Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1563

The nine Lihuo dragons guarding Tongyang City have already proved themselves in the powerful offensive of the Moon Shooting Crossbow.

But in front of the "Ziji Conquest of the Dragon" of the Great Qi Empire, it was almost like paper, an embarrassing blow!

This is obviously unexpected and unacceptable.

The huge city tower of Tongyang City was exploded by civil servants and military generals of the Xia Kingdom. Some people jumped up, wanting to defend the city with their bodies, and some people urgently mobilized the army formation, wanting to attack it with soldiers.

And the Prime Minister Liu Xiyi has already taken out the Prime Minister's Seal, stamped it in the air, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Open the Great Array of Protecting the Country!"

The National Teacher Xi Meng's Mansion did not speak, but with the flip of his palm, he also issued the National Teacher's order.

Xiangguoyin presses down the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles like a beautiful brocade, and the national teacher orders Yin to get off, and the traffic is busy.

So the national defense formation was launched!

The entire Tongyang City was shrouded in an indescribable brilliance.

It is a vibrant cyan color, and it must not be described as just "green".

It has the purest feeling yet houses the greatest power.

In the cyan glow, everything changes, and everything returns to one. Sometimes there are traffickers and pawns, sometimes there are princes and generals, sometimes mountains rise, and sometimes rivers rush, with the majesty of the army, and the dangerous pass of the majestic city.

Daxia's thousand-year national power, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and billions of people are all among them.

This glow does not look dazzling, not hot.

But when it seemed to cover Tongyang City slowly, it had already changed the world.

The "Ziji Zhilong", who broke the Nine Dragons Lihuo formation like a broken mud pellet, saw this radiance, and couldn't move an inch further.

Just hovering over Tongyang City, it will fall but cannot fall.

Its dragon body winds thousands of miles, stretching all the way to Linzi, its dragon head is extremely majestic, and it roars with the momentum to swallow the sun and the moon...but it has been resolutely resisted.

Any large formation for protecting the country is one of the most fundamental forces of the country. On a larger scale, it is about the fate of the country.

This radiance shining with the torrent of humanity not only lies in Tongyang City, but also covers the entire Xiangyou Mansion!

And it doesn't stop at Xiangyou Mansion?

If someone is in the sky, if he can look far, he will see--

The entire Great Xia territory stretches across thousands of miles.

Xiangyou, Linwu, Pinglin, Daye, Huiming.

Fengli, Shaokang, Jin'an, Wanxing, Dexing.

Jiangyong, Yugu, Changluo, Huaiqing, and Sangfu.

Huailin, Shunye, Youping, Wuxing, Yuci.

Except for Fengjie, the land of the twenty prefectures, and even the city of Guiyi, the capital of Xia, the cyan radiance lit up one by one, reflecting each other, intersecting from a distance, all soaked in the same brilliance!

In front of Qi State's hidden killer "Ziji Zhilong", the upper tower of Tongyang City fell into turmoil for a while. Everyone tried to resist this peerless power in their own way, until Liu Xiyi and Xi Meng's Mansion joined forces to open the Great Array of Protecting the Nation.

And after the hustle and bustle... there was a long silence!

The collapse of the Nine Dragons Lihuo Formation declared that the defense line of Tongyang City, which Xia Guowenchen and his generals had desperately repaired and tried to resist for a year and a half...had been officially broken down!

Si Jiao, Liu Xiyi, Xi Meng's Mansion, Long Jiao, Taixu...the supporters of the Xia Kingdom all gathered in Tongyang City, which is the embodiment of this expectation.

But as soon as "Ziji Zhilong" came out, everything turned into ashes.

The expectation of stopping the enemy outside the Northeast Line of Defense fell through.

This kind of long-hidden weapon should be used against a hegemonic opponent like Jing Guo, but Qi Guo actually used it in the war against Xia, and Cao Jie used it to break down a mere Nine Dragons Lihuo Formation— —

It forced Xia Guo to open the national defense array early!

The opening of the National Defense Array means that the Qixia National War has entered a new stage.

Relying on the entire territory of Great Xia, relying on the power of the country, using well-trained monks, and a large number of primordial stones as the power source... This is a means of life and death, so it should be used.

In other words, when the full efficiency of the National Defense Array is activated, it usually means that the country has reached a critical moment of life and death!

In the original estimate of Xia Guo's high-level officials, how long was this time?

a year? eight months? half a year?

Cao Jie gave them the answer.

Eight days of rapid marching, leading millions of troops to Xia, smashing Jianfeng Mountain in one day, occupying the entire Fengjie Mansion in three days, and breaking the Jiulong Lihuo formation in less than a day, forcing out the Xia Kingdom's national defense formation!

In a daze, people feel that the one who leads the army to attack Xia is the dangerous Chongxuan Chuliang.

Didn't the murderous slaughter who said that he would destroy Xia in March fail to win the position of coach?

How could Cao Jie, who is known for his stability, fight the battle like this in less than half a month? !

