Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1549 the emperor contends for the country

Official Taoism is a practice method that is a mixture of hundreds of schools. The reason why it can flourish in this world and almost become the mainstream is that it has the advantage of innovating the practice system.

This is a practice system that maximizes the use of the torrent of humanity so far. If there is an analogy, it can be regarded as a political manifestation of the way of war.

Gather troops to form an array and cross the extraordinary gap.

Gather people for the country, and use the power of the country to practice.

People on the torrent can travel thousands of miles. When the water rises, the boat will be high; if the water is fast, the boat will be sick.

The relationship between official monks and national power is complementary,

The stronger the country, the more monks and higher levels it can support.

If the official way is not prosperous, the official way practitioners who share the power of the country will in turn suck the blood of the country.

A small country uses the power of the whole country to support a few officials and gods.

When Yong's country was declining, he was almost sucked dry by a real person, Han Yin.

There are so many of them.

Official monks have to bear more responsibilities than Zongmen monks, which is determined by the path of practice. "You Sheng Bi Tan" said: "If you get the service, you must be useful. If you use the salary, you must accept the position. If you accept the position, you must accept the responsibility!"

Therefore, those practitioners who are big sects in the world, of course, have relative freedom.

But if you don't enter the official way.

Is the gap between man and nature so easy to cross?

God's coming is so easy to achieve?

How many monks have struggled for a lifetime!

The stronger the country, the more it can help practice.

The monks of the official way go to the back, but also gather great power, return to the power of the country, get rid of the shackles of the official way, and gain self-freedom... and the monks of the sect can be regarded as the same goal by different routes.

Take Xiangguo Jiang Rumo as an example, he was originally the cultivation base of the peak of Dongzhen.

After inheriting the position of Prime Minister of the Great Qi, share the power of the Great Qi, hold the handle of the Prime Minister, and immediately possess the power of the Dao Dao Realm!

Of course, this kind of Taoism is not a real achievement, once you leave the job, it will disappear immediately.

But as long as he secures this position and fulfills the corresponding responsibilities of the Great Qi Kingdom, his strength will not disappear. How helpful is mastering the power of Yan Dao for a long time to understand Yan Dao?

During the administration, he made some achievements and got more rewards from the country.

Many years later, someone took over the political platform and maintained his political career, making him abdicate safely with huge financial resources. He will have the opportunity to be like Yan Ping, the great power belongs to himself, and he can truly achieve the Tao, and the proof will be extraordinary.

So Wu Duqiu understood very well why so many children from the uncle and marquis' family fought for a title.

The so-called hereditary nobility is to share the glory with the country!

It is impossible to give it without great credit. No matter how talented you are, you can't get it without the right time, place and people.

Was Murder Chongxuan Chuliang a genius enough back then?

First there was Poxia, and then there was Mieyang. Is the credit enough?

His marquis is also limited to himself, and he is not eligible to be hereditary.

A hereditary noble such as Bowanghou. How terrifying is the power of the country that can be used! Who doesn't break the dog's brain?

If there is a hereditary noble in Wu Duqiu's family, he will definitely fight with his head. Originally, he only hoped for God's arrival, and with the help of the country's power, he can make the god's arrival a certainty. Originally, it was only possible to come to God, but with the help of the country, there is a chance to see the truth... Even if it is a talent from the sky, a hereditary marquis of a hegemony country, at least ten years of hard work can be saved!

Ren is such a peerless and romantic person like you, who dares to say that ten years is only a snap of a finger, and can be ignored?

How long is ten years? How much can a decade change?

On the outside, it is status, honor, and honor in a lifetime. For myself, the path of practice is to take one step at a time and step at a time.

Why not fight? Fools don't argue!

Rushuo's two brothers from Fang Bo's family are still brothers from the same mother. How long have they been fighting openly and secretly? It's about the future, who is willing to give up half a point?

It's just that the Bao family over there has already settled down, while the Chongxuan family here is still in the end.

This time on the Defaxia battlefield, under the operation of the Bao family, Bao Bozhao was also under Xie Huaian's command, and like Xie Baoshu, he led 20,000 soldiers from the Eastern Region to form a single army. Bao Zhongqing, who is also a descendant of the Bao family, has only commanded an army... It is also clear that he will not give him any chance.

