Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1539 The Heart of Heaven is Unpredictable

Only Shishi knew Chong Xuansheng's feelings before.

Now there is just one more Jiang Wang.

Fourteen never spoke in front of people. So Jiang Wang said: "You and I have not wasted a single day during these times. Today is like yesterday, and tomorrow will be like today."

We work as hard today as we did yesterday, and we work as hard tomorrow as we do today.

Then the success harvested yesterday will be harvested again tomorrow.

This is of course a good expectation.

But it might not be an affirmation of himself and Chongxuansheng all the way to this point.

After all, many of the things they accomplished together were once considered impossible by people!

Chong Xuansheng first laughed: "I'm so tired and thin!"

Then he said: "Everything we want will come true. Tomorrow will be like yesterday!"

"Soldiers, the great affairs of the country, the place of life and death, the way of survival." Chongxuan Chuliang said at this time: "Don't think that war is something that allows you to get whatever you want. If you go to the battlefield with this idea, I'm afraid I can only collect the corpses for you!"

Jiang Wangzhong and Xuan Sheng were all in awe.

On the matter of war, Chongxuan and Chuliang undoubtedly had a say.

This time Chong Xuansheng and Jiang Wang were both going to the battlefield, and he specially brought Jiang Wang to the Dingyuan Hou's Mansion, just to get another surprise training before the battle. Don't ask Jiang Wangli to be a soldier, at least he must be able to understand the coach's intentions during the war.

Before this great war, the entire state of Qi mobilized soldiers and horses, and everyone was sharpening their swords. If Chong Xuan and Chu Liang were still waiting for the emperor's final decision at this time, they must have no time to pay attention to them.

At this moment, Chongxuan and Chuliang looked at the two young men across the desk, and of course the words were mainly for his nephew who was too smart and too dependent on his smarts.

"What kind of country do you think the Xia Kingdom is?"

"The two halves of the Southern Territory are separated by a mountain of books. There are many great kingdoms, and there have been many conquests for thousands of years. Do you know how the Xia Kingdom came out of the mud and unified the eastern part of the Southern Territory? Looking northeast?"

Both the Li Kingdom and the Liang Kingdom were destroyed by the Xia Kingdom in history. Of course, these two countries were not the only ones destroyed by the Xia Kingdom... It is only when these two countries succeed in their restoration that this period of history will be mentioned. and.

Chongxuan and Chuliang's eyes at this time, there is a weight of history: "Do you think that Faxia is a meritorious service that is easy to come by?"

"Do you think Xia Kingdom is a soft persimmon like Yang Kingdom, whose calendar and writing were wiped out before the war started?"

"Do you think that I handed the military order to the emperor because this matter is not dangerous, so I wanted to fight for merit?"

"What do you think I'm arguing with Military God, Cao Shuai, and Xiu Shuai?"

"How dare you underestimate Xia Guo?"

"Ah Sheng, Ah Sheng, you must know. Before the war started, half of the people in the court were at peace! Many people were afraid of Xia Ruhu. Before the war started, thousands of families were already crying. Some soldiers broke their own Legs, just to avoid going to the front line!"

Chongxuan and Chuliang paused for a while when he said this, and then said: "You must know... that battle back then was very difficult to win!"

Of course Chong Xuansheng knew what his unfinished words were.

There are those who cannot speak, and those who cannot bear to speak.

The former is like the waste prince Jiang Wuliang.

The latter are like Chongxuanmingtu and Chongxuanmingshan who have died, and even those who were equally famous back then, but are no longer remembered now.

Tens of thousands of dead bones will be replaced by one general.

Only with millions of dead bodies can a hegemony be born.

In a battle of this scale, even the true king may fall, and the real person may not be able to protect himself, and the cultivator of God's Landing may disappear in a single charge.

The so-called arrogance, the so-called could it be Fuai?

Chong Xuansheng sat very upright, and he said sincerely, "It's my nephew who is being arrogant."

Then he asked: "Uncle, in your opinion, who are the people worthy of attention in Xia Kingdom today?"

Chong Xuan and Chu Liang glanced at him indifferently: "There are too many people worthy of the attention of both of you."

Jiang Wang listened obediently.

"Where are the people worthy of your attention?" Chong Xuansheng asked again.

Chong Xuan and Chu Liang were silent for a while, and said: "First of all, of course it is the Empress Dowager Xia!"

"In the first battle, Emperor Xia died among thousands of troops, and our emperor took his head off. Prince Xia, Second Prince Xia, Fourth Prince Xia, Fifth Prince Xia, all died! Third Prince Xia was killed by my own hands...

At that time, the Emperor Xia, who was called the hero, only left a nine-year-old son alive, so the queen supervised the country.

As soon as she took power, she made a covenant with Jing Guo and secretly built the Yitian Temple.

At that time, she was wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei, sitting on the tower of the Xia capital, overlooking the eastern land, and facing my Daqi Bingfeng, she said, "If the dragon veins of Daxia are endless, it should start from the mother of the country." ’ So he bribed his neighbors heavily, negotiated peace with all parties, and ordered the world to be king.

