Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1554 Levying the flag to point to Xia

Behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, Frostwind Valley.

This place is entrenched with extremely cold wind all the year round, waiting for idle monks, they will die immediately, and their bodies and souls will be frozen.

Only in the winter months of each year, when the frost and wind of the world blew across the border, the extremely cold wind here would disperse for a short time, giving way to the transit passage.

And in this month, the fighting between the human race and the monster race around this passage is often more intense than the frost and wind.

The winter moon in Frostwind Valley is often red and white.

In one of the cols, there was a man standing outstandingly, listening to what the person next to him was saying, nodding his head from time to time. "Hmm.", "Oh.", "Like this."

This person is white-robed and silver-spear, with clear features and clear eyes. He is truly unparalleled in style.

Frostwind Valley is not an exclusive area for any party. Every time it is opened, various forces can send people over to compete with the monster race for resources here. No matter what quarrels there are in this world, at least behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, it is the righteousness of the human race to fight against the monsters together.

The person in front of Ji Zhaonan seemed to see the hope of success in his lobbying, and he spoke up excitedly, as if to reprimand Fang Qiu.

As Ji Zhaonan listened, he suddenly raised his hand, and the world famous gun flew across the sky like snow, piercing his throat, protruding from the back of the man's head!

The life was annihilated along with the sound, and the person fell on the white snow of Frostwind Dale.

What happened was very simple.

After a great battle, the Yaozu temporarily retreated, and Ji Zhaonan and the others occupied this mountain pass.

The man suddenly came over and exchanged a few words in the name of his comrade-in-arms. After exchanging pleasantries and exchanging pleasantries, it seemed that some things were mentioned unintentionally. It's nothing more than about "flying birds are exhausted, and good bows are hidden", about the jealousy between monarchs and ministers, what to say about the military god is in danger——

Ji Zhaonan didn't wait for him to finish speaking.

It is taboo to kill people behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, but there are not many fools who can fight in Frostwind Valley.

Everyone can see what happened to that person just now.

After taking the initiative to bring the entanglements of this world to the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, Ji Zhaonan said some so-called provocative words, and Ji Zhaonan listened to them.

In full view, how many of them really can't see right from wrong?

Those who can't see clearly are mostly determined, or don't want to see.

"Why are you so hot?"

Standing on a boulder on the opposite side was a man wearing a black Taoist robe with a sword in his hand. His demeanor was originally cold and stern, but at this moment he smiled a little: "This man makes a lot of sense, and he is also thinking of you master and apprentice!"

But it is Jing Guoshen Lin Tianjiao Chun Yugui.

Fighting life and death in this world, fighting each other with swords. After arriving at the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, they were able to chat with each other calmly, and even kill monsters side by side.

This is the world behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters.

A world that cannot be said to be more cruel or purer.

"Soldiers are deceitful and use everything to the extreme. Being able to spread the word here is also considered to be something of a Xia countryman."

Ji Zhaonan curled his lips: "Is it just too stupid? What's the use of passing these words on to me? Even if I am persuaded, am I not afraid of death?"

Chunyugui laughed out loud.

After laughing, Fang said: "You don't have to be so afraid of death, I am willing to open the gate of Jingguo for you, Ji Zhaonan, let's see who can kill you?"

Ji Zhaonan seemed to be very interested in thinking for a while, and then said: "What is the name of the Tianjiao in the inner palace that you guys died last year?"

Chunyu Gui shrugged his shoulders: "There are bound to be accidents in life."

Ji Zhaonan said: "Then you have too many accidents!"

"To each other." Chunyu Gui said.

"Oh, accident!" Ji Zhaonan sighed.

Chunyugui stepped lightly on the stone under his feet, and suddenly asked: "You tell me the truth. Was Zhao Xuanyang killed by you Qi people?"

He looked at Ji Zhaonan and emphasized: "Humans don't lie to humans."

"Yes." Ji Zhaonan nodded without hesitation.

He even recounted the process enthusiastically: "At first, the people of Qi were hospitable and enthusiastic. Jiang Wang gave Zhao Xuanyang a face and only walked with him for a few days. I didn't expect Zhao Xuanyang to take Jiang Wang to Yujing Mountain. Said, if you let go now, I will spare your dog's life. Zhao Xuanyang shot out in a rage, and used a move of Heaven's Judgment and Earth's Sword. Immortal - tsk tsk, there is no scum left!"

Chunyugui sneered: "Come on, take a break. He can't even defeat Chongxuanzun, so why not kill Zhao Xuanyang?"

"Is there any necessary connection between whether Xuan Zun can beat Xuan Zun too hard and whether he can kill Zhao Xuanyang?" Ji Zhaonan said, "The true strength of our Qi people will be known at the moment of life and death!"

