Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1573

Huiming Mansion borders Shaokang Mansion to the southwest, Daye Mansion to the northwest, Linwu Mansion to the north, Fengli Mansion to the east, and Jin'an Mansion to the south.

Before the Kingdom of Xia incorporated it into its territory, it used to be the site of the Four Wars.

Although the peace has been peaceful for many years now, and the war has been neglected, the blood in the soul is still there.

Honggu City suddenly fell, and the war resources were plundered by the Qi army... Whether it was the message sent by the flying eagle, the tour of the Yutai Qingcong, or even the appearance of the guards of Honggu City, this news has been repeatedly proved. There is indeed a Qi army that somehow managed to sneak past Huyang Pass and enter the hinterland of Xia Kingdom...

The entire Huiming Mansion was instantly turbulent!

After all, Xia Guo once had the foundation of a hegemon, and once it declined, its momentum continued. In Huiming Mansion, although there is a saying that "Huiming's elite soldiers are all in Huyang", the city guards in the other major cities still maintain a considerable degree of force.

Except for the 17 cities of Huiming Mansion, Honggu City, which has already fallen, and [Yuner City], which is likely to be the next target of the Qi army, the other 15 cities all urgently mobilized troops and horses out of the city, and rushed to Huiming At the junction of Shaokang and Shaokang, in the shortest time, all the spaces between Honggu and Yuner were blocked.

And the reason why the cities of Huiming were able to respond so quickly and complete the blockade in such a short period of time... was because Fan Ao, Marquis Xuanping of the Great Xia, had already withdrawn in time to visit Huiming!

But he said that Fan Ao was a disciple of the Legalist School who was born in the Sanxing Palace.

Once as a disciple of the Xingren Palace, he traveled around the world with a thorn in his hand and a sword in his hands. He achieved some success in his studies and returned to Xia as an official. (The thorns are the instruments of punishment, and the disciples of the Legalists traveled with them, knowing that the law should not be taken lightly.)

His background, his strength, and his honors are all undoubtedly high-level figures in the Xia Kingdom.

On the eastern front where they fought against the Qi army, Xia Fang was the core.

On the Eastern Front, under the auspices of Duke Feng Zhou Ying, with the help of the National Defense Array, the Qi army was firmly dragged to the eight cities in the north of Linwu in the early stage. The idea of ​​a quagmire of flesh and blood, which Fengjie Mansion failed to achieve, almost took shape in Linwu Mansion.

However, with the sudden fire in the rear, Zhou Ying's painstakingly built defense system fluctuated again and again, and the eight cities in the northern part of Linwu Mansion were finally broken by the Qi army——

While rebuilding the line of defense, Zhou Ying also quickly dispatched people to quell the troubles in his heart.

Two Marquises were dispatched at once!

They are Jin Ling, Marquis of Anguo, and Fan Ao, Marquis of Xuanping.

It should be known that in this kind of battlefield environment where flesh and blood are entangled, every God's presence powerhouse is an indispensable force. It can even be said that they are the cornerstone of Daxia's defense system, and they are like ballast stones on this precarious dragon boat.

The soldiers of the two sides face each other, the generals will face each other, and the strong will check each other.

Zhou Ying must make more concessions on the front line if he dispatches two Marquises at once to turn back.

The people of Xia would never want to see the story of Xuan Chuliang repeated!

Among them, Jin Ling, Marquis of Anguo, personally led the army, and went straight to Ximing City, the most critical city in the south of Linwu Mansion, to fight against the chaos in the south. (So ​​he bumped into Chong Xuanzun, who was eager to fight for success while crossing the battlefield.)

However, Fan Ao believed that the small group of Qi troops who went around to the rear of Xia's army would never stay too long in the south of Linwu Mansion. After shaking the Linwu defense line and initially achieving the strategic goal, the rear of Linwu is the more dangerous place!

Among them, Pinglin Mansion is next to Xiangyou Mansion, and it is also behind Tongyang City's defense line, which cannot be shaken by a small group of Qi troops.