Of course, in the view of Wu Duqiu at this time, the battle for the heir of the Chongxuan family is almost settled.

So when he watched Xuan Sheng's performance, he should have had some sympathy in his heart, just like he did when he faced Bao Zhongqing.

But at a certain moment just now, the smiling fat man in front of him...made him feel dangerous?

Wu Duqiu was in a daze, and Chong Xuansheng had already turned around and strode away.

"You cousin, it's not easy." Wu Duqiu said.

Chong Xuanzun didn't respond to this, but said: "Let's go, please trouble brother Wu to take me to find the Sandu soldier who called me."

It turns out that all the soldiers here belong to Wu Duqiu!

That is to say, Chong Xuansheng came here on purpose to investigate the information, and he felt lonely!

Wu Duqiu had a strange expression: "No way, you came to chat with me just to wait for him? My Mr. Zun, what's the use of you coming here? Whoever you brought with you, he will find out if he looks back casually Is it?"

Chongxuan Zunyun smiled lightly: "Teasing him."



"The noble son contends for the noble, the courtier competes for the government, and the emperor contends for the state."

"Everything in Gaifan's world has a certain amount. If I have more points, he will have less points, so we must fight."

"The way to walk alone is to cut off those who go with you."

——"Xia Shu·The Chronicle of Emperor Xiang"


There is a big city in the southern region, where thousands of miles of dragon veins gather, and it is called "Guiyi".

It is for Xiadu.

Great Xia has enjoyed the country for thousands of years, with profound heritage. At that time, it swept across the eastern part of the southern region and moved the capital here. It was named "Guiyi", which means the residence of the supreme.

Despite the defeat of the Eastern Expedition, the danger of the country's destruction, the death of the king and the loss of the country, it survived tenaciously.

Emperor Xia Xiang, who was dominant for a while, died on the battlefield together with all his adult children. There is only one young son who is only nine years old and raised in the deep palace.

The Empress Dowager Xia was in power, and King Wu Sijiao was in charge of the army, and they joined forces to support the country. The youngest son of Emperor Xiang inherited Datong and changed Yuan Shenwu to show that he would not forget martial arts, but to remember the eastward advance.

As for now...

It has been thirty-two years of Shenwu.

At this moment, in the Baohua Palace where the emperor and ministers of Daxia discuss matters.

Now Emperor Xia sits high on the dragon chair, under the crown of the sky, unable to see his expression. The posture is correct, but it does not lose style.

Behind the dragon chair, the bead curtain fell. The throne of Empress Dowager Xia is in the middle.

Everyone knows that the woman who stood on the top of the city with a phoenix coronet back then was the leader of the country's political affairs. Hold the power of a big country in one hand and decide the future of this country.

Dan Bi has three levels.

On the platform of the second level, there are two large chairs on the left and right.

They are the positions of Wu Wang Sijiao and Min Wang Yu Liyang respectively.

To be the pillar of this empire, to share the glory with the Son of Heaven——

Of course, we must also face challenges together.

Further down are the civil and military officials led by Xiangguo Liu Xiyi, Guoshi Ximengfu, and Zhen Guojun commander Long Jiao.

In the era of martial arts, Daxia used the power of the whole country to raise two powerful armies.

These two armies are powerful forces in the world that cannot lose to the elite army of the overlord country!

One is called Shenwu, and the other is called Zhenguo.

Zhenren Longjiao is the commander-in-chief of the Zhenguo army, and Wu Wang Sijiao personally leads the Shenwu army.

In the time of Emperor Xia Xiang, Xia Guo had six powerful armies from all over the world, and they conquered all four realms. It's a pity that they lost the battle for supremacy, and the six powerful armies that consumed countless resources of the empire were killed or injured.

Only the remnant brigade was collected by Wu Wang Sijiao, and he used it as a skeleton to build an army and defend the country.

After so many years of hard work, the second strong army was built, named after the town. After that, the four surroundings were considered peaceful, and the eagerness to move around surrounded by wolves was erased.

until today.

The silence in the hall has spread for a long time.

Today's Xia Kingdom is far inferior to the Great Xia of the past. Today's Qi State is far better than the Qi State of the past!

Qi State's million-strong army has already dispatched, and the voice of the oath of teachers in the western suburbs of Linzi seems to be resounding outside the city of Guiyi. Who can be without pressure? !

