Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1571 Don't dare to have ant colonies

"Let me tell you, it's because my brother Min is not here. Otherwise, Ximing City can be lost? He has already led the army to support it. It is now that only my uncle is in charge of the overall situation in Huyang Pass, so I can't rush to divide the troops... …well!"

"Yes yes yes, the name of Young Master Yulong has struck me like a thunderbolt. The top eight in the Yellow River meeting is the pride of our Xia people! But in my opinion, there is only a difference in age between Young Master Yulong and him. In a few years, who will be more famous, I really can't tell!"

"Hmph, the meeting of the Yellow River..."


"I think back then, my family also sent me to study Mohism. I liked Confucianism more, so I went to Mugu Academy... It's not me, Brother Zhang, people should study more and make more friends. Only on the battlefield Desperate, after all, the future is limited. You will know when you go to high places in the future. Bottlenecks are everywhere!"

"Hey, who's to say it's not. In recent years, I've been in the army, and it's been more and more embarrassing! It's just that I don't have the talent of Mr. Yulong, and I don't know where to start. Does Mr. Yulong have any suggestions?"


The two chatted like this for a long time.

For Chu Yulong, he has found a confidant in life!

How can there be someone in the world who understands me so well?

Understand all my overtones, understand my unfinished meaning. When it comes to the point in every sentence, how well-timed it is!

He was still very interested in talking until all the materials were unloaded and the temporary camp for shelter from the rain had been initially set up. But after all, he had a mission on his body, so he had no choice but to leave rather reluctantly.

Before leaving, they agreed that they would meet again in Guiyi City after the war. Based on his face of touching Yulong, it is really easy to find some connections for Zhang Gu. None of his current confidants are as clever as the fat man in front of him.

Zhang Gu also expressed that when he returned home, he would send Brother Yulong some homemade smoked mountain products.

The sudden outbreak of the Qi Xia War made the two people who had hardly had any intersecting lives get acquainted at this time, and thus formed a friendship.

If you want to wait for yourself to become famous, this is also a good story!

Thinking so, Chu Yulong steered his horse back to Guancheng.

From the beginning to the end, he had a good chat with a certain country general from Fengli City, and he didn't even get off his horse.


Chong Xuansheng wiped his wet face, smiled again, then turned around and entered the camp, and got into the tent that had been set up by the general.

Jiang Wang was practicing again.

Fourteen silently took off his armourer, took a dry towel, and helped him wipe his wet hair—a matter that could be solved by any random Taoism.

"If you don't know how to use Taoism to decompose water, I can do it for you." Jiang Wang suddenly opened his eyes and said.

Chong Xuansheng smiled: "No wonder even Chu Yulong said you have no eyesight!"

Jiang Wang didn't care what Chu Yulong said about him, and he had nothing to worry about, he just said: "Aren't you going to take Huyang Pass?"

"Chu Shuo is an overly cautious person. Even if we sneak into Guancheng now, it will inevitably be a fierce battle. With the support of the Xia Kingdom Protecting Formation and the Huyang Pass Protecting Formation, our losses will not be small... In the enemy's rear, there is no place to replenish troops, and the most taboo thing is to spend a lot of money."

Chong Xuansheng explained the reason, and finally said with a smile: "There is a better way to capture Huyang Pass, why fight so hard?"

Jiang Wang let out an 'oh' and didn't care about what to do. Knowing that there was no war for the time being, he closed his eyes and went to practice again.

The rain continued, hitting the tent one by one.

Between heaven and earth, it seems that only the sound of rain is left.



Stationed overnight outside Huyang Pass.

When it was dawn, the rain stopped.

The soldiers of the Desheng camp dismantled the camp, packed up the tents, reloaded the cars, and walked into Huyang Pass in an orderly manner under Chong Xuansheng's call.

According to what Chong Xuansheng and Chu Yulong said, their Fengli army was going to transfer to Xinjie City and return to Fengli. The soldiers are eager to return, and they can't wait any longer.

However, although there is a good brother Chu Yulong, the soldiers of the Desheng Battalion are also driving through the road full of crossbows, and the soldiers of the relevant cities are on guard, not giving any chance at all.

Of course, Chong Xuansheng didn't intend to do anything at all.

Carrying out this level of vigilance of Chu Shuo's will can be regarded as a test in itself.

Anyone who has ghosts in their hearts must not dare to let themselves fall into this situation where life and death are at the hands of others.

"Follow up, keep up!"

"Brothers follow!"

"I'll take you home!"

Chong Xuansheng, dragging his fat body, ran back and forth painstakingly, directing the procession forward.

In fact, it was intentional or unintentional to disrupt the marching rhythm of the soldiers of the Desheng Battalion, making them look more like the defeated Xia Guofu Army - some training has been engraved instinctively, these elite soldiers from the Autumn Killing Army are always unconscious The ground is about to put up a battle formation.

