Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1548 Banner Like a Dragon

The accumulation of Chong Xuan Zun has been completed, and you can come to God without regret.

He, Jiang Wang, only built the fourth floor together today, and it will take some time to understand how to grasp the way. It is not possible to engage in the battle of the gods at this time at the cost of the long-term future...

He could have said that, but he didn't.

He just said "I lost", only these three words.

No excuses, no excuses.

He did lose this battle.

He lost convincingly.

It is still unknown how many times the sword he has not used can break Chong Xuanzun's star wheels.

However, Chongxuanzun's Sun, Moon and Star's Three-Wheel Slashing Sword can definitely kill him.

It is true that he still has misguided magical powers that cannot be shown in front of others as his trump card.

However, it is still unknown whether it is really possible to complete the wrong interference.

His victories are unknown, but his failures are reality.

So of course he lost.

He is very clear.

The reason why Chongxuanzun chose to ascend to the gods was not because this person had no confidence in his Sun, Moon and Star Three-wheel Slashing Sword. It was because he was unwilling to win the victory with a worrisome attitude, and he was unwilling to allow himself to face the possibility of a draw, let alone accept the result of missing the battle against Xia after both sides were injured.

It is of course the best result to be able to crush Jiang Wang at the level of the outer building.

But today he can't do it.

No one can do it today!

Even if he lives up to the reputation of Fenghua, at most he can only win a front line - the battle just now has proved this point.

So he moves on.

As he said, after fighting Jiang Wang to such an extent, he has seen all the scenery in the outer building.

So go to God.

So God came to success.

At this moment, Jiang Wang is floating in the high sky, facing the reality, and accepting the result calmly.

He had done everything he could, so he had nothing to regret.

At this moment, he and Chongxuanzun passed each other in the air. He faced the army and belonged to the array of his losers, and Chongxuanzun faced the general's platform to welcome the glory of his winner.

Jiang Wang's steps are still calm, his back is still straight, his sword is still in the sheath, and it has not lost the slightest edge.

There is no such thing as depression, no such thing as decline.

In this world, all the stars are shining together, and the arrogance of heaven is constantly competing. Anyone can fail, and Jiang Wang is no exception.

Effort is not unique to him, Jiang Wang, and talent is not unique to him. Every talented person who shines in the world also has his own experience that is unique to others.

As long as you really do your best, no matter what the end result is...

to face.

Victory is joyful, and defeat is also calm.


When Jiang Wang walked down, he looked at the boundless sea of ​​people, which was about to merge into the sea of ​​people.

But suddenly heard a sound -


It's thousands of voices, it's ten thousand voices.

It is all the brave men in the army, and all the audience watching this battle. They can't help but shout for Daqi's peerless arrogance, and cheer for this wonderful battle!

It's not a mysterious sound killing technique, and it hasn't been instilled with any mysterious magic power, but it has the power to shake people's hearts.


For the battle of Tianfu!

For Da Qi strong man!

For two people who did their best to win!

Jiang Wang froze for a moment, then smiled. Chong Xuanzun also turned around in front of the stage.

They nodded almost at the same time, for those who applauded them.

Jiang Wang continued to walk forward, like a drop of water, merged into the sea of ​​people,

Li Fengyao looked at him, Li Longchuan looked at him, Yan Fu looked at him, Chong Xuansheng looked at him...

His friends looked at him and greeted him with tender eyes.

And behind him is Cao Jie's announcement on the general platform - "Chongxuan Zunyong won the three armies, and he will be the vanguard general who will conquer Xia! Since the Spring Death Army, the three capitals will be sent to the vanguard battalion, and they will not fall into battle!"

As the most elite army of the Great Qi Empire, the military system consists of nine soldiers, each counting thousands of soldiers.

One capital is set up, one capital is unified, two vices are unified, and ten teams are in charge.