He is well aware of the ability of Huyang Pass guard General Chushuo, even if he personally leads the army, it is absolutely impossible to break through the pass in a short time, let alone this small Qi army that is on the run... Therefore, Huiming Mansion is also a safe place.

What he was worried about was Feng Li!

Fengli Mansion is also adjacent to Linwu Mansion, and Fengli is a border county, and Jin'an is next to it...Jin'an Mansion is stationed with border troops to guard against Liang Guo!

Once the rear of Jin'an Mansion is attacked, Liang Jun is looking for an opportunity, and the people of Liang Guo, who were originally just deterrents, may have to use their minds!

Fan Ao crossed the border alone and hurried to Fengli. To calm the danger before it arises, to solve the crisis before it arises——

But in the twenty-four cities of Fengli, there was no sign of trouble.

He even spared no effort to pave the ground with his spiritual knowledge, personally penetrated into several key points, and found no trace of the entry of the Qi army.

At this time, news came that An Guohou was fighting the enemy in Ximing City, but the opponent was Chong Xuanzun who came directly from the north of Linwu! From this point of view, the Qi army that was stirring up wind and rain behind Linwu Mansion seemed to be based on Xuan Zun's layout - so it made sense.

Chong Xuanzun, who became famous at a young age, should have the ambition to match his talent.

It is also a logical choice to choose Ximing City as his famous battle in the Qixia War.


Fan Ao felt uneasy in his heart.

He always felt like he was missing something.

Until on the way to Ximing City, preparing to join forces with An Guohou to destroy Chongxuanzun, I got the news of the changes in Huiming Mansion!

Only then did he know what he had misjudged.

The Qi army that was stirring up wind and rain in the back of Xia Kingdom, and Chongxuanzun are not subordinate, but have a cooperative relationship with each other! Its leader has independent will, excellent battlefield vision, and every step is on the uncomfortable point. He is a military genius who will never be inferior to Xuan Zun! What's more, this person is the one who dominates the rhythm of the battle!

Moreover, how did such a Qi army enter Huiming Mansion?

How did you break through the Huyang Pass?

Is it death or surrender?

All kinds of bad situations became real possibilities because of this change, which made Fan Aoji break into a cold sweat.

The information on the battlefield is ever-changing, and the information cannot be communicated in time.

He can only make plans for the worst-case scenario based on the available information.

He immediately withdrew and returned, with the honor of a prince and the cultivation base of the presence of a god, regardless of the loss, he flew alone and died.

Immediately send a letter to the cities of Ming Mansion, release flying eagles and rangers, and urgently mobilize soldiers and horses from each city, so that the two ministries will unite, and the three armies will respond together, linking up the army formation, locking up the roads, and quickly forming a huge army. Pocket, to block all the distance between Honggu City and Shaokang Mansion, where the Zhen Guojun's elite troops marched in three days.

Make sure to goug out this sore in the heart of the heart before it festers——

But he swept through many places, and all he caught were the guards of Honggu City who were being driven away. He didn't even see a single Qi army, as if it wasn't an army of 3,000 people, but just two or three The extraordinary monks who had joined the association to spy on the military were already flying into the sky and escaping from the ground.

It's really escaping from the ground... The fluctuation of the large-scale military formation should not be able to escape the capture of the Yuan-seeking dog.

where is the problem? !



"Did you see that eagle?" Crouching in the valley, Chong Xuansheng piled a pile of grass on his body, thinking it was a cover, squinted his eyes and looked into the sky.

There was a thin and fierce goshawk flying across the sky.

Jiang Wangdan glanced at it: "Am I going to slaughter?"

"Can't kill." Chong Xuansheng said casually: "If we kill us, our whereabouts will be exposed."

The isolation of long-distance communication means is a kind of interference acting on the rule level. Different countries use different methods, but in essence they lead to the same goal. Yu Qi Guofang was completed by Ruan Yi on the basis of star power. In the country of Xia, it was Yu Liyang who borrowed the power of the country.

Under normal circumstances, extraordinary methods emerge in endlessly, how can there be no end? For the technique, we can only prevent one and lose the other.

