Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1577 Thunder Shards

New festival city.

After two days of recuperation, the Victory Camp assembled again.

Rally before the two flags flying high.

This time, Chong Xuansheng no longer concealed it.

Two flags were erected, one was the extremely ostentatious victory flag, and the other was the Jingwei flag of Qi State. (Alias ​​of Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang Banner)

The so-called general flag and national flag.

In Xinjie City, Huiming Mansion, behind the Xia Army, they erected the Daqi National Flag in a majestic manner!

More than 4,000 guards of Xinjie City who had their weapons confiscated squatted on the other side of the school grounds, looking at them with complicated eyes.

Chong Xuansheng did not try to recruit anyone this time, because the next battle cannot be completed by surrendering troops.

He just destroyed the defense system of the city as usual, destroyed war supplies, and only took hard currency such as Dao Yuanshi.

For example, all the weapons of the guards in Xinjie City were piled together, and Jiang Wang used Taoism to melt them into a big iron ball, which is now standing in the center of the city.

Jiang Wang stood on the left of Chongxuansheng, and Shishi stood behind Chongxuansheng.

They faced a group of soldiers in the Victory Camp, a total of 2,453 soldiers.

Go through Linwu Mansion all the way, earn Ximing City, pass Huyang Pass, plunder Honggu City, break Xinjie City...

Although relying on Chong Xuansheng's adequate preparations, excellent combat vision, and Jiang Wang's formidable bravery to take the lead and often kill the enemy generals first, he has basically never encountered any difficulties, but battle damage is still inevitable. Five hundred and forty-seven people stayed on this land forever. Whether their souls return home or stay in a foreign country forever depends on the final outcome of this war.

For Victory Camp, time is tight.

Chong Xuansheng plundered Honggu first, and then hit Xinjie, which was just a time difference.

And Xia Guo, the big man who came back temporarily and was making pockets in Huiming Mansion, once he learned of the accident in the new festival, he would immediately react, what is the purpose of this Qi army fleeing to the rear.

Let's go to New Festival City.

The entire Fengli Mansion was almost completely undefended, and Qi Jun opened his arms!

At this moment, Qi Jun has two excellent choices.

One is Daicheng in the northernmost part of Fengli Mansion, and the other is Shuofeng City in the southernmost part of Fengli Mansion.

Defeating Daicheng is tantamount to completely linking the theaters of Linwu Mansion and Fengli Mansion. Defeating Shuofeng City can directly threaten Jin'an Mansion and create opportunities for Liang Jun to enter the game.

No matter which move it is, it is a deadly killing move.

This is the disadvantage of being beaten into the country-the enemy has no scruples in fighting, but one's own side is always hindered, and the weak points are always exposed.

In many cases, there is no correct solution at all, and we can only choose the lesser of two evils.

This is also the reason why Fan Ao chose to go to Fengli alone at the beginning.

It's just that Chongxuan's technique was superior, he tricked Huyang Pass, took Honggu City lightly, and pointed his sword at Shaokang Mansion! It caused chaos in Huiming's mansion and panic in Shaokang's mansion, which made Fan Ao, the fierce tiger, leave the mountain.

Shaokang Mansion is more critical and softer than Fengli Mansion, Xia Fang can't ignore it.

After Chong Xuansheng took down Honggu City, he abandoned the city that day to buy himself time.

Before the coalition forces from all cities in Huiming Mansion formed a large network, they fled outside the network and disappeared without a trace.

In this way, he crossed with Fan Ao and quickly arrived at Xinjie, relying on Jiang Wangxing to take a risk and win in one fell swoop.

The matter has come to this point, such random sending of distress letters, chaotic fighting of the surrendered troops, and how to predict the route of the coalition forces in the various cities of Huiming Mansion... are all trivial matters.

Fan Ao was able to quickly rebuild the order of the Huiming mansion, mobilize the soldiers and horses of the various cities, and quickly make a big airtight pocket, which also shows his quality of being veteran in the army.

It's just that there was a bad move, and he could only be led by the nose.

For the current Victory Camp, time is the key.

They must complete their next strategic goal after winning the new festival before Xia Fang's temporarily unknown opponent catches up.

