Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1559 Mountains and Rivers in Banner Town

Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang's flag fluttered on the top of Jianfeng Mountain.

Higher than the mountains, closer to the sky.

This flag used to fly on Guanhetai, and now it is also flying in Xiajing.

This flag embodies the indelible silhouettes of a great empire in the past... those glorious silhouettes.

Only then can there be this supreme purple, and only then can there be this nobleness that shines through the world.

The setting up of this great flag not only represents the glory of Qi, but also covers this place. It also effectively provided the support of the great Qi Empire for the Qi army who marched south.

Flag town mountains and rivers!

The army has come all the way east, so far the first step has been firmly established.

The surrendered troops on the mountain were not abused, but their weapons were confiscated and they were detained on the spot.

The mighty army descended from Jianfeng Mountain and marched towards Xiangyou Mansion at a relatively gentle speed.

Chong Xuansheng calculated the marching speed with his eyes, and told Jiang Wang that in three days' time, he would arrive at Xiangyou Mansion, not a moment later, nor a moment earlier.

The Chasing Wind Army had dispersed on the spot, divided into nine armies, and swept across the entire Fengjie Mansion.

Li Zhengyan led the army alone, cruising around the world, and specially gnawed the most difficult bones.

For the Chasing Wind Army, the goal of this battle is not so much to attack and defeat the enemy, but to sharpen their edge.

Yu Liyang fled, Hua Hongzhao died in battle, and Jianfeng Mountain fell... The next battle in Fengjie Mansion is destined to be lackluster.

It is undeniable that Xia Guo has many people with lofty ideals, and there has never been a shortage of people who dared to die.

Although Emperor Xia Xiang was dead, his aspirations were still there, and his spiritual will still influenced generations of Xia people.

But Jianfeng Mountain fell in one day, and the spiritual will of the Fengjie army had collapsed.

According to the report from the Sentinels, within the scope of Fengjie Mansion, a large number of soldiers and civilians of the Xia Kingdom had already abandoned the city and fled to the outside of Fengjie Mansion.

It is a rare tenacity to be able to hold on to the city under such circumstances. But the Chasing Wind Army is such a powerful force in the world... No matter how tough an egg is, it is useless under the crushing of boulders.

For Li Zhengyan, who once destroyed a country in ten days and enjoyed his fame for a long time, this trip is just a test. His stage will be three days later, at the Xiangyou Mansion where Si Jiao, King Wu of Great Xia, sits in person.

At this time, the Chinese army was advancing with the Spring Death Army as the front army.

The Autumn Killing Army followed slowly behind, maintaining the loosest formation, already entering a state of rest.

Baskets of Qi and Blood Pills and Dao Yuan Stones were shipped out and distributed to various places to help them recover.

There was simply nothing else to do, so Jiang Wangzi also took a casual ride in a military supply vehicle, immersing himself in his own world of practice.

The fourth star building was officially established before the army set off. Although it is considered complete, it still needs to be familiarized with.

It is also unprecedented that the star road runs through the seven stars. There is no previous experience to learn from, so he has to think more about it.

"What are you writing?"

After waking up from the practice, Chong Xuansheng also squeezed across. The munitions cart creaked, and one couldn't help worrying about the pack animals pulling it.

The fat man didn't care about it himself, he was writing something down in a booklet with a pen in his hand.

Jiang Wang was a little curious.

"Help my dear cousin remember the credit." Chong Xuansheng said with a smile.

At this time, Chongxuanzun was leading his vanguard battalion, together with the Chasing Wind Army, to sweep across Fengjie Mansion——

That's the beauty of Pioneer.

With the most free posture, in the most dangerous situation, you can also win the most meritorious service.

Ruzhong Xuansheng and the others, although they don't need to rest, they can only stay in the Autumn Kill Army honestly, waiting for the commander's will.

Jiang Wang became interested and leaned over to have a look.

I saw two names written in two columns on the pamphlet, "Chongxuan Zun" on the left and "Chongxuan Sheng" on the right.

Zhong Xuanzun reads below——

Break down, Baili.

Break the city, two.

"Has he already breached two cities?" Jiang Wang asked in surprise.

Chongxuansheng rolled his eyes: "The current Fengjie Mansion, how can it be difficult to break the city? The same is true for me to send Chongxuanxin."

Then, he wrote "little" after "two".

In order to show that the achievement of breaking the city is not real, it can only be calculated in a small way.

There is one more thing about Xuan Sheng's name. Said: Break the pass, Jianfeng Mountain.

Jiang Wang smiled: "This can't be counted in your name?"

"The credit for breaking Jianfeng Mountain, can we count it as two out of one hundred thousand? No, counting the Sandu soldiers, add up..."


Chong Xuansheng closed the booklet and said, "It's so annoying!"

Turned over and got out of the car, rummaged through the things in the storage box, and went to condolences to the soldiers in the camp. The so-called raising and employing soldiers, he was born in a famous family, so he is proficient in it.

Fourteen followed behind step by step, not knowing what he was thinking, his steps were a little heavier.

"Don't rush, don't rush."