Taking this flying eagle with the blood of a monster as an example, it is really not difficult for a monk who is proficient in controlling beasts to attach vision to it.

If there is no interference, a monk with sufficient strength can spread out hundreds of flying eagles, enough to cover the field of vision.

However, in a state of war, the rules of long-distance communication were cut off, and the extraordinary monks used flying eagles as their eyes, so they couldn't get long-distance vision at all.

Therefore, in a real war, the flying eagle can only play the most primitive function of transmitting letters, and the flying beasts specially bred by the Beast Control Academy are of course specially designed for sending messages, flying fast and high, but the superpowers want to It is really simple to intercept and kill.

But being killed is itself a transmission of information. Especially for the Xia army of Huiming Mansion at this time, the disappearance of a flying eagle can quickly help them lock the target area.

While the two were talking, several eagles flew overhead.

"They don't seem to be messy." Jiang Wang frowned.

"Yes, I released all the chaos caused by flying beasts and false military information in Honggu City, and it was quickly suppressed." Chong Xuansheng said unhurriedly: "A big man from the Xia army has come over and is rebuilding the society. Ming government order."

"Do you want to interfere?" Jiang Wang asked.

Chong Xuansheng sneered: "We are all leaving, it's none of our business?"

"March!" He jumped out of the col.

The soldiers of the Desheng Battalion jumped out of their hiding places one by one, and quickly formed a team, following Chongxuan Sheng Jiangwang - heading straight for Xinjie City.

Marching has been a big problem since ancient times.

The faster the march, the more the quality of the soldiers and the ability of the general will be tested.

The more soldiers you have, the harder it is to control the speed of the army.

It was not until Yang Zhen, known as the "Soldier Immortal" that the Generalissimo of the Yang Kingdom in the past, created the "Ten Thousand Armies Mutual Benefit Formation", which fundamentally reduced the difficulty of marching for a large army.

The name of this army formation does not sound imposing.

The description of its effect seems to be very loose - but it can make use of all the blood and soldiers' energy that is dissipated during the march of the army, and use it to bless the marching speed, maintain the soldiers' physique, and replenish energy consumption.

But from then on, the military strategists all over the world marched, no matter what formation they deployed or where they went, they all took the formation of mutual benefit of all armies as their root.

The great thing about the "Army of All Armies" is that if the commander is capable enough, the more soldiers under his command, the better the effect, and the faster the "safe marching speed". This is a pioneering work that has truly subverted military common sense, and it is also an innovation in extraordinary warfare!

The reason why "safe marching speed" needs to be emphasized is that there are faster options in extreme cases.

For example, if the Autumn Killing Army forms an army formation, drums up the soldiers, Chong Xuan and Chu Liang directly join the army to attract the soldiers, and use the strength of the army to drive away, the marching speed will not only be ten times or a hundred times faster!

It's just that, when the army rushed to the battlefield, it would just be slaughtered and deliver food to the enemy...

Cao Jie was able to lead an army of one million to the summer in eight days, which is the proof of being a famous general in the world.

Chong Xuansheng marched with 3,000 elite soldiers, but it was impossible to go so fast...

Xinjie City is located in the east of Huiming Mansion, adjacent to Fengli Mansion, and it is also the place where Chongxuansheng and his "Fengli Mansion Army" must pass through when returning home.

Chong Xuansheng did not deceive Yulong, he really brought people "home".

Only a few days late.

Under the aim of sharp arrows and crossbows, the risk of passing through Huyang Pass. Before Huiming Mansion could smell the breath of war, they took Honggu City lightly to stir up the situation and disrupt the situation. When the troops from the cities of Huiming Mansion were all gathering to the west, they had already come to the east!

Chong Xuansheng's opportunistic use of troops seems to be stepping on people's hearts, and every step is unavoidable.

But the essence of war is swords and guns. No matter how many schemes are made, in the end, he still has to cut his throat with a knife and risk his life.

It was still far away from Xinjie City, Chongxuansheng had already ordered the whole army to station.

"What, do you want to change your clothes again?" Jiang Wang asked.

