Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1570 In the Rain

It rained today.

The bean-sized raindrops hit the mud, and the military boots whose original color could not be seen, trampled deep into it...

The flag of a defeated army is slanted, and in such weather, it moves forward with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

Gradually approached Huyang Pass.

This pass is located in the territory of Huiming Mansion, and it has always been a famous pass in the eastern part of the Southern Region.

Later, due to the expansion of the land area of ​​Xia Kingdom, Huiming Mansion was no longer a border mansion, and the significance of Huyang Pass was greatly lost, so it gradually fell into disuse.

But with the opening of the Qixia War, this place has been re-emphasized.

The city walls were strengthened, ordnance increased, the formation was strengthened, and troops were increased many times...

Especially after the battle in Linwu Mansion became urgent, the garrison here has increased to 30,000 people, and they are all the elite of Huiming Mansion's army!

Huiming Mansion is a long and narrow terrain as a whole, with Huyang Pass at its neck.

The person guarding this pass is a top-level powerhouse named Chu Shuo who was born in the famous family of Daxia, the Chu family. It is said that there is only a thin line between God and God.

He is of the same generation as the Patriarch of the Chu family. Three out of forty this year, when both energy and body are at their peak, there are still enough opportunities to hit the gods.

Sitting on elite soldiers and powerful generals, as well as natural dangers and city defenses, this Huyang Pass is not only as stable as a mountain, but it is also indestructible.

Such a defeated army in the rain was approaching, and it was detected early on by the sentinels watching from the tower.


The alarm gong has been sounded.

The sound pierced through the city.

On the city tower, the soldiers held Ge and raised their knives. In this rain, they were extremely chilling.

The defensive array at Huyang Pass had already been activated at full efficiency five days ago.

Chu said that he had already mobilized all the soldiers of the pass, and vowed not to let any Qi soldiers pass through the border.

He even directly placed a thin coffin in front of the general's mansion, indicating that the day of breaking the customs is the time of his death. If the guard dies after breaking through the pass, he will have no face to enjoy, and he will only be worthy of a thin burial.

General Nai Bing, who came from a famous family and hoped that the gods will come, is so willing to die, and the whole Huyang Pass is also united, vowing to live and die with the pass city.

Today, the only formed army that can retreat from the direction of Linwu Mansion is the Fengjie Mansion Army disguised by the Desheng Battalion.

All the reinforcements passing through Ximing City have been swallowed by that city. Of course, maybe we are now in a new fierce battle, but it has nothing to do with the victory battalion at this time.


Huyang Pass in the rain, like a giant beast with stone skin and steel body, devours everything indifferently, including the rain from the sky.

This is a heavily guarded and dangerous pass, Xia Guo really has the determination to fight land by land!

In the rain, Chong Xuansheng made such a judgment. It's not surprising.

Regarding the news about Huyang Pass, he had already learned about it from the prisoners.

"Where did you come from?"

On the city tower, someone drummed Dao Yuan and asked loudly.

People on the side of the Ming Mansion of the Xia State Council have a habit of omitting the subject when speaking.

Chong Xuansheng covered his forehead with his fat palm, shielded himself from the rain, opened his small eyes, and looked up the tower, looking indescribably embarrassed!

"Brothers on the tower! We are our own people!"

At this time, he had changed the accent of Fengli Mansion, and shouted sadly in the rain: "We are the reinforcements sent by Fengli to Linwu. We were stopped by the Qi army in Ximing City. The brothers suffered heavy casualties and retreated all the way. ...I gathered several friendly troops, nearly 10,000 when I set off, and now only 3,000 are left!"

The sad voice is full of emotions, which really makes the listener cry, and the person who sees it is sad: "The road back to Fengli has been blocked, we have to flee elsewhere. That's why we came here, take a detour to go home! Please return to Huyangguan Come on, brothers!"

This army of Fengli Mansion really looks miserable, not only the flags are crooked and clothes are wet, but also the weapons are not complete. There are all kinds of knives, guns and spears, some even have only one stick, and more are empty-handed... in the rain like a group Homeless bum.

Jiang Wang heard an unstoppable vibration on the tower.

"What? Ximing City has been captured by the Qi army? Doesn't that mean that the entire Linwu Mansion has fallen?"

"How could this be? How long has it been too long?"

"Mr. Feng, what is the old man doing—"

"Damn you! So many words!"

Under the radiance of the moat formation, the voices of the people became restless for a moment.

Er'er, a man who looked like a general stood up: "Brothers of Fengli Mansion, we dare not ignore this critical time. Please send the seal of the order to inspect it!"

