Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1568 Help Comes From Afar

Inside the city gate, a group of people knelt down in darkness.

The flag that fell on the ground was picked up by the fat general, he inserted it casually, and penetrated into the ground, which was a bit flamboyant.

The battle ended quickly.

This reinforcement army that really came from Shaokang's mansion entered the city with great fighting spirit, ready to help defend the city, and fought a fierce battle, but ended up catching a turtle in the urn...and he was the turtle.

Those who captured them were a team also wearing the military uniform of the Shaokang Army.

Jiang Wang beheaded the general in one face-to-face meeting, and Chong Xuansheng led the army to intersperse a few casually, disrupting the formation of this team, and there were still crossbow carts on the high wall... The next step is to chop vegetables and cut melons, and wait for surrender up.

With the erosion of the situation in Linwu Mansion, as the southernmost city of Linwu Mansion, the geographical location of Ximing City became more and more critical.

Xia Guo reinforcements coming from the direction of Huiming and Fengli almost all passed through here.

Some need to take a rest here to replenish supplies, and some just pass through the official road outside the city.

Of course, the current Ximing City is hospitable and hospitable, and will never let any reinforcements leave in one piece.

Those who went to the city to replenish supplies stayed on the spot. Not going to add anything, the guard of Ximing City came out to say a few words...and stayed.

Chong Xuansheng did what he said, fighting with his brain.

Although they have an overwhelming advantage in combat power against these small Xia Guofu troops, they are always making sneak attacks and attacking them by surprise... like a strong and powerful man who always walks around the back and knocks a three-year-old child's sap.

Because Zhong Xuansheng arranged everything very carefully, so that the process of the battle was lacklustre.

After all, since entering Linwu Mansion, the most difficult and hardest time for the Desheng Camp was the few days when they were on their way.

The resulting problem is...

"There is no place to hold prisoners!"

The shadow guard named Qingzhuan reported so.

It is said that before they became Chong Xuansheng's shadow guards, they were all old soldiers who had retired from the army. Indeed, he also showed quite good military qualities in this series of battles, and helped Zhong Xuansheng share a lot of pressure-much harder than a certain Sir who went to meditate on the city wall after killing people.

There are more than a dozen shadow guards, all of them are both this and that, and one of them can't wait to be the envoy of a hundred people.

But it's really not enough...

There were only 3,000 people in the Victory Camp, and 20,000 prisoners were taken!

Those who helped the guards were only more than 4,000 surrendered guards of Ximing City.

Using Xia Jun to guard Xia Jun, normal people can imagine how many hidden dangers there are.

Now it is suppressed purely by the powerful force of the Desheng Battalion, but the restless atmosphere has obviously spread in Ximing City.

Chong Xuansheng seems to be a normal person, still writes and draws alone with a pen, remembering his achievements seriously——

Without bloodshed, he captured the pivotal city of the three prefectures, beheaded thousands of them, including several generals, and captured more than 20,000 Xia troops, changing the situation of the Linwu Mansion...

Wrote two copies in one form, using my own private seal. Tear off one of the pages and hand it to Liu Yitao, the guard of Ximing City whom he appointed standing beside Gongli.

Then he shouted: "Brother Wang, it's time to leave!"

The light of red gold in Jiang Wang's eyes disappeared, and his practice was suspended.

Yaoguang, also known as Pojun, is the star of the battle.

The Yaoguang Star Building established by martial arts has received extremely rich nourishment on the battlefield. Especially Qi Xia's battles that can affect the overlord's personality will benefit the fluctuating star attributes in various ways.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Wang asked.

Although the fourth floor stands for general stars, seeking the virtue of martial arts. But Jiang Wang is obviously taking personal martial arts, not the world's martial arts. It is quite difficult to catch up with Chong Xuansheng's military thinking...

Of course, beside this fat man, Jiang Wang didn't bother to use his brain. Anyway, no matter how you think, you can't think as well as him, so why think? It is right to seize the time to understand and practice.

