Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1558

Yu Liyang couldn't even watch Jing'an Hou's final charge carefully, and wanted to escape before being locked up.

Chongxuan and Chuliang deliberately paused, narrowed his eyes, and took a closer look at the meteorite rain that fell all over the sky.

The flames are shining for thousands of miles, and the stones are falling.

Vigorous and vigorous, it is really a magnificent scene.

This is the last afterglow of this Jianfeng Mountain and this five-stage virtuous formation...

After taking a quiet look, he raised the knife, the life-cutting knife that divides the world, just a light touch in the air, as ethereal as a cloud of smoke——

It has already been collected.

And everything in the sky that people can see has disappeared.

Including clouds, including fire, including the seemingly endless meteorite rain... It seems that they never existed.

Cut out the clear sky with a single knife!

Controlling an army of 100,000 autumn kills, mobilizing the strength of the army, the lethal power that Zhongxuan Chuliang can exert is definitely at the level of a true king.

It's just that the matter of controlling an army of one hundred thousand is itself a strong constraint, which restricts the coach from being as free as a strong man whose mighty power belongs to himself.

In history, when using an army formation to kill a strong Yan Dao, it is necessary to let him fall into the formation first, lock him up with soldiers, and then attack continuously, and then he can complete it...

That's why Cao Jie asked Yan Ping to lock Yu Liyang.

The sky is empty.

After Zhongxuan Chuliang put away his saber, he led the army back and retreated. The meritorious autumn killing army that should be assigned is indispensable, and the next thing has nothing to do with him for the time being.

The 100,000 army is like flowing water, surging freely on the vast land. It is really a scene that makes the viewer feel comfortable, with an indescribable natural lightness.

There is nothing better than this in the art of using soldiers.

In the scene of the strong attack on Jianfeng Mountain, no one noticed Xia Guojing'anhou Hua Hongzhao.

Because he had already been wiped out by Ji Tu's knife together with the last afterglow of the Jianfeng Mountain's mountain protection formation.

In his final charge, there was not even a light or shadow.

No heroism.

The only ones left on Jianfeng Mountain are the scattered Masterless Masters and the damaged formation...

"Fengjie has become Qi territory!"

On the car above the Rongchong building, Cao Jie said so.

At this moment, Yu Liyang has left, and the last attack of the five-stage virtuous formation has been erased.

The entire Jianfeng Mountain is already an undefended existence.

The entire Fengjie Mansion and twenty-three cities are all under the horseshoes of the Qi army and before the blade!

The Faxia commander who had just forced King Min back from Daxia and broke through Jianfeng Mountain in less than a day, issued three more military orders.

The order said: "Order Chen Fu's troops to take over Jianfeng Mountain, and don't cause unnecessary casualties!"

Another order said: "Order Li Zhengyan to lead his troops to attack the city and pull out the stronghold while preserving their strength. Within three days, I will change the flag throughout Fengjie Mansion! Three days later, I will gather the Wind Chasing Army On the west bank of the Lianjiang River. At that time, I will take the Wind Chasing Army as the vanguard and attack Xiangyou Mansion!"

Another order said: "Chen Zeqing was ordered to operate the intelligence. 'Yu Liyang, king of Min, guarded Jianfeng Mountain personally, sitting on a large array of powerful troops, and did not defend it for a day.' I want to spread this news throughout Guiyi City in the shortest possible time. Let women and children know about it!"

After giving three orders in a row, he turned around and walked into the Rongchonglou car without looking at the battlefield again. Although the banners are flying, although the crowd is turbulent, although the blood and fire have not yet been burned, the battle at this stage is over...don't look any further.

The banner officers guarding around Rongchong quickly galloped away, passing Cao Jie's order to all parties.

Ruan Yu still stood behind the steel battlements with his hands folded, looking at the scattered and gathering clouds in the sky.

Although he doesn't know the art of military strategist, he can understand Cao Jie's orders. From these orders, we can see Cao Jie's unparalleled confidence in this war!

