanglement, to a certain extent, is also a stalemate between the two talents.

With the current situation in the world, it will be very difficult to have an opportunity similar to this Qi Xia battle in the future.

At least in the lifetime of the old Hou Ye Chong Xuan Yunbo, probably there will be no more.

In view of the significance of this battle against Xia, it will inevitably have a great impact on the entire Qi State, and of course it will also affect people, big and small, in the entire country... In other words, the final victory of this battle for the Patriarch of the Chongxuan Clan Negative hand, it is likely to happen in this war.

After the goal, after all, it is necessary to use the results on the battlefield to speak.

That's why Chong Xuansheng, who never showed his emotions easily, did so!

The position of Patriarch of the Chongxuan family is of extraordinary significance to Chongxuan Sheng.

From his identity as a so-called family sinner who was left out in the cold, he has lived cautiously and cautiously for so many years. He seized an opportunity that was not an opportunity, and sat in front of the same chessboard with Chongxuan Zun, who was born as the proud son of heaven.

Fight one by one, fight one breath at a time.

From the Tianfu Secret Realm to the Battle of Qiyang to the Jubao Chamber of Commerce to Wang Yiwu...every step has been painstaking!

After all, Chongxuanzun was a figure who was valued by the founder of the Taixu School since he was a child.

Yu Beidou, the number one real person in computing power in the world, took a look at him and said that he had taken away the elegance of his peers.

On a trip to the sea, True Monarch Blood River, who ran into him, was also delighted to see Lie Xin, and wanted to accept it as a true biography.

Such a character is completely the destiny protagonist in the storytelling story. No matter who is sitting opposite him, it is very difficult to have a chance of winning.

But Chong Xuansheng actually recovered from the overall disadvantage step by step, and once suppressed Chong Xuanzun on the scene!

Now that Chongxuanzun has already counterattacked in an all-round way, it can be regarded as maintaining an evenly divided situation.

But when the elders of the Chongxuan family gave Chongxuan Sheng a chance in order to beat Chongxuan Zun, who would have thought that he could do this?

Chongxuansheng didn't know why he was so cold-eyed since he was a child, he didn't understand why he was not respected by anyone even though he was also the son of Chongxuan's direct lineage. He didn't understand why his father was clearly a real person and a peerless figure, why even his name was a taboo after death.

If he could, he didn't want to be a smart person from childhood.

With the talent he is showing now, even if he is separated from Chongxuan's family, he will have great potential in the future. But he needs the position of the Patriarch to prove the years of his silent efforts!

If someone tripped on purpose, he would lie down, and when someone left, he would get up again.

He didn't want to ask why.

But he wanted it to be known—

can not do this.

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