"We have eaten so many troops in turn. The Xia Guojun Mansion must have discovered the anomaly. Especially at this stage of the war, the importance of Ximing has become prominent. At least there will be a Marquis who will come here to check and make up for the omissions. Let's stay here again." Going down will be very dangerous."

Chong Xuansheng didn't shy away from Liu Yitao who was present, and casually talked about his own analysis.

Liu Yitao had already greeted the fat man's family in his heart.

Of course he now knows that the entire Linwu Mansion has not fallen. Qi's army is still tangling in the northern cities! Those who came to Ximing City were really only these 3,000 people!

But the moat formation was also destroyed. In order to show his loyalty, he also cut down several former colleagues, and was publicly commended many times by this fat man, and he was personally appointed as the guard of Ximing City—fuck you, no matter who When Lord Hou comes over, can you cut Lao Tzu first?

I will accompany you to ambush the friendly army, and I will help you guard the prisoners.

I don't care about anything, and I am determined to mess with you.

Now you pat your ass and leave?

It has been agreed that this place is Qidi, so we are all Qi people? !

"Yi Tao!" Chong Xuansheng didn't seem to notice his mood, and said in an intimate tone: "You put away the piece of paper I gave you. All your contributions are recorded in it, and you will be rewarded after the war. Your wealth is indispensable!"

Liu Yitao reluctantly twitched the corner of his mouth: "General...are we leaving?"

"No, it's not us." Chong Xuansheng said: "It's just that my soldiers are going to make a strategic shift, and you and your subordinates still have to help Daqi defend this Ximing City!"

Liu Yitao was on the verge of crying: "This... How can I guard?"

Chongxuansheng Guzi ordered Qingzhuan to raise the flag to assemble the team.

Then he said to Liu Yitao: "Why are you panicking? How can I Qi people be afraid of Xia people? Straighten up!"

His eyes flicked over Liu Yitao's frightened posture, and he looked at the sky.

"Calculating the time, our reinforcements should be here..." He said so, beckoning: "Come here with your ears."

Liu Yitao approached without tears, and listened to what Chong Xuansheng said.

Can't help being dubious: "Really?"

"You don't believe me, you don't believe Jiang Qingyang!" Chong Xuansheng pushed Jiang Wang out again.

Liu Yitao actually didn't believe it.

On the battlefield, whoever believes is stupid.

No matter how trustworthy and unparalleled, the word "loyalty" is also for friends, not enemies.

Of course he has to be prepared.

I was already thinking about how to prove my "innocence" in front of Lord Xia of the Xia Kingdom, and how to portray myself as "bearing humiliation". How can I make people believe that... my process of "putting things right" is sincere, and the lives of so many soldiers of the Xia Army were saved because of me! This is losing land and saving people, and it is a strategic vision!

But no matter how he thought about it, Chong Xuansheng had raised his banner and simply led people out of the city.

He didn't have the slightest nostalgia for this city that had been stationed for several days and swallowed up seven reinforcements from the Xia army.

The last sentence left to Liu Yitao is——

"By the way, that guy named Liu Dayong, take care of him, don't ask anyone to take revenge on him. You were all Xia people before, and you will all be Qi people in the future...Of course, if you don't want to take care of him, you can do whatever you want."

Take care of your mother's legs!

Fuck your mother Liu Dayong!

Cut him back! It was this grandson who tricked General Jiang into being careless, and told you to wait for Qi Gou to take advantage of the loophole. Otherwise, why would I be in such a dilemma?

Liu Yitao thought indignantly.



"The reinforcements you told Liu Yitao just now, what kind of reinforcements?" On the way out of the city, Jiang Wang asked, "You sent so many letters, who did you contact?"

Chong Xuansheng said casually: "Half of the people I contacted have been captured by us, and they are still tied up in Ximing City, and the other half are still on their way."

"So you lied to him?"

"Of course not." Chong Xuansheng smiled: "We have disappeared on the Eastern Front for so long, counting the time, Chong Xuanzun should be in a hurry..."

After entering the battlefield of Linwu Mansion, we traveled through the enemy's rear for four days. After capturing Ximing City, they waited for another four days.

In Chong Xuanzun's vision, the Victory Camp had disappeared for eight days.