Accepting the current Jianfeng Mountain is not difficult at all.

You can use any army.

However, Chen Fu, the official of the imperial court, was a very measured and well-mannered person, and the county soldiers under his command must have better military discipline than the coalition forces of the Eastern Region countries. Able to fulfill the order "Do not cause unnecessary casualties" very well.

And the will embodied in this order is consistent with Cao Jie's second order.

Let the more elite Chasing Wind Army capture the entire territory of Fengjie Mansion, instead of letting 300,000 county soldiers or the coalition forces of the Eastern Region countries do it... It is also because of the world's powerful army like the Wind Chasing Army, and its military discipline is strict. Outside of the war itself, there will be no burning, killing, looting.

As for the requirement of "fighting fast and preserving strength", it was completely tailored for Li Zhengyan, the marquis who destroyed the city, who was good at raiding.

This can appease the mood that the coalition forces of the Eastern Region countries cannot take credit.

After all, who has the speed of Li Zhengyan's use of troops?

But in fact...Jianfeng Mountain has not been defended for a day, and Yu Liyang has fled. Who else in Fengjie Mansion can hold on?

It sounds difficult to change flags in three days, but in fact, even the coalition forces of the Eastern Region countries can do it.

Coordinating the overall situation and taking into account all parties is the commander of the three armed forces.

The reason why Cao Jie gave such an order is nothing more than——

This is a war of annihilation, not a battle of looting.

In Cao Jie's strategic thinking, he has already regarded the Xia land he conquered as the land of Qi. Treat the captured Xia people as the future Qi people. That's why we pay special attention to the loss outside of the war.

The damaged places in the entire Xia Realm will have to be filled by the Qi State after the war is over.

And how could such an idea not reflect Cao Jie's self-confidence?

As for the third order...

Chen Zeqing has been in charge of Qi State's intelligence work for a long time, and he is very proficient in this area. It is also logical to be responsible for the intelligence related to this war.

The sentence Cao Jierang passed on was very interesting.

Every word you say can be regarded as a fact. The subjective opinion that didn't add a single word couldn't be attacked by the people of Xia as a rumor.

But in fact, if only a corner of the truth is intercepted, it will be completely different from the real appearance.

It completely erased the price Qi Jun paid for this, and also covered up Yu Liyang's trade-offs and sacrifices.

The first battle was won, and it was a great victory in forcing Yu Liyang away and breaking Jianfeng Mountain within a day. Of course, Cao Jie wanted to maximize the influence of his public opinion.

Most people don't care about how much power the Qi army used in the war, and they don't bother to think about the loss of the autumn killing army's direct attack with the force of the army... People will only notice that King Min of Great Xia is guarding If you can't live in Jianfeng Mountain, you can't hold it for a day!

How deep a psychological shadow will this leave on the people of Xia, and how much fear will it create?

If we simply measure the gains and losses of the war, it is actually hard to say that today's battle of Jianfeng Mountain took advantage of it. It is hard to say that half a month, with the huge amount of primordial stones consumed by hundreds of thorn boats, and the autumn kill army entered a temporary rest. Which one is more expensive.

But for Cao Jie, the losses suffered by the Xia Kingdom in this battle will have to wait and see!

Cao Jie resolutely placed a heavy bet. Could this battle be fought in front of his eyes?

Of course Yu Liyang could see this too, but compared to the blow to the morale of Xia Guo's army, the loss of a true king was even more unbearable for Xia Guo.

Cao Jie seems to have changed his style of taking risks today, as if he was putting all his eggs in one basket, but he is actually playing a game that will win!

The moment he saw Yu Liyang, he understood the outcome of the war, so he placed his bet without hesitation! Bet! Bet!

At the moment when hundreds of thorny boats were launched and Jianfeng Mountain's defense line was riddled with holes, Yu Liyang was doomed to suffer.