Although in the past thirty-two years, Xia Guo has always moved forward with the goal of restoring its former glory, and has always regarded Qi as an imaginary enemy. Xia Guo has already imagined how many wars will happen in his heart, and he wants to avenge his shame.


But when this scene really happened, when Jingguo abolished the Yitian Temple, when Qi's million-strong army came east... people seemed to really recall the horror of Qi.

Thinking back to the time when the powerful army was completely lost, the royal family of the Xia Kingdom was almost extinct, and there were only one king's capital left in the Xia Kingdom!

I remembered that not long ago, I personally sent the envoy of the Equal Kingdom, which resulted in the death of a precious god's monk in the revenge of the Equal Kingdom.

I remembered that the blood of Daoist Taihua, a generation of Taoists, stayed in Jianfeng Mountain forever last year!

How can this pile of scenes not make people feel like a mountain?

"Everyone, it's been two days since the court discussion!" Great Xia Guoshi Xi Mengfu said loudly.

He is a middle-aged man who looks gentle and gentle. Wearing a green Taoist robe bestowed by the emperor himself, he was the one who led the team to participate in the last meeting of the Yellow River.

At this moment, his quiet gaze swept over Dian Zhongwu: "This is the end of the matter, whether it's war or peace, let's come up with a charter as soon as possible."

Wu Wang Sijiao and Min Wang Yu Liyang have always refrained from expressing opinions on state affairs, and respected the Queen Mother Xia's governance very much. If the Qi army hadn't pledged to attack Xia, and the danger of overthrowing the country was imminent, they would not even participate in the court meeting.

Da Xia Zi, or the will of the Queen Mother, of course, will not be revealed too early.

In Baohua Palace at this time, there are actually not many people who are qualified to talk to Xi Mengfu.

Xiangguo Liu Xiyi, with white beard and hair and serious face, came out: "What do you mean by 'war or peace'? How can there be an option of 'peace'!"

As soon as he came out, he confronted the Ximeng Mansion tit for tat, unable to hide his anger: "When the army of the Qi State is overwhelming the border, if you ask whether it is war or peace, you are asking for peace!"

Liu Xiyi was named after Xiyi.

The so-called "If you don't see it, you're called Yi, and if you don't hear it, you're called Xi".

But he himself has a fiery temper.

It's not once or twice to point your nose and scold people in the court.

Everyone in the hall has already gotten used to it.

But today's the current environment, it is indeed a bit harsh.

Under the current situation, no one should rush to defend themselves against such accusations.

Only Xi Mengfu frowned... but asked rhetorically, "Shouldn't there be?"

Manchu civil and military uproar!

In Xia State, it is absolutely taboo to seek peace from Qi State.

When Emperor Xia Xiang died in battle, Emperor Xia's children were almost wiped out, until there was only one king capital left, and none of the Xia people asked for peace from the Qi people!

With the shame in my heart and the hatred of the country in my heart, I have worked so hard for 32 years, and I have come to the present step by step.

Today, Ximeng Mansion dared to ask this question openly——

"Shouldn't there be?"

"Of course it shouldn't be!" Liu Xiyi blushed with anger, and said angrily, "Who are you in the Ximeng Mansion? The first emperor died in a bloody battle, and the prince succeeded. When the prince died, the prince succeeded. When the prince died, the princess succeeded! There are tens of thousands of soldiers of my Great Xia, fighting bloody battles and burying the bones of the country, so that this country still survives! Standing in the temple built by their souls, do you have the guts to beg for peace from the Qi thieves?"

Xi Mengfu took half a step back, as if avoiding his splashing saliva, and said calmly: "Whether it's war or peace, someone has to say it. Is there only one voice in the court discussion? Everyone discusses a result, and I naturally You can accept it all. But before that, everyone was discussing the matter. What are you talking about about the late emperor? Is it the same as before? If you were able to fight back then, you may not be able to fight now."

"Why can't we fight?!" Liu Xiyi said angrily, "I am a man of civil and military affairs in the Great Xia Manchu Dynasty, with billions of people, and I have not forgotten to go east for thirty-two years!"

"Don't forget Dongjin..."

Xi Mengfu said: "In the past thirty-two years, I have not forgotten to go east..."

