Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1562 Wande Sun Bow Kills Canggou, Wearing Stars and Moon for Another Year

"Bring the sun and bow to kill the dog, wear the stars and wear the moon for another year."

"Life and death have never turned back, and the world is extraordinary!"

——Chen Pu's "September 7th Sudden Hearing of the Master's Death"



This little poem written by Chen Pu, the dean of Mugu Academy, can roughly describe the difficulties of the road.

With the vastness of the present world, the vastness of ancient and modern times. How many peerless talents have followed one after another, but in the end, how many people can stand at the end of the extraordinary path?

Those who have proved the Tao in the world.

The so-called king of real people, the so-called master of heaven and earth!

It is honorable and noble, far beyond the ordinary king. Its majestic kindness cannot even be described as "God".

Daqi Qintian Supervisor was renamed Ruan Yuzhe.

It is said that "the world is like a sea of ​​bitterness, and you can swim across it with your body", so it has its name.

He stands at the highest peak of astrology in the present world, and is an undoubted master of destiny. If you take Xingqiong as the game and the stars are the players, looking at the world, there are only a few people who are playing the same game.

And now, he's out!

He stepped out step by step, from the east of the Lianjiang River to the west of the Lianjiang River, from the Rongchong Building Car, to the sky above the battlefield of the Jiangyin Plain. The Taoist robe flutters in the sky like a nebula.

Just raise your hand——

The clear sky suddenly darkened.

What kind of soldiers, what kind of smoke, what kind of sunlight, what kind of battlefield where two hundred thousand people are fighting...

The sky during the day was lifted, and the curtain of the night sky was pulled by him with one hand.

There was almost no expression on his too young face.

But the mountains and rivers he set up shake for him. The hanging world is grateful for him.

So the night covered the day.

So the star is born.

As far as people could see, stars lit up one after another in the night sky.

beauty! Unpredictable! mystery!

Countless stars formed an incomparably complicated and magnificent vast star map in Gao Qiong.

All the stars that can be named and those that cannot be named are no longer stingy with their own brilliance.

The ancient star dome seemed to be pulled over by him with one hand, and bowed down to the mortal world.

And then... the nine-day star falls!

This is a sight that many people will never forget.

The stars hanging in the night exploded one by one.

Starlight is like throwing guns and waterfalls!

Eternity flows to the earth!

From the sky to the world in an instant, it simply obliterated people's reaction time!

Who can describe this spectacle?

Who can describe its eventuality?

If you can't be there, you can't know the power of this peerless world!

When you raise your hand, it's day and night, and when you wave your hand, the stars fall into the sky.

At such a moment, the starlight is like a pillar, piercing the sky and the earth like a forest.

The entire Jiangyin Plain, and even the Tongyang City that is still far away, are all under the blow of starlight!

This is the power to destroy the world!

Long Jiao, commander in chief of the national army of Daxia Township, was stationed in the army formation with blood on his face.

The remaining more than 40,000 soldiers of the Zhen Guo Army surrounded him under his battle flag.

But he didn't respond.

It was too late for him to react at this moment!

The National Army of Hundred Thousand Towns is well-organized and spread out, and he can still use it to compete with the real king. At this moment, more than half of the army has died in battle, and the soldiers are almost exhausted. With Long Jiao, even if he burns his body and soul, he is powerless to recover.

So in moments like this, he just looks up at the sky, he just looks up at the stars.

so beautiful. he thinks.

It has been a long time since he looked up at the starry sky.

As the general of the Xia Kingdom and the leader of the Zhen Guojun, he has long lost the power of confusion, let alone the freedom of fantasy.

In this head-to-head confrontation with Li Zhengyan, he thought to himself that he had given up everything he could contribute to the country... except that he hadn't died yet.

Every single soldier in the Zhen Guo Army did their best to cause heavy casualties to the Chasing Wind Army just now.

Of the 100,000 soldiers of the Zhen Guo Army, more than 50,000 have died in battle, and more than 40,000 are still alive...every one of them is a soldier trained by him.

Such a good soldier...

Over the years, he has completely lived in the barracks, performing three times and five times, never daring to slack off. He is as concerned about the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the soldiers as if he was taking care of his own flesh and blood.

Every day for all these years, he wished that this day never came. Every day, all these years, he has been waiting for this war.

These soldiers are all good, they are not lazy at ordinary times, and they are not cowardly when they are desperate. They rushed to the end with the nine soldiers of Daqi!

Daxia supported the Second Army with the strength of the whole country, and today he can say that every soldier in the Zhen Guo Army is worthy of his hometown folks.

Those who get along day and night are those who fill the border with flesh and blood.

At such a moment, he thought a lot.

Perhaps only at such moments can he remember in a trance that he is also a "person". Although he is a real person in the world, he is also a living being.

He also has moments of weakness.

He also... felt powerless.

It was like having fallen into the abyss with only a long oil-soaked rope in hand. No matter how hard you try, how you struggle, how desperately you can only slide down slowly.

