Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1553

Si Jiao took a deep look at Yu Liyang.

This Yan Dao powerhouse, who is too young for him, can be regarded as growing up under his watchful eyes.

When he was young, he was a famous swinger, and later he became a real person, and he also called himself "Peach Blossom Fairy". A real slutty man, really a slutty man, his wanton flirtatiousness has earned him a great reputation in the entire Southern Region.

It was after Daxia once suffered the catastrophe of destroying the country that he seemed to be a different person. Become dignified, gentle and courteous. Then, in the seventeenth year of Shenwu, he stood on the top of the extraordinary.

If Jianfeng Mountain must be guarded by someone, Si Jiao himself would be the safest and most capable of realizing the strategic vision.

But he is the coach of this national war, and he should not be moved lightly, let alone placed on the front line easily.

With the current situation in Xia Kingdom, it is absolutely impossible to just fill in a real person in this world.

After all the calculations, only Yu Liyang is the most suitable.

But even if he is a dignified Martial King, he can't take the initiative to make this request.

He couldn't take the initiative to let a True Monarch who was equal to him take risks.

So if Yu Liyang didn't make up his mind, he was planning to fill in one more Marquis and go to Fengjie Mansion with Jin Ling...

"We are not going to defeat Qi in this battle. Although when we pledged to be the master, we all said that we would invade the Eastern Region and break Linzi... But you and I both know that this is impossible. It is us who can repel the Qi army. highest goal."

Si Jiao said: "But in fact, we don't need to repel the Qi army. What we need to fight for is time. Jingmu's all-out war has lasted for a full 21 days, and Jingguo is the hero of the world, with no match for it. There is no telling when the outcome will be determined. We just need to hold back the Qi army, and when Jingguo wins the battle in the Northern Territory, we will naturally win the battle."

Yu Liyang looked into the distance with his hands behind his back. He didn't like the feeling of weakness of "just holding on" and "just buying time". Whichever is above, depends on it. The Xia Kingdom now doesn't even have the aspirations to get beyond it.

But he also knew very clearly in his heart what was the truth.

He asked: "Does King Wu still remember how long we guarded after the late emperor died in battle?"

"Thirty-three days."

Even though it was thirty-two years ago, when Si Jiao said it, it still felt like yesterday.

That kind of generous and heroic feeling cannot be buried by time.

"When the main force was defeated and the first emperor died in battle, we still defended for thirty-three days. In thirty-three days, every inch of mud and every inch of blood, we fought to the death of the whole country, dragged down Qi Feng, and built Yitian Look. The Emperor Qi had to go back! This time the Emperor Qi has not arrived, Jiang Mengxiong is not here, it is Cao Jie who came. We don’t care about winning, and it’s not a problem to hold on for half a year. Half a year is enough for Jingmu It's a winner!"

"I think so too." Yu Liyang said. The tone is a little flat.

Si Jiao thought for a while and decided to give Yu Liyang a reassurance, so she said: "In the Outer World earlier, I let a small world form a friendship with Lord Changsheng of Nandou Hall. This time I asked him to help, Nan Dou Hall will support us in fighting Qi!"

Yu Liyang couldn't help being moved!

The Changshengjun of Nandou Hall, that is the existence standing on the peak of the extraordinary.

Once known as the Antarctic Longevity Emperor, in charge of an ancient sect, and a fairy emperor in the world, it can be seen that he is magnificent.

Later, he was forcibly stripped of the emperor's title by Chu Tianzi, so he was only called Changshengjun.

Si Jiao actually asked a real king to help him without saying a word?

This is a very useful chess!

Used at critical moments, enough to turn the tide of battle!

But Yu Liyang also thought at the same time, no wonder King Wu didn't care about Jin Ling's envoy to Chu. It is impossible for Lord Changsheng to be in the same army as the Chu people. Since he invited Lord Changsheng, he naturally had no hope for Chu from the beginning.