The threshold for the post of Dutong is the Tenglong monk who broke through the gate of heaven and earth,

The threshold for the post of deputy capital commander is a monk of the Tongtian Realm.

The team leader's threshold is Zhou Tianjing monk.

Under the team, although there is no extraordinary threshold. But it also has to pass the army selection. It is the best warriors who are selected from the best, and only then can they enter the nine soldiers.

Cultivation is only the threshold, and promotion requires military merit. There are many people who are stuck below the military rank after reaching the cultivation level.

So for such a powerful team, the extraordinary proportions are amazing.

What is extraordinary?

Those who surpass ordinary people can live well in any place.

If you want to keep extraordinary monks in the army, use military regulations to restrict them. In addition to honors, we must also let them see the real hope of promotion and get tangible benefits that are superior to other places!

If people don't do good extraordinary masters, why should they come here to be shouted at by others and put under the yoke of the army?

Responsibility and ideals cannot sustain everyone after all.

Why are there so many monks willing to join the army?

Because the army has always been the best place for civilian children to be promoted.

In the state of Qi, there were even nine coaches like Xiu Yuan and Yan Tu who went all the way to the top of the empire.

And those opportunities and resources are nothing fake, they are real expenses.

Doesn't matter.

The monthly salary of these powerful armies in the world is an astronomical figure, and Daoyuan stones must be measured in carts. If it is not the hegemony of the world, it is impossible to support so many powerful troops.

What does such a strong army eat and drink every day? What kind of elixir must be paired with it?

What kind of armor do you wear? What kind of weapon do you use? What kind of environment should I live in, and what kind of pattern should be engraved? The pattern has to be replaced regularly, and it needs to be adjusted according to time and place, which is another expensive expense.

Of course, those horses mixed with the blood of monsters cannot be handled with ordinary fodder. A horse is a gold swallowing beast.

In addition, what kind of soldier formation diagram is suitable for such a sharp soldier? The formation diagram of soldiers must not be static and complacent. Those military formation techniques need to be constantly updated, otherwise they will only be beaten when they go to the battlefield. Other countries have released a new military formation technique, and you must organize people to crack it as soon as possible. In the same way, the military formation technique you used once has already been found by other countries to target it.

These military formation diagrams, these military formation techniques... How much manpower and material resources do you need to continuously innovate and evolve?

When the former Prime Minister Yan Ping was in office, he once couldn't help but say when the library of approval techniques was exhausted——"Suddenly feel cold hands!"

Even people like Yan Ping find it unbearable, which shows the huge cost.

In this way, a few strong troops can completely drain a country that is not rich.

This is just raising the army at ordinary times!

Once the army moves, the military salary must first be doubled. In addition, there is the settlement fee, you want people to work hard, how can you do it without the settlement fee?

These two expenditures alone are terrifying figures. Not to mention the loss of armor, the update of ordnance, and the replenishment of dao yuan stones on the battlefield...

The story of a protracted war that emptied the treasury is not uncommon in history.

Compared with the consumption of extraordinary resources, the food and grass consumed by ordinary soldiers and horses are all second.

An emerging regional power such as Zhuangguo, with the power of the whole country, compared with a powerful country, can only raise two iron armies. After wantonly expanding the army, it only expanded Jiujiang Xuanjia from 1,000 people to 3,000 people.

Not to mention how big the gap is between the 3,000 people of Jiujiang Xuanjia and the 3,000 people of Daqi Jiuzu.

There is a gap in every aspect between the two sides in their daily drills, the military formations they use, the armor they wear, the skills they practice, and the skills they practice.

But even this is the result of Zhuang Guojun and his ministers tightening their belts!

Such a Jiujiang Xuanjia is enough to make the surrounding small countries bow their heads.

And what about such a big Qi Jiuzu?

A branch of Qiusha destroyed Yangguo, and a branch of Chunshi defended Jianfeng Mountain.

Sweeping across the Eastern Region, he is more powerful than other countries. In the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, in the Lost Realm...wherever the soldiers of all races go, the military exploits shine brightly!