He wanted to do more, to hold more, to hold on tighter.

But at this moment, he can only watch.

Then he saw, in the boundless night, a figure from the back was clearly printed.

A person who is not burly, not tall enough, but just gives people an ancient feeling.

He looked up at the stars, and the stars seemed to kneel before him.

He stood under the night sky, his black military uniform seemed to be made of iron, and he was not moved by the wind.

King Wu of Great Xia, Si Jiao!

On top of his head is Nine Heavens Starfall, and opposite him is Zhenjun Ruan You.

And he just raised one palm!

It was as calm as Ruan Yu stretched out his hand.

With one palm turned upside down, lift it up to the sky.

The boundless night fell under his feet for some reason, and the fighting army seemed to be standing high in the sky.

In a trance, people see the sky as the earth and the mud as the sky.

It turns out that the world is under his control.

He pushed it up with one palm, and it overturned the world!

The Jiangyin Plain is still the Jiangyin Plain, and the fighters are still those fighters.

The sky is still the sky, and the earth is still the earth.

But the starlight in the sky has been rolled back, countless stars have been extinguished one by one, and the night has been returned to the clear sky! !

The sun shines for thousands of miles, splashing on the plain.

The strong wind blows the broken flag, what a freehand painting of mountains and rivers!

His man Si Jiao, why is he called "King Wu"?

Guarding the frontiers with martial arts is supporting the country!

The strength of this person will never be weakened by the power of the country. The power of this person swallows thousands of miles by himself.

Facing such a strong man, Ruan Yi just took a step forward.

The black jade hairpin tied his long hair, but the complicated star map spread out along with his boots. When you step on it, the sky will unite, the earth will rise, and the four directions will stand tall. In an instant, a boxy star cage was formed in Gao Qiong, imprisoning Si Jiao and him in it.

The star cage disappeared in an instant, and when it reappeared, there was only a flash of starlight far away in the sky!

The confrontation between the two true monarchs in front of people was just a one-off, but what was left was the turmoil that could not be dissipated in the hearts of the viewers for a long time.

After the two Yan Dao powerhouses fought upside down, they no longer knew where the battle ended.

But this war on the Jiangyin Plain is not over yet!

In other words, the most critical moment is approaching.

Li Zhengyan gathered his troops and moved to the south of the Jiangyin Plain. While withdrawing from the battlefield, he still maintained pressure on the direction of Tongyang City.

As long as the Zhenguo army under Longjiao is given a chance when retreating, the Chasing Wind Army will immediately kill them!

As expected, Longjiao also demonstrated the ability of General Xia Guo. He led the Zhen Guo Army, which suffered heavy casualties, and retreated back to Tongyang City in a steady and orderly manner without revealing any flaws.

Only the corpses that covered the plain remained.

Human corpses, horse corpses.

The corpses of the enemy soldiers, the corpses of comrades in arms...

Jiang Wangpoor's eyesight was extremely dry and red, and he patrolled the battlefield for a long time. Finally, he saw Li Fengyao who was still frosty and cold.

Before Chun died in the army, Chen Zeqing sat alone in a wooden wheelchair. He looked into the distance, still expressionless.

An old blanket covered his legs.

Wang Yiwu raised the flag for him behind him.

If Xia Guo is still determined at this time and dares to call the Shenwu Army out of the city, then the Spring Death Army will fight against it.

When spring dies on the first day of four o'clock, it is the strongest army that fights.

At this moment, the hundred thousand spring dead army is silent, only the battle flag is fluttering in the wind!

And on the Rongchong building car, which was guarded by 10,000 relatives, Cao Jie ordered without hesitation: "Launch all the moon shooting crossbows, travel fifty miles to the west bank of the Lianjiang River, and send them all to the central city!"

The flag officer galloped away on his horse and issued orders loudly.

Among the army, a huge ballista was about to come out under the efforts of the bear beast.

This chariot is about ten feet high, with two axles and eight wheels.

To keep moving at a high speed, there must be two beasts pulling in front.

Driving over the ice, crossing the river bank, the wheels are rolling in the Jiangyin Plain!

Yanggu in the offshore archipelago has mastered the broken star crossbow inherited from the Yang Kingdom era and improved through the ages. It has a fast rate of fire and strong power. Standing on the flying boat under the scorching sun, it shoots continuously like broken stars, scaring the sea clan in the lost world.

However, Gongsun Ge, the master craftsman of the Qi State, completely blazed a new path on the basis of the legacy of the old Yang, and created a large ballista with extremely powerful power, which was named "Shooting the Moon".

This vehicle has a slow rate of fire, consumes a lot of energy, and is expensive... There are too many shortcomings.

But only one advantage is enough——

The power is terrifying.

One shot at the moon is almost divine!

There were only 30 moon shooting crossbows accompanying the army this time, and all of them were pushed out at this moment, pushed across the frozen Lianjiang River, and put them on the Jiangyin Plain.