"Will Nan Dou Hall go all out?" Yu Liyang asked.

You must know that Nan Dou Hall is the great sect in the world, and there are six real people in the hall, all of whom are temporarily strong. For today's Xia Kingdom, it is really a helping hand.

Si Jiao said, "At least Lord Changsheng will make a move once."

Of course Yu Liyang understood.

The so-called friendship between Si Jiao and Lord Changsheng is open to discussion. It should have just reached a certain agreement, in exchange for Lord Changsheng to make a move, and maybe one or two real people from Nandou Palace.

It is impossible for Nan Dou Hall to fully support it... The ancient sect has its own rules for inheritance.

So what's the price to pay?

This question rang in my heart, but I didn't ask it.

In the end, Yu Liyang just said: "With King Wu around, the sky won't fall down. You can go alone without any worries!"

Si Jiao said sincerely: "Jianfeng Mountain can abide by the rules, and it is best to delay the Qi army for half a month. If it can't be done... I also ask King Min to put the country first, don't cherish Qingming, and evacuate by yourself. My lord Xia Eryi Mansion, without Fengjie Mansion, and Xiangyou Mansion, every inch of rivers and mountains can be fought. But if there is no King Min, there will be thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and no one can fight... King Min, don’t let me be alone ah!"

"Don't worry, King Wu, I know the severity."

Yu Liyang took one last look at the formation masters who were busy up and down, and saw that the Jiulong, which was under construction in the same central city, was one step away from the fire formation.

Of course, Xia Guo also had a national defense array - when it was abolished at one time, after the Qi army retreated, the Empress Dowager Xia directly emptied the treasury and rebuilt the national protection array, so that Xia Zi's enthronement ceremony at that time was abnormally held Shabby. Even the emperor's mianfu has only one set. Empress Dowager Xia herself, even for a long time, was still wearing the queen's clothes of that year.

The great formation that the Empress Dowager Xia insisted on rebuilding back then was an important reason why the Xia Kingdom was able to get out of the war so quickly and settle down quickly after the catastrophe of overthrowing the country.

Its power is certainly extraordinary.

In any country, the National Defense Array is a fundamental existence.

But as the biggest card in Xia Guo's national defense, the National Defense Formation must not be used so early.

Not to mention anything else, the resources consumed by the opening of the National Defense Formation are truly terrifying. Every day it is opened, a large amount of Dao Yuan Stones are consumed, and it is impossible to use it as a conventional method.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a line of defense similar to Jianfeng Mountain to supplement national defense and prevent foreign aggression.

Today Jianfeng Mountain can no longer be trusted.

The defense line of Tongyang city is the second line of defense built by Xia Jun this time, and it is also the real line of defense against the Qi army.

Tun it with heavy troops, and solidify it with the Jiulong Lihuo formation.

Brick by brick, person after person...

It was as if the trickles of the entire Xia Kingdom's manpower and power gathered together to create a raging tide, and in a very short period of time, it was necessary to draw a natural moat!



Fengjie Mansion is in the northeast of Xia Kingdom.

Jianfeng Mountain is the most famous male mountain in Xia Kingdom.

The so-called "Northeast Gate, erected with the edge of the sword" in "Great Xia Local Chronicles" is exactly the case.

In the era when Yang Kingdom stood in the east, Emperor Yang's majesty never crossed Jianfeng Mountain, so it was very famous.

Until last year, it was broken by the Qi army's raid.

Wang Yiwu, the young general of the Qi State, was a vanguard, and his troops were about to die out. Breaking into the Xia Realm overnight, regardless of life and death, stormed Jianfeng Mountain! Forming an army formation to kill Hua Fangyu, the guard of Jianfeng Mountain at that time, the formation of guarding the mountain did not have time to come out, and the ordnance all over the mountain was transported away by Qi people——

This was supposed to be the story that made Wang Yiwu famous all over the world.

But because Jiang Mengxiong later stood on Jianfeng Mountain and asked about Emperor Xia with his fists.

