Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1578 First Merit on the Eastern Front

For Xue Rushi, coping with Bao Bozhao and Xie Baoshu's siege was already a matter of doing his best.

He didn't dare to think about the Qi army suddenly attacking from the rear, and he didn't have the ability to judge the authenticity.

The statement to Chong Xuansheng was already his last struggle and temptation.

Jiang Wang's sword of moving the star tower fully proves that he has the ability to step into the realm of God's Realm at any time.

The last straw fell...

Xue Rushi's surrender became a matter of course.

The guard formation dissipated, and the gates of Daicheng opened in all directions. Xue Rushi bound his hands, and led a group of defenders who had thrown away their weapons, out of the city to surrender.

The one that goes out is the south gate.

Of course, Bob Zhao and Xie Baoshu squeezed in too.

As for what Chong Xuansheng said about the avoidance of the friendly army-do they still know if the Qi army has fully occupied the meeting? The seven cities in the south of Linwu Mansion are still fighting fiercely, and the gate of Huyang Pass has not been touched there!

How should Daicheng's meritorious service be accounted for? Why did Xue Rushi surrender and to whom?

Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng transmitted sound back and forth extremely quickly, exchanging opinions.

"They came to attack Daicheng, whose idea do you think?"

"Of course it was Bao Bozhao's idea." Chong Xuansheng said casually: "Uncle Shuofang is in charge of the army of the thunderbolt, and he is also a veteran on the battlefield. The art of war passed down in his family will certainly not be bad."

"Then why is there something about Xie Xiaobao?"

"Do you think the Thorny Boat is so easy to mobilize? How many ships are there on the Eastern Front?"

Thinking of the relationship between Xie Baoshu and the Eastern Front coach Xie Huaian, Jiang Wang suddenly realized.

Bao's family and Chongxuan's family have not been friendly for generations, and because of Jiang Wang's relationship, Chongxuansheng and Xie Baoshu are also full of heads.

But seeing each other at this moment, Chong Xuansheng smiled very warmly.

"Thank you two virtuous brothers for your support, help me complete the last step of connecting the two major regions of Linwu and Fengli!"

Bao Bozhao and Xie Baoshu looked at each other.

"Hahaha." Bob Zhao said with a smile: "I should thank my virtuous brother. General Xie and I have been attacking this city for two days and nights. The losses and sacrifices are incalculable. Fortunately, the two virtuous brothers came around behind the enemy. Help me take this city! Otherwise, we may have to fight for a few more hours!"

"Hahahaha." Chong Xuansheng also smiled, stretched out his hand and pointed at Xue Rushi: "Brother Xian, can you see which door this General Xue opened, and who did he ask to surrender?"

Bao Bozhao said with a smile: "The two virtuous brothers have worked hard together, only these two thousand people have made great achievements, and I am admired by Brother Yu! But the brothers led an army of fifteen thousand people to attack the city, and fought day and night. But we went into battle before we were full! We are full after the last bite of food, so we can’t say that the big bowls we ate earlier don’t count, right?”

Xue Rushi didn't know that the two groups of people in front of him were fighting for their merits. As the "gong" being contested, his face was blue and white, and he was ugly.

Always emphasize the hidden meanings in the words of Xuan Sheng and Bob Zhaodu, you try to test each sentence, and be tactful.

Xie Baoshu said impatiently at the side: "Who is the main force? Is it not clear? The Xia people can't see clearly, and we Qi people can't see clearly either? How many people do you have? How can you win without fighting?"

Jiang Wang glanced at him, and said with some amusement: "Good neighbor! It's been a long time! It's boring to talk about the fact that there are many people and few people! Let's talk in private and catch up on the old days?"

Xie Baoshu turned his head with an expression of "I don't care about you", but finally shut up.

Chong Xuansheng was not angry.

Xie Baoshu didn't know anything about soldiers, he could only see an acre of land in front of him. Anyone who can understand a little bit of the battle situation will not be able to confidently ask who is the main force like him.

When Bao Bozhao mentioned the number of people, he mentioned the hard work, the demand, and the activation of the army. They fought for days and nights, and they could not return without success. It's not that they really think that they can compete with Chong Xuansheng for the credit of Daicheng.

Who shakes the battle situation, who creates opportunities, how long Xue Rushi can last... Bao Bozhao pretends not to understand, Xie Baoshu seems to really not understand.

At that moment, he only smiled and said: "It is true that my Victory Camp only has 3,000 people, but it is these 3,000 people who broke Ximing, Zhan Honggu, and Juxin Festival, and the horse stepped on the land of the three prefectures. It is as powerful as a broken bamboo. Such awe-inspiring, do not fight And it’s reasonable to subdue others.”

