Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1566 Knowing that soldiers are murder weapons

Xia Guo is indeed difficult to fight.

Although Cao Jie sent millions of troops to the east, from Jianfeng Mountain all the way to Tongyang City, it was indeed overwhelming.

But this can only show the strength of the Qi army and Cao Jie's military talent, and it does not mean that Xia Guo is a bone to chew.

Whether it was Hua Hongzhao, the Marquis of Jing'an who went to his death on Jianfeng Mountain, or the Zhenguo Army on the Jiangyin Plain, who was confronting the 100,000 Wind Chasing Army cavalry, it was enough to show the tenacity of the Xia people.

And after the opening of the national defense formation, Cao Jie chose to burn the flames of war to every inch of Xia State... The Qi army finally felt the country's resolute resistance.

Although the two armies in Youping Mansion and Linwu Mansion were advancing resolutely, they did put in a lot of effort on every inch of ground they broke through.

Not to mention an inch of mud and an inch of blood, the situation like Fengjie Prefecture's many cities watching the wind and surrendering has almost never happened again.

But when he was in Jianfeng Mountain, Chong Xuansheng never said that Xia Guo was difficult to fight.

When confronting the cavalry outside the central city, Chong Xuansheng never said that Xia Guo was difficult to fight.

Traveling all the way in the territory of Linwu Mansion, and seeing the resolute resistance of the Linwu cities, Chong Xuansheng never said that Xia Guo was difficult to fight.

The Liu Family Village that he had just passed, which didn't even have an extraordinary force, made him sigh.

"Remember when we fought Yang Kingdom? In Rizhao County, once the leaders were killed and the defeated soldiers were driven away, the army collapsed immediately." Chongxuansheng said: "The people of Xia Kingdom will not do this. Give up like giving up Fengjie Mansion, and they won't give up easily...To this day, I realize even more how powerful Yan Xiang and the strategy of destruction are."

The written word is extinct, the calendar is extinct, the monarchs and ministers are all rotten, selfishly asking themselves... the demise of the Yang Kingdom in the past was indeed a matter of course.

Today's Xia Kingdom is different.

The glory of the Xia Kingdom still exists in the hearts of the people for a long time.

After leaving Liujiazhuang, Jiang Wang, who had been silent for a long time, said at this time: "This is a country with a strong will, and this country has great people... I have seen their determination to protect their homeland."

He once set up a flag in Yangguo to protect the people and keep Qingyang Town from turmoil.

He has personally witnessed the corruption of officials in the Yang Kingdom, and he has seen the festering sores that are everywhere in that country.

The Qi army swallowed Yang, ruled in two years, and the hearts of the people were converted. If you think about it, you are the teacher of the king, the so-called "cutting down the unrighteous".

But what about Xia Kingdom today?

What he saw in Xia Kingdom was the strongest thing in this country.

Even though he is a Qi general today, even though he has received a military position, and the country's law and military regulations have imposed it, he can't help but reflect on himself.

I have no reason?

Chong Xuansheng took a deep look at Jiang Wang, he took this issue very seriously.

Since ancient times, Jiang Wang was the only one who had such confusion. Jiang Wang is not the only one who has the myth of the way on the battlefield.

War is a cruel thing, and the battlefield is an environment that tests humanity.

The poem said——"The black kite pecks people's intestines, and flies on the dead branches. The soldiers paint the grass, but the generals do nothing. But knowing that soldiers are murder weapons, saints use them as a last resort!"

In the past, the leader of the Yellow River, who was famous all over the world in Jingguo, claimed to be the top figure who wanted to make Jingtianjiao conquer the world for a hundred years. Didn't he see the cruelest side of war in the war against other countries, and began to deny his own way, thus Dao heart collapsed, reduced to a useless person?

In that battle, Jingguo's commander, in order to show his majesty and deter all parties, chose to build a capital and slaughter a big city, blocking the rivers and flooding the plateau with blood...

After thinking about it many times in his heart, Chong Xuansheng said slowly: "Of course Xia Guo has thousands of people who guard this country. I don't deny this, and I have seen it with my own eyes. But behind our backs , In the country of Qi behind us, there are trillions of people. Their interests need to be safeguarded, their support needs to be responded to, and their glory needs to be reflected. They need to eat well, wear warm clothes, and live with dignity , a self-proclaimed empire cannot guarantee these. The world is fighting, and if you don’t advance, you will retreat.”

