Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1565

According to Cao Jun's order.

Chen Fu led 300,000 county soldiers to attack Youping, Wuxing, and Yuci prefectures in the northern part of Xia State.

Under his command are Tian Anping, Tian Antai, Yang Jing, younger brother of Yang Luo, governor of Biwu County, Mo Liancheng of Baizhi County, Qi Qilianghua, son of Qi Wen, Gao Zhe of Jinghai Gao, Zhang Weiyu, official doctor, Yan Fu of Beijun, etc... …

In addition, there are some strong sects who accompany the army in the territory, and there are many gods among them, and the lineup is not weak.

Among them, the eldest son Yan Fuyan was originally in the ranks of the Chasing Wind Army when he was swearing-in in the western suburbs of Linzi, but later he joined the ranks of the county soldiers and had to command an army, so he wanted to compete with Tian Anping in martial arts, so as not to show any signs mean.

Xie Huaian led an allied force of 300,000 eastern states to attack the Linwu, Huiming, and Fengli prefectures in the eastern part of the Xia Kingdom.

Under his command are Jiang Wang, Chong Xuansheng, Xie Baoshu, Bao Bozhao, Bao Zhongqing, etc...

In addition, of course, the rising stars of the Eastern Region countries are also indispensable, such as Rongguo Linxian, Yiguo Linjie, etc., and some of them are monks who come to God.

On the whole, the Allied Forces of the Eastern Regions are more powerful, but the soldiers of Daqi County are more elite than the Allied Forces of the Eastern Regions, so the strength of the two lines is quite similar.

If Xia Guo thought that the Qi army was going to play tricks of falsehood and reality, he would definitely fall into a big fall. Because both lines can be regarded as the main force!

This time Qi State's million-strong army attacked Xia, and all the soldiers who came here were elite soldiers.

Cao Jie gave an order, and suddenly it rushed like a sea tide, spreading across the entire Xia Kingdom.

It is worth mentioning that Chong Xuanzun, the vanguard of freedom of movement, chose to attack the eastern part of Xia Kingdom, with the obvious intention of suppressing his fat brother.

At this time, the long-distance communication has been completely cut off in the entire Xia Realm. Regardless of Qi Xia, they all lost the ability to remotely control the war in real time.

Cao Jie joined Yan Ping and Ruan Yu, led nine soldiers and three armies, and confronted Si Jiao and Yu Liyang in Tongyang City.

The way of the true king is to test and chase each other, and the army and soldiers are facing each other far away. The Qi army continued to attack the city, but it was only at the level of maintaining pressure.

And a new war stage of all-out chaos started like this...



"This... where are we going?"

Walking through the narrow valley with the army, Jiang Wang was a little confused.

It has been four days since Xie Huaian led his troops into Linwu Mansion, and the 300,000 coalition forces from the Eastern Region countries have attacked the city and pulled out the villages everywhere, fighting in full swing. General Zhongxuanzun of the Pioneer Battalion showed great power, such as Bao Bozhao and Xie Baoshu who made great achievements repeatedly, and the eight cities in the northern part of Linwu Prefecture almost ignited the flames of war...

But Chong Xuansheng has been on his way with his people.

Moreover, he only chose inaccessible places and walked on remote paths. I don't know how he is so proficient in the geography of Xia Kingdom!

Chong Xuansheng tapped the finger on the index finger of his left hand, and amidst the floating mist, an incomparably detailed topographical map of Xia Kingdom appeared in the air.

This thing can play a role in the extremely chaotic environment of the fan world, especially in the summer world. Mountains, rivers, cities and towns are all evident.

The fat man glanced at it, and said, "Hurry up. This is Jinglong Valley. If you go out of the valley and go southwest for two hundred miles, you will be Ximing City."

Although Jiang Wang didn't know the geographical environment of Xia Kingdom, he could recognize the map. After looking at it twice, he said in surprise, "We're almost at Huiming Mansion!"

Linwu Mansion has a total of twenty cities, and Ximing City is already the southernmost big city in this mansion.

If you go further south, you will already be within the boundary of Huiming Mansion.

"It's a bit slow." Chong Xuansheng looked back at the team of winding and growing dragons, and said, "But in order to maintain the combat power, this is the only way to go."

The ostentatious battle flag had already been put away.

Everyone in the team that was rushing on the road all day was tired.

A team of 3,000 people is neither too much nor too small. It is not an easy task to march quickly through mountains and mountains.

The soldiers of the three capitals were all from Qiu Sha, so they were naturally first-class and elite. And with the connection of the Lian family, he is fat and willing to spend money, and his attire is the best.

All the running talismans and qi and blood pills were used infrequently, so they could keep up. In three days, they were able to go around in Xia Guo's control area and get all the way here.

Just like this, Chong Xuansheng is still too slow!