"The flag is broken, the letter is lost, and the seal is always with me!" Chongxuansheng shouted bitterly and anxiously: "I don't know if it is possible? I am really from Fengli Prefecture. I live in Xieyang Lane, Duanhu City. My surname is Zhang." , the third child in the family—"

In fact, he has a full set of orders and seals.

Not only those from the Fengli Mansion Army, but also those from the Shaokang Mansion and even Huiming Mansion...the storage box has everything.

But after such a tragic defeat, the soldiers couldn't even hold their weapons, and it was strange that the flag seals were still intact.

"Here's an order to seal it!" The general on the tower probably couldn't stand such nonsense, so he interrupted him hastily.

While talking, a hanging basket was lowered from the city tower, and a soldier jumped out and trotted this way in the rain.

Jiang, who was going to deliver the seal, had no choice but to stand still.

The guard of Huyang Pass trotted in the heavy rain, and after a while, he was drenched, but he didn't avoid it, but looked at the defeated soldier calmly.

Qing Zhuan took the order seal from Jiang Wang's hand, stepped forward and handed it to him, and said in Fengli Mansion's accent: "Brother, please forgive me!"

The pawn took the leather-wrapped order seal with one hand—the leather was removed from the armor, which shows the haste at that time. One can almost imagine the embarrassing scene. The defeated army happened to be raining all night, the general took off his armor and leather, just wanted to protect the most important order and seal...

"Don't you have a storage box?" the pawn asked.

"Where can it be used?" Qingzhuan said bitterly: "Brother, please hurry up and investigate, it is really difficult in the rain!"

"Okay." The guard guard nodded his head, but took a few more glances: "Are you really Fengli people?"

Qingzhuan said: "I also want to be from Guiyi, I also want to be well-clothed and well-fed, to enjoy the glory in peace, don't hang my head on my belt, and get drenched in the rain here! But can it be possible?"

The pawn grinned: "Oh, don't be angry, I'm afraid you've misremembered. After all, the situation is so chaotic, you're going east and west again."

Qing Zhuan's face darkened: "Who can remember the place where my parents raised me? We lost the battle, but we did our best. Don't make fun of us!"

Chong Xuansheng, as the chief general of the first army, also turned his head to look at him at this time.

The heavy rain hit the fat meat, and those small eyes showed a trace of fierceness on the battlefield.

"I'm going to return!" The guard guard grabbed the seal and ran back quickly.

The military boots stepped on the muddy ground, and the muddy water splashed when they stepped on it, which really made people feel cool.

On the city tower, the man who looked like a general shouted again from the air: "Brothers of Fengli Mansion, wait a little longer!"

Chong Xuansheng wiped his face, and shouted: "It's raining too much. There are so many of us, it's not convenient to enter the customs now. I understand your difficulties, good brother, can you send some tents down first, so that we The brothers under my command have a place to shelter from the rain? It doesn’t matter if I have rough skin and thick flesh, but many brothers who were injured on the battlefield can’t get wet anymore!”

He realized that the Huyang Pass guard who hadn't shown up until now, named Chu Shuo, was a very difficult person. Compared with the cautiousness of the guard in Ximing City, it is even worse.

No matter what, Huyang Pass will not let them in today. Even if it is put in, it must be the supervision of the crossbow with a knife, but it is easy for people to see the problem.

Therefore, he simply proposed not to enter the pass, and helped the guard of Huyang Pass to dispel his vigilance-our army will not enter the city, what can we do?

There was silence on the tower for a while, probably asking someone for instructions, and soon a voice replied: "No problem!"

If it was at normal time, once the summoning circles of the two governments communicated and asked Fengli if there was someone named Zhang, they would be a pair, and there would be nowhere to hide.

However, the isolation of the communication circle during the war gave Chong Xuansheng a chance to pretend.

Unless the Huiming Mansion urgently sends someone to Fengli to investigate—not to mention whether it will be done, but if it is done, and back and forth, what should be done has already been done.

The inspection of Lingyin didn't take much time, and what Zhongxuansheng brought out were all real tokens, so there was no problem.

Not long after, the gates of the city were opened wide, and dozens of carriages carrying tents and other supplies came out under the escort of a Biao cavalry army——the large formation protecting the city was not closed.

The defeated army from Fengli Mansion also waited silently in the rain.

The convoy approached quickly, and the leading cavalry general was a brightly dressed young general.

Jiang Wang could see clearly that this guy was clearly the guard who ran over to get the order seal earlier!

At this time, he just washed his face, changed his clothes, and pulled out two strands of dragon beard bangs from his hair.

Pretending to be seeing them for the first time, he greeted Chong Xuansheng all the way: "Brother Li!"