Timing isn't just about ultimate success.

Time is also a matter of life and death!

They have won a lot along the way, but if they lose here, they will lose everything!

At this time, Chong Xuansheng chose to stop and rest.

Without great wisdom and courage, how dare you do this?

Everything about this war seems to have specific and minute information in his mind, and it seems to be accurate to what will happen every hour.

All Jiang Wang can do is to spare no effort to support.

The victory camp does need rest.

When fighting Jianfeng Mountain, the autumn kill army was the main force, and they were in the middle.

Although in the army of 100,000 people at that time, Chong Xuansheng deliberately took care of him and shared more blood and Dao Yuan needs with Jiang Wang and himself.

But the 3,000 people in the Desheng Camp did follow Chongxuan Sheng Jiangwang through the entire Linwu Mansion when their colleagues were already sitting in the military tents, eating meat, drinking soup, and warming themselves by the fire. Hit Huiming East and come to Xinjie City.

Even if you don't do anything, you just traveled to so many places in such a short time. Without relying on the blessing of the army, without swallowing Qi and blood pills, and without foreign objects such as talismans... running can kill many people.

That is to say, this is a strong army from the nine soldiers of Qi, and everyone is a sharp soldier selected from the best, so they can withstand the toss of Chong Xuansheng.

Chong Xuansheng gave the order to let the army rest, not because he didn't know the importance of time, but because he cared too much about time!

Huiming and Fengli are adjacent to each other, and there is more than one city node that can penetrate the two prefectures.

The reason why he chose Xinjie City as the last stop to enter Fengli Mansion was naturally due to his overall consideration. for example--

The Tianfeng Ranch located in the city area of ​​Xinjie is one of the four major ranches in the Xia Kingdom, and it provides a large number of war horses for the Xia Kingdom's army.

After Chong Xuansheng occupied the new festival, he directly broke the Tianfeng Ranch and let the horses go free, leaving less than 6,000 horses for his own use. A collapsing Tianfeng Ranch and a herd of horses that have been let go of their restraints, in his plan, are also an idle move for the slow Xia army to pursue.

The soldiers of the Victory Battalion are able to fight on horseback and on foot.

At this very moment, one man with two horses, holding a bow, hanging a crossbow and carrying a knife, was silent in the school grounds.

What a chill!

Chong Xuansheng took a deep look at them, without saying anything else, turned around and flew high in the sky: "Follow me...take Daicheng!"

His next target is Dai City!

He wants to open up the battle areas of Linwu and Fengli, connect the Qi army to the front line, and block the eastern part of Xia Kingdom directly!

Two thousand four hundred and fifty-three soldiers of the Victory Battalion shouted loudly——

"Dai City! Dai City! Dai City!!!"

Then the horseshoe moved, and the thunder sounded.

He no longer concealed it, and he didn't care who the surrendered soldiers in Xinjie City heard and passed the news on to.

Because there is no need to hide.

From the time when the leading army interspersed with the rear of Linwu, his phased strategic goal is here. What he had been waiting for was this moment. The only thing to fight for now is time!

Of course, the Messenger Flying Beasts in Xinjie City also let go of the usual practice, and wrote all kinds of distress letters, asking for help everywhere. At this time, Fengli Mansion was in chaos.

Rumble! Rumble!

The national flag swayed in the wind, and both members of Tenglongjing set up Kui Niu war drums and flew high in the sky.

Fourteenth, in black helmet and black armor, personally held the mallet and beat the drumhead!

Seeing such a group of people galloping away, the unarmed captives in Xinjie City were relatively at a loss. The sound that resounded in my ears and spread to the horizon... I couldn't tell whether it was the sound of drums, thunder, or the sound of horseshoes!


The raw material of the Kui Niu war drum is the Kui cow hide obtained by Wang Changji from fishing in the mountains and seas.

It is an ancient alien beast that has long been extinct in this world.

After Jiang Wang sent it back to Linzi, Chong Xuansheng tanned it with a master craftsman in the army.

As a weapon in battle, this drum is extremely beneficial for marching.

