Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1564 Is there any hero in the world who can sing long songs

After the opening of the Xia Kingdom's National Defense Array, the war entered a new stage of stalemate.

Next, there will be a confrontation between Qixia and Qixia around the various support points of the National Defense Formation, and it will be an all-out war that will inevitably spread across the vast territory of Great Xia.

As for this point, in the entire Qixia battlefield, there may not be many people who can foresee it in advance.

Chong Xuansheng is one of them.

The "opportunity" he mentioned is also here!

As soon as the banner officer passing the commander's order left, he chose his position and headed straight to Linwu Mansion with the Desheng Battalion. It is really not difficult.

If Chongxuan and Chuliang refused to agree to this, then it would not be for Chongxuansheng and Chongxuanzun to compete fairly, but for Chongxuanzun to push him down.

The Autumn Killing Army's tens of thousands of generals who attacked Linwu Mansion were not dissatisfied with only 7,000 men. If not for Chongxuan and Chuliang's disapproval, his 7,000 people would also belong to Chongxuan!

In short, holding high the banner of "Victory is in sight", Chongxuansheng marched without stopping.

From the western suburbs of Linzi to Tongyang City, there is no place for him to stage. He held back for too long and waited for too long.

In this kind of full-scale invasion war, the vanguard battalion led by Chong Xuanzun certainly had enough freedom, and it was the time for his army to gallop. In terms of military force, it is absolutely not bad to emphasize Xuan Zun to be the champion of the three armies, and in terms of military strategy.

But Chong Xuansheng has already confirmed——

It is necessary to recover the disadvantage at this stage!

He wants to teach Chong Xuan Zun a good lesson, let him know that fighting is not just about muscles!



When Si Jiao stood back to the tower of Tongyang City, there were many officials and ministers, but no one spoke.

Among the radiance of the National Protecting Formation, only the revived Nine Lihuo Dragons were still roaring. As if he was really spiritual, he vented the pain of being defeated first.

He pressed it casually and stopped it.

The Dragon of the Purple Extreme!

Si Jiao couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

It cannot be said that Daxia Wenwu did not work hard.

When Jianfeng Mountain was destroyed in one day and Fengjie Mansion changed its flag in three days, they still established the Jiulong Lihuo Formation in time, and based on this, they built this northeast line of defense intended to defend the enemy from outside Xiangyou Mansion.

The price is how many people from the Ministry of Industry died alive! There are several formation masters in the Tai family, and they have exhausted all of them. In order to complete their share of progress, they do not hesitate to sacrifice their blood...

Longjiao even led the Zhen Guo army, and came to a head-to-head cavalry confrontation with the Qi State Chasing Wind Army!

More than half of them died in the battle, but his army was not defeated, and the remnant army was successfully brought back to Tongyang City by him.

Although the Chasing Wind Army still had the upper hand, even though the Zhen Guo Army suffered heavy casualties.

But this battle can at least show that Xia Jun can fight Qi Jun, even in the field!

The people of Qi are not invincible, nor invincible.

But this line of defense was defeated...

Not long after Zhen Guojun entered the city.

It was hard for Si Jiao to imagine how those soldiers felt.

Through the "journey", traveling thousands of miles, from the east to the south, such unimaginable means can only be used by countries with the status of hegemony.

He was also secretly shocked!

More than 50,000 soldiers of the Xia army died vigorously in battle, can they support the defense line in the hearts of the Xia people?

Si Jiao herself was not sure either!

Even if you have made enough preparations and worked hard enough, you can only be sure of yourself. The most unpredictable thing in the world is the human heart...

But this little emotion, in the future, he was smashed to pieces before he could sympathize with the world.

Standing on the top of the city, he watched the orderly diversion of millions of Qi troops, and felt Cao Jie's command art.

Still majestic and calm.

He turned around and looked at the remnants of the town's remnants in Tongyang City, downstairs of the tall city, who still did not leave their horses, did not disarm, did not let go of their knives, and their battle flags were stained with blood.

These fighters are still waiting for military orders and are willing to meet the next charge.

"The generals fought this battle very well, showing the blood and courage of our Great Xia soldiers!" Si Jiaohong said in a loud voice: "Let those Qi thieves know that our Xia people have the ambition to defend the country and the heart to protect the land!"

With the honor of King Wu, he bowed deeply to these soldiers.

For the vast majority of Xia people, King Wu Sijiao is almost like a god. Regarding King Wu's great gift, there were not many soldiers present who were not panicked.

But without Dragon Reef's orders, no one moved.

Now that they are in uniform, the battle flag can determine their will. They stationed their horses, held their knives, and only waited for the military order to fall. To charge, or to die.


Si Jiao answered herself in her heart.

Answered the unsure question.

With such soldiers and people of this country, how could the Xia Kingdom not be able to stick to it, and how could it not be possible to save the country?