The entire country of Xia is shrouded in the glory of the national defense formation. In this terrifying formation that is truly connected with the national power, every invader will be suppressed by the power of the whole country! Everyone who fights for the country will be blessed with national power.

The thousands of years of history of this land, the glory of thousands of years, and the beliefs of countless citizens have all shown unpredictable power. Condensing history into glory. Turn the past into strength!

In Jiang Wang's perception, this experience is very similar to what he encountered when he attacked the enemy's Tongtian Palace, and also like facing Tai Yin's embarrassing supernatural powers and being rejected by the entire environment.

The difference is that in the face of Tai Yin's embarrassing supernatural powers, he can use supernatural powers to fight against them, or get out of the scope of the environment's influence, or directly blow up the supernatural power releasers. But in the face of the great array of protecting the country covering the entire territory of the Xia Kingdom, he could only passively bear it, and there was no way to escape.

Of course, because this country is too vast, and he is in the ranks of the Autumn Killing Army, the suppression he received was not very strong, and it would only affect about half of his combat power.

But in a life-and-death confrontation, even the slightest loss of combat power may determine life and death.

Enlarging it to the entire million Qi army is undoubtedly terrifying to the extreme!

Take a most intuitive example. If the Zhen Guojun collides with the Chasing Wind Army again in this state, the one who will suffer more casualties may be the Wind Chasing Army.

The country's most critical force, the National Defense Array, undoubtedly plays a key role in reversing the situation.

Standing next to Jiang Wang, Chong Xuansheng certainly felt this kind of oppression.

But instead of being surprised, he was overjoyed, clenched his fist with his right hand, and slammed his palm hard, causing several layers of fat to protrude from his body excitedly: "The opportunity has come!"

what chance?

Before Jiang Wang could ask the question, the fat man had already turned around, took out a battle flag, and stood it up in the air ostentatiously: "Brothers of the Desheng Battalion, assemble according to this flag!"

When the flag is unfolded, there is a circle of circular patterns, but the embroidering is a fight between a dragon and a tiger. In fact, the embroidery is very delicate, which shows the skill.

There are also large characters embroidered in the middle of the circular pattern, which are banners.

It's just that other battle flags, or a single "Cao" character, don't need other attachments, and they already have infinite prestige.

Or just use the word "chasing the wind" to simply show the honor of a strong army.

On this battle flag, however, there are four large characters embroidered, stacked on top of each other, and squeezed together like the fat of Chong Xuansheng, which is called——

"victory is in sight!"

Among them, the characters "Sheng" and "Wang" are specially painted in color, one big red and one big purple.

It's gimmicky...and bloated.

I really don't know when I asked the quartermaster to do it!

Jiang Wang turned his head around, pretending he didn't see it.

And in his distant vision,

The majestic Ziji Zhilong is still in a stalemate with Tongyang City, like biting a pearl that cannot be broken!

The power of the Great Qi came across thousands of miles with the help of the "Journey", but was blocked by the power of the Great Xia relying on the great array of protecting the country.

Hao Han's mighty power was crazily consumed.

The power of every breath is enough to move mountains and fill rivers!

Once the monks below God's Presence are affected, they will be instantly reduced to flying ashes, and there is no possibility of survival at all.

Its power and its prestige are so great.

At the same time, Tai Xu, the Patriarch of the Tai Clan, whose hair was disheveled and came out from the corner of the tower, suddenly shouted: "Get up!"

Under the radiance of Xia Guo's National Defense Array, the entire periphery of Tongyang City once again ignited flames!

In just a short while, Tai Xu gathered the monks in the clan and quickly completed the repair of the formation. The Nine Dragons Lihuo Formation was revived with the help of the majestic power of the National Protection Formation!

Following Taixu's order, the nine Lihuo dragons soared up from the flames, and crashed head-on at the Ziji Zhenglong, biting wildly.

The nine Lihuo dragons are tens of miles long, but compared to the Ziji Zhilong, which spans thousands of miles, they are as small as earthworms.

But under the all-out confrontation of the Great Xia Protecting the Nation, the Ziji Zhilong was completely unable to fight back, and could only be bitten off by the nine Lihuo Dragons, biting off a large piece of the country's power.

The Xia soldiers in Tongyang City couldn't help cheering!

Standing proudly behind the steel battlements, Cao Jie, holding Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang's flag, is a roll of the flag, flaunting the latitude and longitude, and put the flag on top of Rongchong! (Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang Banner, also known as Jingwei Banner)

It was this meal, the sound of dragon chant pierced through the nine heavens. The Ziji Zhilong, which stretched for thousands of miles, exploded at once, and exploded into a shower of purple stars all over the sky.

The vast national power of the Great Qi Empire is scattered along the journey of thousands of miles.

Bathed in every soldier of the Qi State, so that they can resist the suppression of the Xia State Protectorate.

A few years later, the land where the power of the great state of Qi is scattered can also be naturally integrated into the environment of the state of Qi and fit the atmosphere of the state of Qi.

It is the so-called subtle influence, and the national situation is easier!