After Emperor Xia's death in battle, our army still encountered very tenacious resistance, and when we finally arrived at the Xia capital... the Yitian Temple had been completed.

We had no choice but to withdraw from the Southern Region and return to the Eastern Land, so that the Xia Kingdom could preserve the country.

Until now, it is for today's Empress Dowager Xia! "

Chong Xuansheng praised: "Some things are not unusual from the books. I heard from you today, uncle, that Fang Jue is indeed the mother of the world, the hero of the other side."

What Jiang Wang cared more about was the "Third Prince Xia" whom Marquis Dingyuan had mentioned lightly.

Although it is an understatement, how can someone who can be remembered by Ji Tu be so simple?

Chongxuan and Chuliang entered the summer alone and fought thousands of miles, which is still regarded as a feat until today, and the process was of course extremely dangerous. For an opponent like the Third Prince Xia, he must have encountered more than one opponent in Xia Kingdom. But in the end, he was still told to penetrate through Xia Jun's rear, coming and going freely, as if entering a land of no one.

So, why is Chongxuan Chuliang the number one god in the Eastern Region!

At this time, Chongxuan and Chuliang said again: "Besides, there are two princes in Xia Kingdom who share the same glory with the country. They are both true kings of the world. Who dares to underestimate them?"

Jiang Wang's history books have not yet been memorized in Xia Guolai.

Chong Xuansheng glanced at him, and asked for him: "Although my nephew knows their names, I don't know how powerful they are. How do they compare with our military gods?"

Chongxuan and Chuliang said: "One is King Wu, whose name is arrogant. He was born in the royal family of the Xia Kingdom. From the current generation of the Xia Emperor, we have to go back nine generations. He is the real strongman of the Xia Kingdom, even in the Xia Kingdom. In the great wars that year, he fought against our Majesty."

"The second one is Min King Yu Liyang. He was the one who led people to besiege our Great Qi Army God in Jianfeng Mountain last time."

Wu Wang Sijiao is a true emperor for many years, he has fought against Qi Tianzi before, so his strength will not be weak.

However, Yu Liyang, King of Min, teamed up with five real people to besiege Jiang Mengxiong, the army god of the Great Qi. As a result, one real person was killed on the spot, causing the sky to rain blood. Of course, there is no need to talk about the strength comparison between him and Jiang Mengxiong.

The real person who died at that time was none other than the Taoist master, the real person Taihua of Xia Guotai Clan.

Chong Xuansheng thought of this, and suddenly said: "The dead real Taihua, he has a grandnephew named Taiyin, right? Did he go to Guanhe Terrace?"

He looked at Jiang Wang: "Did Brother Wang fight against him in the mountains and seas?"

"Yes." Jiang Wang said calmly: "At that time, he and Xiang Bei met."

He didn't say how the outcome would be, and victory or defeat is something that needn't be said.

Tai Yin was beaten by Chongxuan Zun at Guanhe Terrace, and he had no strength to fight back. Of course, Tai Yin today is far stronger than Tai Yin of that day. The Five Dragons Conferring the Heaven Art, and the Six Path Formation of the Prison are all learned later. Know the shame and then be brave, and go to a higher level.

But the emphasis on Xuanzun today is not comparable to the emphasis on Xuanzun that day. Xuanhe Fanjie already has the invincible appearance of the outer building. This kind of invincibility is not the invincibility among the young arrogances on Guanhetai, but includes all those monks who failed to break through the God's presence and accumulated in the outer building.

If Jiang Wang can't even beat Tai Yin, then there is really no possibility of competing with Chong Xuan Zun now.

Therefore, Chong Xuansheng only asked: "Is it difficult to win?"

Jiang Wang said truthfully: "It's not easy, and they have pierced their lower back!"


Chong Xuansheng was not disappointed by this answer.

From the very beginning, he and Jiang Wang were the chasers.

From a person who was only used to deter and beat Chongxuan Zun, he quickly grew into a family heir who was equal to Chong Xuanzun.

When Jiang Wang first came to Qidi, he didn't even open the gate of heaven and earth. Later, he also beat Wang Yiwu in the same situation.

Jiang Wang has grown up very fast, and it is true that he should not put too much pressure on him.

However, when Jiang Wang failed to catch up with Zhong Xuanzun. In the next battle against Xia, he had to do more thinking...

Having known Chong Xuansheng for so long, Jiang Wang knew what Chong Xuansheng was thinking.

Even when the fat man mentioned Tai Yin, he just wanted to have a judgment on his current strength, and at the same time he didn't want to put him under the pressure of Chong Xuan Zun.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Wang said calmly: "If it was at the meeting of the Yellow River, I would face Tai Yin, and the outcome would be unpredictable. In the mountains and seas, if Tai Yin didn't sneak attack, if there was no Xiang Bei, I would fight with him Put it right alone, and I can kill him without injury. If it is now...he and Xiang Bei combined, can't hurt me at all."

He didn't say anything grandiose, but calmly listed the strength comparison between himself and Taiyin in different periods.