"From a historical point of view, when Emperor Xia Xiang marched eastward to establish Xia's hegemony, if Qi lost in that battle, it would have ceased to exist. After that battle, Xia's year was marked by martial arts, and he never forgot to advance eastward. Who can avoid this century-old, thousand-year-old national hatred? Last year, the Xia Kingdom colluded with the Pingping Kingdom and provoked internal conflicts. Is it a good person to assassinate the king first and then cry at the temple? If one person did not respond properly at that time, it could be said that the country was already in turmoil."

"From the perspective of the general situation in the world, if we compete with Jing Guo in the future, Xia Guo will definitely be the first to rush out. Xia is to Qi, just like Sheng is to Mu. It is a trouble in the heart, and they are all swords in the palm of Jing Guo. .Strong Jing Tianxia wields swords, Xiong sees Liuhe. If these swords cannot be broken, Jing Guo’s hegemony will last forever. If this sword continues, once Qi State is weak, it will be called piercing belly!”

"From my personal point of view, I am from Qi, and I was born in a family of the Qi State. It is only natural that I want to contribute to Qi. I want to fight for the position of Patriarch, and I also need to win enough meritorious service in this war How can I avoid this battle, both public and private?"

"From a friend's point of view, you led the army with me and worked hard to help me win honors. Just like you have always done. This is the friendship between you and me."

"And from your own point of view. You, Jiang Wang, received Qi Jue, got the same job, and enjoyed the same salary. You are from Qi! Force the Prime Minister of Zhuang Kingdom to be whipped on Yujing Mountain... There is a war in Qi State, and you have to fight."

"Now, let me talk about something bigger."

"Unify the world and grasp the torrent of humanity. For the emperors of all countries, this is the road to transcend the peak, and it cannot be avoided. The hero of the world, who is willing to let go? Before that day comes, war is inevitable. The world has long since returned. One, the common people in the world will be spared a day of war, what do you think?"

"I'll say it again!"

"In today's world, there are Hai Clan in the east, Yuyuan in the west, Demon Clan in the north, and Meteor Forest in the south. Behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, the demon clan's army has never stopped. First unify all the powers of the human race. This is a thousand years of achievements, ten thousand years of honor, great unification, is the righteousness! This human race is under the great righteousness, and the small benevolence and small righteousness need not be said."

Speaking of this, Chong Xuansheng spread his hands: "Look, I have so many reasons to give you. About the necessity of this war, about the necessity of you and me participating in the war. I can give you more reasons, but I think you also why, you feel confused now?"

Jiang Wang was silent.

He has a lot to say, but he doesn't know how to say it.

Chong Xuansheng's words gave him some answers, but not all of them.

Chong Xuansheng said again: "When you were in Yang Kingdom, you were more decisive than you are now. It is because the court of Yang Kingdom has completely decayed and there is no cure, and it is because the hearts of the people there are united... and now the army and the people of Xia Kingdom are united? The country also has loyal ministers and generals like Ji Cheng. It is even cruel to say that Yang Jiande could have become a wise emperor and governed the country well if it hadn't been suppressed by my great Qi. ..."

These words were like a knife, scraping Jiang Wang's silence, making him have to examine himself.

"Probably the way!" Jiang Wang said, "It's my practice."

He sighed: "Faith, sincerity, benevolence, and martial arts. I am bound by the four virtues, and I can't help but often ask myself whether they are compatible. Jiang Wang, do you believe it? Honesty? Ren? Do you have the virtue of martial arts?"

The road, the road, the closer you get, the more lost you become. The further you go, the more ignorant you will be. The more aware you are, the more aware you are of your ignorance!

Those who have not attained the path should not be confused, because it is impossible to go so far!

Chong Xuansheng laughed instead at this time, he said with a smile: "Who are you?"

The young man walking beside him was no longer silent.

This young man who has grown up to his current appearance because of an agreement in the illusionary realm, traveling thousands of miles to Qi... said in his own tone: "Jiang Wang."