And as a member of the country, Jiang Wang obviously felt his body suddenly relaxed and more comfortable! The invisible suppression of this side of the world was broken. Perhaps it is more appropriate to use "offset" to describe it.

Blast through the Nine Dragons Lihuo formation with Ziji's conquering dragon, force out the Xia Kingdom's national protection formation, and advance the war to a new stage. Flipping the hand turned the country into a rain of stars, offsetting the suppression of the Qi army in the territory of Xia State.

All the opponent's responses seemed to be under Cao Jie's control.

The control of his war really makes people feel more terrifying the further he goes backwards!

Because the iceberg hidden under the water has gradually revealed its shape, allowing people to see it.

According to Cao Du's prior order, at this time, the one hundred thousand spring dead army led by Chen Zeqing had been advancing continuously on the Jiangyin plain, and the army tide was rolling, and finally approached the city of Tongyang.

However, he did not choose to attack the city, but formed an array on the spot, obviously to guard against the attack of the army in Tongyang City.

And the county soldiers led by Chen Fu, the court official, are splitting out three ten thousand troops, rushing to the Jiangyin Plain, setting up camps, and cleaning the battlefield. The county soldiers had to serve as auxiliary soldiers.

Setting up camp obviously represents preparations for a long-term confrontation under Tongyang City.

Cleaning the battlefield is undoubtedly the power of the victor.

The Xia people in Tongyang city could only look into the distance.

Generally speaking, the power to clean up the battlefield means the seizure and recycling of equipment.

It means that the wounded of our army have the chance to be treated, and the wounded of the enemy army will only usher in the final make-up.

However, the Qi army did not kill the injured Xia army on the battlefield, but took them back to the camp for treatment after they were disarmed—perhaps this was a more terrifying choice for the high-ranking Xia people in Tongyang City.

The 300,000 Allied Forces of Eastern Regions under the leadership of Imperial Councilor Xie Huai'an have also followed the military order and prepared for battle.

At such a moment, with a flash of starlight in the sky, Ruan You appeared beside Cao Jie. Still black jade hairpin, still chic star map.

Si Jiao, the Great Xia Wu King who ruled the country with Wu, just returned to the tower of Tongyang City.

In this supreme battle of mutual restraint, life and death are not divided, and it is impossible to see who will win and who will lose.

Cao Jie looked at Si Jiao from a distance in the Rongchong building car, but he ordered very simply: "Xie Huai'an Department, immediately attack Linwu, Huiming, and Fengli, and any military action can be self-determination." , I just want the result!"

He also ordered: "Let Chen Fu's troops gather the main force in addition to cleaning the battlefield, and after an hour, attack in the direction of Youping, Wuxing, and Yuci! Any military action can be self-determined, and I also only need the result. Don’t say that I don’t give them a chance to make meritorious deeds, if the chance is given, it’s up to them how to grasp it!”

Another order said: "With Li Zhengyan's troops, withdraw from the east bank of the Lianjiang River, camp and rest!"

With a sweep of his gaze, he saw someone in the Autumn Killing Army's formation raising a flag to gather troops.

Can't help but feel a kind of relief from being scratched, smiled slightly, and ordered: "Focus on Xuan Chuliang's troops, disperse two teams of 10,000 people, one goes to Linwu, the other goes to Youping, and participates in the attack. The road to military self-determination !The rest of the main force, camp in place and stand by!"

One last look at Tongyang City Head——

This piece of sky is clear at night, cloudy and clear, but at this moment it is covered with sunset glow, which has a different kind of charm.

"Leave the aftermath to Chen Zeqing, he knows how to do it."

With that said, Cao Jie had already walked back into the building car.

With the cultivation base of a real person in the world, mobilizing the power of the Great Qi and dispatching Ziji's Dragon Conqueror, even he, Cao Jie, could not help but feel a little tired.

Xia Guo's Great Battle to Protect the Nation has begun, and the next battle may be very long... In half a month, millions of troops were mobilized to push the war to this stage. At this moment, he just wants to sleep well!

The flag officer quickly chased his horse through the air, passing the orders of the commanders of the three armies everywhere.

With the sound of rumbling war drums, the millions of Qi troops quickly diverted.

Cao Jie's strategic intentions are very obvious. Your Xia Kingdom's national defense formation consumes infinite resources and connects all parts of the country and thousands of miles of territory. Then our Qi army will fully blossom and enter Xia territory on a large scale.

Make Xia Kingdom fight everywhere, and make wars throughout the country!

There are still 20 prefectures and hundreds of big cities left in the Xia Kingdom. Every time a city is broken, the National Defense Array will be weakened. Every time a mansion is destroyed, half of Daxia's national power will decline.

This is also a dignified teacher.

It forced the people of Xia to enter a state of comprehensive defense, and also depleted the power of Xia's national defense formation to the greatest extent.

And keep the main force of the three armies, Spring Death, Chasing Wind, and Autumn Kill, on the frontal battlefield here in Tongyang City.

As long as the Xia people dare to ignore this place, the three armies will immediately attack Tongyang City!

Thanks to the book friend "San Sheng Yuan Han Bao" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 285th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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