Such an elite fighter, under the influence of a powerful army, can really challenge the extraordinary gap!

At this time, Cao Jie dispatched Zhongxuanzun as a soldier from the three capitals of the Spring Death Army. He is a well-known vanguard general who conquered Xia.

Regardless of the overall situation of the Qixia War, in this final struggle concerning the hereditary Bowanghou, he was able to defeat Jiang Wang's martial arts with the power of the gods, and with his majestic momentum, he indeed overwhelmed Chongxuan at this time. .

"The final general will obey the order!"

Chong Xuanzun saluted Cao Jie, his posture and appearance were impeccable.

Since Cao Jie's personal guards approached him, he led him to the Spring Death Army to find his soldiers in Sandu.

Before moving away, he bowed his hands to Chen Zeqing again, which was regarded as a salute.

He took the Sandu soldiers of the Spring Death Army, so he needed to have an attitude.

And Chen Zeqing just nodded slightly, expressing his understanding.

Neither can I see any dissatisfaction with the elite being sent away, nor can I see any closeness to this newly promoted Shenlin Chongxuan Fenghua.

He sat calmly on the wheelchair, seemed to understand everything, and seemed to accept everything.

Cao Jie on the general platform did not announce any other appointments, and the specific and complicated military affairs were naturally handled by the generals in the army.

Tianfu performed martial arts before the battle. This battle, which is rare in ancient and modern times, has indeed gained momentum.

So he only looked in the direction of Xia Guo, and said: "Let's go!"

boom! boom! boom!

So the soldiers went to Gordon, and the army marched south.

The banner stretches like a dragon, soaring across the vast land.



Both Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng belonged to the Qiusha Army.

People from Chongxuan's family should naturally be in the army.

According to Chongxuansheng's preconception, he and Chongxuanzun should be divided into generals of the Autumn Killing Army, each leading ten thousand people, and they will compete with each other with military merit on the battlefield.

But Chong Xuanzun took the move of fighting for the vanguard before the Wanjun Formation, directly jumped out of the confinement of being a dojo in the snail shell, and pushed himself to a bigger stage——

It even landed at the very center of Qi Xia's battle!

The so-called "pioneer" is the tip of the spear and the tip of the sword.

It is the place where the two armies confront each other and collide first.

Chongxuanzun had only 3,000 troops. To be fair, Chongxuansheng would certainly not be able to lead another 10,000 people—with his cultivation as a general of the Autumn Killing Army, it was already very difficult, and he needed Jiang Wang's help.

In the end, he only controlled the soldiers in the three capitals and set up his own battalion.

The soldiers of the Autumn Kill Army may not lose much to the soldiers of the Spring Death Army. In the Autumn Kill Army, as the main force of the Qi Army, there will never be a lack of opportunities to make meritorious deeds.

But compared to the importance of the Pioneer is really hard to see the possibility of a comeback.

The army rumbled to the front.

A mere soldier from the three capitals, Yu Zhongxuansheng had no difficulty in military affairs, and he was just playing around. He quickly arranged everything and came to Jiang Wang's side.

Patting him on the shoulder, he said earnestly, "I almost won!"

Jiang Wang recovered from his comprehension of the way, and squinted at him: "Comfort me?"

Chong Xuansheng's chubby face wrinkled, and he said very sinisterly: "I mean why don't you work harder at ordinary times! You are only a little bit short of beating him, you say you are—"

He thought for a while, his big face stretched out again, and he grinned: "You were practicing when I took you to the brothel. It seems that there is no room to work harder! That is why you shouldn't be harsh!"

He said, 'I shouldn't criticize you', but what he said was, 'Don't criticize yourself'.

Jiang Wang just patted him on the shoulder: "I'm very glad that you are willing to admit that you dragged me to the brothel before."

Of course he could receive the relief that Chongxuan Sheng was better than nothing, but it didn't affect his emphasis on the word brothel.

