Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1574

The entire Xinjie City was shaken by this loud noise.

The extremely bright scenery and the grandeur of super-grade Taoism just bloomed in the city tower, occupying people's vision.

In the top Tianjiao duel, it may be difficult for super-grade Taoism to achieve the effect of winning or losing.

That's because Taoism has one of the biggest differences compared to supernatural powers and some bloodline secret arts, which lies in its universality-in principle, everyone can practice it.

This is its strength, but also its weakness.

Universality means that it can arm more people and enhance the strength of the human race to a greater extent.

Universality also means that anyone can control it, anyone can explore it, anyone can analyze it, and crack it... As a result, the speed of Taoism innovation and elimination is very fast.

The most powerful time of all Taoism is always when it is first shown in front of people.

So why, the Daotai rules in the Illusory Realm, the most important contribution to Daoism is originality.

Therefore, the imperial courts of various countries have kept many Taoist arts in the art library, and would rather not reward them than reward them indiscriminately. The less people know about the same Taoism, the more precious it is.

The powerful countries in the world have invested a lot of resources in the art academy to maintain the leading position in Taoism.

There is no situation in this world where mastering a super powerful Taoism will sweep you invincible.

And in the vast Taoism system, what is super grade?

It cannot be "regulated" by the conventional fourth-class and twelve-rank Taoism system!

It is necessary to possess the divinity, to have the foundation of Taoism that crosses the gap between heaven and man, and the so-called gods are clear, which is far comparable to the Taoism in the fourth and twelve ranks of the unplanned division.

Even if there is no one who knows the gods, it is impossible to truly show the power of super-grade Taoism. When it is manifested in the outer building realm in advance, it is also an existence that breaks the rules and is regarded as a symbol of the strong!

Although the military formation is a terrifying force that can cross the extraordinary ranks, it is the core embodiment of the unity of the human race from ancient times to the present. However, on this city tower, the guard of Xinjie City was dead, and there was not a strong enough core figure to command the 500-man army formation that was being mobilized.

The lieutenant general who commanded the army formation was only in the inner palace, and he didn't see the light of supernatural powers all over his body.

Therefore, this army formation had already been formed a long time ago as a deterrent to those who entered the city. But just as he reacted, he was greeted with the crash of the flames burning the city, and was directly smashed down!

The army of 500 men was lying on the ground lying on the ground.

The splendid city of fire burns above the city tower.

Very conspicuous, but also very cool.

"Fireworks burn the city!?"

In New Festival City, someone exclaimed. The sound is of unquenchable terror.

Who in the Southern Region would not know Zuo Guanglie!

Even if you haven't seen it in person, you should also hear the name of the city being burned by fireworks.

This technique is now in the new section.

Could it be Chu Renzhi?

Could it be that the two overlords of Chu and Qi have joined forces to carve up the Xia land?

Not to mention the panic in Xinjie City, Chong Xuansheng outside Xinjie City has already caught the signal.

When the flames burn the city in Xinjie City, when the whole army of the Victory Battalion is attacking!

Leaping out of his hiding place, Chongxuan Shenghong's voice was like a war drum: "Follow me to charge!"

Fourteen black helmets and heavy armor, the first sword is on its side.

The fat of Chongxuansheng's whole body undulated like waves, and the invisible power of Chongxuan spread out around him.

Heavy mysterious supernatural powers superimposed heavy mysterious techniques, rushing to the front of the 300-man army, everyone is as light as a swallow.

He left the brigade in an instant, and rushed forward at a terrifying high speed, like an arrow from the string, and the string moved to the front of the big city!

The Chongxuan family's research on Chongxuan's supernatural powers has followed the history of Bowang Hou Rongming. Accumulated from generation to generation, Zi is far from being comparable to ordinary monks' exploration of their own supernatural powers.

The changes that can be developed by Chongxuan supernatural powers have almost been exhausted.

It is just commonplace to confuse it with the military formation.


But it was said that Jiang Wang was on the tower of Xinjie City, killing the defenders instantly, resisting the coercion of the big formation, avoiding the crossbow, and destroying the army formation - and instantly ushered in the crazy counterattack of the defenders of Xinjie City.

"Now I will take over the city defense!"

A general in the city shouted: "Those who stick to the city gate must not move lightly! Form an array to counteract each other! One team and two teams reinforce the city gate, three teams, five teams and seven teams form their own formations. ! Eight teams and ten teams gather to me, follow me to form a saber array, kill the enemy and serve the country!" The eleventh team and the thirteenth team, hurry to unblock and activate the yellow dragon ball, listen to my orders, and cover the bombardment at any time! "

The so-called Yellow Dragon Ball is a ball of the four qi that seals poison gas, marsh gas, death qi, and resentment qi.

At this time, the deputy general of the New Festival City Defense Army really showed a quality that is rarely seen in the City Guard Army.

