Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1575 Walking the Blade on the Edge of the Cliff (adding 2/3 for the leader YangerSun)

Chapter 1575 Walking the Blade on the Edge of the Cliff (addition 23 for the leader YangerSun)

All the sounds of fighting are gone.

All the flames have been extinguished.

Na Yaojiao's vertical sword figure put away the sword energy all over the sky.

The silent Iron Armor Killer stood silently at this moment.

The tall and gigantic body returned to a fat body at this moment, leaning against the gate of the city, with a harmless smile on its tired face.

New Festival City has changed hands.

There are still broken flags and broken knives, and fragments of short crossbows are scattered in pools of blood.

The defenders of this city were all driven to the school ground in the city, waiting for their fate of being at a loss.

Of course, the large moat formation guarding this place has also been destroyed.

Thousands of households closed their doors, and the people were restless in their houses.

The city in the eastern part of Huiming Mansion is already in a state of taking whatever it wants.

But among the soldiers of the Desheng Battalion, no one broke into a private house—not to mention that they won't get any benefits, but military discipline can really kill people.

The treasury of the city was plundered, and everyone lined up to go in and pick slowly. Daoyuan stones can't be obtained, who has the patience to grab the common people's coins?

The entire Xinjie City fell into a kind of bewildered silence.

I don't know what tomorrow is, I don't know who tomorrow is, I don't know if there is tomorrow...

"Are you okay?" Jiang Wang asked softly.

He stepped into the city first and undertook the most dangerous task, killing the generals, breaking the city gate, and blasting the army formation. He teamed up with Chong Xuansheng and Shisi, who joined the battle later, to stabilize the control of the city gate, and then patrolled the city several times. Second, behead the general who resisted.

It didn't stop for almost a moment.

But compared to Chongxuansheng and Shishi who joined the battle later, his condition is much better.

The god-forbidden discs developed by the Tai family in the cities of the Xia Kingdom are used to distinguish monks below the gods. Of course, it is because of the nature of the blood of the gods, which can be more accurately distinguished, which is easier to distinguish than combat power.

But at the same time, it was also because... under the oppression of the moat formation, in a city defense like Xinjie City, there were no more than ten outhouse monks in the whole world who could complete the single-handed capture of the door.

It really doesn't have to be taken into consideration.

Unfortunately, Jiang Wang was among them.

"Two days."

Chong Xuansheng's voice was a little tired, but clear.

"Based on the worst case scenario, we still have two days."

He didn't answer Jiang Wang's question, but directly arranged military affairs, and said with all his spare energy: "Brother Wang, those who are capable will work harder. Go and divide the brothers into two squads and let them take time to rest. There is a hard fight. Tell them to take the Qi and Blood Pill, don't be reluctant."

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said, "Let the whole army rest, including you and Fourteen."

His voice rose and spread throughout the city: "The whole army rests on the spot, there is no need to worry about the city's defenses, I will patrol the city!"

After finishing speaking, he straightened his body and went straight up to the sky, at the height of Xinjie City, he pressed his sword casually, his red eyes shining in all directions.

With one person, monitor a city.

The whole city fell silent, and the three thousand soldiers slept peacefully.



The northern line, the eastern line, and the main battlefield of Tongyang City...

The entire Xia Kingdom draws a diagonal line with Guiyi City as the center, and since then, almost everywhere in the north and east is not fighting!

In this chaotic battlefield environment, the battle that took place outside Ximing City was both expected and unexpected for both sides.

Both Qi Fang Zhongxuan Zun and Xia Fang Anguo Hou Jinling have noticed the importance of Ximing City at this stage of the war. They were all ready for war before they came.

But I don't know which opponent I will face.

Because of Qi Fang's superiority on the frontal battlefield, Chong Xuanzun got away first and came here in time to complete the "support" for the new Qi defender Liu Yitao.

When he first arrived in Ximing City and met Jin Ling's army suddenly, Chongxuanzun resolutely went out of the city alone to fight, and the three-wheeled sword of the sun, moon and stars, known by the gods, was ahead of all the troops.

It was completely sent to death, as if deliberately waiting for the enemy to besiege and kill.

The smell of luring the enemy is too strong.

Sure enough, Jin Ling was vigilant, and instead of fighting immediately, he chose to form a defensive formation.

Because he knew that Chongxuanzun was the general of Qi Fangshen who fought fiercely in the north of Linwu before, but he didn't know who was in command and what kind of strength the Qi army that was stirring up wind and rain in Ximing City was.

At this time, the two armies on the opposite side joined forces and defended according to Ximing City.

As Xia Fang's general who was finally brought back from the front line, he should take stabilizing the situation behind Linwu as his primary strategic goal, so he must not rush forward rashly.

Setting the Qi army here is the initial completion of the goal, and if one's own side loses the battle here carelessly, it will be difficult for the front line to recruit any generals to turn back, and the entire Eastern Front battle situation may be completely corrupted!