Si Jiao straightened up and continued: "Don't tell me nothing. Everyone in this battle will be rewarded with honors. Those who died in the battle will be well-paid. If there are orphans or widows in the family, they will be raised by the state. The household department must make good records, and no one will be missed. , If there is any shortage after the war, this king will spend his entire family to fill it! If this is still insufficient, this king will die and fight outside, go to the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons to fight and fight, and I am willing to spend ten or a hundred years of the real king until it is paid off! General, please pass on this order so that my soldiers of the Great Xia will not have to worry about the future!"

Long Jiao sat on the horse, but took off his helmet, put it on his chest, and bowed his head as he obeyed.

In the huge Tongyang City, there is no sound above the city tower, and there is no sound below the city tower.

Only the wind blows the battle flag!

"In this battle, Qi State's most elite Feng Chasing Army killed and injured tens of thousands of people. This is your merit. History will remember you, Xia Guo will remember you... and this is just the beginning!"

Si Jiao raised her voice: "The enemy and we are all flesh and blood, all will be injured and will die! Every soldier in Qi State, every piece of Dao Yuan stone has to travel thousands of miles. But for us, the land is under our feet, and the battlefield is when we go out. , Behind is the hometown. Hundreds of millions of people, fill him with millions of teachers, there is no suspense! It is shoulders and hands, it is teeth and claws, soldiers, we will be able to drive away all the thieves and restore Fengjie!"

"Chasing away the thieves, recovering Fengjie!!!"

The soldiers roared excitedly!

This anger spread throughout the city, stirring up waves of voices.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The barracks of the Shenwu Army was stationed in the city, and the war drums were also beating, and the sky was full of excitement for a while.

"Soldiers!" Si Jiao stretched out his hand to calm the tide, and said, "Go and rest, the Great Array of Protecting the Nation has been launched, and Tongyang City is as solid as gold, everyone can sleep in peace!"

Only then did Long Jiao turn his horse's head and lead the army to the camp.

Si Jiao watched the Zhen Guojun's troops go away, then turned around, and said to the civil and military ministers upstairs above the city gate: "Since the National Defense Array is open, don't close it. I, Great Xia, will work hard to govern thirty-two In 2009, the national treasury was full, and there was plenty of primordial stones. But I don’t know how long the Qi thieves will be able to fight fiercely with an army of one million!"

Xi Meng's mansion stood at a corner away from the crowd, overlooking the Qi army, and was surprisingly silent.

During the Great War, once the National Defense Formation was activated at full efficiency, there was no reason to close it at will.

Especially now that the Qi army is invading in an all-round way, with multiple troops, Xia Guo is not qualified to close the national defense formation.

Of course, "don't close" and "can't close" are words that will actually affect morale.

Although all the people here are high-ranking figures of the Xia Kingdom, with clear hearts, King Wu still pays attention to his words...why pay attention to these details?

King Min on the tower remained silent.

What is King Wu still talking about, about the next deployment, which mansions need to focus on defense, and which roles in the Qi army need to be paid attention to...

Listening and listening, Xi Meng Mansion's sight drifted farther and farther...



Outside Tongyang City, the camp of the Qi army has been formally set up.

Antlers on the low wall, arrow towers and crossbows... one after another, military arrays support a temporary large array of defense.

The military tents are stretching, almost like another city on the Jiangyin Plain.

Of course, no matter how large-scale this temporary military camp looks like, its defense cannot be compared with that of Tongyang City.

But the Qi army is not afraid of field battles at all, but it is eager for Xia's army to go out of the city to attack the camp.

Night has come, and the huge hanging lamp illuminates it like daytime.

Camps were also set up on the east bank of the still frozen Lianjiang River.

The Autumn Killing Army that broke through Jianfeng Mountain and the Wind Chasing Army that just ended the tragic battle are both on the east bank of the Lianjiang River, guarding across the ice river from the Spring Death Army.

The battlefield has already been cleaned up.

Carloads of Qi army corpses were transported back to the east bank.

The identities were confirmed one by one by the military Chinese book, and the meritorious deeds were recorded-it is really bloody and bloody, so each team can compare the vacant soldiers, and then they can have a recognition.

At this moment, a large open space was cleared on the east bank of the Lianjiang River.

The corpses of all the Qi troops gathered on the battlefield were piled up here.

When attacking Jianfeng Mountain, it was not that there were no dead people. In three days, the whole territory of Fengjie Mansion was called to change flags, and a lot of robes were lost.

But not as many as today.

What is the scene of more than 30,000 corpses piled up together?

It is a silent mountain!

It is flesh and blood, but it is also mud and rocks.

They are the swords and spears of the Daqi Empire, and they are also the high walls and thick shields of the Daqi Empire. The reason why this empire can achieve greatness and maintain glory is because of them, who have dedicated themselves.

They laid their own flesh and blood into a solid foundation, and only then did the tall buildings rise from the ground.

Li Zhengyan was fully dressed in armor, and behind him were the generals, deputy generals, and all commanders of the Chasing Wind Army...

Including Li Fengyao, including Li Longchuan, all had serious expressions.

The soldiers of the Chasing Wind Army who were still alive surrounded the pile of corpses in many circles in silence.

