Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1540 It's March of the year, the prince shoots the dragon and the fox

In the not very spacious Donghua Pavilion, there is just the right warmth.

Every wind here, every feeling attached to the skin, is taken care of by dedicated people.

It is their greatest contribution to the Great Qi Empire not to distract the emperors from any insignificant matters.

Qi Tianzi sat down.

Jiang Wang bowed.

Li Zhengshu stood quietly by the side without speaking.

Church was guarding the door of the pavilion, and there were no unnecessary sounds in the distance.

Even the lights in the room are on duty, not daring to falter in the slightest.

This kind of waiting time is most suitable for practice. Jiang Wang thought inexplicably in his heart.

But after all, it's just thinking about it.

The meaning of time is difficult to measure at this moment.

I don't know how long it took, and after another page-turning sound——

"It was March of the year, and the prince shot the dragon and the fox."

The voice of the Son of Heaven seems to be hanging from the nine heavens, it is so close, yet so far away.

Jiang Wang reacted in an instant, and immediately continued: "The Taizu thought it was unknown, so he was expelled from Qingqiu. It was Li Shanghua."

"Historical Knife Chasing the Sea" compiled by Sima Heng, a great sage of Qinku Academy, is the most complete historical masterpiece recording the history of the world since the new Daoist calendar, and it is recognized as a credible history in the world.

Sima Heng travels around the world, visits old sites in various places, traces the past to the present, collects old news, secret history, and words and phrases of famous people in the past...

History books of various countries, local chronicles of various places, stories passed down by people orally, changes in climate, changes in mountains and rivers... these are all his materials.

Be sure to verify each other and get credible historical data before writing.

Sima Heng's style of writing is concise and precise, and his writing is impartial, hardly revealing any personal emotional tendencies.

For example, the sentence at the beginning of Shi Daozuuhai——

"Sima's name is balanced, and he is a dull person. He can only know himself by looking at history. There is no boat to cross, and he cuts the sea with a knife."

He said that a fool like him has no natural talent, insight and wisdom. He can only know himself by looking at the rise and fall of history.

He said that history itself is the truest evaluation, and he is not qualified to criticize his predecessors.

He said he was a recorder of history, not a commentator... and he did.

The entire "Historic Knife Chisels the Sea" is full of thousands of words, but those discarded and deleted words are more than tens of millions of words. The effort for these tens of thousands of words is more than hundreds of millions of words!

It took him three hundred years to revise forty-three times before it was completed. Once this book is published, it will become the world's trust history!

The history recorded in "Shi Knife Chiseling the Sea" starts from the beginning of the Dao calendar and ends in the year 3900 of the Dao calendar. The rise and fall of the country, the princes and generals, let the people of the world know the past and the present, and the flood of humanity flows into it.

According to Sima Heng, the content will be added every Jiazi thereafter. It is now the 3920th year of the Dao calendar, so the history of the countries after 3900 of the Dao calendar has not yet been written, but his disciples have already begun to collect credible relevant information.

All tens of thousands of words, form three hundred and seven volumes. Some countries have their own volume of historical materials, while some countries can only bind one volume with other countries.

And Juan 1 to Juan 10 are all "Jing Lue"!

For those overlord states that have been standing until now, or were once prominent, there are ten volumes of Jinglue, six volumes of Yanglue, eight volumes of Qinlue, nine volumes of Chulue, six volumes of Mulue, seven volumes of Jinglue, and three volumes of Qilue... …

Qi Tianzi recited "It was March of the year, the prince shot the dragon and the fox." It is the content of the second volume of "Shi Dao Chiu Hai".

And the next sentence is "Taizu thought it was unknown, so he chased him to Qingqiu. He set up Shanghua."

This part is about the history of Jing Taizu abolishing the crown prince.

Jiang Wang is very proficient in receiving, and of course he has worked hard.

"Qingyangzi don't be polite." Qi Tianzi said casually, "Sit down and talk."

Jiang Wang thought to himself, it turns out that spot checks are really necessary. Fortunately, I memorized... part of it.

After thinking about it again, the Great Qi Emperor is still very kind, and he only takes the exam so far...

He breathed a sigh of relief, but it wasn't completely released after all.

He straightened up and said very solemnly: "It's already a rest to return to Qi, and it's even more fortunate to be summoned by the emperor. It's good for me to speak standing up."

Just kidding, Donghua Bachelor Li Zhengshu is standing, how dare he sit down?

After all, this flattery was straightforward, the emperor didn't make a fuss, and of course he didn't continue to give him a seat, he just asked: "Tell me, why did Jing Taizu ignore it?"

Jiang Wang was stunned!

When I asked you for leave and left Qi to go to Chu, you only said that you need to endorse, but you didn't say that you need to understand it all!

How do I know why Jing Taizu ignored it? I can't ask him!

why? why! Sima Heng didn't write it either!

Of course, he didn't have the guts to say these words to Emperor Qi.

Youxin bit the bullet and forced to understand a few words.