Chong Xuansheng shook his head, and said: "You are the core figure in the Great Qi's Faxia army and the Victory Camp. You are Daqi Qingyangzi, a third-rank golden melon warrior, and a fourth-rank Qingpai headhunter...Jiang Wang."

"War is the cruelest and most dangerous thing. When you are on the battlefield, your identity is your greatest self, and your victory is your only pursuit. The benevolence of war is not to kill needlessly, and to use the fewest casualties, Win the greatest victory. Wude on the battlefield lies in that you have to help your comrades, and you have to protect the people behind you. You are our hero, and you have to kill the enemy's heroes. This is heroism on the battlefield .”

Chong Xuansheng finally said: "I don't understand your way. Regarding my own way, I am still observing. With your talent, I really can't give you any advice in terms of practice. But I think , your way is the way you are bound by the cage, not the cage itself!"

These words were like a thunderbolt, piercing through the fog in Jiang Wang's mind in an instant.

In the world of the human body, after the way is clear, the fog of ignorance that has become thicker and thicker is instantly cleared away!

My way is the way I am bound in a cage, not the cage itself. The purpose of casting the cage of the devil is to allow oneself to grasp the "true self" and not to go astray. But if this cage is turned into the Dao itself, and every word and deed must be measured by the most stringent standard, wouldn't it be a deviation from the Dao? Although it is bound by the four virtues, it seems to be a bright walk, but is it another kind of "wrong way"?

Xuan Sheng, who is the most important today, is really a teacher of one word!

A moment of realization gave Jiang Wang a clearer understanding of the way, and he couldn't help saying: "Zi said, I will reflect on myself three times a day... it is true!"



When the Victory Camp arrived in Ximing City, it was dusk and people were drowsy.

Too early or too late is actually more vigilant. In the normal time of the day, this time period is the easiest to neglect.

The control of the marching speed is also a proof that there are hills and valleys in the chest.

Such as Cao Jie, such as Li Zhengyan, such as Chong Xuansheng at this time.

Of course, the difficulty for them to control the army is not the same.

The setting sun hangs in the distant sky, Ximing City stands silently, the city gates are closed. The entire northern part of Linwu Mansion has been smashed into a pot of porridge. Although the flames of war have not yet ignited here, the atmosphere of chilling has spread first.

The city guards stood on the city tower, wearing armor and holding guns, swords and bows. The crossbow carts lined up, and the crossbow arrows were shining brightly towards the outside of the city. There is also the brilliance of the Great City Guard Array, faintly flowing, obviously activated and ready to be opened at any time.

With the full efficiency of the Daxia National Defense Array activated, the defense capability of the Great Defense Array in Ximing City has more than doubled than in the past? Once opened, it is easy to block an army of tens of thousands.

It's just that the Qi army is still far away. For the sake of long-term defense, Ximing City is unwilling to consume the power of the national defense formation prematurely. Here is another city of transportation hub type, where friendly troops often pass through. Switching on and off will waste a lot of service life.

Keeping the activated state, the Yinjue and Lingyin can be opened immediately, and there is no such thing as too late.

The approach of the 3,000-man army naturally aroused the vigilance of the defenders.

"Stop those who come! Where are the soldiers and horses, can you trust them?" A group of soldiers with decent appearance shouted loudly.

Chong Xuansheng waved his hand to stop the army at a safe distance, while he walked a few steps forward alone, raised his head and asked, "Why is the city closed at this time? Could it be that Linwu Mansion has already fallen?"

After Jiang Wang practiced self-cultivation, his ear consciousness is more sensitive than before.

Behind the battlements, a stern voice was clearly heard: "Tell him not to talk nonsense, and answer whatever you ask, or shoot him dead."

I thought to myself, it seems that the Jianfeng Mountain Hua Fangyu formation was broken without even opening it, which taught Xia Guo generals a very profound lesson, and now these people are very vigilant...

Even if the Ximing City hadn't been affected by the flames of war, even if Chong Xuansheng's accent was flawless, the opponent didn't relax at all. He didn't even show his head at this meeting, and only passed the team's true words.

The captain who heard the yelling really turned up the volume: "You can answer whatever you ask! Get closer, and the big crossbow will serve you!"