He waved to the other soldiers in the rain: "Brothers in Fengli Mansion, you have worked hard! I brought you tents and food and drink!"

"My surname is Zhang, Zhang Gu! People call him Big Eye!" Chong Xuansheng said roughly.

The young general looked into his small eyes, but he didn't laugh out loud, he just said, "Sorry, I remembered the wrong person. After I checked your seal, I thought it was the one named Li."

"I don't know anyone surnamed Li!"

The rude attitude of the defeated general did not offend the young general.

In his opinion, this general named Zhang Gu obviously recognized him, but because he was under the eaves, he had to pretend not to know him for the sake of his brothers.

Nice general!

With such a judgment in his heart, he said proudly at the moment: "Brother Zhang is a man of character, and he is very suitable for me. It's a pity that we meet each other under such circumstances... I touch the jade dragon .”

Chong Xuansheng's face showed just the right surprise: "It turns out that she is from a famous family, so it's no wonder that her temperament is so extraordinary!"

Chu Yulong thought to himself, why didn't you see that I was extraordinary earlier?

But he has long been accustomed to people's awe of his family background.

Yin said: "The guard of Huyang Pass is my uncle. His old man has already made a strict defense strategy. If a sparrow flies by, he will have to interrogate him several times. It's not aimed at Brother Zhang... Ximing City has already been killed." fall?"

"I actually don't know!" Chong Xuansheng said bitterly: "Our brothers were attacked by the Qi people's ambush army before we got close, and we managed to escape with our lives. In fact, we didn't even see Ximing City."

Chu Yulong said: "It seems that Ximing City is still resisting, but it is almost the same as falling... No wonder Ximing City's request for help can be sent easily, this is a strategy to encircle and fight for help!"

Chong Xuansheng cursed in his heart, you have received Lao Tzu's request for help, and you didn't know to come to help, you are really courageous bandits, heartless cowards, without any spirit of robes!

On the face, he looked stunned: "So that's the case! General Chu can see through it!"

Chu Yulong waved his hand: "Xiao Shu'er. We have a fertile land in Daxia, but if every place can be like my Huyangguan, what if the Qi army comes to another million?!"

"That's natural!" Chong Xuansheng looked proud: "If the world's Guancheng is like a general, so that the world's Guancheng has a little general Yulong, our Great Xia will be indestructible! Maybe sooner or later We're going to Linzi!"

He boasted a few words, and he and Chu Yulong were already on fire, and said casually: "I have admired General Chu Shuo for a long time, I wonder if there is a chance to meet him this time?"

What kind of strong man who is only one step away from God's presence, if you let me and Brother Wang get close to each other, I will keep you as a spiritual position! Incense becomes a god, go you!

"No." Chu Yulong refused without any room for maneuver.

"Uncle, he is in danger of Huyangguan, and he will never see outsiders during the war."

"This way..." Chong Xuansheng looked regretful, but he said in a very sensible way: "I can understand! General Chu said that he will devote himself to the city defense and will never give opportunities to outsiders. A good fighter never misses a hundred times, this is the truth." Bing Dao everyone."


Of these two people, one used Dao Yuan to isolate the rain curtain, and they were still chic and calm in the torrential rain. All of them were drenched in soup, and they were not covered.

It really reflects their identities very well.

Jiang Wang is not very able to listen to Chong Xuansheng's flattery here.

Gu Gu walked away and went to Shisi to help set up a tent. She was in full armor, so it was not very convenient to do this kind of work.

While chatting, Chu Yulong glanced at Xiao Ling who was walking away, and casually said to Chong Xuansheng: "You Xiao Ling, you don't look very clever."

What is Xiaoling's job? To pass orders to the whole army on behalf of the general is considered a trusted confidant.

In such a stormy and stormy moment, I didn't know how to set up a tent for the general to avoid the rain, so I was still here for a long time. When he left, he didn't even say hello, he didn't have any courtesy... He came from the countryside, so he couldn't ask for more.

Chong Xuansheng laughed: "It's not a day or two since this kid has no eyesight, I'm actually used to it!"

Chu Yulong was flattered by Chong Xuansheng just right, and he was praised like a fog in the clouds, and his words gradually became less careful.

Of course, in his opinion, this may be a kind of closeness to the corporal.

He tutted: "There is also that armor-piercing man who can run so far with you with an epee in full armor. I guess he is also a warrior under your command? Why is he so clueless? How can he set up a tent while wearing armor? He is clumsy. "

Chong Xuansheng still smiled, narrowing his eyes.

Road in the rain—

"She's pretty stupid."

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