When the drums sound, cheer up your spirits. The second drum beat activates the blood gas. Three drums, lively soldiers!

There is also the sound of thunder accompanying it, which has the power to break the law and frighten the enemy.

The Jingwei flag held by this battalion is also a high-grade national flag. It can provide all-round protection for the army, stabilize the soldiers, and reduce the possibility of soldiers being attacked by soldiers.

Although the "victory is in sight" general flag is not very beautiful, its effect is not bad in the military formation. It can help soldiers form an army formation faster, and has the effect of strengthening the power of soldiers.

The three cities of Ximing, Honggu and Xinjie were plundered, and the top and bottom of the victory camp were all changed. Everyone wears armor, and everyone has magic weapons.

At this moment, they are all dressed up, and the people are like dragons, and they directly stepped into Fengli Mansion!

Along the way, gods and ghosts do not avoid, breaking the ranger. If you don't enter the city, if you dare to leave the city, there will be no mercy for the Xia army.

How dare the cities of Fengli Mansion go out to fight in the field? Unable to figure out the real situation of the enemy army, there is only fear for a Qi army swaggering in the heart of the mansion.

It was the one who wanted to send his troops to meet them, but before the whole army left the city, the Victory Battalion galloped away.

Messenger flying beasts crowded the sky of Fengli Mansion, delivering so many messy messages that people couldn't tell which one was true and which one was false. But this official Qi army is real, the sound of horseshoes is real, and their swords and crossbows are all real!

Rumble, rumble.

After galloping for a day and night, thunder all the way rolled from the middle of Fengli Mansion to the north of Fengli Mansion, and finally roared in the sky of Daicheng!

When Jiang Wang included the city in his field of vision into Qianyang Chitong, he suddenly found that Daicheng was already caught in the flames of war.

More than a dozen thorny boats flew around the city, while avoiding the crossbow arrows defending the city, they kept firing spell-breaking thorny spears.

In the distance, in the direction of the north gate of Dai City, the dense army of Qi Fang was attacking the city fiercely. A general flew high in the sky, his body was blessed with the power of the soldiers, and the light of punishment descended from his brows and pupils, and angrily bombarded the Daicheng formation!

If not Bob Zhao, who else?

In addition, there is another general, dancing with beard and hair, singing like drunk, shaking like a big brush, and continuing to attack the city with Confucian magic.

"Bob Zhao! Xie Baoshu!" Jiang Wang frowned.

There is a feeling of displeasure when the credit you get is shared by others.

Chong Xuansheng also frowned, but he said: "It's not Chong Xuanzun who came, he has no reason to be slower than these two... I don't know if the pressure is enough now."

"Is the pressure enough?" Jiang Wang didn't understand.

Xue Rushi, the guard of Daicheng, is a descendant of the Yangling Houfu in the Xia Kingdom. The ability to march and deploy is not bad, and he is cautious and independent, and cherishes his reputation, which is very good in Xia Guofeng's evaluation.

When Chong Xuansheng read Xia Guo's information, he discovered one thing——

When Xue Chang, Marquis of Yangling and Li Fu, Marquis of Guangping, were fighting for power at Hutai, Xue Rushi was clearly on duty at Hutai, but he was at home on sick leave. People at that time said that Xue Rushi was a person who knew how to avoid suspicion.

Chong Xuansheng concluded from this that Xue Rushi is a wise guy who protects himself.

He further studied Xue Rushi's life, figured out his character, combined with many details, and concluded that this person could not bear high pressure in a real crisis. That's why he took Dai City as the end of his war against Xia on the Eastern Front!

Of course, there was no effort to explain to Jiang Wang at this time.

Both the offensive and defensive sides of Daicheng noticed this cavalry army coming from the rear of Fengli.

No one knows the "victory is in sight" flag. But the Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang flag fluttering has already revealed the faction!

Why can the Qi army come from behind Fengli Mansion?

What does this represent?

Chong Xuansheng didn't give them much time to think.

Sweeping Bingsha directly, rolling up all the soldiers of the Victory Battalion, and the supernatural powers of the sky and the earth came out again. His body manifested into a giant thirty feet tall, and Hong Sheng roared angrily: "Huyang Pass has been broken! Huiming Mansion has changed flags! Fengli has become an isolated mansion!"