Under the different gazes of the guards at Huyang Pass, Chongxuan Sheng led his troops to leave Huyang Pass without incident, until the end, he did not see Shang Chuo.

"Is that really the way to go?"

Outside Guancheng, Jiang Wang asked in surprise.

The city gate behind him was slowly closed, cutting off the beacon fire in the direction of Linwu Mansion for this poor defeated army.

Just like what Chu Yulong said when he said goodbye: "Brother Zhang, don't worry about the war for the time being. You can go back and recuperate for two days. More difficult times may come later...but you will see the light in the end. Just like this rain that has ended. "

Of course, for the victory camp itself. From this moment on, they had really entered an environment where they were enemies on all sides, and it was impossible to get any support before Huyang Pass was broken.

It is impossible for them to "return" to Fengli in a big way. There is no acquaintance there.

It is also difficult for an army of 3,000 to hide in the hinterland of the Xia Kingdom. Even if you want to find a mountain cat to get up, it is unrealistic. Huyang Pass will soon be able to detect information about Ximing City,

Now is the time of real crisis.

But Chong Xuansheng is still calm.

"There is no chance at all here, what should I do if I don't leave?"

He even had the leisure to comment on Chu and said: "Xia Guo is still a hidden dragon and crouching tiger. I didn't know about this person before. Today, let's take a look at his defense skills and the details in Huyang Pass... I have seen the famous general. posture."

Jiang Wang said speechlessly: "Do you still want to recruit others?"

Like the Chu family and the Tai family, the possibility of surrendering is almost negligible. No country treats them more favorably than Xia. No matter how good Qi treats them, can they help them establish the foundation of their family again?

"No, I'm just reminding myself, when killing Chu Yulong, don't let this dangerous person go."

"Touching the Jade Dragon?" Jiang Wang raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you have a nice chat? How did he offend you?"

"He offended me severely!" Chong Xuansheng said in a vicious voice.

Jiang Wang was silent for a while, and said: "I haven't even met Chu Shuo, so I said why don't let him go. You should think about us first."

"We've come to this point, why do we need to think about it?" Chong Xuansheng smiled and tapped his temple with his fat fingers: "It's all here."



Today, the core battlefield of the Qixia National War is undoubtedly still in Tongyang City.

In front of the majestic city wall, another round of offensive by the Spring Death Army finally stopped, and the army receded like a tide.

During this period of time, the spring death, the autumn killing, and the wind, three powerful brigades of nine soldiers, took turns bombarding Tongyang City. Always control the pressure at the critical point, and do not give the Tongyang City defenders a chance to breathe.

Nail Xia Guoguo Prime Minister Liu Xiyi, Guoshi Ximengfu and others firmly in Tongyang City,

Due to the superiority of field forces, the Qi army had absolute initiative in the Jiangyin Plain, and it was very free to advance and retreat.

Reflected in the siege offensive, it is quite arbitrary. Either respond on time at noon, or attack suddenly in the middle of the night, so that Xia Fang's defenders cannot relax for a moment——

Because whenever a flaw is exposed, no matter Chongxuan Chuliang, Li Zhengyan or Chen Zeqing, they will definitely not give Xia Jun a chance to remedy it.

"Shimen Binglue" said: "Guarding the city is like guarding a dike, and there is no fear of ants."

The Qi army's offensive is naturally based on the spring dead army with complete combat power, and they often "add food" to the opponent. Two or even three attacks a day is the norm.

The Autumn Killing Army and the Chasing Wind Army are attacking the city in a pension style, and they will attack for a while when it is their turn. He can play at most once in two days, and spend most of the rest of the time recuperating.

The qi and blood pill is eaten, and the dao yuan stone is used. The diet is also very particular, spiritual grains are mixed with ordinary grains, spiritual vegetables are mixed with ordinary vegetables, and meat beasts mixed with monster blood are slaughtered one after another-on weekdays, but they can only be enjoyed during New Years and festivals, but during wars Without a day's rest.

The rich supplies from the Great Qi Empire were continuously sent to the front line through the "Journey" established by the Ziji Campaign.

Of course, since Xia Guofang used Tongyang City as a fortress to reject Qi, the material reserves in the city are naturally sufficient, and it may not be a problem to support it for ten or eight years.

But can the guards in the city persist for so long in this tense state that dare not relax for twelve hours a day?

Even if there are two real monarchs sitting in the town, even if there are so many famous generals in Tongyang City at this time, the defenders are divided into several rounds of guards, and the defenses are tight... But Tongyang City itself is bombarded all the time, and there are attacks at any time. There may be a decisive battle.

Is it really going to take a turn to rest, and can you really relax completely?

As the Autumn Killing Army and the Chasing Wind Army gradually recuperated, the pressure on Tongyang City increased day by day.

