Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1550 The State Owns Its Alone

There is a secret about Ximeng Mansion, which is almost never discussed publicly.

But those who are in Baohua Palace at this moment are all the highest level of Xia Kingdom, so naturally they all know about it...

When Xi Mengfu was born, he had six toes on his feet. His biological parents regarded him as a deformed monster and threw them directly into the river.

Just happened to be rescued by a boatman.

The boatman was a widower and lived alone on the boat all his life, so he adopted him without caring about any gossip.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, when he was seven years old.

One day, the guests on the boat saw his six toes and thought they were of the blood of a monster, so they tied him up and fed him to the beasts.

When the boatman came to stop him, he was beaten to death.

He took advantage of the chaos and jumped into the river to escape, and then ran to report to the official.

The person who killed the boat family said that he was trying to get rid of the demon, and the death of those who protected the demon clan was not a pity.

At that time, the child named Xi San'er stripped himself naked in the hall, and asked the adults present, where is he a monster?

The official was sensible, and sentenced the murderer to a fair punishment.

But how to deal with Xi San'er is a problem.

The boatman is gone.

He worked hard to find his biological father, but the other party firmly refused to admit that he gave birth to such a thing.

The official had no choice but to raise the child himself as a servant.

But it didn't last long.

When Xi San'er was nine years old...the county government caught fire, and the official's family was burned to death.

Only Xi San'er was out shopping at that time and escaped unharmed.

Some people say that he is a scourge, and all those close to him will die. Some people said that he was the one who burned the official family to death. He harbored hatred in his heart. He didn't want to be a domestic servant, but wanted to be the official's son...

Someone arrested him for questioning, but no evidence could be found, so he had to be let go.

In this way, he lost his home again.

And this time no one dared to adopt him.

Emperor Xia Xiang at the time knew about this matter somehow, and personally instructed him to send the child to the National Academy.

It is said that "the country has its orphans, and the country supports it".

Xi San'er read the book and named himself Xi Mengfu. He thinks he has a family. He is the eldest son of that family, so he is called "Meng", but he has no family. The widower has lived on the boat all his life, so he took the word "Fu". Hope to have my own home.

Later, Emperor Xia Xiang came to the National Academy and wanted to test the knowledge of the students on a whim.

The teacher selected a total of six students and sent them to the emperor. Among them, there was no Ximeng Mansion with the best grades.

The reason for this, Xi Mengfu naturally understood.

National Academy is a place where scholars gather, but not all scholars can understand the truth.

"Weird" is a crime in itself.

He has long been used to it.

But Emperor Xia Xiang said that the ones chosen by the teacher are not counted. He does not look at the flowers and brocades weaved, but at the thorns and weeds he grows. Ask someone to bring the roster, blindfold the accompanying prince, and ask the little prince to randomly select them.

The little prince held a pen and circled the ink, and selected seven students in this way.

After Emperor Xia Xiang passed the exam himself, he was very happy because one student performed very well.

He patted the student on the shoulder and said, you are a good talent in my country of Xia.

The student knelt down and asked the emperor—"Did you know that I have six toes on my feet?"

Emperor Xia Xiang was stunned for a moment, and said, "I know, so do you have any special abilities that you want to show me?"

This student is naturally Xi Mengfu.

There is no need to mention old things.

But Liu Xiyi's words of "six-toed thief" today are undoubtedly a great humiliation to Xi Mengfu. It is a huge depreciation of his morality and even personality!

Therefore, there were quite a few civil and military ministers who wanted to agree with Liu Xiyi, but they were silent for a while.

Don't dare to speak anymore.

On the throne on the right side of Dan Bi of the second rank, King Min Yu Liyang had an unnatural expression. After all, he led five real people to besiege Jiang Mengxiong, and finally returned without success, and even damaged the real king of Taihua, a well-known Daoist...

Everything that Ximeng's mansion said seemed to expose his shortcomings.

As for the six-toed thieves, the unspeakable pain of the Ximeng doesn't matter.

King Wu Sijiao on the left throne kept his eyes closed all the time, not knowing where his mind was wandering.

On the highest-level dragon chair, Xia Zi sat upright, quietly observing the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, just like so many years in the past. Just watch, don't talk.

And in the bead curtain hanging behind the throne, a majestic female voice suddenly sounded: "Liu Guoxiang, you have lost your composure!"

Although Liu Xiyi has a fiery temper, he respects the Queen Mother very much, especially at this moment he also knows that he has made a slip of the tongue. He bowed his hands to His Majesty Dan, and retreated to where he was standing.

At this time, only Ximeng Mansion was left standing alone in the middle of the hall, the figure reflected by the pearl on the dome hung down to the ground, like a soul that had given up struggling. He didn't speak for a moment.

Of course, he remembered more about the details of getting along with the first emperor back then.