Chong Xuansheng shook his head: "The inherent impression that Huyang Pass cannot be crossed has been broken. The Xia people are now on guard, and it is impossible to easily earn a city. Especially in the current situation, Xinjie City mobilized If the main force goes to the west, the generals defending the city will be more vigilant and will never let the army approach."

He looked at Jiang Wang: "Brother Wang, now I can only rely on you. I need you to win the door alone!"

"Even if I stand up to God, if I want to blast through the defensive formation alone, I will be powerless..." Jiang Wang said, and suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Yutai Qingcong!?"

He finally knew why Chong Xuansheng took a horse of Xia Jun's letter when he was running, and it was originally used at this time!

Chong Xuansheng clapped his hands and praised: "Brother Jiang is so clever! I really can't hide anything from you!"

Jiang Wang ignored him, weighed it carefully in his heart, and said, "You can give it a try."

The four words are calm and breezy.

The smile on Chong Xuansheng's face disappeared, he didn't say anything, but stepped forward and gave Jiang Wang a big hug.

No matter how much Xinjie City dispatched troops to the west of Huiming Mansion to encircle the Qi army, the necessary defensive force for the city defense would not be small, at least three to five thousand people were defending the city.

With the blessing of the large moat formation, plus the military formation, plus the city defense ordnance...

Even a genius like Jiang Wang is in danger of dying if exposed in advance!

The four words "riding alone to win the door" sound nice to say.

But it's really a long sword at the neck, desperate for life and death.

He needs to do—

First, make a good disguise, and pass the message close to the city gate as Yutai Qingcong Patroller.

Second, hand over the letter to the guard and wait for the opportunity to kill him.

Thirdly, under the suppression of the large moat formation and under the pressure of the military formation and ordnance, the goal was broken.

Fourth, support until Chongxuan Sheng led the army to rush.

If any step in the middle is not done well, life will be in danger!

But after serious consideration, he only said that he could give it a try.

On the contrary, Chong Xuansheng entrusted him with such a dangerous matter, and didn't say anything unnecessary.

Perhaps the thousands of soldiers from the Desheng Battalion fought all the way, and what they got was a lot of harvest, including military exploits and wealth. What I felt was the overwhelming joy and invincible joy.

But the two people who are the core of the Victory Camp perceive danger all the time.

After all, they were in the summer environment, surrounded by a group of enemies, fighting the wind and waves in the depths of the raging sea, and they might be swallowed by the tide at any time.

It was only because of Chongxuan's superior wisdom that everything seemed easy.

But how can Chong Xuansheng and Jiang Wang, who bear three thousand lives and deaths, be relaxed?

Jiang Wang is practicing all the time, and Chong Xuansheng is thinking all the time.

They kept communicating and discussing, but in fact, when they were behind the enemy, there were not many choices.

After the reorganization of the war order in Huiming Mansion, and after Xia Fang made it clear that some important people came to sit in charge, this warning sign of danger reached its peak.

If there was still room for maneuver before, then from now on, one step cannot be wrong!

Xinjie City is a city that must be defeated, especially in Chongxuansheng's strategic plan.

With the fall of a Honggu city and the military uniform of the Shaokang army, disrupting the situation in the Huiming mansion and arousing the vigilance of the Shaokang mansion, Chong Xuansheng has created the best conditions with his strategy.

Now is the time to take risks.

If you want to seize the new festival, you must not attack by force. The 3,000-man army was facing the bombardment head-on, and there was no possibility of breaking the city, and it was even impossible for a large number of people to approach the city wall.

With the courage of a man, beheading the general and capturing the flag is the only chance in this situation.

If Chong Xuansheng was the one with the stronger force, he would go for it without hesitation.

Now Jiang Wang doesn't think about anything else, and it's the same reason.

The friendship between them has surpassed those unnecessary considerations.

They have unreserved trust in each other.

The nonsense that should not be said is said all the time. But at this time... there is no need to say too much!

Jiang Wang left both the storage box and Sauvignon Blanc.