Fourteen's expression was hidden behind the visor, and he remained speechless.

But Chong Xuansheng turned around with an astonishing reaction, and immediately threw the topic away: "I'm going to find Chong Xuanzun!"

"Why are you looking for him?" Jiang Wang chased after him.

Chong Xuansheng didn't turn his head back: "I'm sick of him!"

"I don't care if I get beaten!" Jiang Wang paused, and added to Shisi who was still reacting: "I can't beat Chong Xuanzun now, you have seen it too..."

Fourteen actually rolled his eyes.

Then he chased Chong Xuansheng away.

Jiang Wang stood there, speechless for a while.

A good fourteen, what's going on these days? This is too protective of the calf!

You don't care if he drags me to a brothel?

Did you hear that?

never mind……

A marching vehicle carrying a military tent happened to pass by, and Jiang Wang sat on it, thinking about his own practice.

Anyway, when the army was marching, it was impossible for Chong Xuanzun to really do anything to Chong Xuansheng. He was left to toss about.


A character like Chong Xuanzun who shines everywhere is of course easy to find.

Dressed in white clothes like snow, he was walking and talking with a general of the Spring Death Army.

Chong Xuansheng moved forward in a low-key manner, wanting to hear about the military affairs of this handsome cousin.

It's a pity that his figure is not so low-key.

In addition, Fourteen, who was in full armor, followed closely behind, and he looked quite aggressive.

Chong Xuanzun didn't speak anymore, he stopped and looked at him leisurely.

Chong Xuansheng recognized that the general next to him was Wu Duqiu, the general of the Spring Death Army. A well-known rising star in the army - of course not Chong Xuanzun's subordinates.

In my heart, I attribute it to the friends who respect Xuanzun.

His eyes seemed to pass by inadvertently, and he had already memorized all the nearby ones. Check back a little bit, you can find the corresponding information.

It's not that you must do something, at least you must be aware of the power that Zhongxuan Zun has. In this way, it is possible to judge Chong Xuan Zun's choice more accurately...

There are countless thoughts in my heart.

Chong Xuansheng strode over, grabbed Chong Xuanzun's hand, and shook it twice: "Brother!"

"The army is marching out today, and you have just achieved God's presence today. You just need to stop and consolidate your cultivation. It is irresponsible to take up the position of pioneer at this time. Once the road is flawed, this sincere life shake--"

He said emotionally: "Let my brother go for you!"

Wu Duqiu who was next to him was almost choked to death by his own saliva, and held back so hard that he didn't let himself cough out a sound.

Chong Xuanzun blinked his eyes: "What is consolidating cultivation? I don't quite understand."

He calmly said: "I have achieved God's presence, and it seems that I understand God's presence."

Chong Xuansheng had thousands of words in his mind, and all of a sudden it turned into "His grandma's!"

He said sinisterly that Chongxuanzun waited until today for God's arrival to suppress him and Jiang Wang's power, and put the battle for the title of Marquis of Bowang above the war against Xia.

At the same time, it is necessary to deliberately act as a brotherhood, so that Chongxuan Zun will be disgusted.

But Chong Xuanzun didn't touch other topics at all, he just showed off his talent there. No matter how many traps you hide in one sentence, I will only say "I am so strong", and my language really has a somewhat "cutting" style.

Chong Xuansheng let go of his hand, and said with a smile: "Then you can rest assured, brother fool."

Chong Xuanzun said with a smile: "You just need to rest your mind."

The pair of good brothers looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

Look at each other among the armies.

One is obese and gentle, and the other is handsome and unrestrained.

Wu Duqiu was at the side, and suddenly felt that this winter was indeed a bit cold.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai!


Thanks to the book friend "Is the heart far away" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 278th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to Dameng YangerrSun for rewarding Xinmeng!

Thanks to Dameng Pao Fat Haihai for rewarding Xinmeng!

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