The meeting of the Yellow River, the border of mountains and seas, now.

However, this comparison is so intuitive and so clearly outlines his growth trajectory.

Comparing with Taiyin, a genius of the Xia Kingdom who has been improving rapidly, one can see how amazing his growth rate is!

Jiang Wang didn't say what he would do to Shang Zhongxuan Zun now, but his self-confidence was already evident. It is also verified on the long road that he walked calmly.

Of course Chong Xuansheng understood.

So he just grinned with fat on his face, and said to Zhongxuan Chuliang: "Is there no real person in Xia who deserves your attention?"



When the eunuch Qiu Ji walked into the Jiang Mansion in Yaoguangfang, it was still dark.

Jiang Wang really didn't realize it.

At the critical moment of preparing for the invasion of Xia, Qi Tianzi, who was taking the world as a chessboard, unexpectedly summoned him, a young man with no real power.

Moreover, it has only been two days since he returned to Linzi, and Emperor Qi took the time to come.

Even... a little anxious.

Such an overlord emperor standing at the highest place in the world.

Qifu takes the mountains and rivers as the game, the nations as the formation, the dragon and the world, and the sword points to the world!

The chess pieces used by Qi Tianzi at this time are either the councilors of the political affairs hall or the commanders of the nine soldiers of the military affairs hall. what effect.

So why call at this time?

No matter how I think about it, I can't think of a reason.

Is it really just for small talk?

Jiang Wang looked at Church with inexplicable anxiety.

This eunuch who was always on good terms with him, but this time he looked at his nose, his nose, his nose and his heart, not even giving him a look.

Now Jiang Wang was even more disturbed.

But the emperor summoned him and did not give him a chance to calm down.

Not to mention burning incense and taking a bath, Churchill ordered to leave without even saying a word.

The big sedan chair that came with Qiu Ji cut off Chongxuan Sheng's thoughtful eyes, and locked Jiang Qingyang who was full of confusion.

Go to the deep palace.

Churchill walked in front of the sedan chair and landed silently.

With him leading the way, it was unimpeded, and the sedan chair just landed in front of Donghua Pavilion.

The eunuch holding a pen stood still, stood in front of the sedan chair, and said calmly, "Master Jiang, we're here."

Jiang Wang woke up from thinking about Guan Zizai, bent down and walked out of the sedan chair.

Subconsciously glanced at Church, Church remained expressionless.

It seems that the previous communication between the two parties did not exist at all, and they are strangers.

But he thought about it again, maybe Churchy didn't say anything, it was some kind of safe expression.

In any case, the emperor's use of Church, who is familiar with him, to deliver the order should be a manifestation of a friendly attitude, and it is not necessary to be frightened...

So he cut off his miscellaneous thoughts, followed Churchill, and walked unhurriedly into the pavilion.

The last time I came to Donghua Pavilion, I was with Chong Xuansheng. At that time, Chong Xuansheng came "naked", and the emperor gave him a purple dress.

That time was also the time when he truly realized the authority of Emperor Qi...

Donghua Pavilion is not far in front of Ziji Hall. Before the court meeting, the emperor used to take a break here, or read in the morning, or receive some court meeting information in advance.

Generally, this time will not be too long.

Therefore, the audience in Donghua Pavilion is always short-lived.

But today the emperor came earlier, not even Yinshi.

The sky is gloomy, and the lamps in Donghua Pavilion are also very soft.

Church Ji stood outside the door, and Jiang Wang walked in alone.

In the bright yellow light, Qi Tianzi was sitting on a soft couch, holding a book in his hand, and was reading.

The person standing next to him was Li Zhengshu, who was whispering something to the emperor before, but stopped talking before Jiang Wang came in.

Jiang Wang could hear the movement from a distance, but he sensiblely didn't listen to the sound content carefully.

When he entered the pavilion at this time, he just bowed respectfully and said, "Mr. Jiang Wang, I have an audience with you by order!"

Speaking of which, it was already the second time he came back to Donghua Pavilion, so he dared to take a little look at the layout of the room where the emperor was.

It is not as majestic and lofty as the atmosphere in Ziji Hall, but there is a warm and intimate atmosphere in this Donghua Pavilion.

The emperor did not speak for a while.

Jiang Wang also bowed and did not get up.

So the invisible pressure has fallen.

The pavilion was very quiet. For a long time, there was only the sound of pages being turned.

There seems to be a kind of echo of fate in the dark.

The last time I came to Donghua Pavilion was the key move for Chong Xuansheng to change his destiny, and Li Zhengshu, who was almost bound to the title of "Donghua Bachelor", was waiting for the edict.

Now, it is the critical moment of the battle between Chong Xuan Sheng and Chong Xuan Zun.

And here he is again.

It's just that the last time when Xuan Sheng Zhizhu was in his hands, he didn't have anything else to do except take off his clothes and expose his scars. This time, he was the only one to face it.

In this unbearable silence that drips off.

I couldn't help but think of the words of Marquis Dingyuan again——

"Heaven's heart is unpredictable!"

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