Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1551 I am also greedy for life

The reason why all the ministers looked at each other in blank dismay was not because of how ingenious the plan was, but because Xi Mengfu seemed to have lost his mind!

Between Huaiqing Mansion and Xiadu Guiyi, there is only one Sang Mansion separated.

Cutting off all the land south of Huaiqing Mansion is almost equivalent to surrendering half of the Xia Kingdom and placing one's heart and soul in front of the people of Chu!

What kind of talent is Ximeng Mansion, and what kind of person was scared by Qi State, to be able to come up with such a "smart plan"?

"Everyone, listen to me carefully."

In the foolish eyes of the civil and military ministers in the hall, Xi Mengfu said with confidence: "Chu country refuses to come to help. There are only a few reasons. In history, we have often fought with Chu country, and we have long-standing grievances. The second is that the environment in the southern region is complex, separated by mountains of books, the reason and the more the screen, and the sect forces are intricate. No matter whether the Chu people come or we go, it is inevitable that the gains outweigh the losses. The reason why the first emperor chose to go east was also for this reason. Three, the war between Qin and Chu has not been long, and the valleys and plains have turned into white land. The pressure from Qin cannot be ignored by Chu. If there are fewer people coming, they may send sheep to the tiger's mouth. If there are too many people, Qin people may make changes..."

"There is only one thing that can dispel these reasons—benefits!"

"Enough benefits, no resentment. Enough benefits, worth the risk. We take the initiative to cede the land, and Shushan has no reason to interfere. So the past grievances are gone, the future is in sight, and the reality is no problem. Is there any reason for the Chu army not to come?"

Xi Meng's mansion talked about it left and right, but they also came up with some unreasonable reasoning.

"This is the strategy of drinking poison to quench thirst! What is your intention in Ximeng Mansion?!"

Jin Ling, the Marquis of Anguo who was sent to Chu as an envoy, was blushing and extremely angry at this moment. He didn't even want to be honored as a national teacher, and he directly called the real man Ximeng's mansion with his spiritual cultivation.

"Don't get excited, Marquis An Guo, it's reasonable not to speak loudly." Xi Meng's mansion was very calm, and bowed to him: "Dare to ask how this strategy is drinking poison to quench thirst?"

Jin Ling said angrily: "Qi people are greedy, so Chu people are just good men and women? Today, half of the country is cut off to serve Chu, not to mention whether Qi Chu will secretly communicate with each other, and simply divide our Great Xia. Let them really fight each other." Get up and help us repel the Qi State. Doesn’t the Chu State have ideas for us? Doesn’t the Emperor Chu want to unify the Southern Regions? Qi Zhi’s blade is still outside the country, but Chu’s blade is coming to your heart?!”

Xi Mengfu said enthusiastically: "We can ask the Chu people to fight together, and let us control the situation, so that they will lose both. If the Qi people retreat, and we chase the Chu people again, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

"You only treat others as fools!" Jin Ling said, "When two tigers are fighting, you, a sheep, decide the intensity of their fight?"

Ximeng Mansion was thoughtful: "The Marquis of Anguo just returned from his envoy to Chu State. Although he returned without success...but I trust your familiarity with Chu State. From your point of view, it seems that Chu State is indeed Is there no possibility of sending troops?"

Jin Ling was too lazy to talk to him, but turned to his majesty Dan: "I am incompetent, and I have not been able to convince the Chu people. But judging from this trip, the Chu people seem to have an ambiguous attitude on the surface, but in fact they are very ambiguous." Resolute. The trauma of the Battle of the River Valley will take time to digest. They have no intention of competing with another hegemon in a short period of time."

Of course, this is only the personal opinion of An Guohou Jinling.

But it certainly convinced a lot of people.

"Forget it!" Xi Mengfu waved his hand: "If the Chu people don't come, they won't come, and we don't ask for it!"

He said again: "The old man has another plan!"

The Prime Minister of Great Xia, Liu Xiyi, endured it for a long time, but finally couldn't help it: "Don't have any tricks. You're talking nonsense today. I just think you're a fool. Take a rest! Military matters, how can you pretend to be crazy?!"

But the voice behind the bead curtain said: "National Teacher, please speak."

The Empress Dowager Xia seemed to still have expectations for the wisdom of the Ximeng Mansion, and suppressed the voice of the Prime Minister Liu Xiyi.

Ximeng's Mansion also said in an unyielding manner: "This plan is to 'dispose of hundreds of schools and only respect Confucianism!' From then on, we will regard Shushan as a holy place and establish Confucianism as our country. With the land of our 21 mansions, we will do our best to build Confucianism, please get the support of Shushan. Shushan is as strong as a cloud, and will definitely help us stop Qi's soldiers!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

Now even the ancestors of the family and the real people in the world can't help it.

He used to practice in seclusion all the year round and didn't care about foreign affairs. When the country was in danger, he broke through the pass and came to the court to negotiate with the owner of the family. Unexpected to hear such absurd remarks.

"It's a good one, 'Depose all schools of thought, and only respect Confucianism!'" Chu Gongyi laughed back in anger: "I'm here to touch Gongyi, and you come and depose!"

