Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1569 Brother Dragon and Tiger Brother

"Your Excellency is white-clothed and snow-capable, with a peerless demeanor. You are a person who has never been seen in your life in a humble position. Presumably, he is the number one pride of our Daqi, the Chongxuanzun and General Chongxuan who have taken away the elegance of his peers!"

Liu Yitao, the guard of Ximing City, who was in charge of 5,000 soldiers and guarded 30,000 prisoners, looked at Chong Xuanzun with emotion.

God knows how heartfelt he is, this is the guy who came to save his dog's life.

General Chongxuansheng is a true believer, Jiang Wang's name of faith is really reliable, and there are indeed reinforcements! And the one who walked out was the outer building, and the one who came was God's Landing!

Our Great Qi Empire did not give up on me, Liu Yitao!

Chong Xuanzun used his eyes to restrain Liu Yitao's attempt to rush over and hug his thigh, with a playful expression on his face: "Da Qi's number one pride? Did the surname Jiang say it himself?"

"Your brother told me himself!" Liu Yitao decided to play a family card: "He admired you very much, and said that you are the pride of the human race for thousands of years, the number one god in history..."

"Okay, okay." Chong Xuanzun turned his head, looked at Yuankong, and said in an inexplicably sad tone, "You mean, you have already descended?"

"Yes, yes!" Liu Yitao said happily.

"Is the whole city down?"

"Yes, yes!"

"How many tens of thousands of prisoners are there?"

"Yes, yes!"

Chongxuanzun picked up a bunch of teeth, and said dangerously: "I'm afraid it's not easy to prove."

Liu Yitao didn't realize it, and said very enthusiastically: "I have a military merit book written by your brother here! Remember it all, you can't make a mistake!"

He took out the piece of paper that Chongxuansheng gave him from his arms, handed it to Chongxuanzun, and pointed it to him: "Look, here, here, remember,' Liu Yitao converted to Daqi and helped the Heavenly Army Guarding Ximing City, intercepting local reinforcements many times, and making indelible contributions to the overall situation of Linwu Mansion...'Look at it!"

Chong Xuanzun grasped the piece of paper with his thumb and forefinger, and hung it in front of his eyes with some disgust.

In the dark eyes, there are a few words that are too obtrusive——

"The Victory Camp's first victory in the Martial Mansion!"

He put his hand down.

There are many long stories, all of which are boasting of military achievements, and there is really nothing to read.

The guy named Liu Yitao was still looking at him eagerly, full of enthusiasm: "You two are really brothers and sisters, each of you is extraordinary! General Chongxuansheng always mentions you to me! His feelings for you, It’s really deep, I know you will definitely come to support, saying that with you, he has no worries!”

"Hehe." Chongxuan Zun smiled half-smile: "Is he so sure that I will come?"

"Hahahaha." Liu Yitao laughed heartily, "That's right! Brother Dahu is a father and son soldier. You two, heart to heart!"

Looking at this guy who doesn't know whether he is really stupid or not, Chong Xuanzun is very suspicious now, what kind of criteria did the fat man choose the defender of Ximing City by?

Who is more disgusting?

He casually slapped the piece of paper back on Liu Yitao's breastplate, and strode out: "Assemble!"

He still doesn't believe it!

Jiang Wang, who suppressed himself for the time being without God's presence, and Chong Xuansheng, whose combat power was not worth mentioning, could really be faster than him personally leading the army to rush forward?

The Linwu Mansion has decided the winner, and then there will be Huiming, Fengli, Shaokang, and Jin'an!

The war is far from over!

"Hey, general, where are you going?" Liu Yitao hurriedly followed behind: "What arrangements do you have for the humble?"

Chong Xuanzun didn't bother to pay attention.

With the banner unfurled, the Pioneer Battalion controlling Chengguan quickly completed the assembly.

Chong Xuanzun had already written down the map of Xia Guo in his mind, silently finalized the next goal, and was about to lead the army to set off.


Woo! Woo! Woo!

Horn bugles sounded in the distance!

Liu Yitao's expression changed drastically!

Chongxuan Zun flew up to the sky to look far away, but he could see smoke and dust billowing far away from the horizon.

A majestic army is marching forward.

Take the lead in raising a big banner and waving it in the wind.

The flag says - "An Guo".

Great Xia Anguo Hou Jinling!

If it is one-on-one, Chong Xuanzun, who has achieved no regrets, is not afraid of Jin Ling.

But his vanguard battalion only had 3,000 sharp soldiers, and as far as he could see, Jin Ling led at least 30,000 troops!

With the intention to lead people away, with the marching speed of the vanguard battalion, it is too late to get away now. It has reached the hinterland of the Xia Kingdom, and it can be reckless. There are soldiers and knives, where can't it go?

But he couldn't help but think about the significance of occupying Ximing City to the entire battle situation of Linwu Mansion!

This place controls the north and the south, absolutely occupies the traffic, and it is really dangerous to attack and block the retreat.

Ximing City will occupy one more day, and the whole territory of Linwu Mansion will change flags, at least three days sooner!