Chunyu Gui said coldly: "When the Stone Rhinoceros Demon King comes over, you should let me see it."

Ji Zhaonan smiled: "If it's revenge for you, I will."

There were a bunch of people scattered around, and the people on both sides of Qi Jing were okay, each of them was silent and serious.

People from other countries all looked at the show, happily admiring their bickering.

Chunyu Gui didn't want to talk anymore.

But Ji Zhaonan said again: "What did you just say, Jiang Wang can't beat Chongxuanzun? Isn't it normal that the inner palace can't beat the outer building? It's worth mentioning?"

"How long has it been since you left the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters?" Chunyu Gui said, "Jiang Wang is consummated on the fourth floor, and Chong Xuanzun has arrived!"

"Young people are awesome!" Ji Zhaonan sighed, and said again: "Why do you care so much about us Qi people? Is it because your Jing country has become rotten and has no one worth caring about?"

Regarding the temptation in Ji Zhaonan's bickering, Chunyugui just smiled and said: "I only know that you will lose your title as the number one person under the age of 30 in Qi State, and you will lose your title. What kind of Wushuang armor, Shaohua gun, it's really ridiculous. They took it away. With all the brilliance of my generation, now I am in the same situation as you, and all your brilliance has been taken away!"

Ji Zhaonan also smiled: "Although your aggressive method is stupid and ugly. But I want to admit to you that I was provoked. Wait, I will teach him a lesson when I go back."

But as soon as the laughter landed, he rushed out of Daoyuan and leaped out of the col with his gun in hand.

Chunyu Gui was not slow in the slightest, and rushed forward together, the long sword was already in his hand.




The horn sounded like a bull's horn, and the demon clan has arrived!



"The collision of two great powers, of course, will eventually be reflected in force. But war at the national level is by no means limited to force."

In the darkness, a voice said: "Jiang Shu smashed Jianfeng Mountain before the meeting of the Yellow River, so that the Xia people could see the reality clearly, realize the gap, and wear down their courage.

To solve the Yitian Temple is to strip off Xia Guo's external momentum.

With such a set, Xia Guo's hard shell has been smashed into pieces first. Really wins. "

"So, in your opinion, Qi Faxia's overall situation has been settled?" Another voice asked.

Both voices are very ethereal, concealing the principles of the Tao and shielding the secrets of the heavens, making it impossible to hear the true appearance.

The previous voice said: "Victory does not mean victory... How can there be a victory? Xia Guo will not be slaughtered. Although Si Yuan died, his will is still alive. The strong army is exhausted, but the blood and courage are still there. Such a In the country, the outer shell is broken, but the big pincers are still there. Even if the pincers are broken, there are still sharp claws, strong teeth, and barbs in the flesh. It is not so easy to enter! And Xia Guozhi is one son, The victory of the Qi State is in one game, and the difficulty is very different. In my opinion, the result is unknown."

Si Yuan was the real name of Emperor Xia Xiang at that time.

The latter voice knew it, and only asked, "So do you think we should take a risk this time?"

"King Zhao has made it clear that he will not get involved in this you have time?" the previous voice asked lightly.

"Hehe." The latter voice said: "Time is very important to us, but it is not important. I just think it is not a good choice to let Jiang Shu swallow summer."

"Who do you think Jiang Mengxiong is waiting for? Jiang Shu sits in Linzi, and who is he waiting for?" The previous voice said: "Since you know that this shot is an 'adventure', then we shouldn't make a shot."

The latter voice was silent for a moment, and said, "You are right."

"Wait and see." The previous voice responded with the same words: "Time is very important to us, and it is very unimportant."

The latter voice smiled in a deep voice, and suddenly said: "Sheng Gong, I have always been curious. Who are you?"

"But I don't want to know who your hero is." The previous voice said: "I only know your ideals and your aspirations. Those who share the same goals, why bother to reveal your face?"

"Perhaps in life, there are times when the road is far away... It is difficult to know the heart and soul of those who have acquainted with each other. For those who go together, how many people will return together?" The latter voice said: "But you are right, so be it."

Both voices then dispersed.

If anyone can listen to this conversation, they must be surprised by the identity of the interlocutor.

Because Shenggong, Shenxia, ​​Zhaowang... are the three leaders of Pingping Kingdom!

For a long time, Shenlong has never seen the end.

In the end, it will disappear, so that the world will not hear it.



In the 3920th year of the Dao calendar, November 15th.

Cao Jie led a million Qi troops to the east, and all the small countries along the way avoided the road.

Even several small countries took the initiative to mobilize troops to fight with Qi's army.

However, Cao Jie did not recruit, saying that "there is only one who can have millions, and there must be no teacher outside the palm."

They didn't even collect food and fodder supplies, and only strictly ordered the countries along the way to keep the army's supply lines open.