It's not that Jin Ling doesn't have the courage to take risks, it's that Xia Jun can't afford to lose.

So while slowly pushing forward to test the enemy's reality, he sent envoys to summon Fan Ao urgently.

Chongxuanzun also bought time for his own side because of this amazing act of going out of the city to confront each other. He was able to rectify the defense of Ximing City and truly build the city defense——

At this time, he had to thank Chong Xuansheng. In order to maximize the mobilization of troops surrendered and make contributions by capturing prisoners, Chong Xuansheng spent a lot of thought in Ximing City to manage the city defense affairs in an orderly manner. The factors of instability have also been eliminated long ago, making it much easier for Chong Xuanzun to take over again.

Of course, this also makes him more like Chong Xuansheng's deputy...

Chong Xuanzun's reputation is prominent, and he made a lot of promises, but it also greatly strengthened the morale of the army.

In this way, he also guarded Ximing City for four full days!

Until Jin Ling, who was outside the city, got the news of the changes in the Huiming Mansion...

After confirming that the other Qi army had already left and that Ximing City was actually only Zhong Xuanzun, Jin Ling, who was anxious and angry, immediately launched a general attack.

There is no need to repeat the difficult process of these four days. With the whole city surrounded by surrendered troops and only 3,000 soldiers of the direct descendants on our side, even Chong Xuanzun couldn't hold back the attack and led the army to open the west gate.

He has been waiting for the Qi army to break through the five cities in the middle of Linwu Mansion, so that the siege of Ximing will be solved without attack. But after waiting for four days, it finally failed.

Of course, the Qi army was aware of the commotion behind the Xia army and rushed forward desperately. Xia Jun also resisted desperately, refusing to make a slight concession, using the corpses lying on the front line one after another to leave time and space for the back to gouge the sores.

Qi Jun is also brave, Xia Jun is also brave, and the line of life and death is difficult to advance.

Chong Xuanzun could only withdraw.

Chongxuansheng did not kill the surrendered soldiers, and Chongxuanzun did not perform the massacre.

The whole city surrendered and returned to Xia. He only took away Liu Yitao and a few others, and he needed to meet Jin Ling's pursuit of him.

This is a brutal chase.

3,000 vanguard battalions, which had been fully replenished during the siege battle, lost 500 people in the defense of Ximing City.

In this chasing battle, only 500 people died soon!

One side is Daqi Tianjiao, a descendant of a famous family. On one side is General Xia Guoxun, who has been coming for years.

Of course Jin Ling personally felt Chong Xuanzun's tenacity and the elite of this Qi army.

After Chongxuanzun personally broke it many times, even the star wheel was broken twice, and he was still unable to get rid of the siege of Jin Ling's 30,000 troops, and the space for movement became smaller and smaller...

Fortunately, at this time, the defense line of the five cities in the central part of Linwu was finally broken.

Chongxuanzun led people to mix among the retreating Xia army, went against the tide, ventured to break through, and finally joined most of the Qi army.

And Jin Ling had to retreat to Ximing City, gather the defeated troops on the front line, and rebuild the line of defense.

The Linwu Mansion battle has since officially entered the stage of the Seven Southern Cities.


December in Xia State may be colder than that in Qi State.

Chong Xuanzun, who was sitting alone on the top of the Wuhua City, seemed to be unable to feel the cold wind at all.

Dressed in white, still not stained with dust.

The eyes are still full of divine light, firm and powerful.

Sit there casually, and it will be a picture of ink and wash.

It's just that there is no faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and the whole person looks extremely cold and unapproachable.

He has undoubtedly done a great job.

His desperate struggle in Ximing City seemed to have driven a nail into the abdomen of the Xia people, making it inconvenient for them to move. This was an important reason why the Qi army was able to quickly break through the five cities in the middle of Linwu.

Then he wandered behind Linwu, fought Xia'an Guohou many times, led his army out of the encirclement, and successfully returned to Qiying, which is even more a heroic feat!

All Qi soldiers who heard about this matter cheered for it.

Xie Huai'an, the coach of the Eastern Front, also personally received him and encouraged him. In the credit book, there is a lot of money!

But at this moment, he was just thinking...

The cruelty of war is really inconceivable in military books.

No matter how you say about the weapon of the soldier, it is only an imagination, and it cannot be realized.

The vanguard battalion of 3,000 people fought to the end, only 300 people remained with him to successfully break through. And the duration of this chase was only three days...

With Jin Ling's absolute superiority in military strength, it was really difficult for him to move around.

If the five cities in the middle of Linwu fail to break through in time, even if he focuses on Xuanzun, he has no confidence how long he can last.

And what about Chong Xuansheng?

At this time, Chong Xuansheng's situation in Huiming Mansion will only be more difficult than what he has experienced just now. Because he was fighting fiercely in Linwu Mansion, he could still expect reinforcements. After the Huyang Pass, the opponent is everywhere. Once bitten, there is almost no possibility of unhooking.