He opened his mouth to order Liu Yitao to open the battle array.

It was only then that he remembered that the defensive formation had been destroyed by Chongxuansheng.

He couldn't help feeling that this was also Chong Xuansheng's design, just to trap him here!

But after thinking about it for a while, I also knew that with Chongxuan's strength at that time, destroying the large formation protecting the city was the best choice. If it was him, the same would happen if he could not guarantee Zhancheng.

But there is no large defensive formation, what can we use to resist the opponent's army?

Rely on these captives who may mutiny at any time?

"General, general, what should we do? The Marquis of An used his troops very fiercely." Liu Yitao followed Chong Xuanzun step by step, anxious and noisy: "How about we withdraw?"

Withdrawal, of course, is the most sensible choice. It is also the safest choice for myself.

If you insist on staying here, if you win, it is a great achievement of Xuansheng, if you lose, it seems like you have ruined a great situation!

It's really dirty.

That fat guy is really dirty!

As early as Chujixia Academy, when he saw the business under his hand was in disarray, he had already realized the fat man's dirty tricks.

I only know today, but it is still superficial!

Chong Xuanzun is not a person who likes to sigh, but he sighed at this time.

With a sigh, the white clothes lightly vibrated, and they have already jumped into the air——

"This general will respect Xuan Zun and officially take over the defense of this city! Everyone listen to my orders!"

He flew around the city all the way, adjusted his defenses all the way, and made a sound all the way to let the whole city know. "There are only three military regulations!"

"First, there is a reward for killing the enemy! After the war, the city's treasury will be fully opened, and you can choose as much as you can. I will never interfere! This statement is witnessed by the name of the Chongxuan family!"

"Second, meritorious service for defending the city! Great Qi's army has millions of troops, and they have occupied Fengjie, Xiangyou, and Youping! The recovery of the entire Xia Kingdom is just around the corner! If this city is defended, Linwu will also be restored! After the war, there will be a lot of achievements, so everyone will win Qi Jue, enjoying the same salary, is the heavenly soldier of the overlord!"

"Third, those who violate the order - immediately die!"

Speaking of the last one, he swept across the sky directly, and even rushed out of Ximing City at such a moment, and rushed to the army of An Guohou Jinling alone!

Where does it look like suddenly encountering a strong enemy?

It seems that there are infinite backhands here, and they have already made sufficient preparations. When the drums sounded three times, the ambush soldiers came out——

Even if he is alone, if there are thousands of troops, he can gather the three rounds of supernatural powers of the sun, moon, and stars, possess the profound mystery, and wield an extremely powerful sword!



A bright knife light crossed the sky.

The Sun God Palace is magnificent, the moonlight is as deep as a forest, and the stars are disillusioned and bright!

In Jiang Wang's eyes, a person dressed in white is flickering left and right. With his superb fighting talent and supernatural powers, he is shining brightly and suddenly.

And I was fighting with him for life and death with my green shirt and sword.

The two figures fought faster and faster, and became more and more intense——

The phantom created by the Dream Order was shattered once again!

The secret technique obtained from the Five Immortals Sect in the offshore islands is no longer enough to truly simulate the level of battle between him and Chong Xuanzun.

But the battles he personally experienced, and the Rumeng Token he personally used, can always show some true meaning. Let him replay the previous battle of Wanjun repeatedly, looking for the chance of victory that may be hidden somewhere in the details...

too difficult!

Even today, I still find it too difficult!

In that battle at that time, he had already played to the limit. But Chong Xuanzun's fighting talent is not inferior to him. In the end, he could only speak with accumulation, he couldn't be like Chong Xuanzun, saying that there is no regret for God's presence today.

Among all the powers at the outer building level that Jiang Wang has seen so far, there are only three people who he is still not sure to defeat in the same realm.

One is Chong Xuan Zun, one is Dou Zhao, and the other is Wang Changji.

These three people, in the outer building stage, all went to the limit. At least in one aspect, it is already the absolute culmination of this environment. It runs through history and cannot be surpassed.

Unless there is another big change in practice in this realm, the latecomers will at best catch up.

In addition, if the elder brother wished only me, because he did not witness his peak state in the outer building before he achieved God's presence, it is impossible to judge. But judging by senior brother Zhu's performance in fighting "Ge Fei" in the mountains and seas, Jiang Wang is confident that he is superior.

Maybe there is another Yin Guan.

Being able to easily suppress Su She, the leader of the Treasure Gathering Chamber of Commerce who has mastered the way, and being able to forcibly resist the bombardment of the head catcher Yue Leng to achieve Shenlin, this kind of record performance should also be at the top of the outer building. His control over the road is probably unmatched in the same situation. It's just that he was too weak at that time to see Yin Guan's strength clearly...

Even until now, Jiang Wang couldn't judge whether these people were strong or weak at the peak of the outer building level, he could only say that they were all on the same level. As for the strength of the victory or defeat, until the time when life and death are really divided, there is no way to judge a result.