Everything before that is relatively bleak, and not many people care about it...

After all, in front of the name "Jiang Mengxiong", what kind of inner mansion kills supernatural powers and outer building, what kind of inner mansion is the world's number one, is just like a child's play house.

Jiang Mengxiong once again became famous in the world, showing his domineering aura, which is nothing more than an example of his countless brilliant achievements in the past.

And Yu Liyang, who became the background of the punch that blasted down Bailizhiyuan and directly caused Xia Guo to show weakness, was inevitably looked down upon by the people of the world.

Therefore, Yu Liyang, who climbed Jianfeng Mountain again, felt complicated.

He is most suitable to guard Jianfeng Mountain, and of course he knows what others know. The reason why Marquis An was asked to ask for death, and Si Jiao was required to give a hint, was not without such complicated emotions.

He is really not good at facing this.

Jianfeng Mountain is like a long sword that pierces the earth to the sky. With the mountain as the handle and the stone as the front, it is extremely dangerous and sharp, standing on the only way to enter the hinterland of Fengjie Mansion.

It has the potential to break through the sky.

If this mountain is broken, the northeast gate of Xia Kingdom will be opened wide.

The defense of Jianfeng Mountain has been built for decades, but it collapsed only overnight.

The person surnamed Hua is really a waste, he has a noble family, he has supernatural powers, and he has learned the art of war, all on paper!

But what we have to face up to is that in that battle, Xia Ting was obviously not vigilant. At that time, no one thought that the Qi Congress would send troops suddenly, because at that time Yitian Temple was still there, and Jingguo's deterrence was still there. Many people in the Xia Kingdom are still dreaming of peace of mind, thinking that they don't have to pay any price, hoping that an equal country can stir up internal strife in Qi and make the overlord die.

No one expected that Jiang Shu was so strong at that time!

Yu Liyang saw even more——

At that time, the Qi army was able to quickly coordinate with the countries along the way, and asked the vanguard commander to drive straight in. The news was blocked along the way, so that the speed of information transmission could not catch up with the speed of marching.

It is not only a manifestation of the strength of Qi's army, but also enough to show that from Qi to Xia, those small countries caught in the gap between the two countries have long had a firm political bias.

The gap between Qi and Xia may not be clear to many Xia people after the revival of Shenwu, but the attitudes of the surrounding small countries are clear enough...

Looking at the jagged and strange rocks on the mountain, at least on the surface, the continuous fortifications have been repaired.

Yu Liyang will inevitably think of the bloody rain that day.

Think of that pair of fists that overwhelm the world...

Think of Taihua Daoist's desperate eyes!

At that time, one real king and five real people went up to Jianfeng Mountain to form a formation of seven absolutes and seven kills to besiege Jiang Mengxiong.

The so-called absolute heaven, earth, and people, absolute intention, potential, and heart, absolute path and root.

These are the seven musts.

It is the killing array of Daoist Taihua who became enlightened!

He is in charge of the root gate of Taoism, and Taihua is in charge of the Jedi gate of the Heavenly Gate...the seven gates are all opened, and the killing power is almost destructive, covering the entire defense line of Jianfeng Mountain.

But everything was shattered under the finger of the pair of "defeating the army and killing the general".

He couldn't bear it even with the blessing of the killing array, and Daoist Taihua was beaten to death with one punch...

In this national war, perhaps the biggest good news is that Jiang Mengxiong did not play.

However, since Cao Jie can win the competition and become the head coach of the Qi army, is he really not as terrible as Jiang Mengxiong?

I hope that it is because Jiang Mengxiong's meritorious deeds are too great and he is taboo by Emperor Qi, that's why he failed to command the army!

Yu Liyang stepped up to Jianfeng Mountain in one step, immediately took over the power, and arranged defenses in threes and fives.

But when he sat down on the top of the mountain and waited for the Qi army.