The only suspense lies in the power of two evils, how will he choose...

Even this is not suspense.

Because everyone knows, to "take the lesser!"



"The descendant will not die!"

Teams of county soldiers flew up to Jianfeng Mountain under the leadership of the generals, and the accompanying flag officers raised their flags and shouted.

On the winding mountain road of Jianfeng Mountain, teams of Xia Guo soldiers surrendered and knelt down, disarming their troops.

This mountain is solid and dangerous.

This army is strong.

But at this moment, there are not many Xia Jun who are stubbornly resisting.

After all, they are legends of the Great Xia's martial arts era, representatives of national rejuvenation, majestic Yan Dao powerhouses, Min Wang Yu Liyang! They all ran away without a word...

Who can be stronger and more courageous than King Min?

The mountain outside the body is still there, but the mountain in the heart has fallen.

In this way, a massacre was avoided!

There is a famous Zhang Tai in the army, who is from Fengxian County of Qi State, and has nothing to do with the once prominent "Zhang".

Perhaps there could be some blood relationship hundreds of years ago?

Who knows!

Anyway, the Fengxian Zhang family is gone.

After the original crying temple incident, the Ministry of Rites has officially announced that the Marquis of Nine Returns will be extinct.

The generation of famous families who accompanied Emperor Wu to establish the martial arts for the restoration of the country and shared the glory with Daqi disappeared in smoke. There is only a history book for future generations to pay tribute to.

Apart from the lineage of the Marquis of Nine Returns, there are no other prominent families in Fengxian County.

Zhang Tai's family background is very average, that is to say, he can eat three meals and will not starve to death - in Qi State, as long as people are not lazy and have healthy limbs, they will not be without food.

He joined the army at the age of sixteen. Because of his hard work and daring to fight, although his physique was not very qualified, he gradually became a qualified soldier. As a soldier of Fengxian County, he defended his hometown.

In the military selection five years ago, he failed to be selected into the nine pawns, but because of his desperate performance on the field, he was also promoted to the team leader after returning. There are hundreds of people under his command, and he lives happily.

Last year, it was because his team had achieved good results many times in the joint military exercises of various counties, and after a lot of hard work, he got a pill of opening the pulse! And at the end of last year, he successfully opened his veins and became an extraordinary monk!

Life will never be the same again!

The doors of Daqi Jiuzu were all opened for him. On the side of the Fengxian County Army, he was also given the position of Deputy Commander-in-Chief.

Originally, he would not hesitate.

After all, the Nine Soldiers is the place he yearns for day and night, the stage that any soldier of the Great Qi yearns for. That was a brand new starting point, and it also represented an infinite future... But so many years have passed, the family has an old father and a loving mother, and they are all old and weak, and he is no longer the eighteen or nineteen-year-old self.

After thinking about it, he stayed in the army of the county soldiers. Being promoted to the deputy governor, he can take care of his old parents nearby, and he also married a beautiful wife a few years ago, so life is very comfortable.

His old Zhang family without any aristocratic blood can be regarded as a respectable person in the local area, and he has lived a decent life.

This time the Son of Heaven is going to conquer Xia, and the whole country is recruiting troops. He is the tenth in Fengxian County's army to sign up.

Damn, after getting the news, he went to sign up overnight, thinking he must be number one. The nine dogs in front were waiting outside the door with their bedrolls rolled up!

What does war mean to an ordinary soldier in Qi?

It means meritorious service, official position, and opportunity.

An opportunity to step up to the sky.

Let’s not talk about it, how many people have made extraordinary achievements in the previous battle of exterminating the sun?

How many fish jumped over the dragon gate?

He, Zhang Tai and Zhang Deputy Dutong, also wants to obtain resources, Dao Mai Tenglong, and he also wants to try the fairy feeling of flying into the sky and escaping from the ground! Relying on the military exercises during the Taiping Festival, how long do we have to perform?