"I respect Xuansheng, and I am ordered to take over Daicheng! The friendly army avoids it!"

"Announce Daicheng Yousi, those who surrender will not die. If you don't surrender for one day, the lieutenant general and above will not be killed! If you don't surrender for two days, the team will be above and above, you will be killed without forgiveness! If you don't surrender for three days, those who hold soldiers in your hands will be killed without forgiveness." ! Do not surrender for four days, and when the city is broken, do not seal the sword for four days!"

This Daicheng offensive and defensive battle started on December 7th and has lasted for two days.

Of course, Qi Jun didn't just value Xuan Sheng, a smart man.

The state of Qi is stronger than the state of Xia, and it is all-round crushing from top to bottom, from strength to potential, from high-level strength, to future arrogance, to the quality of soldiers, from top to bottom, from strength to potential.

The last seven cities of Linwu Mansion are still resisting.

Xie Huai'an carried out Cao Jie's grand strategy, fought steadily, besieged the seven cities together, and attacked the city endlessly.

And the battle on the Eastern Front gathered all the generals, such as Bao Bozhao, who were not willing to be trapped in the rotation offensive of Linwu Mansion. Thinking of the next breakthrough early on, he directly led the army to attack Daicheng in Fengli Mansion.

At this moment, the "friendly army" Chong Xuansheng was suddenly seen, leading the cavalry army to charge from the south of Daicheng.

When it "disappeared", it was still a battalion of infantry. When they "returned", one person and two horses were arranged, each armed with armor and sharpened, all of which were general-level equipment.

Apart from admiration, there is nothing else to say for a while!

For the defenders of Daicheng, the retreat of the Linwu Mansion front was already a great pressure on the front line of Fengli Mansion.

Qi Jun's direct attack on the city gate is enough to show that Xia Jun has lost the ability to control the situation in Linwu Mansion.

As a city defender, there is no other way. Only with the help of the power of the Great Array of Protecting the Country and the Great Array of Protecting the City, stand firm and wait for help.

I don't know how many letters for help were sent.

The attack and defense of the city wall lasted for an unknown number of rounds.

After finally waiting for the reinforcements from the rear, it was actually the Qi army on the opposite side?

They are still fighting hard on the front line of Fengli Mansion, and Qi's Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang flag is flying behind Fengli Mansion!

This blow to the morale of the Daicheng defenders was almost devastating!

Xue Rushi was walking on the top of the city, how could he not feel the fear of his soldiers?

It is an undeniable fact that the Qi army rushed from behind Fengli Mansion.

He even recognized that the Qi army was riding a horse from Tianfeng Ranch, with the imprint of Tianfeng Ranch on the horse's buttocks!

If Huiming Mansion hadn't fallen to the ground, how could the Qi army have come to Fengli.

Tianfeng Ranch has been occupied, and the rear of Fengli Mansion is probably really lost!

He forcibly suppressed his uneasiness, poured Dao Yuan, and shouted angrily with the last courage: "My Great Xia has millions of soldiers, billions of billions of people, so why be afraid of you as a thief! If you have the ability, you can attack the city! The head of Xue Mou is called You cut it, you must not blink!"

Chong Xuansheng condensed the majestic soldiers in his body, and manifested the giant of indomitable spirit, but at this moment, he didn't talk nonsense with him at all, he just looked back at him——

"Jiang Qingyang, the leader of the Yellow River, I want to see the sword you didn't make in the western suburbs of Linzi!"

The loud sound is like thunder from the sky, which really attracts the might of the sky.

But seeing above the dome, suddenly four stars shine together, and another star road lights up, turning suddenly, penetrating the field of seven stars.

The stars are moving!

Between heaven and earth, a person hangs high.

Jiang Wang has already held his sword!

"I am willing to surrender!" - Xue Rushi's voice sounded immediately!





(Many people have asked about Xia Guo’s map, so here’s a reminder. Xia Guo’s hand-painted map is attached to the easter egg chapter after Chapter 183 of this volume, "I am also greedy for life".)

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