For example, the prince who accompanied the late emperor at that time was the third prince Xia who was cut to pieces by the birthday knife when he besieged Chongxuan Chuliang in the territory.

For example, he actually replied with a sentence at the time, saying: "I work very hard."

And Emperor Xia Xiang said: "This is the most special ability."

For example... When he went back that night, he cried silently under the quilt for a long time.

But he doesn't say anything now.

The voice of Empress Dowager Xia said again: "Last year's decision on Jianfeng Mountain was made by the Ai family and all the ministers together. The so-called this moment and that moment are the most appropriate decisions at that time. After a long time, they have become inappropriate today. Sure. But if we can survive this catastrophe, it may be right to extend the time by another ten or a hundred years. Who has the eyes to see into the future? The sage Bu Lian also has ancient fallacies, so we don't have to settle old scores."

She does not lack the courage to admit mistakes, but she cannot admit mistakes.

Because the leader of this "mistake" was Yu Liyang.

It was Yu Liyang who failed to counterattack Jianfeng Mountain, and it was Yu Liyang who was repelled by Jiang Mengxiong. In a situation where the crowd beat the few, Yu Liyang couldn't even protect Taihua!

It wasn't a mistake that he couldn't beat Jiang Mengxiong, but Yu Liyang was to blame for his ignorance of the situation and misjudgment of his strength!


King Yu Liyang of Min was a true monarch who became a true monarch in the 17th year of Shenwu. For a long time, he had been regarded as the hope for the rise of the Xia Kingdom in the Shenwu era-how could a country still have a newborn true monarch to grow up? Isn't it a proof of prosperity?

He once gave too much confidence and courage to Xia Guo people, and he is also the only Yan Dao Zhenjun in Xia Guo, and he is the foundation of resisting Qiang Qi.

How can you blame this pillar of the sky because of what has happened?

Empress Dowager Xia's voice is pleasant and kind, with inherent nobility and majesty deeply embedded in it. Over the years, it has always been able to give people a kind of inner stability.

With these words, she made a final conclusion on the matter of Jianfeng Mountain.

Then he said: "Peace talks are impossible. It's not because the Ai family is not willing to part with the country. The foundation left by the late emperor, the Ai family has guarded him for thirty-two years. If we can meet each other under the nine springs, we are not ashamed to be with you." He. But you might as well think about it, what kind of person is Jiang Shu?"

"Back then, he was determined to swallow Xia, regardless of many obstacles. Letters from various countries were sent one after another, and he replied pretendingly while marching. He was not willing to retreat until the Yitian Temple was actually completed. He was not What we talked about going back was beaten back by us!"

"This time, he first secretly mobilized Cao Jie to help Muguo capture Liyuan City, which led to the dispute over Mujing. Then he fought Jingguo in Xingyueyuan, won the battle of Tianjiao, and forced Jingguo to withdraw Yiyuan City. Tianguan. Walking one step at a time to this moment, when a full-scale war broke out in Mujing, and sending millions of troops to the east, isn't his determination clear enough?"

"His ambition to swallow the sky has already been revealed."

"What he wants is not one city and two cities, not one mansion and two mansions, what he wants is the fertile land of my Great Xia's twenty-one mansions, and what he wants is the accumulation of my Great Xia's thousand-year history."

"My Great Xia will not perish, I think it will be hard for him to sleep in peace!"

Empress Dowager Xia's voice reverberated in Baohua Palace, giving everyone a clear awareness and breaking the surviving fantasy of cede land for peace.

"The Empress Dowager Shengming!"

The commander of the Zhen Guojun, Long Jiao, will come out.

This is a tall and handsome man, born with a dignified appearance, and in this Baohua Palace, he is also in full armor.

He has a gritty air about him that gives the impression of being indestructible.

At this moment, he only said: "Jiang Shu is a wolf with ambition, and his desires are endless. If you want him to retreat, you have to let him know that Xia Guo, a hard bone, will break his teeth!"

He raised his head up and faced the supreme ruler of the entire Xia Kingdom: "I come here in armor today, and I can go out at any time! If I die in battle, I don't need a coffin, and I will let the horse's hoof step on it, and my flesh and blood will be mixed with the summer soil!"

"What a Dragon Reef!" said the voice of the Empress Dowager Xia behind the bead curtain, "I am worthy of being a famous general of the Great Xia, and I have lived up to my bravery!"

Comparing the two, Ximeng's mansion is more and more cowardly.

Under the strange gazes of many ministers, Xi Mengfu's face still had no expression on his face, as if he didn't know what shame was. He just said: "It's easy for one general to die in Daxia. Thirty-two years ago, many died. But Daxia How difficult it is to build a strong army! General Long, if you die in battle, you will be defeated once and for all. If the Zhen Guo army is overthrown, how can you teach me?"

After Liu Xiyi made a slip of the tongue, Xi Mengfu's words became sharper.