What's more, the beautiful wife is already happy, and the child should come out after the battle is over. Doesn't he want to earn an opening pill for the unborn child? It took so much hard work to be extraordinary. I spent so many years of youth in the army of the county soldiers, so much so that I was shy when I saw the young faces in the army of nine soldiers.

Couldn't his future son or daughter be one step earlier?

Since today's emperor ascended the throne, the Qi State has won all the key wars, fought all the way and destroyed countless countries, and only then has it achieved the foundation of the hegemony of the Eastern Region.

Why do Qi people fear war?

Why is he not active?

Those non-military civilians, if they want to apply for it, they can't get it!

To be honest, he had never experienced the great war thirty-two years ago. And Qi State is the final victor and won the hegemony. He didn't feel much about the so-called blood debt and national enmity with Xia.

The reason why he is happy when he hears about the war is that the war can bring him personal real opportunities and tangible benefits. He is now dead in battle, and his family is indispensable for an open pulse pill. If a military officer like him is brave, the county guard will come to ask him personally. He fights for profit, and dies without worry.

The second is the inherent sense of honor as a member of Qi. Therefore, Yang is already the dust of history, and the towering tree of Qiangjing has already begun to decay. As the youngest hegemony in the world, it stepped up against the pressure of other hegemons. Just like at the meeting of the Yellow River, generation after generation of Qi people fought to the death and finally won the first place. Qi people should conquer the world and never bow their heads to anyone!

"Those who surrender will not die!"

Shouting like this, Zhang Tai led the soldiers to climb the mountain, skillfully collected the weapons, drove the soldiers to one place, and concentrated them for guarding.

Stepping among the jagged rocks, his eyes suddenly brightened.

In front of the line of sight, a young military officer of the Xia Kingdom was facing the sky, his body fell on the rock.

Judging from the lingering literary spirit on his body, he should be a Confucian monk.

He probably died under the bombardment of the Autumn Killing Army, and there was no penetrating wound caused by the thorn spear on his body-thinking of the majesty of the Autumn Killing Army, Zhang Tai couldn't help feeling a little envious.

But immediately turned his attention to the corpse in front of him.

Inside the cracked armor of this Xia Guo military officer, there was a piece of blood-soaked paper with his head sticking out.

Xia Guojun's practice method? Confucianism secret technique?

Anyway, it must be a good thing. Even if it doesn't work, it can be sold for a good price.

Zhang Tai was secretly happy.

The spoils of war must be handed in uniformly, and finally the generals above will distribute them according to their merits.

He didn't dare to take it privately. But as someone who picked it up with his own hands, he can also share some of it.

The benefits of picking up for nothing!

He stepped forward, rushed to the side of the dead military officer Xia Guo, and carefully pulled out the piece of paper.

Opening it up with anticipation, his face immediately sank.

This is not a secret technique, but a letter from home. The letter is short, but the creases are deep, and I think it has been read many times——

"Text my son.

The old man can still eat a few cups, don't read it, son, kill the enemy! "

There are only two columns of words, and the words are through the back of the paper.

Zhang Tai didn't have any extra feelings, so he threw the letter away casually, and reached out his hand to feel for a while in the arms of the dead military officer Xia Guo, but found nothing.

With some disappointment, he withdrew his hand and got up to leave.

But after walking a few steps, somehow, after thinking about it, he turned around and picked up the letter paper.

Of course he didn't mean that there was any psychological burden.

The justice of a soldier is to kill the enemy, nothing else.

The two countries are at war, and it is not his turn for a grassroots military officer to talk about compassion. We all have wives and children, and we all have our own insignificant ideals and pursuits. On the battlefield, we see life and death with swords and guns, and no one needs to sympathize with anyone else.

He just saw another life in this letter.

Human beings, as individuals, are usually small. On the battlefield, it is more often just a number. But in every life, love and hate are so real...

My life, his life.

"Put down your weapons, surrender and avoid death!" Zhang Tai yelled again as he walked.

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