Xuan Ping Hou Fan Ao is a monk from the San Xing Palace, and he didn't have any bad words against Xi Meng Mansion when the crowd was turbulent before. This would be really intolerable. "Xi Zhenzhen, you are not an orthodox Confucian disciple. You are still wearing Taoist robes. If you depose a hundred schools, will you be deposed?"

Zhou Ying, Duke of Feng State, Li Fu, Marquis of Guangping, and Xue Chang, Marquis of Yangling also started making noises for a while, and the whole Baohua Palace was full of hustle and bustle, like a vegetable market.

Ximeng's mansion has committed public outrage, and some people even want to kill him to sacrifice the flag.

On the throne, Yu Liyang finally stretched out his fingers and tapped the armrest of the seat, and said with some headache: "Xi Zhenren, what do you think? My country of Xia embraces hundreds of schools and accommodates all kinds of sects. Only then can there be these people who can resist Qiang Qi." Jiye. If you do this, the people from Shushan may not be as many as the ones from Xia Kingdom! Are you going to abolish your own martial arts in the midst of the war?"

Yu Liyang, king of Min, was born with a good appearance. When he was young, he was a beautiful boy with red lips and white teeth. When you are less than thirty, you will come to God, and you will not be old since then.

Since he was a child, he has been talented and outstanding. Xia Guo cultivated with the resources of the country, and he lived up to the expectations. He successfully climbed to the top of the extraordinary and became the pillar of the country.

His life was a brilliant life.

Sitting on the throne at the moment, there is no serious expression, and the voice is not very loud, but the whole Baohua Palace is quiet.

Xi Mengfu saluted him: "His Royal Highness King Min!"

Then he saluted King Wu Sijiao: "His Royal Highness King Wu!"

It doesn't matter whether King Wu is still out of his mind, and salutes to the emperor again: "Your Majesty!"

Then salute behind the bead curtain: "Queen Mother!"

Probably this is the ranking of honor in his heart.

Then he straightened up, under the stare of Prime Minister Liu Xiyi, and in front of Xuanping Hou Fan Ao's serious expression, he folded his hands in a circle: "My fellow colleagues, you great Xia Dongliang, I have heard your voices, your opinions , I know everything!"

"It seems that everyone has reached a consensus except me."

"The so-called peace negotiation is not advisable, the state of Chu cannot be relied on, the mountain of books is not reliable, Jingguo? Jingguo even withdrew the Yitian Temple!"

"So you all think that facing Qi Guobingfeng, there is only one way for us to go - and that is to fight!"

He looked around: "You all think so, don't you?"

"very good!"

He suddenly became impassioned, and his voice seemed to shatter the dome: "Then fight!"

"Stop fantasizing!"

"Don't bother with the head and the mouse!"

"We have no other way to go!"

"Either fight or die!"

"I, Ximeng Mansion! I have other ideas, I have other ideas. I am greedy for life and afraid of death, I am weak and cowardly. I am different from you! But I am also the same as you! We are both Xiachen, eat Xialu, and suffer together. Xia En. I respect the opinions of all of you, and I am willing to implement all the decisions of the court and accept all the consequences. Because this is the future we... decided together!"

He raised his sword fingers with his right hand, and slowly slid across his left palm.

Open a wound.

The real person's blood, drop by drop, fell on the floor tiles.

In this hall, he made a statement to everyone: "I asked General Longjiao, if the Zhen Guo army is overthrown, why would he teach me?"

"General Longjiao didn't give me an answer."

"I don't have an answer either!"

"But what answers are needed?"

"There is only one road before us."

"If we win this battle, we can find any answers slowly. If we lose this battle, we will perish and we will no longer need answers!"

He held up his bloody left palm, and said loudly: "General Longjiao said that one hundred thousand soldiers of the national army all have the will to die. The Ximeng family is not talented, and they would like to die, that's all!"

The entire Baohua Palace was silent again.

into another kind of silence.

It's the kind of quiet where you can hear your heart beating like a drum.

Listen to this heart quietly, get this ambition quietly, and feel this bosom quietly!

Min Wang Yu Liyang was all solemn.

Even the fuzzy Si Jiao opened his eyes for a moment.

For thousands of years, what people have been striving for is nothing more than fame and fortune.

The so-called "the prosperity of the world is all for profit; the world is full of hustle and bustle, all for profit."

And in life, who is not tired of fame? Who doesn't want to leave a name in history?

There are those who sell fame and reputation, and there are those who invite fame from the emperor.

Only this Ximeng mansion, Yu Li got nothing, Yu Li's stink is hard to wash away, just to unify the will of Xia Guo's courtiers, turn himself into a puddle of mud, let everyone step on it, without any self-scrupulousness .

He is not a person without status, he is the national teacher of Daxia. After struggling all his life, he became one of the most honorable people in the entire Xia Kingdom. Today, it can be like this for the country.

Really impressive!

Suddenly there was the sound of pearls knocking jade.


Behind the throne, the bead curtain was lifted——

Empress Dowager Xia actually came out from behind the bead curtain!