Jiang Wang asked himself, if he was Chongxuan Zun, it would be really difficult to keep calm if Chong Xuansheng, an extremely smart person, disappeared from sight for so long at a critical moment in the battlefield.


"How come Chongxuanzun will definitely come to Ximing City?" Jiang Wang couldn't help asking.

Chong Xuansheng said: "You have only fought against him, in your opinion, what is the strength of Chong Xuan Zun who is in the realm of God?"

Jiang Wang said truthfully: "Although he is just entering God's Realm, he is also a strong person in God's Realm."

"The so-called no-regret, the so-called no-miss, the so-called's really a wonderful realm." Chong Xuansheng sighed with emotion and asked, "Are you waiting too?"

"Soon." Jiang Wang said.

"Don't worry. If you don't come this time, I will definitely win." Chong Xuansheng's tone was calm and sure: "The opportunity has been given to me, and there is no reason to lose it."

Chong Xuansheng said slowly: "Who can compete with Chong Xuan Zun in the entire Eastern Front? Bao Zhongqing has more scheming than courage. Xie Xiaobao hasn't grown up yet...Only Chong Xuan Zun can come, he Will definitely come."

Casually belittling his old friend, Chong Xuansheng continued: "He doesn't know where we are or what we are doing, but he can sense that Xia Guo's reinforcements to the front line have slowed down. With his wisdom, of course we can Guessing, we must have circled to the back of the Xia Realm, doing something... so he will definitely come!"

"And Ximing City is the hub city of the three prefectures. If he wants to suppress me in terms of military exploits, this is his first choice, and he can't avoid it."

Jiang Wang believed in Chong Xuansheng's judgment. But this time he has another doubt - Bob Zhao is obviously also on the Eastern Front, but Chong Xuansheng only talks about Bao Zhongqing, not Bob Zhao. Could it be that Bao Zhongqing is the better one in the fat man's heart?

But this doubt is not very important.

He doesn't care about Bao Zhongqing, nor does he care about Bao Bozhao.

Just ask: "So where do we go now?"

Chongxuansheng smiled: "Go to the place where Chongxuanzun will go afterward."

Fourteen silently followed behind and walked quickly. Although he was wearing heavy armor, carrying an epee, and was in the army, his steps became brisk for no reason.

She really likes Pang Sheng's confident look!



However, the entire Linwu Mansion, from north to south, is getting worse step by step.

Xia Guo's defenders showed an extremely tenacious will to resist, but the Qi army was even more determined.

The 300,000 coalition forces of the Eastern Regions, under the command of the court official Xie Huai'an, divided and attacked everywhere, causing Linwu Mansion to be on fire everywhere, and the cities were too busy to take care of themselves.

In the muddy and chaotic situation, Chong Xuanzun's leading battalion is undoubtedly unique.

Wearing white clothes to cross the body, the Sun God Palace shines on the battlefield. In the entire battle on the Eastern Front, he was the first to land on the enemy's city, and became the first general in the northern part of Lin'an Prefecture to defeat the big city.

The second person to defeat the enemy city was Yan Po, the general of God's Landing from Yi Kingdom, after a full three hours.

It took five hours for Bob Zhao to break through the enemy city.

The rest of the people wait, let alone.

After breaking through the enemy city for the first time, Chongxuanzun was not busy expanding the results of the battle, let alone celebrating, but left the battlefield with all his soldiers, and rushed to the rear of Linwu Mansion at a very high speed.

Because he has already noticed that some kind of change is taking place behind Linwu Mansion. The most direct impact is that in some places, Xia Guo's reinforcements obviously can't connect, and they lose the feeling of continuous mountains and rivers. On a larger scale, it indirectly interfered with the layout of the enemy's commander-in-chief on the Eastern Front!

Even, the reason why he was able to defeat the enemy city so quickly also benefited from this change. Before the enemy generals, he embraced this change and grasped the rhythm of the war.

And his fat younger brother with outstanding intelligence has disappeared on the battlefield for a long time...

No one knows where Chong Xuansheng and Jiang Wang went!