Although he didn't have the seal of the main general, but only the seal of the deputy general, he also pressed the seal urgently and took over the guarding formation on the spot. While commanding the soldiers to form an army formation, they mobilized the power of the city defense formation, instantly crushing all the majestic star power around Jiang Wang, and pushing him down into the sky!

The seal of the general guarding Xinjie City is naturally in Jiang Wang's hands. But without the relevant seals of the Xinjiecheng City Defense Array, it would not be able to play a role at all.

At this moment, he had just extinguished the army array on the city tower and destroyed several large crossbows, and then the city ushered in a counterattack like a raging sea.

The whole world denounces it! It is also difficult to conquer a dragon from thousands of miles.

The enemy is everywhere, and killing intent is everywhere!

After he penetrated the star road, he could receive the vast and majestic star power to the greatest extent, which was originally the most suitable for dealing with the situation of consuming power. But the mighty power of the city defense formation cannot be resisted by his star power.

So just after flying, it was suppressed——

He also took advantage of the trend and went down, dodged, and jumped into the inner city.

The body is like a blue bird, agile and flexible, the light of heaven rotates, and the Bi Fang seal is pressed with one hand.

The luxurious Bi Fang Lingxiang spread his wings behind him, and raging flames spread out around him.

The vibrant world of fire filled the city gate in an instant, and also blocked the other defenders of Xinjie City who rushed forward in an army formation.

Red is full.

The flames bloom, and the flame sparrows fly.

In the free world of fire, under the flying flame meteor, Jiang Wang rushed forward,

The mark of Qingyun turned a few times, and the people were already running, passing through the howling city gate defenders swiftly, a few dodges, and they were already close to the city gate!

Probably a guard of the team's official position, with his back to the city gate, facing Jiang Wang.

Have the courage to guard the gate.

The Dao Yuan surged in his body, and the light shield was propped up outside his body. Under the blessing of the big moat formation, he barely resisted the damage evenly spread in the huge fire world.

He gripped his spear tightly with both hands!

The tip of the spear is aimed at the incoming enemy who looks like a god and a demon.

He completely forgot about his fear, and he didn't seem to feel the pain of the burning flames.

Among the city gate guards who were staggering and wailing and fleeing, he was lonely and resolute, and he was alone against the powerful enemy!



He roared at the hedge. The courage of a lifetime burns like a flame outside of him.


The spear in his hand was lightly pushed away, and the man in the uniform of the Yutai patrolling cavalry, with a slight sway, had already rushed in front of him, almost standing face-to-face with him.

He saw the man's eyebrows and eyes, and saw that peaceful face. I also saw that his right hand raised his sword fingers together, and an extremely sharp and indescribable sword came straight!

He seemed to see that the earth was cracked and the sky was falling!

His world was destroyed.

And the emotion of fear finally returned, his whole body was stiff, and he closed his eyes subconsciously, unable to bear to witness his own death.


He felt that he was swept by a huge shock wave, and his body flew high.

It slammed heavily on the wall of the city gate.

With the pain of broken bones and bones, and unspeakable emotions, he opened his eyes and saw——

It seemed that endless flames were restrained by that iron-like back.

The steel chain that fixed the city gate was twisted into pieces by the extremely sharp sword energy.

The formation pattern engraved on the gate has been cut into a mess, linking up with the power of the formation protecting the city, it is in a mess.

The gates of the city have always been used to guard against the outside, not the inside.

Internally and externally, there is a world of difference in defensive capabilities!

And a slender, well-knit hand stuck to the city gate, and pushed the thick city gate with several layers of steel plates open!

The light from the sky came in, driving away the darkness in the city gate...

At this most desperate time, he was in a trance, as if he saw hope.

Then it went dark, and I didn't know anything.

That might not be his light.


too fast!

too fast!

From rioting, killing the guards, to smashing the army formation, opening the city gate.

Jiang Wang didn't waste a moment, and took every step in the most appropriate position.

The deputy general of Xinjiecheng had already responded in a timely manner, but he lost the opportunity and couldn't catch up every step of the way.

"Shoot him out!"

The roar of the lieutenant general of Xinjie City has already broken the sound, the idea of ​​besieging and killing the enemy in the city tower is no longer feasible, he immediately changed his strategy.

Rolling up all the soldiers, the soldiers were mixed together, and they directly smashed away the friendly troops who were still in chaos in the city gate, and slashed Jiang Wang with a straight line of swords!

The Xia Kingdom has been a thousand-year-old country, and the accumulated heritage is very profound. As far as the basic battle formation is concerned, there are nine types, corresponding to nine different situations.

What he formed was the String Saber Formation.

The so-called string knife, its knife is like a string!

Both clever and sharp, very thin and light.

Bing Sha Ning Dao, only open a line.

Xia Guo's army consists of a team of 150 people.

With the strength of two teams of 300 people, the deputy general of Xinjie City, under the blessing of the large formation protecting the city, immediately cut out a bright sword light like the rising of the moon!

Jiang Wang retreated, and retreated quickly in the wide-open city gate.