Then he looked at Bob Zhao, and said to this really smart man: "I am a person who likes to work together to win-win, and I don't like to eat clean. I eat too much by myself, and I tend to get fat! Brother Xian, in order to cooperate with me, penetrate the Eastern Theater I know the strategic intention to lead the army to attack Dai for two days and nights, and put great pressure on the defenders. I know this intention. After the battle, we must offer a glass of wine to Brother Xian!"

Bob Zhao raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

It's not because Chong Xuansheng is stingy, on the contrary, this fat man is too bold!

The credit for attacking Dai did not run away from them, and he also added a strategic response to them... The conditions are quite kind.

After all, he is the next generation Shuofangbo and Bao's confirmed successor. Bobzhao's surprise disappeared in an instant, and he put on a warm smile: "It's time to have a drink. Congratulations to my brother for winning another city!"

He reciprocated the favor, and he immediately admitted that the Daicheng defenders had surrendered to the Desheng Battalion.

In front of the two young generals of the Qi State, talking and laughing, they negotiated the distribution of military merit. As the assigned "military merit", Xue Rushi's mood is really complicated.

Great Xia has a thousand-year-old state, with a history of honor, a glorious past, a court that worked hard to govern, loyal and brave generals, and good ministers who governed the country. There are countless people with lofty ideals. Since ancient times, talents have never been eliminated.

He, Xue Rushi, has served in many military and political positions, and now he is in charge of generals and city lords in Dai City, and he has seen so many talented young people from the Xia Kingdom!

But how many people can be like Bao Bozhao, and who can be like Chong Xuansheng?

The head of the city has already changed the Dawang Banner.

The work of accepting the surrender outside Daicheng is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Victory manages this matter very well.

Chong Xuansheng and Bao Bozhao were still talking to each other, amicably. The conflicts of the older generation seem to have no effect on them at all.

There is a booming sound in the far sky, and it is approaching extremely fast!

"Finished formation!"

Chong Xuansheng and Bao Bozhao gave the order almost at the same time, and each of them took off with their soldiers.

Jiang Wang held the long sword in his hand and pulled it out without hesitation.

Xie Baoshu was a little slow in forming an formation, and simply flew up into the sky by himself, just like the one surnamed Jiang.

And from the far sky, a figure burning with terrifying power was approaching at an extremely fast speed.

It's near, it's near!

But it was a square, majestic face.

Under the majesty, it is hard to hide the fatigue.

A strong man with a golden body and chalcedony in the realm of gods, with a servant in the world!

Great Xia Xuanping Marquis Fan Ao!

Stuck it in the pocket of Huiming Mansion, and caught nothing. All the traces of the march were caused by the defenders of the original Honggu City, which made him feel bad.

At that time, he did not know Chongxuansheng's strategic goal, but he had already realized that Chongxuansheng was going to Fengli Mansion. He was in Luzhou (closer to Linwu), Xinjie (centered), and Yang Gu (closer to Jin'an) hesitated between the three cities.

In the end, because there was no movement of Xinjie City in the wartime order constructed by one hand, so the new festival was sent.

What he didn't know was that after Chong Xuanzun occupied Xinjie City, the reason why he chose to close the four gates, cut off the news, and rest on the spot for two days was because his soldiers really needed to recuperate, and the second was to wait for him to come after him!

Destroy Tianfeng Ranch to block Xia Jun's traffic. The Desheng Battalion has one man and two horses, and the marching speed is so fast.

Fan Ao was led to Xinjie, and he was doomed to meet only a city whose war reserves had been destroyed, and it was impossible for him to lead the army to catch up with the Victory Camp.

As soon as he saw Xinjiecheng, Fan Ao already knew something was wrong.

After asking about the whereabouts of the Desheng battalion, he even left the army and rushed to Daicheng by himself. If there is one more expert in the city defense, the result will be completely different!

But it's... too late!

From Linwu to Fengli to Huiming, and then back to Fengli, he never stopped for a moment, but he did all the useless things!

At this moment, he flew to Daicheng, and those who greeted him were Bao Bozhao, Xie Baoshu, and 15,000 Eastern Region allied forces. It was Chong Xuansheng, Jiang Wang, and more than two thousand victorious battalions.

It is Xue Rushi, the lord of Daicheng, and the defenders of Daicheng who have already surrendered!

With his golden body and chalcedony, his scalp was actually wood for a while.

He took a deep look at the young fat man, and the young swordsman who could feel the sword force from a long distance away.