He knows how strong Jiang Wang's force is.

He knows how clever Chong Xuansheng's brain is.

It is hard for him to imagine what kind of results these two people can create together.

But he prepared for the worst!

And it is presumed that these two people are like their uncle Chongxuan Chuliang in the past, leading the army to the enemy's rear, wantonly plundering military exploits in the enemy's most important place!

Then if he is still entangled in the northern part of Linwu Mansion, it will be difficult to maintain his advantage in military exploits.

Marching all the way in a hurry, they left behind the eight cities in the north of Linwu Mansion that were still finishing and the five cities in the middle of Linwu Mansion that were waiting for battle.

In the entire battle situation of Linwufu, the most critical is obviously the eight cities in the north.

These eight big cities were also regarded as the key to the struggle by Xia Fang's commander-in-chief on the eastern front, connecting them into one breath and giving them continuous support.

Xie Huai'an attacked eight cities at the same time and directly dragged the situation into a chaotic battle, relying on the strength of the Qi army to interrupt this continuous momentum.

The quality of the army in various parts of the Xia Kingdom varies from good to bad.

But the coalition forces of the countries in the Eastern Region were the most elite soldiers recruited by Qi Tianzi. Some small countries wanted to send more people to the war, but Qi would not even accept them. Purely based on the quality of the soldiers themselves, it is only a matter of time before the Linwu Mansion is destroyed.

Xie Huai'an was a fool.

But the so-called trend changes at any time.

Now that the eight cities in the north have found a breakthrough, the key point of the entire Linwu Mansion has changed.

The new key lies in connecting the big cities of the other prefectures.

If you regard the twenty cities of Linwu as the opponent's twenty gas outlets.

So killing Ximing City is undoubtedly the most critical step.

This action can not only block the retreat of the Xia army fighting fiercely in Linwu Mansion, but also block the Xia army's reinforcements from other mansions.

Chongxuanzun believed that during the war phase of Linwu Mansion, no matter how many reinforcements Chongxuansheng and Jiang Wang blocked and which city they captured, they could not be as powerful as his attack on Ximing City.

As soon as the city was broken, he had already led his troops deep, blocking the flying beasts along the way, occupying all the traffic, non-stop, people couldn't undress, and rushed with burning talismans. He believed in the speed of information transmission, not as fast as he marched.

He decided to use thunderous means to attack and break the city directly before the enemy defender received the news of the corruption in the northern war situation. Follow the story of Wang Yiwu's night attack on Jianfeng Mountain, and catch the opponent by surprise.


But it can be seen that the gate of the city ahead is closed tightly, and there are many swords and guns on the city wall.

If it is a heavy city, there are so many guards.

But perhaps it was precisely because of the heavy garrison that the opponent dared not to open a large formation to defend the city first, but to face each other with military strength.

Chongxuan and Zunyi were bold, stirred up the soldiers on the spot, rolled up three thousand vanguard soldiers, manifested the body of heaven, summoned the palace of the sun god, the people were like god kings, and the soldiers were like heavenly soldiers. In the city!

"Kneel down and offer the city! Rao Er will not die!"

The loud sound pierced the world, and the power of life and death has been seen!

In the entire eastern war zone, Xia Fang's current real person is Feng Guo Gong Zhou Ying, who is holding each other back with Xie Huai'an, the commander of the coalition forces.

This lonely Ximing City in front of you, whether you are setting up traps or something else, if you don't open the city defense formation, then don't open it!

Then he just saw it.

The densely packed defenders on the city tower dispersed with a bang, one by one running farther than the other.

It really gathers like a colony of ants and disperses like an evening tide.

There is no contest at all.

Chongxuanzun held the moon-wheel knife in his hand, leaped to the height of a city, looking around in a daze! Even if he has supernatural powers to kill falsehoods and reach the truth, he doesn't know who to kill for a moment.

With great difficulty, a general came rushing out, and he was about to raise his sword.

The man had knelt on the ground with a bang——

"General! One of our own!"

Thanks to the book friend "Six Babies" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 286th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Xinmeng is a hunter player!

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