"It can't be faster." Jiang Wang has also learned a lot of knowledge about marching formations recently, and said casually: "Unless the two of us come here alone."

"What you all know, how can I not know." Chong Xuansheng muttered a little, and before Jiang Wang heard it, he turned around and ordered: "The whole army stop changing clothes!"

One of his own soldiers took out sets of blue military uniforms from the storage box, and distributed them one by one—Chong Xuansheng's personal soldiers were of course his shadow guards, and they were also his banner soldiers.

There are not many accompanying, only about ten people. Qing Zhuan, who accompanied Jiang Wang to Biwu County, was also among them.

At this moment, Jiang Wang still doesn't understand what Chong Xuansheng's idea is, but these military uniforms are so strange to him.

"Which army's clothes are these?"

Jiang Wang asked while changing.

It's not that you can't use Ruyi Immortal Clothes to transform, but Jiang Wang is afraid that he didn't observe carefully enough and missed the details, so that people will see it, which is not beautiful.

"The army of Shaokang Mansion." With the help of Shisi, Chong Xuansheng put on the armor with great difficulty.

This special Xia Guofu army general's armor wrapped him like an iron can.

Shaokang Mansion is in the southwest of Huiming Mansion, adjacent to Jin'an Mansion and Huaiqing Mansion, and also borders on a small part of Sang Mansion. It is still far from the front line of the war, so it is reasonable to come to support Linwu Mansion-Xia Tingben is doing the same, and all the mansion troops are moving to the front line.

Jiang Wang was dissatisfied and said: "Why are you pretending to be a general, but I am just a small order?"

Chong Xuansheng chuckled: "With my rich body, people won't believe me if I say that I am not a high-ranking official!"

Jiang Wang was really speechless, so he asked again: "Since you want to deceive people, why didn't you clean up the battlefield before leaving? Stripping off the uniforms of the soldiers of the Zhen Guo Army, it will be more difficult to be discovered?"

Chong Xuansheng raised his finger: "First, after just going through the battle, those military uniforms are also stained with blood, which inevitably makes people vigilant."

"Secondly, soldiers are precious and fast. Although the means of long-distance communication are cut off, those flying beasts can send messages, and even the powerful people of the Xia Kingdom fly horizontally, but it is impossible to stop them. The news of the all-out chaos has spread. The north side is also fighting in full swing, we can't wait."

"Third!" He retracted his two fingers and said with a smile: "The above two points are not important. The most important reason is that under the current situation, it is impossible for the two armies of Zhen Guo and Shen Wu to leave Xiangyou Mansion. Pretending to be them to earn money, I can't think of anyone who would be fooled!"

Jiang Wang looked at him speechlessly and dangerously.

Chongxuansheng put it away when he saw it, turned around and faced the soldiers who had completed the change of clothes, and only let go of his big hands, and ordered: "Rest where you are, everyone sleep for an hour! No need to wait for the post, I will watch the sentry!"

This battalion of soldiers is really quite elite.

During the whole dressing process, there was almost no noise (except for the two aggressive leaders). At this time, when he received the military order, he immediately lay down and fell asleep soon.

There is a general-purpose sleep method specially developed in the military, which can help soldiers fall asleep quickly and recover their physical strength, without any negative effects at all. Qi Guoshu Academy has researched this method to the twenty-seventh edition, and it has almost reached the extreme in terms of the balance between ease of learning and recovery effect.

In the long and narrow Jinglong Valley, three thousand people quickly fell asleep. In addition to the long breathing, it is the wind.

An hour later...

At the top of the valley, Jue Jiang, who was on guard with Qianyang red pupils, looked back and made a safe gesture to Chong Xuansheng. As for why he was on guard... who made him learn the pupil technique!

Chongxuansheng then assembled the army and went out to Degu.

Jiang Wang finally looked into the distance for another week, but he did not see anything worth noting, so he took away the hidden disaster seal and leaped down.

At this time, I discovered the beauty of Chong Xuansheng's order for the soldiers to sleep for an hour.

In addition to recovering his physical strength, after sleeping on the ground like this, the already worn military uniforms of the government army looked a little messy.

How to put it, at first glance, in terms of spirit and spirit, it is more similar to those of Xia Guo's army...

Leading the army to this point, Chong Xuansheng did not go directly to Ximing City, but went south again, and then turned to Ximing City. It seemed that he was coming from the direction of Huiming Mansion, heading for Linwu Mansion Go to support the government troops.

In the middle, I really bumped into a Fengli army who came to support Wufu!

Chong Xuansheng went up to say hello to the generals carelessly. With all the flags and military uniforms in place, coupled with the authentic Xia Guo Shaokang Mansion accent, he was taken aback for a while.

He also took the initiative to ask the two armies to join forces to help the brothers in Linwu Mansion. He meant to take over the command, and at the same time, he showed his personal force intentionally or unintentionally.