He lost his meaningless "hope" again.

how can that be possible? he thinks.

What kind of person is that Dongguo emperor?



"The Grand Marshal of the Zhen Kingdom or his meritorious deeds are too great, and he is taboo by the Emperor Qi, so he failed to control the Xia army. Otherwise, how could he lose to Cao Jie?"

"The cunning rabbit is dead, and the lackeys are cooking! Qi has become the overlord, and the military god is useless. It is useless to waste the power of the country. It is difficult to do its part. It is suspected that the meritorious service will overwhelm the lord!"

"There is no prince in the state of Qi. Jiang Mengxiong is in charge of the military affairs hall. He is on the top of Yan Dao. He has been promoted to be the Grand Marshal of the Zhenguo. He is known as the God of the Great Qi Army. He has no seals and no rewards. How can he promise again? The merit of cutting Xia? How will the emperor reward? Could it be the Dragon Court?!"

War never exists in isolation. Fighting above is based on power, fighting outside is based on alliances, deciding on swords and axes, and colliding with the court. For example, public opinion, such as national opinion, are all weapons.

Rumors spread quickly in Linzi.

And one is more dangerous than the other.

It seemed that a little spark fell into the oil pan and exploded immediately.

Of course, it also reached the ears of the emperor.

As a resting place before the court meeting, it is also often used as an imperial study... The layout of Donghua Pavilion has not changed in fifty-six years.

Only last year, there was an extra stone screen.

There are pictures of living beings drawn on it.

At this time, Qi Tianzi stood in front of the stone screen with his hands behind his back, watching and listening quietly.

Han Ling, the head of the internal officials, finished his report without adding or subtracting a single word, and then stood there silently, as if sinking into the shadow of a lamp.

Qi Tianzi laughed suddenly: "It is much faster than Cao Jie's marching speed."

The speed of rumors is naturally faster than the march of millions of troops.

There wasn't any Donghua Scholar by his side today, so he spoke more casually.

Otherwise, if this word spread, it would be easy for people to feel that the emperor was dissatisfied with Cao Jie's speed. Spreading the word is a huge pressure on the front line.

Han Ling remained silent and had no opinion to express.

"I don't care how these voices came to me." Qi Tianzi said slowly: "I just ask you, have people dealt with it?"

In rumors, three people make a tiger, and one mouth makes money. Repeated ten times and hundreds of times, the false will become true. After listening to it a hundred times and thousands of times, it is inevitable that I will feel guilty in my heart.

Han Ling bowed and said, "Nothing useful was found in the interrogation, and all of them were fed to the beasts."

He said again: "It is the dereliction of duty of the minister to pollute the ears of the emperor with rumors. Let's start to rectify it."

"That's all." Qi Tianzi waved his hand: "These people can't be killed."

"Loyal today, traitor tomorrow. Reliable this year, may not be reliable next year. How can we kill them all? When Xia Guo is gone, they will naturally be safe."

Han Ling then quietly retreated into the shadows.

"Some people are deaf, some are dumb, some are bad, some are stupid, some are sincere, some take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble, some are confused for a while, and some are always smart!"

Qi Tianzi looked at this picture of sentient beings, as if he had found what he saw among the crowd of sentient beings. It seems that nothing was found.

After all, that figure has stayed in the autumn forever.

Finally just sighed——

"What a beautiful painting!"

Thanks to the book friend "Demu is so cute" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 283rd League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Sister Zai Lin" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 284th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!


Thanks to all readers for their support.

Recently, I should write more, but the war against Xia is really too difficult to write.

I seem to be standing on that battlefield, watching the collision of two powerful countries, but I am just an ordinary person who has not been able to surpass the extraordinary. With naked eyes, I can't understand many things, and some things are beyond my imagination. Nor can it be formed.

I wanted to trace the painting in front of me, but it was a bit difficult to draw, I didn't know which part to start to sketch.

I, like you, walk in the fog of that world.

Let's go, let's go!

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