Let's not talk about how Chong Xuansheng entered Huiming Mansion. How dare this cunning little fat man make such a bet?

Why does he think that he has a chance to win this game?

"General." The deputy general who accompanied the army approached behind him: "The soldiers have been replenished. With Xie Shuai's order, the last general will personally select the people. The soldiers are very enthusiastic when they heard that they want to follow you."

"Let's unfurl the flag." Chong Xuanzun said calmly, looking at the distant sky with heavy clouds and low pressure.

This army deputy general has been with him for many years, his talent is not outstanding, but he is extremely reliable. At this time, he only answered "yes" and turned around.

"Zhong Xin." Chong Xuanzun didn't look back, but suddenly asked: "Don't you ask where you are going?"

Following Chong Xuanzun to chase south and north, Zhong Xin, who was hit by six arrows in the last breakthrough battle, stopped at this moment, and just responded: "Where the general says to go, Zhong Xin will go."

"This time we are going to Daye. Go through Pinglin and go to Daye."

Chong Xuanzun explained in a rare way: "I can't go to Huyang Pass. The terrain of Huyang Pass is dangerous. The city defense has been built for many years, and there are elite soldiers and strong generals stationed there. It is extremely difficult to break through from the front. We can only go to Linwu with a large army after the whole area is pacified. Hit. I can't go to Dai City, that place is the window to enter Fengli Mansion, and it is the best choice for me to fight for success at this stage... But since it is said to be the best choice, my fat brother must be there wait for me!"

The battlefield is changing rapidly and there is no information, how can Chong Xuansheng be able to make accurate calculations and accurately trap him in Ximing City?

Afterwards, he reflected that it was his demanding and perfect character that caught the pulse and predicted the choice.

Going forward, he didn't care about these things, he just saw tricks, and he was confident that he could handle everything.

But even for him, in a battle of Qi Xia's scale, he often felt difficulties.

He believes that if he chooses to go to Daicheng, Chong Xuansheng will definitely have new surprises for him.

The tragedy of stationing Ximing City is vivid.

But if he didn't make the perfect choice, but fought steadily and steadily in the seven cities in the south of Linwu, and made steady achievements, that would be unbearable for him!

It’s not that he fought in the seven southern cities of Linwu, so he would definitely lose to Chongxuansheng in the next military exploit competition——Chongxuansheng and Jiang Wang stirred up the situation after Huyang Pass, walking on the edge of a cliff It is unknown whether Dao Feng's dangerous behavior will come back!

He just couldn't bear it and chose mediocrity.

So he went to Daye!

He took greater risks to grab greater feats!

Daye Mansion is the place where the royal family of the Xia Kingdom prospered, the former capital of the Great Xia, and the tombs of Emperor Taizu and Emperor Taizong of Xia. It is the key point of the country, and the most important thing for Xia Ting to defend!

Moreover, Daye Mansion is not far from the current Xiadu Guiyi City geographically, and there is only one mansion in between. The troops in the Gyeonggi area can mobilize support at any time.

With a force of 3,000 people, to touch such a heavy mansion is like walking through mountains of swords and seas of fire.

As long as you get stuck once, there is almost no possibility of getting out.

Especially...the current 3,000 people are supplemented from the original 300 people of the Pioneer Battalion, and their combat power is far from comparable to that of the elite from the Spring Death Army.

This trip was almost a narrow escape.

Zhong Xin thought for a while and said: "Earlier you said that Jin Ling was waiting for someone, but before that person came, Jin Ling launched a general attack, which means that Mr. Sheng has already entered Huiming Mansion...Since Mr. Sheng is in Huiming Mansion, Being hunted down by Jin Ling and other big men, it is difficult to get away, how can we go to Daicheng in Fengli Mansion?"

Chongxuan said: "I can't think of what he will do, but I think he will definitely do it."

Zhong Xin believed Chongxuan Zun's judgment, he was silent for a while, and then said: "Since you are sure that Mr. Sheng will go to Daicheng, you say, if the people of Xia know his goal..."

In Chong Xuanzun's eyes, his voice became lower and lower.

Finally said: "General, I only think about you."

Chong Xuanzun said calmly: "You seem to be doubting me, and you can no longer win a fair contest."

Zhong Xin knelt down, and earnestly persuaded him: "General, you are a supreme figure beyond the limit of your humble position. I have followed you for many years and never doubted your strength. It's just...only take these 3,000 people to Daye Mansion , Even you are too risky. Son of a daughter, you can’t sit down! Your future is smooth, and this battle is nothing but scenery on the way. How noble and noble are you, how can you fight with your life?"

Chong Xuanzun just stood up and walked down the city.

Leaving his calm words in the cold wind of Wuhua City, they will not be changed by anyone——

"I'm going to win it all. Including courage."

Happy birthday YangerSun!

Happy birthday, my dear friend!

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