In the end, he just said: "I'm dull, I know what's going on but I don't know why."

When Jiang Wang was flattering, Li Zhengshu frowned, because he really didn't have much level to speak of. But this would be a blunt word, but there was a smile in his eyes.

Sima Heng also considers himself a blunt person in the opening chapter of "The History of the Knife Chiseling the Sea".

This is precisely an attitude towards history!

You can understand, but you can't pretend to understand.

Can be puzzled, but not misunderstood.

There are tens of thousands of historians in the world, why is Sima Heng the only one who compiled the official history of the world?

The answer is in the title of the book.

It's nothing more than four words, "The history knife chisels the sea"!

In one foot and one inch, in one stroke and one stroke, in seeking truth from facts.

Regardless of whether Jiang Wang is intentional or not, the word "blunt" can't be more ingenious when used at this moment.

Li Zhengshu applauded in his heart, but kept silent.

I could only hear Qi Tianzi scolding with a smile: "It's really insensitive, ignorant and ignorant! What kind of books are you reading!"

Jiang Wang bowed his head and said: "I am ashamed, I will work hard in the future! But I have no good teachers and no time to spare. I am afraid that I will not be able to satisfy His Majesty in a short time."

The Son of Heaven turned his head to look at Li Zhengshu: "Look, he still knows how to leave a back door for himself when he speaks. Is this a blunt person? I think he is very cunning!"

Li Zhengshu said with a smile: "Cunning or dull, they are all in the hands of the emperor!"

The emperor said: "You are also cunning!"

This 'Yulang Lord' only said: "Isn't Li Zhengshu a king's minister?"

The emperor pointed at him, and finally smiled again: "Then you are a big cunning, teach this little cunning!"

The closeness between Emperor Qi and Li Zhengshu is really extraordinary.

It's no wonder that in recent years, Bachelor of Donghua has almost been the title of Li Zhengshu alone, and it's no wonder that Li Zhengshu has considerable influence in Qi State despite not having any real power.

Jiang Wang pondered in his heart, but he was not slow in action. Hurry up and salute: "It's a great honor for Jiang Wang, and I have the advice of a Bachelor of Labor!"

Li Zhengshu smiled.

"Instructing" is sometimes a very taboo thing, especially for a Confucian like him who does not officially serve in the court, and has always stayed away from troubles.

But Jiang Wang is a junior who can participate in the family banquet of the Marquis of the City, so it is not a problem for him to give pointers based on emotion and reason.

Without making any preparations, he opened his mouth and said, "To understand this historical material, you only need to understand one place—'Qingqiu'."

"Where is Qingqiu?"

"This place is behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters. It is the holy land of the fox clan. Prince Jing shot and killed the dragon fox, but Taizu Jing exiled him to Qingqiu. This is not a simple exile, it is letting him die. This level of Punishment is by no means simply 'turning a blind eye' can be explained. Why is this?"

"Let's look at the cause of this matter again."

"After Prince Jing went to the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, he shot and killed the dragon and fox. He made a fur coat from its fur and presented it to Queen Jingguo. One is to boast of martial arts, and the other is to show filial piety. This is understandable, and it should even be worthwhile. Praise. Why would Taizu Jing hate him so much and want him to die?"

Li Zhengshu's voice is calm and eloquent, and he is very good at inspiring the listeners to think. In a word and thought, there is really a charm endowed by time.

"We should pay attention. In the first part of "Shi Dao Chiu Hai", Sima Heng recorded a sentence, saying, "Taizu suppressed demons, divided them and transformed them, gathered them and wiped them out, chased tigers in seven years, and retreated firewood in nine years." Yin.'"

Of course Jiang Wang remembered this passage, and he had memorized it by heart, but he really couldn't imagine that it had anything to do with Prince Jing's shooting the dragon and the fox.

Li Zhengshu said very patiently: "The Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters was built in ancient times, and it completely cut off the hope of the demon race to return to the present world. The clan has never given up on counterattacking the world.

The Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters does not mean that you can sit back and relax when it is erected, it needs someone to constantly maintain and strengthen it.

The destruction of the Ichima Era declared the end of the Modern Era.

Jing Taizu established the city of Tianjing on the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, and thus established Jingguo, known as the Son of Heaven Guarding the Gate of the Kingdom, and was once looked upon by the Emperor.

He has indeed made extraordinary achievements behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters.

Behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons is another vast world. For us, there are still too many unknowns and dangers. Of course the biggest danger is always the Yaozu.

The human army and the monster race fought there, spanning the middle ages and modern times, and even now, it has never stopped.

"Chasing Tigers in Seven Years" recorded in "Shi Dao Chiu Hai" means that Jing Taizu spent seven years expelling the tiger clan who were at the forefront of the battlefield at that time, and greatly promoted the front line of the human race behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters , won more strategic space for the Terran army.

But Chai Yin is the strongest dog clan, Jing Taizu spent nine years repelling him.

The key point of this record lies in Jing Taizu's political strategy for dealing with the monster race... it lies in this 'dividing and transforming'.