The crowd gave way.

Accompanied by Yan Ping, Cao Jie came in armor.

That road is slowly closing again.

The commander-in-chief of the three armies who led the battle against Xia had a strong but slow pace.

He walked to the side of Li Zhengyan, stopped, and bowed deeply to the mountain piled up by the soldiers of the Qi army. Representing the will of the entire Faxia Military Mansion, the sacrifices of these soldiers will not be forgotten.

Time is up……

Li Zhengyan raised his palm and pushed forward lightly, as if saying goodbye.

Flames ignited on the mountain of corpses, but he turned his head and looked at the sky in the distance.

This man who didn't change his face when the cavalry confronted and took the lead on the battlefield couldn't bear to look at him at this moment.

Tens of thousands of people are burning.

It was their corpses that burned. What lights up is the night sky of a foreign country.

All those who fought for their country, all those who fought for the families behind them.

Their ashes will be brought back to their hometowns to give a little thought to those who lost them.

The fire was raging.

Li Fengyao, who was always as cold as an iceberg, spoke at this moment and sang a war song.

The bloodstains did not affect her beauty, and the firelight reflected her beautiful face, blooming like a frost flower in the place where the robe was buried.

The frosty voice floated in the night sky.

In the meantime, the sentimentality that even the frost can't freeze is so touching.

Including Cao Jie, including Yan Ping, including Li Zhengyan who was staring at the night sky from a distance, including all the soldiers of the Chasing Wind Army present, they couldn't help but speak...

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of soldiers sang together——


A man who goes east does not need to return!

If the sea wants to bury me, I will bury me.

Today is my expedition,

I will be buried tomorrow,

How, how, and how?

Is there any hero in the world who can sing long songs?

I was born unable to see my old father sad!

After I die, I look at my homeland and weep!

A horse leather shroud is not a good death.

Prime Minister Bai knew it was yesterday.

How, how, and how?

Is there any hero in the world who can sing long songs?


Its voice is majestic and its voice is sad.

The singing wafted on the east bank of the Lianjiang River, and soon the camp of the Autumn Killing Army also rang out the war singing.

"Today is my expedition,

I will be buried tomorrow,

How, how, and how?

Is there any hero in the world who can sing long songs? "

The song floated across the Lianjiang River, and then resounded through the huge Jiangyin Plain.

On such a night.

Da Qi's battle song surrounded Tongyang City.


On the upper floor of Tongyang City, the rest of the people dispersed.

After the opening of the National Defense Array, there are too many things to deal with. The transportation of primordial stones, the garrison of various places...

Youping, Yuci, Linwu, Fengli, people are needed everywhere...

Even inside Tongyang City, there must be a strong army stationed there, the fighting spirit of the soldiers must be compromised and appeased, and the defense of the city must continue to be repaired and built...

Only Liu Xiyi and Ximeng's mansion are still guarding here. One of them is in charge of the Prime Minister's Seal, and the other is in charge of the National Commander's Order, which is the key to the national defense formation... You can't get away easily.

It's just that this huge city tower is obviously extremely empty. There is also a pestle in the north and a pestle in the south, which is separated by a natural moat.

The two have had a long-standing grudge, and they quarreled more than once or twice.

The last time the palace discussed matters, it was just more intense...

Last year, when Ximeng Mansion led a team to the Yellow River Meeting, when he came back, Liu Xiyi pointed his nose and scolded him, saying that he didn't know how to guide and would damage the prestige of the country. Xi Mengfu was so angry that he said on the spot that next time he asked Liu Xiyi to attend the meeting, he wanted to see what kind of guidance this old man has!

With a hazy halo in his hand, Liu Xiyi suddenly snorted through his nostrils: "It's your turn."

The soundproof circle covering the whole city is not a small consumption.

Xi Mengfu didn't speak, but just reached out and took over the soundproof circle.

I don't know how long the Qi army will sing this battle song?

Liu Xiyi sat down blankly, leaning against the north corner and staring for a while.

But this old guy who was able to sleep soundly during the defense of Guiyi City was unable to sleep today.

He glanced at Xi Meng Mansion, and suddenly said: "Hey!"

Xi Mengfu turned his head expressionlessly and looked at him.

The hot-tempered Xiangguo, who has been fighting with others in the court all year round, said with a straight face: "You apologize to the old man, and the matter between us will be over."

Xi Mengfu looked at him quietly for a while, then spit out a word——


Liu Xiyi jumped up all of a sudden, cursing: "You little bastard, why are you talking to this old man!? No big or small! When this old man was wearing bruises, you were still playing with mud!"

Xi Meng's mansion ignored him at all, but looked outside Tongyang City with a serious expression.

Liu Xiyi cursed and cursed, also looked out, and muttered: "What are they doing?"

Xi Mengfu sighed for a long time, stagnated in the air, unable to dissipate for a long time: "They are... burying the corpses."

The Qi army outside Tongyang city is burying the bodies of Xia army soldiers.

put them in peace...

If the dead can live in peace, how can the living be brave?

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