The necessary military supplies are set off with the army.

In an era when the state system was prevalent, the so-called supplies in wars would not be the same as when the subjects of the Zongmen era fought against each other.

Ordinary storage boxes have limited capacity and cannot meet the needs of the army.

Those utensils with extremely small size and huge storage space are also expensive, so they cannot be widely used in the military.

As far as the Qi State is concerned, the storage square carts produced by the manufacturing workshop are usually used to transport supplies, and the chasing wind monster horses are used to carry them, and a special escort officer is in charge.

These escort officers are all warriors in the army selected from the best, possessing extraordinary strength. He has a very high status in the army, standing side by side with the flag soldiers, and is generally called "two guys" by ordinary sergeants, namely "flag guy" and "grain guy". Back then, Ji Zhaonan was a flag guy.

No matter what position you are in, soldiers generally communicate with each other, and they will be very proud when they talk about which year and which army I was a grain guy.

The storage limit of the storage cart and the speed of the pack animals are the directions that the fortification officials need to work hard. And this kind of effort, to a certain extent, is precisely the embodiment of national strength.

The strength of the major hegemons is indeed strong in all aspects. Hidden in the people's livelihood, manifested in the army, and reached in the court.

With the supplies of a hundred thousand troops, a team of escort officers, and a dozen or so storage carts, one trip can be completed.

In the Great War of the Age of Nations.

The loss of supply has been greatly reduced, the speed of supply has increased unprecedentedly, and the pressure on the supply line has also been reduced too much.

Of course, supplies are still the top priority when marching.

Cao Jie led the army to the east, set up flags along the way, and asked all the countries to guard them, forming formations thousands of miles away, so that the army's veins would be unimpeded.

This kind of battle flag has a name, which is "requisition flag".

Generally speaking, it has the abilities of warning, holding the way, and attacking.

"Warning" is easy to understand, and it can even be said to be the most important ability of Zhengqi, which can well ensure the safety of supplies.

All the flags are connected to each other. It can be counted as some kind of long-distance communication. Although only very simple warning information can be delivered. But Zhengqi, a weapon of war, is currently the only one that can maintain long-distance sensing during war! Its preciousness can be imagined.

The second is "holding the way". Levying the flag has two effects in this respect. One is to gather the power of heaven and earth in the place where it stands, which can help the escort and the chasing horse who came with the order to quickly recover. The other one is to increase the flight speed of the order-holding escort and the chasing demon horse within the range of influence. On long supply lines, these two effects are very important.

In addition, Zhengqi generally has a certain ability to attack. Within the scope covered by the flag, the escort officer can use the power of the flag to fight.

Conquering the flag is so important, Qi's "Ziji Conquest" is even more outstanding, it is a military weapon that blesses the power of Daqi!

From the Qi state to the Xia state, a solid supply line was established every one hundred miles and lined up all the way.

There are special soldiers stationed for each flag. But at the same time, the countries along the route must also provide corresponding protection during the war. If something is lost... the overlord will ask him to blame!

War is not a duel between one or two people, nor is it simply drawing a sword to divide life and death.

It's about people eating horse chews, walking, sitting, lying down, eating, drinking and lazing, when there are thousands, tens of thousands, and hundreds of millions of can we control it freely.

Once there are more than ten thousand people, there is no limit.

There are more than 100,000 soldiers, like a vast ocean.

The man who generals the army is the dragon and the phoenix among the people.

Those who will be one hundred thousand are the talents in the world.

The commander in chief of an army of one million cannot be a famous general in the world.

On November 7th, the Qi army set off for an expedition, and arrived in Xiaxia on November 15th.

In just eight days, millions of troops were brought to the Xia Realm in an orderly manner, and the army was well-organized and the soldiers were as powerful as a dragon, which really reflected the quality of a famous general.

Of course, for Cao Jie, this is perfectly normal and not something to boast about.

The first challenge before him now is that Xia Jun directly gave up on the national border, chose to fortify the wall and clear the country, created a hundred miles of white land, set up countless traps, or used Taoism, or equipment, or mechanisms... in order to stagnate Qi Jun Bing Feng.

The second challenge is behind the Baili Baidi, the Jianfeng Mountain that pierces the sky...

On Jianfeng Mountain, King Min of Great Xia, Yu Liyang, sits in person.

This is the first confrontation between Cao Jie and Yu Liyang.

Nobody wants a second time.

In other words, I just received the physical book when the express delivery point opened today, and I can write the plot against the paper map.

It's not as big as I imagined, I thought it was the kind of big map that can be hung on the wall. I circled it with a pen, wouldn’t it be a sense of substitution as if Cao Jie scolded Fang Qiu...

But now this one is about the size of my computer screen.

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