At this time, on Tongyang City, strong people from Xia Kingdom gathered. If a boat of thorns attacks the city, it will be easily destroyed.

But the Moonshot Crossbow, which can shoot from a very long distance, is different. It is almost impossible to be broken by the Xia army's surprise attack when surrounded by a large army.

Both sides on the plain are catching up with time.

It was almost as if the Zhen Guojun had retreated into the city with its front foot, and shot the Moon Ballista with its back foot, and it had already reached its destination.

The noose made of the tendons of the stone bull and monster beast gradually tightened under the rotation of the winch, making an embarrassing and difficult sound.

The commander only pointed forward the small flag in his hand and shouted: "Let it go!"

The noose suddenly loosened, and the winch reversed wildly.

The steel crossbow bolt with a diameter of one foot and a length of fourteen feet directly pierced the sky! The huge recoil caused the ballista itself to sink several feet!

As soon as the black steel crossbow flew into the air, it instantly absorbed all the energy of the heavens and the earth where it passed, and the sharp energy twisted into a turbulent flow, making the arrow faster and faster, roaring like a tornado, and finally Just a flash—

It ran through the huge Jiangyin Plain, and bumped into the shadow of Xiongcheng at the end of the field of vision!

Thirty moon-shooting crossbows were launched at the same time, almost as if thirty god-facing powerhouses attacked Tongyang City at the same time.

What is this concept?

At this moment, although there are strong people gathered in Tongyang City, if they want to resist them, they will be exhausted.

And how can it last for a long time with the power of people against the power of consuming ordnance?


Suddenly there was a dragon chant.

The scorching flames rose outside Tongyang City in an instant, and the instant flames were a bit like fireworks burning the city. But in the flames, the nine giant dragons reached out their claws and stretched out in all directions. Either burning them with fire, or striking them with claws, or swiping their tails, they completely blocked the attack of these thirty moon shooting crossbows.

Xia Guo urgently rushed to build the large defensive formation, Jiulong Lihuo formation, open!

It is also the core of Xia Kingdom's northeast defense line in this war against Qi.

As soon as this formation was opened, even the moon shooting crossbows were completely impenetrable.

The so-called united will is the Jincheng Tangchi. The efforts of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians of the Xia Kingdom these days are indeed indestructible.

But Cao Jie, who was still on the east bank of the Lianjiang River and standing on top of the Rongchong building car, looked at this scene without being shaken in the slightest. Only one voice: "The flag is coming!"

A Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang flag was placed in his hand by the flag officer with both hands.

He actually raised the banner himself, and ordered one after another: "Order Chen Zeqing's troops to press forward! Order Chen Fu's troops to prepare to clean up the battlefield! Order Xie Huaian's troops to wear armor!"

Cao Jie only brought a total of three flags of this size on his expedition against Xia.

Standing on the top of Jianfeng Mountain, it is the first stable stronghold of the Qi army in Xiajing.

A pole was held in his palm at this time.

There is another shot, which is to stand in the city of Guiyi later, and penetrate the Xia Guotai Temple!

At this time, he raised the flag high, on the top of the Rongchong building car, stirring up the situation.

Then the banner leaned forward, pointing at Tongyang City!

What people saw at this time was Faxia's coach Cao Jieqi pointing at Tongyang, the momentum was like a raging sea.

What people can't see at this time...

All the flags of the "Ziji March" along the way from Linzi of Qi State to Fengjie Mansion of Xia State were all flying!

Who would have thought?

Qi State's "Ziji March" not only builds a stable supply line, but also a "journey"!

This is the secret killing that the Great Qi Empire has kept hidden for decades!

Since Cao Jie entered the summer, he has taken every step with incomparable precision, and just completed all the pre-requisites.

If you have a high reputation, you should be able to see the vast national power belonging to the overlord of the Eastern Region on this world map, and it will evaporate in an instant.

At this moment, the terrifying national power of the Great Qi Empire is rushing along the "journey" constructed by the "Ziji March"!

From the distant eastern region, mobilize the national power to bombard the southern region of Xia, and the loss caused by the bombardment process is already unimaginable.

But there is the entire territory of Fengjie Prefecture as a stronghold, supported by the Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang flag on Jianfeng Mountain, and the national flag erected by Faxia coach Cao Jie with millions of Qi troops in successive victories. Traction——

This purple dragon that stretches thousands of miles... has already been penetrated!

Does it stop at the territory of Xia Kingdom?

From Linzi to Guiyi, all the lands passing through in between were resounded by this dragon chant.

In the sky and on the ground, everything passing by is completely overwhelmed by its majesty.

Everything that happened along the way had already been overwhelmed by the power of Daqi!

The Ziji dragon, which stretched for thousands of miles, followed Cao Jie's banner to the west, and instantly bumped into the large formation protecting the city of Tongyang.

The nine Lihuo dragons uttered a scream of pain like living creatures, and they all collapsed in an instant!

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