Long Jiao turned to look at him, still maintaining relative respect for him: "My lord, to fight or not to fight depends entirely on the decision of the Queen Mother. I can only say that if it is for war, I will not hesitate to die. I One hundred thousand soldiers under his command, named after the country, dare not die when the country is overwhelmed?!"

Xi Mengfu nodded slightly to show respect, and then said: "I respect your courage, but your death may not be able to solve the problem. The defeat of the Hundred Thousand Township National Army is itself a huge problem!"

"Dare to ask Master Guoshi!" Feng Guogong Zhou Ying came out at this time: "What do you think can solve the problem?"

As the head of the Zhou family, a famous family in the Xia Kingdom, Zhou Ying is a real person in the world who is also known as Taihua.

Naturally, he has the confidence and qualifications to question the Ximeng Mansion.

He wasn't polite either.

"Cut a city?"

"Cut a house?"

"Advancement table?"

"Cutting the Emperor?"

He took a step forward and asked.

The more severe the color, the more intense.

Words are as sharp as a knife.

"Like the lord of the Zhao Kingdom, wagging his tail and begging for mercy, 'willing to be the Marquis of Qi'?"


He walked in front of Ximeng's mansion, almost face to face with him: "The problem won't be solved until you become the national teacher of Qi State?"

His eyes were already frighteningly cold, and he sneered: "It seems that what we are considering is not a problem!"

The atmosphere in the hall was already very solemn.

But at this time, another voice continued: "It's a pity that Qi State is too big. With the strength of Zhenren Xi, it may not be possible to become a national teacher!"

The speaker was Li Fu, Hou of Guangping.

Although he, Li Fu, is not a real person in this world, the Li family has a long history and profound heritage. As a hereditary prince, he does not lack the confidence to face the Ximeng Mansion.

Xue Chang, Marquis of Yangling said coldly again: "What are you thinking Marquis of Guangping! There is no such thing as a national teacher in Qi!"

"That's what I thought wrong." Li Fu apologized again and again, and pretended to be puzzled: "Then what are some people trying to do? The country is generous and rewarding, and they really don't know how to raise unrighteous people?"

Longjiao has fought for the country for many years, and made many achievements with blood. He is low-key and decent, and has an excellent reputation among the ruling and opposition parties. His act of expressing his fighting spirit was aggressively suppressed by Xi Mengfu.

It was unbearable.

Those who thought Liu Guoxiang's words were too exaggerated before could not sympathize with Ximeng's mansion at this time.

All of a sudden, the crowd was excited.

From Zhou Ying, Duke of Fengguo, to Li Fu, Marquis of Guangping, to Xue Chang, Marquis of Yangling, each of them spoke more intensely than the other.

Long Jiao himself did not say a word at this time. As he himself said, he only had the determination to fight to the death, and he had no intention of targeting anyone.

And Ximeng's Mansion just watched these people quietly, and waited until they had finished speaking and scolding each other, and then said: "It seems that everyone feels that seeking peace is not the way to go."

While he was speaking, his eyes swept over the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, as if he was asking for everyone's opinion.

Seeing that he seemed to have repentance, Zhou Ying snorted coldly: "I've looked through the history books, but I don't know that there is peace in the world!"

"Oh, that's right." Xi Mengfu nodded, as if he was really convinced.

Then he said: "Since the peace cannot be reached, the old man has another plan!"

"National Teacher, but it's okay to say." The voice of Empress Dowager Xia behind the bead curtain said: "The so-called court discussion is to speak freely and argue clearly. No matter what other people think, the Ai family is willing to listen to your opinion."

So Zhou Ying, Li Fu, and Xue Chang all fell silent for a while.

And Ximeng's mansion stood in the middle of the hall, and said first: "Presumably, all the lords already know that An Guohou went to Chu and returned without success."

An Guohou Jin Ling went to Chu as the emperor's envoy, and Chen said that because of the relationship between his lips and his teeth, he asked for reinforcements from the Chu State. It had already begun since Xingyueyuan...

But Chu State doesn't seem to care who is the neighbor to the east, or has other plans, in short, he is indifferent.

This is also one of the reasons why the Xia Kingdom is now gloomy.

Looking around the world, there is really no one who can rely on Qi Guo for them...

Ximeng's mansion said loudly: "The old man thinks that Chu Fei can't come to help, it's the Marquis of Anguo who is wrong! We should cut off all the land south of Huaiqing's mansion and give it to Emperor Chu. In this way, when Qi's army arrives south, they will fight or not ? When the Chu army came west, did they defend or not? Discipline and discipline are fighting each other, and I, Daxia, can sit back and relax!"

In Baohua Palace, all the ministers looked at each other in blank dismay.

Thanks to the book friend "Shuanglan," for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 280th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "reading novels quietly to relieve boredom" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 281st League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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