Chong Xuansheng turned around in his busy schedule and shook her hand: "The war is still going on."



Jianfeng Mountain will fall in a day, it is undoubtedly the news of a landslide!

Although Xia Guo's military tried their best to block the news, the entire Fengjie Mansion, twenty-three cities, and millions of people were displaced could it be blocked?

Not to mention the strength of Qi's spy system.

People panic!

Using these four words to describe the atmosphere in Guiyi city is perfect.

Thousands of families are burning with worry.

In the streets and alleys, pedestrians are in a hurry.

There are blue and purple nobles in the court, and I don't know how many people can sleep in peace.

Some people have forgotten the scene of the Qi army approaching the city of Guiyi thirty-two years ago, but they have to think about it again.

Qingluan Palace.

The huge pearl and jade curtain separates the hall dedicated to the Queen Mother to handle government affairs in two halves. Of course, there is no specific purpose, the orthodoxness of the Great Xia is on the son of Emperor Xia Xiang... It is just a subtle influence that this palace is the place where the Queen Mother handles government affairs in person.

Behind the bead curtain, the Empress Dowager Da Xia leaned back on the phoenix chair, resting her forehead with her hands, her beautiful eyes were slightly closed, as if she was resting her mind.

There was a court lady standing next to her, who was reading the memorial in cadence.

When she heard the key points, she opened her mouth to say a few words. There is also a desk on the side, in front of the desk sits a maid writing, writing quickly.

After years of dealing with political affairs, she can be as comfortable as the late emperor. The courtiers' secretive expressions and the little selfishness hidden in the public's heart, she can see all kinds of things at a glance. If you don't say anything, you are done. Every time you say something, you must hit the point.

The political affairs were dealt with one by one, like flowing water.

Daxia's national power accumulated in the past thirty-two years can still make her feel the strength.

The future is long, she thought.

There was a small yellow door stepping in, kneeling outside the curtain: "His Royal Highness Min has come."

"Xuan." Empress Dowager Xia only said.

The maid who read the memorial immediately shut up, and the maid who recorded the will also stopped writing.

But all of them involuntarily glanced outside the curtain from the corner of their eyes.

Not long after, Yu Liyang, the king of Min, the legend of the age of martial arts, walked into the palace against the light.

"I have seen Her Majesty the Queen Mother." He saluted in a gentle voice.

Regardless of their demeanor, power status, or even personal strength, they are all the first-class figures in the Great Xia.

No wonder people can't take their eyes off.

"Master Min, please sit down." Empress Dowager Xia's voice came from behind the bead curtain.

In front of the bead curtain, in the middle of the main hall, a respectable chair was placed.

Yu Liyang stepped forward, sat down, and talked to the queen mother through the bead curtain.

"Jianfeng Mountain fell in a day, it's my fault." He said.

The Empress Dowager Xia said: "The Ai family knows what happened during the war. Cao was suppressed by force, and there is nothing wrong with it. In the final analysis, it was not a crime of war. It is my country's weakness that makes King Min's reputation humiliated."

Yu Liyang gave a wry smile: "The Queen Mother is relieving Xiao Wang by saying that."

"Everyone with a discerning eye knows about this matter, don't care about mediocre sayings." The Empress Dowager Xia said slowly: "I am lucky to be born as the King of Min. The King of Min can make a name for the country, and the Ai family almost sheds tears."

Yu Liyang had to admit it.

Even if he is strong enough, even if he stands at the pinnacle of extraordinaryness, even if he is not affected by those attacks at all.

Empress Dowager Xia's words still gave him great comfort.

Just like the flames of war throughout the Xia Kingdom back then, his pride was repeatedly broken on the battlefield. The self-proclaimed romantic he retreated and retreated, fled and fled, and returned to the city of Guiyi in embarrassment, back to the last royal capital of Great Xia.

As soon as he looked up that day——

The queen mother, her phoenix crown and xiapei, stands on the head of the city of Guiyi, like a rose that is burning with life!

So bright, so bright,

Gave him endless power.

Tired and dry as he was then, he regained his vitality.

That kind of strength supported him to stand up again and again in the later years.

Supporting him to become King Min.

Supporting him today is Daxia Guozhu!

"Speaking of it..." Yu Liyang said: "The Qi army's familiarity with the defense line of Jianfeng Mountain far exceeds Xiao Wang's expectations. Xiao Wang is very suspicious that our Great Xia has any secrets for Qi."

The moment Cao Jie saw him, he placed a heavy bet directly, obviously seeing the final result.

This certainty and familiarity cannot be explained by the word intelligence.

Someone in Xia Guo's military must have leaked all the information about Jianfeng Mountain's defense line! Perhaps, it's not just Jianfeng Mountain...

who's that person?

Who is the national thief?

Yu Liyang is very clear.

Hou Huahongzhao of Jing'an chose to die in the end, and it may be that he did not mean to show his ambition by death.

After all, his son, Hua Fangyu, lost the pass so ridiculously. When it was his turn to personally guard Jianfeng Mountain, the secrets related to Jianfeng Mountain were infiltrated into a sieve by the Qi army...

There is no reason to blame the dead.