In the era when Prince Jing shot the dragon and fox, the fox clan was the main target of Taizu Jing to divide the monster clan, and the dragon fox was the most famous strong fox clan at that time. "

Jiang Wang was a little taken aback.

Li Zhengshu continued: "The ostensible reason for this incident is that Longhu is the strong man of the demon clan Jing Guo is fighting for after the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters. Prince Jing's reckless behavior ruined Jing Guo's efforts to divide the demon clan. Therefore Jing Taizu 'thought it was unknown'."

Jiang Wang was thoughtful: "It's not unknown, but unwise?"

Li Zhengshu said again: "But in the situation at that time, it was impossible to divide the demon clan. There are many historical records about the situation of the demon clan in that era. Longhu is an insatiable character, demanding, there is no Sincerity. Otherwise, Prince Jing would shoot it and kill it, and the army would not cheer "Yongshou" - this incident is not recorded in the history of Dao Chiuhai, Jing Shi does not hear about it, but it is recorded in Chu History."

As he spoke, he recited a paragraph by the way: "Bo Yong shoots the dragon and the fox to gain the morale of the army, and the mountain calls for eternal life."

"That's how it is!" Jiang Wang suddenly realized: "In just a short paragraph of text, there are so many waves!"

Li Zhengshu smiled and said: "Those who can leave a name in the history will naturally have a magnificent life."

Boyong is the name of the prince who shot and killed the dragon and fox.

Generally speaking, the word "Yongshou" is used only when congratulating the emperor.

The cheering of "Yongshou" in the army is not only impolite, but also seems that Boyong is suspected of winning the hearts of the soldiers, which is too presumptuous.

in this case.

Jing Taizu chased and killed Boyong under an unknown name, probably because of the Tian family's struggle for power.

Of course, Jing Guo's history books have to avoid this, but Chu's history books will not cover up for Jing Guo at all.

And the reason why Sima Heng didn't include this matter in "The History of the Knife Cutting the Sea" is probably because he can't fully trust the history of Jingguo recorded in the history of Chu...

Reading a history book is really complicated!

Jiang Wang felt that it was much more difficult than Taoist practice such as watching oneself from the ears.

Li Zhengshu quotes extensively from sources, and he writes it at his fingertips. He is really a great Confucian!

As expected of a great Confucian at Qingya Academy...huh? Qingya Academy?

Jiang Wang inexplicably had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, I heard Li Zhengshu say again: "But these are not the most fundamental reasons. The most fundamental reason is...Jing Taizu has long intended to abolish the empress!"

On his handsome and extraordinary face, the expression was innocent. It seems to be saying, you don't have enough brains, you can't blame me for going left and right.

He smiled and said: "I only want to say one thing. The queen at that time was born in Daluo Mountain. The queen who was established later was born in Yujing Mountain."

During the whole "teaching" process, Jiang Wang's point of view was completely ups and downs, following Li Zhengshu's narration, constantly wandering, ups and downs, and frequent turns. Every time I thought I already knew it, then I found out that I didn't know it... Until the end, he suddenly declared the truth!

It's not that I have any bad intentions, but this evil taste is too much like Qingya Academy...

How boring!

And from this it can be inferred... Qi Tianzi deliberately asked such a complicated question, where is the benevolent emperor? He clearly intends to see me, Jiang, make a fool of himself!

But how can a person not bow his head under the eaves?

Lord Jiang could only cooperate and wonder: "Is it related to the struggle of the three branches of the Taoist sect? Is it related to the undercurrent between the royal family of Jingguo and the three holy places of the Taoist sect?"

Li Zhengshu smiled: "If you have finished reading Jinglue, then you should know. Jing Taizu's prince, the eldest son Boyong was established first, Shanghua was established after Boyong, and Zizhao was established after Shanghua. But in the end, when Taizu Jing abdicated The one who practiced and inherited the great position is Fu Ren. The so-called Emperor Jingwen."

He stopped here, naturally it is not convenient to go into details, and at the same time there is no need to go into details.

Jiang Wang was thoughtful.

After thinking for a while, he said, "I'm really confused!"

He said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, you have also seen that Jiang Wang is really not a material for reading! I can recognize those characters, but it is difficult for me to understand them together."

To his eagerness to get rid of the shackles of studying, Qi Tianzi only returned a casual look: "Before you went to Chu, do you remember what I told you?"

Jiang Wang said: "I dare not forget!"

"Tell me. How much have you memorized?"

"Chen, I have recited some..."


"About a third."

"A date?"

Jiang Wang said firmly: "There is indeed a third!"

"Mr. Yulang, you are here to do random checks for me, just check the contents of the first one hundred volumes." The emperor said casually, and then asked: "Is there enough time?"

Li Zhengshu replied with a smile: "It's still early for the court meeting."

Qi Tianzi then waved his hand, and in his laziness, he really had the momentum of arbitrariness and determination: "Let's start!"

After writing this chapter, people are bald.

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