And Chong Xuansheng suddenly turned his face, and cursed: "Fuck you mother! I don't eat good banquets, my concubine doesn't care, and I worked so hard to bring people to support Linwu, you are a tortoise, and this is the attitude? "

He walked forward while cursing, aggressively: "Who the hell are you! Get off me!"

The team that shouted was stunned by the scolding and dared not speak back.

At this time, one hand pushed it away, and the expressionless face of the guard of Ximing City appeared behind the battlements.

Looking at Chong Xuansheng who was full of foul words, he just raised his hand.

stretch! stretch!

Several large crossbows on the tower have been wound up!

The guard said coldly: "The imperial court has already issued a military order to go all over the mansions, calling all the cities to martial law, and to fight against the bandits with all their strength. It is better to kill by mistake than to indulge! Even if the king of heaven is here today, the seal is not passed on, and he dares to take a step forward. , I want to shoot him into a hedgehog too, try it if you don’t believe me!”

"Fuck you! What are you, dare to threaten me here?! When I was in the bloody battlefield, you were still breastfeeding!" Chong Xuansheng jumped up and cursed.

But it was as if roots had taken root under his feet, and he stopped taking a step forward.

It vividly describes what it means to be serious and internal.

He was still two hundred steps away from the city wall.

At this moment, Qing Zhuan rushed out of the queue again, rushed forward, and held him tightly: "General! Military orders are important, don't get angry!"

As soon as the words came out, it was also an authentic Shaokang accent, and it was a little northerly.

Chong Xuansheng's preparations for this attack on Xia did not take a day or two.

Being dragged like this, the fat general from the Shaokang Mansion cursed even more vigorously. He blurted out such dirty Shaokang Mansion slang words like "the old lady in the house inserting green onions upside down..." Of course, he had already dug someone out of his mouth The ancestral tomb of the family, but it does not move a step under its feet.

The guard of Ximing City on the tower did not relax his posture, but his tone was much more relaxed: "Brother, you don't have to scold here. It's your duty. I dare not slack off. Please forgive me. You are also a reasonable person." People, you are going to the city to rest, I have to check it, right?"

Chong Xuansheng was still swearing at himself, saying things like no one in the army would recognize Laozi Xiashanhu, you are a nobody, and so on.

But Qing Zhuan said in a stack of voices: "Yes, there are, and the seals of the flag orders are all available. What do you want to inspect?"

"Just send up the flag, orders, seals, and texts!" said the guard on Ximing City.

While speaking, with a wave of his hand, a hanging basket was lowered from the tower.

No one was willing to put it in first, so I was extremely vigilant.

Qingzhuan waved without hesitation: "Send everything here!"

Jiang Wang, who was dressed as Xiaoling, walked forward holding the folded banner and Ling Yinwen. While measuring the distance between the two sides, he couldn't help admiring in his heart, this defender of the city is a good general! It's really watertight.

These flag orders and seals are definitely not to be confused...

Although Chongxuansheng has been preparing for today for a long time, there is no problem with the flag and order. However, it is impossible to completely imitate the correct seal and script.

Because as soon as the war starts, military-related seals and texts will be newly opened. The top figures in charge of the major war zones will also add their own private seals - before the war, who can predict it all?

For example, the transfer of troops and the entry and exit of city gates all require reconnaissance and cooperation. To be able to fit perfectly, unless it is really one of your own!

But neither Chongxuansheng nor Qingzhuan showed any signs of guilt.

From the perspective of the guard of Ximing City, the Xiaoling holding the seal was approaching at this time, and he was still far away from the city wall. Because of fear, he walked very slowly, trying hard to show his harmlessness.

That's right, if there is a slight misunderstanding, this kid has to explain it here, so it's inevitable that he will be nervous.

The guard of Ximing City intends to ease the relationship. After all, they are all Daxia robes, breaking the bones and connecting the tendons, and now they are going to join hands with Yuwai.

So he said to the fat man with extremely bad breath: "I didn't intend to embarrass my brother. I have to investigate the responsibility. Please forgive me! Little brother Jiang Changyong, when he turns around and beats back the bandits, he will personally serve wine to apologize! Unknown brother Gao's surname name?"

Gentle back to gentle, did not forget to continue to test.

Chong Xuansheng looked like "I am famous, you will worship before you accept your head", and snorted: "Jiang Sheng!"