But then again, now, without exception, these people have all achieved God's presence...

Jiang Wang still stayed in the outer building to polish, just for his own long-term future, not to compete with anyone.

Among the people he knows who have reached the top of the outer building, there is probably only Yin Guan, who may be about the same age as him.

Chongxuansheng was born in 3897 in the Dao calendar, and his father Chongxuan Mingtu changed "Mingtu" to "Futu" in the same year.

And he was born in the year 3900 of the Dao calendar.

Chong Xuansheng is already three years older than him, and Chong Xuanzun is Chong Xuansheng's cousin.

Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun are both peerless in Guanhetai, and their ages are almost the same.

As for Wang Changji...

Wang Changji's younger brother, Wang Changxiang, is still his senior at the Fenglin City Taoist Academy.

Needless to say, brother Zhu, even Wang Changxiang has to call him brother...

It's nothing more than hearing that there is a sequence.

It is nothing more than seeing the high mountain, and going to the high mountain.

With Jiang Wang's personality, he was determined not to make any excuses for himself. He's just going to keep going, and going...

But after dispelling the construction of Rumengling, he asked Chongxuansheng like this: "How can you be sure that Chongxuanzun will definitely guard Ximing City?"

At this time, the Desheng Battalion had already left Ximing City very far, and even left Linwu Mansion.

This army is now wearing the military uniform of the Fengli Mansion Army. Of course, this time the seal of the flag is complete. I don't know how many have been seized in Ximing City, but it is enough.

Chong Xuansheng replied casually: "Because the current Ximing City plays a pivotal role in ending the war in Linwu Mansion as soon as possible. As long as he arrives at Ximing City, it shows that he realizes the importance of Ximing City... he If he goes late and Ximing City has already repeated, then he will definitely attack. If he goes early, then he has to defend. I am optimistic about his strength and wisdom, and I tend to think that he can arrive in time."

"Then didn't we also guard?" Jiang Wang asked.

Chong Xuansheng sneered: "The fourth star tower you built before the expedition is a newcomer to the four foreign towers. The first star tower I erected on the battlefield is a newcomer to the outer towers." Ding! We are just two outhouse monks, what are we going to guard? We have been guarding for four days, and we have risked great dangers and made the best effort. No one can say anything about us!"

He changed the subject: "But Chongxuan Zun is different! He is the number one arrogance of Daqi, and he is also full of confidence in the general platform. He will overwhelm you in front of the army and achieve success without regret. His strength and realm, Put it there, it is impossible to deny it. If you have the ability to defend Ximing City but do not defend it, you are disregarding the overall situation! It is cowardice! I have to go to Cao Shuai to sue him dozens of cases!"

Jiang Wang: ...

Chongxuansheng kept saying that they took great risks to defend Ximing City for four days, but he really didn't feel any danger.

Didn't this mean that he ran away before the danger came?

In the case of long-distance communication isolation, the entire Xia Kingdom battlefield is actually chaotic.

Don't you see Cao Jie, a commander who perfectly controls the details, can only focus on the offense and defense of Tongyang City. For Xia Kingdom's northern and eastern battlefields, there are only two "one-term self-determination".

Jiang Wang was no stranger to how Chong Xuansheng accurately judged Xia's army's movements, how he pointed east and west in the fog of war without missing a single shot.

But what he really didn't expect was that his cultivation realm was not as good as others, yet he could be used by this fat man to his advantage!

Let them withdraw calmly, take away the most meritorious service from Linwu Mansion, but throw the burden on Chong Xuanzun's head.

Chongxuan abides by Ximing City, if he can't keep it, Chongxuansheng will give him a few hats, don't be too easy. Even if he defended it, he was helping to consolidate the victory of the Victory Battalion, and he would at most take a secondary contribution.

More importantly... the matter of defending the city itself has pinned him there, making it impossible for him to escape in a short time, let alone regain the situation in other places.

But the victory battalion won a vast space and time.

What a master!

This move made Jiang Wang think of the move when Chongxuansheng sent Chongxuanzun to Jixia Academy.

He thought for a while, and said, "Actually, even if he arrives in time, he can pretend not to know that Ximing City has been occupied by us, and attack again..."

"Why do you think I count meritorious deeds?" Chong Xuansheng glanced at him: "So many handprints were pressed for nothing? So many letter seals were taken for nothing? I don't know that other people's meritorious deeds are good! Are you ignorant of me?"

Jiang Wang said again: "Then he can also pretend that he didn't rush to Ximing City, and before Xia Jun came around, he covered his banner and slipped away quietly!"

"Impossible." Chong Xuansheng was categorical.


Chong Xuansheng smiled: "He wants face!"

Looking at Zhongxuan Pang who was smiling like a fat fox, Jiang Wang inexplicably remembered the first time he saw Chongxuan Chuliang.

In the carriage outside Nanyao City, Chongxuan Chuliang said at that time that Chongxuan was better than Chongxuan Zun not because of courage...but because of cheek.

It was just a joke at the time.

Looking at it now, Marquis Dingyuan is really serious!

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