A certain guard who has been put in confinement, in terms of what he said after drinking, is that he hopes that the war can be dragged on for a while and bring down the Qi army, but at the same time it is really difficult!

However, Cao Jie, the head coach of the Qi army, didn't seem to be in a hurry, and it was not at all like the first few days when the summer began-at that time, it seemed that summer must be wiped out in March.

Now it is stable and orderly, with three strong brigades of nine soldiers attacking the city every day. It's like training soldiers!

The rest of the battlefields on the Eastern Front and the Northern Front are really free for one term.

It seems to be fully prepared for a protracted war!

When Wang Yiwu came down from the battlefield, what he heard was the creaking sound - that was the craftsman in the army relaxing the string of the moon shooting crossbow. Only by maintaining it can we ensure the service life of this expensive ordnance as much as possible.

In addition, there are the sound of orderly footsteps of soldiers, the sound of armor leaves clashing, and the sound of wind blowing flags...

Everything on the battlefield made him feel kind. The barracks was also the place where he felt most at home.

The smell of Bingsha seems to be mixed in the wind.

It was an indescribable... a little spicy, a little rough, but a taste that could make people's blood boil.

He grew up in this environment.

Gain glory here, master destiny here...

Under the respectful eyes of the soldiers, he strode into the military tent.

Chen Zeqing's wooden wheelchair was parked in front of a huge sand table. He looked at the sand table quietly, wondering what he was thinking. There is only one person in the huge army tent.

Now it's two people.

"How do you feel?" Chen Zeqing asked without raising his head.

"Xia Jun is very tenacious, and he didn't show fatigue." Wang Yiwu, who came to the front line and felt the enemy's front with his fists, said so.

"It's too normal. After all, whoever is standing on the city wall is not easy to deal with." Chen Zeqing said calmly.

"It's already December." Wang Yiwu muffled.

"Are you in a hurry?" Chen Zeqing asked casually.

"After Cao Shuai led the army to the Xia territory, he fought from Jianfeng Mountain to Tongyang City, and it took only five days to form the Xia Kingdom to protect the country. Then the three armies dispersed and attacked various places, and opened up another battlefield on the east front and the north. The front line battlefield... It has been ten days since now! Linwu Mansion and Youping Mansion have not opened up the situation." There is a shadow between Wang Yiwu's brows: "We are in Tongyang City, and we have already restrained their forces. The main force nailed their core figures, didn't they?"

Chen Zeqing gently pulled the old blanket on his lap, and said slowly: "Xia Kingdom is not a country that can be destroyed with a snap of a finger. At this stage, there is no rush."

Wang Yiwu frowned: "I don't have any doubts about Cao Shuai. But the Jingmu war broke out, and it has been fighting for a full forty-two days, nearly a month and a half. Before that, Mu Sheng had been fighting for a year! The situation is Changes may occur at any time. But I think our victory or defeat should not be affected by their victory or defeat."

The implication is that the war against Xia should end before the Jingmu war. This is also Qi Fang's best idea about this war.

Chen Zeqing glanced at him: "It's very good that you can jump out of Qixia's battlefield and consider the war from the overall situation of the world. But this battle cannot be rushed."

Wang Yiwu found a place to sit down at random, and said helplessly, "Brother, you always say this."

Wang Yiwu, who is used to being defiant, sometimes loses his temper.

Chen Zeqing's voice was still flat: "Your eagerness is exactly what the Xia people want. Now we have a perfect start, and the battle has entered the middle game. What is the middle game considering? Wang Yiwu, be patient."

Wang Yiwu had no choice, so he calmed down and asked, "Brother, do you have great confidence in Mu Guo?"

Chen Zeqing couldn't help laughing: "Whether it's Jingguo or Muguo, they are all powerful countries in the world. How can I, an outsider, give them confidence?"

Just laughing, he looked at Wang Yiwu and said, "I just have confidence in Qi."

This was said very calmly and with great certainty.

Wang Yiwu had crossed his legs and prepared to practice, but before that, he couldn't help but say: "It would be great if my brother went to the Eastern Front."

In his heart, in terms of military strategy, the senior brother must be better than the court councilor Xie Huai'an.

If Chen Zeqing went to the Eastern Front to fight a group of Xia Guofu's army, they wouldn't be so stalemate.

Chen Zeqing shook his head very seriously: "I may not be able to play as well as Xie Shuai when I go to the Eastern Front. His current style of play is the safest way. How the Eastern Front is played, in fact, to a large extent, does not matter. It depends on us Qi people, but on Xia people."

Wang Yiwu opened his mouth: "Oh, I just said it casually, brother, don't preach again——"

Chen Zeqing has already continued: "Furthermore, a breakthrough has been made in the northern part of Linwu. According to the news just received, the front is now steadily advancing to the central part of Linwu, and it is just around the corner to occupy Linwu."

Wang Yiwu closed his mouth.

After a while, he smiled again: "Not bad."

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