Jiang Changyong said calmly: "There are not many people with the surname Jiang in our Xia country."

"That's right! Our Old Jiang is also a famous character in Shaokang's mansion, and his brothers and friends are all over the military mansion!" Chong Xuansheng seemed to be angry, and said in a rough voice: "Li Chunyang, Fengli mansion, do you know him? Then It’s my little brother too! Just passed here!”

Of course Jiang Changyong had never heard of this "famous character" of Lao Shizi, but the one who came here for supplies before was indeed a Fengli government army, and the leader was indeed Li Chunyang - that person was much more honest.

Immediately he laughed: "Brother Jiang, don't blame me, I didn't know it before, but I will know it in the future!"

"You don't need to know me." Chong Xuansheng snorted coldly: "You know that you are from Linwu Mansion! I have never seen someone who uses their own robes as a thief. Your Linwu Mansion army is really interesting! You guys There is Liujiazhuang nearby, do you know? It should be your own territory, your own people?"

He turned his head and waved: "Dayong, Dayong! Didn't you say that you admire the military master of Ximing City the most? Come here, come here, hurry up and get to know him. Well, the one who wants to shoot us into hedgehogs is the general you admire!"

Liu Dayong ran forward excitedly, and after hearing the second half of the sentence, his legs became weak and he slowed down.

Jiang Changyong was not angry, instead he became interested, approached him, and waved at Liu Dayong: "Come closer and talk! You are from Liujiazhuang in Menqiangou? Do you know Liu Yongqi?"

Liu Dayong looked back at Chong Xuansheng hesitantly. In his heart, the fat general was more kind.

Chong Xuansheng pushed him forward: "Go, go, go, go if you are told, what are you afraid of! Can you really shoot you?"

Liu Dayong cheered up, and shouted loudly as he walked: "That's a big shot of my grandfather's generation, the first one in ten miles and eight towns! I heard that he went to the imperial city to become a high official!"

Jiang Changyong smiled in his heart, what kind of high official is Liu Yongqi?

But this simple boy undoubtedly gave him a bit of nostalgia.

At this time, the small order of the Shaokang army had already put the token into the hanging basket.

And the fat general who pushed Liu Dayong forward also came to a dangerous distance.

Although I already believed in the identities of these people in my heart, rules are rules. King Wu and his elders have repeated orders and repeated orders, and rules are always the first in the army.

He half-joked and half-warned: "Brother! You can't go anymore—"

Before he finished speaking, he already felt a terrifying suction force!

That kind of power covered his whole body, and it surged out in an instant, pulling him straight to the bottom of the tower!

He immediately drummed up Dao Yuan, concentrated his energy and blood, and didn't focus on his own defense, but wanted to order to open the protective formation——

But a sword light soaring into the sky has already passed his neck!

That... Xiao Ling!

With the last regretful thought in his life, Jiang Changyong fell down the tower.

And what went wrong with it was Jiang Wang's figure flying like a dragon.

He took away Jiang Changyong's city defense order, and when he reached the tower, thousands of snow came out from the sword, and the endless white sword energy instantly emptied the guards on the tower!

Turning over and jumping, he has already fallen to the gate in the city.

The powerful coercion was instantly suppressed.

"Disarm the soldiers and avoid death!"

A sword precisely opened the city gate!


There was a uniform sound of drawing knives.

The soldiers of the Victory Battalion, who had already been ready to go, drew their swords out of their sheaths, and the soldiers rushed into Ximing City like arrows flying off the string!

Liu Dayong stared at all this in a daze, feeling that this world is very absurd.

In front of him was the opened gate of Ximing City, and the "Shaokang Mansion Army" advancing quickly and orderly like a pack of wolves.

The majestic guard of Ximing City is just a corpse facing the ground at this moment.

The hanging basket containing the seal of the command flag waiting to be pulled up for verification is still wobbling on the outer city wall.

Squeak, squeak.

Make such a lonely sound.

Next to him was that fat, fat general.

The fat, fat general dragged him to the city.

only said to him—

"War, that's what it is."




Ps: "The black kite pecks people's intestines..." - Li Bai's "War City South"

One of the changes was joined by Dameng Yan Shaofei (53/78.)

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