For the first time in thirty-two years, the curtain was lifted, and it stood in front of the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty.

What kind of woman is this?

The hand she pushed aside the bead curtain herself was obviously beautiful and soft, but it had the power to share the world. The color of jade is extremely precious, covering the sky with hands.

The bead curtain was lifted, revealing her world.

She seems to have stepped out of a heavy story, unfolding her life picture so calmly.

She is not young anymore, in the fine lines at the corners of her eyes, there are years of precipitation.

You can still feel the beauty of her youth.

The eyebrows are like new leaves, and the eyes have autumn marks.

People are like jade, with graceful manners.

But her unique charm lies in her beautiful appearance. It is an indescribable, reassuring temperament.

"Mother's Queen." Xia Zi called, and got up to avoid his seat.

But the Empress Dowager Xia took a step forward, put her hand on his shoulder, and gently pressed him to sit down.

"The emperor should not take his seat for the Ai family, and the Ai family should hold the chair for the emperor."

The Empress Dowager Xia lifted the curtain and came out, which has extraordinary meaning. It was originally "listening to politics", but now it is "regarding politics".

Xia Zi got up to avoid his seat, in order to give up his authority to go abroad.

But she refused.

She doesn't stand alone for dignity, she just stands up to resist the wind and rain.

She lightly pressed her hand on the imperial chair, as if she had really stabilized the precarious world for Xia Zi, for her and the only remaining son of the late emperor.

She took a step forward, as if she was stepping on the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in Xia Kingdom, and walking on the ridge of thousands of miles of dragon veins.

Everyone looked at her, at this woman who had actually saved Xia Guosheji and supported Xia Guo so far.

"The national teacher said that he was greedy for life and afraid of death... why not Aijia?"

She used this sentence as the opening scene after she lifted the curtain.

Her eyes shifted, and she looked at everyone present: "Standing on the city wall back then, facing Qi Tianzi's soldiers, watching the purple Weizhong Tiantai Emperor's Flag, covered like a sky... Aijia was so scared Almost out of breath!

Ai Jia's palms were covered with cold sweat, and his heart was trembling all the time!

The Ai family was too afraid of death, too afraid of dying like that, too afraid of dying in the broken Guiyi city. I am afraid that the corpses are lying on the broken walls, the rain of blood is floating in the sky, and the lonely souls are floating in the world.

Aijia is afraid... afraid that there will be no Xia people in the world after death, and afraid that there will be no Xia in the world after a hundred years! "

"My lords!"

She looked over with sincere eyes.

"The Kingdom of Xia is not a country of Xia who mourns the family alone."

"Xia Guo is not just you and me, not just our Xia Guo."

"Our parents, grandparents...our relatives and friends, teachers and apprentices, classmates, neighbors...all the people and things that appear in the trajectory of life have made this name together."

"Now it will be erased!"

"Isn't this terrible?"

"Isn't that scary?!" she asked.

"General Long said that Zhenguo should be a dead country. The national teacher said that a dead country is okay. But Aijia doesn't want you to die. Aijia hopes that you can live well. Aijia hopes that you can live well with the memory of Xiaguo .”

"If there is nothing to be done at that time, you can go on your own. The world is so big, there is always a place to stay."

"But before that, please don't let people erase the word 'Xia' easily."

"Because it doesn't just belong to you and me. Not only does it belong to our parents and grandparents, but it should also belong to our children and grandchildren! How can we let the name that should belong to them be lost in our hands?"

She stood on Pill Pill, in front of the dragon chair, and bowed deeply to everyone.

Now even King Wu Sijiao and King Min Yu Liyang stood up and returned the salute.

Under Majesty Dan, all the officials bowed down.

But the Empress Dowager Xia still did not get up, and said earnestly: "Misters! Please cherish your lives, and for the word 'Xia', at least make an effort beyond your life!"

On this day, the civil and military courts of the Great Xia Manchu Dynasty swiped their left palms and swore an oath of blood.

Swear to break Qi thief!

So Wu Wang Sijiao was appointed as the commander-in-chief, Long Jiao was the deputy commander, and Min Wang Yu Liyang accompanied the town army, sending out 200,000 soldiers from the Shenwu and Zhenguo armies, and a million soldiers from all over the country.

Xiangguo Liu Xiyi, Guoshi Ximengfu, Guangping Hou Lifu, Xuanping Hou Fan Ao, Anguo Hou Jinling, Yangling Hou Xuechang... all in the army!

Among them, Zhou Ying, Duke of the State of Feng, sent tens of thousands of soldiers from the Zhou family to lead the expedition.

The Patriarch of the Chao Family, the Patriarch of the Chao family, let the family of the Chao family have tens of thousands of soldiers. The ancestors of the family touched the public and the army accompanied them.

Taixu, the Patriarch of the Tai family, said: "The Tai family has already died, and the world mourns the rain of blood. Can the living mourn for the dead?"

So all the young and strong members of the family sent 13,000 soldiers from the Tai family to the front line!

All of a sudden, the whole country of Xia was fighting!

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