The generals leading the army of Fengli Mansion turned away laughingly, saying that he could not make the decision, everything should be arranged by Shangfeng, and led his people away as if they were hiding from the plague god.

Of course it is easy to wipe out this army of more than a thousand people, but it is quite difficult to deal with the aftermath.

Although the long-distance Transcendence communication has been cut off, not all Xia Guo generals are vegetarians.

Don't look at the Desheng Battalion sneaking into the hinterland of Xia Guo quietly now, reaching the border of Linwu and Huiming prefectures, it seems that it is easy for a large army to sneak. That's because Chongxuansheng's route was chosen brilliantly, and his soldiers were able to complete the mission very well, and several times they passed by...

Once a large-scale battle occurs, it will soon be discovered by the Xia people.

A government army of more than a thousand people was wiped out here, and the scope of activities of the Desheng Battalion will soon be circled. When the time comes, the army will be suppressed...

So Chong Xuansheng can coax as much as he can.

From Xiangyou Mansion to Linwu Mansion, all the way interspersed, where it is remote, where to go, deep mountains and old forests.

At this time, walking from the border of Linwu and Huiming Prefectures to Ximing City, it is swaggeringly, only taking the official road, with smoke and dust all the way... The flag is also waving, and the people are also waving, just like the regular army of Daxia.

In the process, a village was also visited.

The head of this village watched the movement from afar, and brought some young and strong people, carrying a lot of things on their shoulders, and came to work for the army.

"How can this be done?" Chongxuan Sheng said solemnly: "Our Daxia Army has strict discipline. It has done nothing to the common people! How can I want your things?"

The old village chief held Chong Xuansheng's hand tightly: "The general is loyal to the emperor and the country, Xiao Yixi..."

Feeling the fat in his hands, he changed his words: "The one who defends the country. The old man only hates that he is no longer young. He can't carry a knife to fight in person. He prepared some food and drink for his own family. How can you refuse?"

The old man is too earnest,

Chong Xuansheng let out a long sigh, bypassing the thumping old hen, a few cans of home-brewed wine in the village... and only took a basket of cakes in his hand.

He said to the old man: "In this way, I will accept these sesame pancakes. I have accepted the old man's wishes. I really can't take anything else with me. I have to pack lightly when I go to kill Qi thieves. If you bring too many Stuff, on the contrary, delays things. The front line has everything, and there is no shortage of food and drink, please rest assured. This war... this war will end as soon as possible."

The old village chief called those young men to him again, and said to Xuan Sheng: "General, you don't need to take the things, but you must take these young people with you. In our Liujiazhuang, they have also studied. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country, you must let them kill the enemy!"

"General, I'll kill Qigou with you!" A simple-minded young man stepped forward vigorously: "I'm so strong, I'm the one who kills pigs in the village!"

He said while gesticulating with his hands: "Then what are dogs and pigs, I cut one with one knife, one knife with one knife!"

Chong Xuansheng looked at these people with complicated eyes, and finally said to the old village head of Liujiazhuang: "War is not a child's play. Our soldiers have been trained for a long time. How to form an array and how to swing a knife is a matter of time." Kecheng, it doesn't mean that you can participate with just a hoe..."

"General!" The old village head said with his eyes wide open, "It is said that there is great strength in numbers! These young men are all strong, so they can always be useful, right? Even if you use them to block arrows, as long as they can help you kill Qi Gou, it will be done!"

The old man was on the road ahead, looking like a king of the mountain. If you don't bring a few people to join the army, you won't be allowed to leave.

Chong Xuansheng had no choice but to wave to the most active young man, and said: "Well, I happen to come to Linwu Mansion less often, and the roads are unfamiliar. I will bring a person from your village as a guide. In this way, you can do your best. Now, the food is out, and the rest is left to our brothers who eat this bowl of knife-edge rice! How about it?"

Seeing his firm tone, the old village chief just muttered a few words, "Is one enough?" "There are many on Linwu Mountain Road!"

Finally let them go...

Afraid of delaying the military situation.


"What's your name?" On the way to Ximing City, Chong Xuansheng asked the young man in Liujiazhuang.

This is a lively personality, not at all serious.

"Liu Dayong!" He replied proudly.

I don't know whether it is because of the pride of joining the army to defend the country, or because of the name Liu Dayong.

Chong Xuansheng just said: "Okay, I'll find an old soldier to guide you, don't wander around, and listen to him in everything."

Shouted: "Blue Brick!"

Wearing the military uniform of the government army, Qingzhuan of the shadow guard trotted over like an ordinary soldier of the government army, hooked Liu Dayong's shoulder enthusiastically, and walked with him while talking with the authentic Shaokang accent...

Looking at this naive back, Chong Xuansheng sighed, and said to Jiang Wang: "Xia Guo is hard to beat!"

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