Changed his military uniform, rode on the green horse of Yutai, took the flag and seal of Xia Jun Xinqi, and took the standard short crossbow and short sword of Yutai patrol cavalry, and learned a few words from Chong Xuansheng to lead the north of Mingfu With an accent...then lightly lifted the reins, raised the horse's hooves, and headed for Xinjie City.

Here, the big city stands majestic, the sky is lower than the clouds, and the moat is like a jade belt around the waist.

The Great Array of Protecting the City has already been opened - all the cities along the way are like this. Xia Guo's defenders no longer cared much about attrition, and turned to a more cautious defensive strategy.

Wearing the cyan bunt-style strong suit of Xia Guoyutai patrol rider, and blinding Baomang with a single-handed curse seal, Jiang Wang rode alone and galloped towards Xinjie City.

Chongxuansheng and Shishizang watched from afar in the shadow of the trees.

At that time, the distant city was like a mountain, and the far sky was picturesque.

At that time, the flowing clouds were like galloping horses.

At that time, the blue-and-white horse and the knight on horseback left without looking back.


"I am the patrol rider of Yutai, passing on the emergency military information, and the guard of Xinjie City will receive the order!"

"I am the patrol rider of Yutai, passing on the emergency military information, and the guard of Xinjie City will receive the order!"

Jiang Wang screamed on his horse, encouraged Daoyuan, and shouted three times loudly.

At the head of Xinjie city, several large crossbows moved. The glow flows, and the cold light points to each other.

Jiang Wang immediately held the flag high in one hand, opened the other hand, and raised it high to show that he was no threat. He still shouted: "Where is the defender of this city?!"

After a while, a general on the city tower looked down and said, "What order did you pass?"

Jiang Wang only said: "The important military situation is only passed on to the generals of the new festival. Please use the seal to reconcile it!"

The guards of Xinjie City knew the rules of Yutai Patrolling Riders.

But the order must be carried with him, and Yin can't pretend to be someone else, and he is not willing to contact people outside the city rashly.

Only said: "Please stop Daoyuan and accept the test!"

Without saying a word, Jiang Wang raised his hands on the horse's back, and at the same time dispelled Dao Yuan fluctuations.

At this time, if the defenders of the city tower had evil thoughts and shot the crossbow, it would be difficult for him to react!

At the same time, the two guards flew down.

One took out a gray formation disk and ordered Jiang Wang to drip blood on it.

This is God's Forbidden Disk, the name is bluffing, but the actual effect is only to detect whether the target has God's Immortal cultivation. The research and development of this array is to avoid the situation where a single soldier seizes the city.

The cultivation base can be hidden, and the aura can be restrained, but the divine nature of the golden body and chalcedony cannot be changed. Blood dripped on the array, and there was nothing to hide.

The so-called god ban refers to the prohibition of "gods" from entering the city.

It is impossible for the monks under the gods to be patrolling the jade platform, and it is almost impossible for the monks under the gods to make a difference under the pressure of the protective formation.

Jiang Wang did as he said.

Another guard began to search Jiang Wang.

His storage box and long sword were all left at Chongxuansheng's place.

The short crossbows and short swords of the Yutai patrol cavalry system were all taken away.

The man reached for the letter box hanging on his waist again——

Jiang Wang didn't move his hands, but glared at him angrily: "Those who are not ordered are not allowed to spy on the military situation, and those who violate it will be executed!"

The guard in charge of the body search did not speak, but still opened the letterbox and looked in. There was nothing but the military orders rolled up in a bundle. There is no such thing as talisman seals, formation disks, etc. that can instantly cause damage... So the letter box was covered.

The guard who was in charge of the forbidden plate nodded to the city wall, indicating that the test passed.

So the city guard of Xinjie ordered someone to put down a rope, and said: "Come up and talk."

Under the suppression of the large guard formation, those who are not recognized by the main formation will be very strenuous just to fly.

So even if the Yutai patrol riders are all extraordinary monks, including Tenglong among them, Xinjiecheng still put down the long rope—the reason why it is not a hanging basket is because people hold the rope to climb with both hands, which is also a sign of defenselessness.

If the guard has any doubts during the climbing process, he can be shot to death at any time!