Since Hua Hongzhao has proved his loyalty with his life, the Jing'an Hou Mansion will not suffer any blows.

It's just... If it wasn't Hua Hongzhao, then who was it?

"The Ai family thinks that King Min doesn't need to pay too much attention to these things." Behind the bead curtain, the Empress Dowager Xia's voice said: "Life and death are important matters, and the Qi people are strong and strong, and dominate the East. Things that might be forbidden."

"Perhaps our Great Xia, Qiguo, does not have any secrets anymore. But there is no need to have any secrets."

"The battle for the rise and fall of this country is not based on secrets or hidden means. It is based on real strength, prudent wisdom, belief in uniting everything, and courage to shed the last drop of blood."

Empress Dowager Xia's meaning is very clear, if there is no conclusive evidence, she will not investigate the traitor with great fanfare at this time.

She wants to unite all people who can be united, instead of making the officials suspicious of each other at this time.

If that person is not found out, there will be many problems. But if you want to find out now, there will be more problems.

Conversely, the reason why Cao Jie did not hide his familiarity with Jianfeng Mountain's defense line was because he wanted to let them mess themselves up?

This step is to fight in the temple!

But the Empress Dowager Xia chose to ignore it, and the whole country fought against Qi, and the general situation was threatening, so she had to do her best to make that traitor.

Yu Liyang said: "The queen mother is right... the defense line of Tongyang City was built by Xiao Wang himself, and His Royal Highness Wu Wang took over the second half. Except for us and General Longjiao, no one has a deep understanding. The people of Qi are If you want to infiltrate, there is nowhere to infiltrate.”

"That's why Xiangyou Mansion is the real battlefield to test our Xia soldiers." Behind the bead curtain, the Empress Dowager's voice was heavy.

Her expectations are at ease.

She didn't hide her anxiety.

Yu Liyang originally wanted to say that since Jianfeng Mountain was breached so quickly, there was too little time left for King Wu, and he wondered if the old man could complete the defense construction earlier.

But in the end it just said——




Tongyang City is forty-nine feet high. It is a rare majestic city, standing on the Jiangyin Plain.

The south of the mountains and the north of the water are "Yang", and the north of the mountains and the south of the water are "Yin", so this plain is naturally south of the Lianjiang River.

To be precise, it is in the southwest of this big river. Because the Lianjiang River is inclined on the map.

The Jiangyin Plain had no danger to defend, but Tongyang City was located here, and it became dangerous.

The so-called majestic city and the so-called high wall are by no means simply piled up with bricks and earth.

Otherwise, if a few superpowers come here and apply powerful Taoism, I don't know how many big cities can be erected in three to five days.

But how can such a city withstand the blows of the battle formation?

A city wall constructed with Taoism will inevitably be easily destroyed by Taoism.

In a real majestic city, every wall brick needs to be engraved with array patterns. Formation pattern and formation pattern are bound to be connected, linking all the key buildings in the city, combined with the terrain, thus forming a large protective formation for the entire city.

Even the wall bricks themselves are carefully fired by master craftsmen. To put it an exaggeration, taking a piece of wall brick to fight with people is not necessarily worse than ordinary swords!

Any big city is the accumulation of painstaking efforts of the country over the past few years or more. Only by pouring blood and sweat can we stand firm.

It is precisely because it is so difficult to build a large city with real defense capabilities that the Momen established "Yin Ge" overnight in Yongguo to confront Suolongguan, which made people so shocked!

When he came down from the tower, Tai Yin's fingers trembled slightly.

Of course it wasn't because of fear—although Jianfeng Mountain was destroyed one day, it did startle him a bit. But it's just a moment, Qi Ren is strong, he has long been mentally prepared.

Whether it was Chongxuanzun at the Yellow River Meeting, or Jiang Qingyang in the mountains and seas, he had already experienced it personally...

As the direct heir of the Tai family, he could see it more clearly than ordinary Chinese. The opponent of the hegemony is the hegemony.

His trembling hands were tired.

After several days of sleepless nights and high-intensity sculpting patterns, even a cultivator like him who has already completed the outer building can't bear it.

The formation master's will and painstaking efforts are all in the formation.

The hard work of these few days is no easier than a series of life-and-death battles.

But walking on the streets of Tongyang City like this, looking at everyone in a hurry, he wished he could hold on for a while longer.

The so-called "same center" means "all in it".

Including him, including everyone in town.

Uncle Taihua Daoist traveled all over the country back then, repairing and improving each of the defensive formations, and painstakingly connected them with the national protection formation... What kind of mood did he have?

If the old man is still alive, and sees people from Qi come east again today, he will only be more determined than the Patriarch...

Thinking about this in my heart, I finally walked to Taishi's camp.

All the young and strong of the Tai clan are here, and even 13,000 family soldiers have come to Tongyang City.

It was extremely quiet in the big camp.

It was so quiet that Taiyin could hear his own footsteps.

Most of the members of the Tai clan are still rushing to repair the fortifications, and those who are still in the camp have withdrawn to rest, and everyone is rushing to recover.

In this quietness.

Contains soul-stirring power.

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