Withdrew from the enveloping range of the moat formation, and seemed to give up the city gate that he had just occupied.

But the city gate has been opened after all.

Also at this moment, in the distance that people can see.

There was a gigantic figure, swelled against the wind, and suddenly crashed into the field of vision——

It was Chong Xuansheng who manipulated the power of the army, gathered three hundred soldiers, blessed himself, gained terrifying speed, and was already approaching.

Seeing the movement here from a distance, he transformed himself directly, showing the supernatural powers of the sky and the earth, bursting the armor on his body in an instant. The twenty-foot-tall body shook the heavens and the earth, like a giant in ancient mythology, walking into reality.

With a vigorous flick of the big hand, a strong wind was blown——

"Take the sword!"

He roared like this, and the sound moved the whole city like a drum.

Bang bang bang! !

Bang bang bang! !

In the distance, the sound of war drums really sounded.

The war drum made of Kui cowhide sounded for the first time on this battlefield.

Announced the final charge.

The more than two thousand soldiers of the Victory Battalion who fell behind accelerated forward amidst the sound of drums.

Up to this point, the three hundred soldiers who rushed to the front and were already exhausted regained their strength.

And the cold light that the giant threw from afar arrived in an instant. A long rainbow pierces the sky and the earth, as if crossing the sun and the moon, but it is caught by a slender palm...

hold tight!

Like a fish returning to water, like a tree taking root, all things in the world, with the sound of a long sword, the heaven and earth sing in harmony.

When Jiang Wang held his sword!

The red gold circulates, the sword shines in the eyes, the frost wind and fire surround the blue clouds, and the sword fairy reappears in the world.

When holding the sword, the sword has been drawn.

Jiang Wang retreated a few steps and then advanced a few steps. He slammed into the city gate, his sword smashed the sky pillar, and directly confronted the 300 defenders of Xinjie City!

With the attitude of a sword fairy, resist the pressure of the big battle formation!

The extremely sharp sword energy collided with an army formation capable of surpassing the extraordinary rank.

Of course, the defenders of Xinjie City were not elite enough, and the string knife formation was not the most powerful formation. But under the blessing of the Great Array of Protecting the City, in the bath of the Great Array of Protecting the Nation...

This knife is extremely strong and unmatched!

Fight with swords!

Briefly blasted in the city gate hole, inside the two opposite gates.

The crazy agitation of force and force.

The roaring wind smashed through the city gate hole like a tornado.

While the clothes were bulging, Jiang Wang took a step back, and the light of the five supernatural powers turned around, and the huge power had been removed.

At the time of the collision, he chose a very delicate distance, just on the line of the coverage and non-coverage of the large moat formation. If you advance, you will be restrained, and if you retreat, you will be free.

Sometimes the difference between victory and defeat lies in the control of details.

The celibate monks are hostile to the army, and the only advantage is freedom.

And he firmly grasped "freedom".

The lieutenant-general of the defenders of Xinjie City, together with the army formation he led, was directly blasted back to the inner city. After a combination, nearly half of them were killed or injured!

But he spit out a mouthful of blood foam, and only shouted: "Feng Dizhen follow me!"

Gather another army formation of soldiers, and once again drum up the soldiers to rush forward.

But there is such a hindrance——

A gigantic twenty-foot-tall giant has already jumped far away, boom! Stomped houses into rubble and jumped into the inner city!

Pressing the big hand on the deputy general, the power of heavy mystery will be pulled frantically in the newly formed formation, going forward or backward, left or right, disrupting the formation structure in an instant, causing the soldiers to stagger from side to side, causing the soldiers to panic. Spread out completely.

"Steady! Stabilize! Stabilize with blood!" The deputy general of the Xinjiecheng garrison roared: "Steady——"

A cold light has swept over the neck.

The sound is instantly extinguished.

He leaned back.

This is a very good general, but not many people know his name.

After today... probably no one will care anymore.

Beads of blood rolled down from the sword, Jiang Wangren walked with the sword and went up the tower again. With a strong sword aura, the group of soldiers who had just brought out the Yellow Dragon Jar was easily separated.

Another general stood up in the city.

"I'll take over the defense, everyone listen to me—"


The new lieutenant general who stood up only saw a figure in black helmet and black armor rushing towards him like a steel puppet.

The air was knocked out howling!

The epee in his hand smashed the space to the point of embarrassment, and easily crushed him!

Jiang Wang, Chong Xuansheng, and Shisi, the three of them cooperated perfectly, and within the scope of this city gate, you attack and kill each other. There is no single enemy, and no one can stand up and organize soldiers again!

So he forcibly withstood the oppression of the large moat and held the gate firmly.

When the soldiers of the Victory Battalion also came in.

Jiang Wang jumped straight out of the battle here, pierced Changhong with his sword, and circled the city for three and a half weeks, his voice accompanied by sword chant——

"This city is broken, surrender to avoid death!"

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