Earning a city alone is really a dangerous job. You have to put yourself at risk in order to gain the trust of others.

Without saying a word, Jiang Wang bit Lingqi horizontally in his mouth, leaped off the horse's back, held the long rope with both hands, and climbed vigorously.

Going up the tower in twos and threes, you can see a group of 500 men forming a deterrent formation, and two big crossbows facing each other.

The city guard is also in full armor, bathed in the brilliance of the large formation protecting the city.

Jiang Wang knew in his heart that he had only one chance to hit the guard who controlled the large defensive formation with full efficiency turned on.

Once the opponent borrows the power of the big formation to fight back, he can only run for his life.

There were thousands of calculations in his heart, and there was no disturbance on his face. He just stood behind the battlements, holding the command flag in his hand cherishedly. Be well-behaved, without moving a step forward, repeating: "The important military situation, only pass on the new festival guards, please use the seal to reconnaissance!"

"I am Xue Huan, the guard of this city." The guard of Xinjie City asked casually, "Where are you from, brother?"

Jiang Wang didn't answer, but said: "Please use the seal to survey and cooperate!"

He has only learned these few sentences, and he will reveal his secrets when he speaks again, so he is not willing to talk more.

Fortunately, the military situation is urgent, and these rudeness is more practical.

The guard named Xue Huan didn't care too much, he took out the seal for survey and cooperation from the storage box, and took out his general's order: "Come on, let's face a pair... Xuan Pinghou only led the troops three days ago Leave, what happened again?"

In front of him, the taciturn Yutai patrol rider, without saying a word, just took out the letter box he carried with him, and took the seal and military order from it——

Xue Wei saw that it was a slender and powerful hand, which was very suitable for holding a sword.

Of course, at this moment, his sword and crossbow have all been confiscated.

For some reason, when he raised his gaze suddenly, he saw a pair of red-golden eyes ramming along his line of sight--like a destructive force, directly crashing into the depths of his consciousness. A round of great sun has fallen to the west, and with its majestic power, it falls into the Tongtian Palace and smashes its door open!

The enemy at the soul level has broken the city, and the enemy outside the body is already in the city!

The terrifying power of the soul rushed violently.

Tongtian Palace's powerful protection for the host made him barely organize the soul defense.

But outside the body, the cold light has turned.

At the level of the outer building, who can stand in a daze in front of Jiang Wang?

He barely had time to feel the pain before he was plunged into never-ending darkness.

A small Yutai order flag is running right through the cranial gate!

He was born to defend the city, and died to set up a banner.

And Jiang Wang succeeded in one blow, and the power of the soul continued to be urged. Under the effect of the single-rider breaking the formation map, the hidden snake pierced through the surroundings in an instant, and the hidden snake swam a hundred times!

The strong advantage at the level of spirit and soul is not enough for him to destroy opponents at the same level under the protection of Tongtian Palace for the host, but for these defenders, he can easily create chaos.


In the decisive sound reinforcement of the machine, the magic-breaking crossbow roared.

The mark of Qingyun loomed, and Jiang Wang avoided it sideways dangerously.

He already felt that the entire moat formation was releasing pressure on him. Although Xue Wei died, the moat formation was still open. Outside the body, the gift of the Dragon of the Purple Extreme is resisting, four star towers shine side by side on the sky, and a star road runs through the fourth floor, falling straight to the world!

The majestic and boundless star power surged in, covering Jiang Wang's body, and briefly confronted the pressure of the protective formation with terrifying consumption.

Five rounds of divine light circulate between the chest and abdomen!

In the dense explosion of bones and the fierce rush of blood——

The body of heaven appears.

He took a step forward and was already facing the most forward of the 500-man army on the city wall.

I don't know when I raised my left hand, and pressed it down——

Buildings, terraces, pavilions, and gardens in the old days, cars are like flowing water and horses are like dragons.

A bright and magnificent city of flames instantly overwhelmed the enemy's formation and overturned the towers!

One of the changes was joined by Dameng Yan Shaofei (54/78.)


Thanks to the book friend "A Candle Lights the Night" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 287th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

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