He raised his voice: "But there is no eastward advance!"

He looked directly at Liu Xiyi, and said with an extremely fierce attitude that has never been seen in so many years: "Not only did he not go east, but he also broke Jianfeng Mountain! Daoist Taihua's blood was splashed on the spot. The formation that has been built for decades, is completely destroyed, and the door to the Northeast is wide open! I have to offer the envoy of Pingping Kingdom with both hands! I also have to prove to myself that I have not colluded with Pingping in the absence of evidence from Qi Guo! Dare to ask Xiangguo, what kind of Unforgettable Dongjin is this!"

People seem to remember it at this time.

Back then when Jiang Mengxiong asked Emperor Xia about his fist, the State Teacher Xi Mengfu strongly advocated a big fight. He advocated that at that time, when the war against the country was launched, the Qi army must be beaten back, and Jiang Mengxiong could not be left behind, at least the Spring Death Army should be left behind. In any case, let the Qi people see the will of the Xia people.

The event of Pingguo had just happened, when the Qi army attacked Jianfeng Mountain. Xia Guo was also full of fighting spirit, clamoring to teach Qi thief a lesson.

But after a real king and five real people joined forces to climb Jianfeng Mountain, everything changed...

A terrifying lineup of five real people with one real king not only failed to force Jiang Mengxiong back, but was killed by Jiang Mengxiong on the spot.

He had to retreat to Jianfeng Mountain, and instead mobilized the army, trying to grind and kill Jiang Mengxiong with the strength of the army.

Then the army of the Spring Death Army arrived.

And then……

It is also in Baohua Palace.

Xia Guojun and his ministers discussed with the court that it was not appropriate to fight Qi Guo at that time. He thinks that Xia Guo should continue to bear the burden of humiliation and endure hardships until the time is right.

this wait...

Wait until Jingguo abolishes Yitian Temple, wait until the Jingmu War, and wait until a million Qi troops come east!

Shame? pain? angry?

There was too much anger in Liu Xiyi's heart.

But he found that he couldn't refute Xi Mengfu's words.

This powerlessness caused him more pain, and more anger in the pain.

In the end, he flicked his sleeves angrily: "Six-toed thieves are not enough and tricky!"

This seems to violate some kind of taboo.

The entire Baohua Palace was silent for a while!

Thank you book friend Linchuan Yanyue for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 279th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!


Explain a few sentences.

1. Sword Immortal with five supernatural powers and Sun, Moon and Star Sword with three supernatural powers

Sword Immortal does not have the active effect of unifying wrong paths.

After Sword Immortal A broke the star wheel once, Jiang Wang took the initiative to withdraw his sword, not that he could only break A once after hitting it.

Sun, Moon, and Star's three rounds of Zhanxu Dao are not three supernatural powers, but the five supernatural powers of Sun, Moon, Xing + Zhanxu + Chongxuan. If you have doubts about this, you might as well go back to the meeting of the Yellow River. It was clearly described at that time.

2. Why did Jiang Wang admit defeat. You dare to use your sword against the real king, why not this time?

Whether his sword can kill Chongxuanzun is unknown. Chongxuanzun's knife is sure to kill him.

So he thought that he had lost the battle in the outer building. He admits.

dare not?

If it's a fight for life and death, even if you respect Xuanzun today, even if you are promoted to the Dao, Jiang Wang will still draw the sword. But fighting for the vanguard this time is only the first step in the battle of winning and obeying the Patriarch. Jiang Wang stood up to help Pang win the battle, and if he lost this battle, it was the first to lose, not the overall situation. He didn't give up and continued to help Fat Sheng fight, and Fat Sheng didn't give up his hand to become the patriarch. The fight continues.

He slashed out with a sword he couldn't master, and missed Fa Xia due to injury, how could Fat win fight?

Cut off Wai Lou Zun, retreat together, excellent solution.

Slash the gods and obey, retreat by yourself, inferior solution.

I don't want to explain, these are all in the text.

But the reader's sentiment is understandable.

It's just that I knew I should ask for leave.


Facing Xia is a plot that has been foreshadowed since Qi Xia's hegemony, and I will not avoid it. But the real battle in the extraordinary world has no precedent, and I really don't have the confidence to write it well.

will be slow. Please bear with me.

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