Without saying a word, Fan Ao turned around and retreated.

Not to mention staying here, there is a danger of being grinded to death by the army.

At this time, it is a foregone conclusion that Linwu Fengli will be opened up.

He must turn around as quickly as possible and find a way to consolidate the situation in Fengli!

But what can be done?

He hadn't thought of it yet...

This place is different from Linwu Mansion. Duke Feng Zhou Ying retreated while attacking, building up layer after layer of defense lines, allowing enough buffer space. Even if Ximing City was attacked and harassed, the Linwu defense line was quite resilient, slowing down Qi's soldiers to the greatest extent.

This is also Zhou Ying's strategic thinking on the entire Eastern Front battlefield.

Today's Fengli mansion, the gate suddenly opened, the situation changed suddenly, and there was no time to pull up the line of defense.

Once Daicheng is broken, the 300,000 Qi troops on the eastern front can go south to drink horses at any time, and the situation is unstoppable!

Fan Ao came and flew away.

In the Qi army camp, there was a sound of laughter. Being able to force away a strong man of God's presence, a master of the Great Xia, is self-satisfied and happy.

Xue Rushi sat down on the ground.

The expression on his face is like crying and smiling.

Can't tell if it's regret, hate, or something else.

Fengli Mansion is still there, Huiming Mansion is still there.

Fan Ao, as the honor of the prince of the country, didn't care about loss, life and death, he ran here and there, fought in three prefectures, and even came to support alone.

But just before Fan Ao arrived, he chose to surrender.

The taste here is really hard to describe!


Regardless of Xue Rushi's mood, Chong Xuansheng and Bao Bozhao looked at each other, and they already had a consensus on the next situation.

With Daicheng captured so quickly, the entire Fengli Mansion is already flat, with no danger to defend.

In addition, Chong Xuansheng destroyed the Tianfeng Ranch, which greatly affected the mobility of the Fengli Army.

Xuanping Hou Fan Ao rationally chose to retreat, wanting to pull up a line of defense and stabilize Fengli's rear, but the cruel facts will tell him that what he did is still useless!

The change of hands in Daicheng completely severed the connection between Linwu and Fengli. Zhou Ying's tactics of "fighting and retreating, weaving layers of nets" can no longer be weaved in Fengli Mansion. With only one Fan Ao, it is completely whimsical to want to rely on the Fengli government army to do something in a short period of time.

The next thing is to fight for time.

They want to quickly ask for troops from Xie Huai'an, the commander of the Eastern Front. At this time, the last seven cities in the south of Linwu can be laid down for the time being, surrounded without fighting, and the main force on the Eastern Front should march towards Fengli Mansion!

The two mansions of Linwu and Fengli had already been connected, once the Qi army came and they would all occupy Fengli, Huiming mansion would have no way to defend it.

As for Linwu, Fengli, and Huiming, after the three prefectures are all opened up, from the map, it is a strong arm that is strangling the neck of the giant Xia Guo!

The Eastern Front is settled!

Who would have thought that it was a mere 3,000-strong team that had disappeared in the early days of the Linwu War that caused a series of changes in the battlefield, leading to the fact that the outcome of the Eastern Front can now be seen to be crucified?


It's just a feast of plundering military exploits.

The only thing they have to do is hurry up!

So what's the matter with Xue Rushi's mood?

"We came from Xinjie City." Chong Xuansheng said straight to the point.

His meaning is very clear, he has opened up the road from Xinjie to Daicheng, and he will not allow others to pick peaches again.

Bao Bozhao didn't mean to be entangled, and said directly: "You fight the west route, and I fight the east route. Before the other generals come over, take as much as you can. Then... let each one rely on his own ability!"

Among the coalition forces of the countries in the Eastern Region, there are not many strong ones.

For example, Yan Po from Yi Kingdom, Mrs. Xidu from Xu Kingdom (Xu Kingdom contributed to the Xingyueyuan battlefield, this time Qi Kingdom’s eastward expedition does not need to send troops. But the strong gods still have to accompany the army), Ouyang Yong from Rong Kingdom...

They also all have the need for military exploits. Afterwards, they can use their military exploits to exchange for a large amount of supplies in Qi State, or even win more shares of Kaimai Pills. For an undefended Fengli Mansion, they will never be polite.

These people in Daicheng now have a first-mover advantage, but how much they can eat in the end still depends on their own abilities.

The meritorious deeds of Daicheng had been distributed, and Bob Zhao simply didn't even enter the city, and took the army still in a state of war, and went directly to the next city on Fengli East Road. As for Xie Baoshu, who had reached a cooperation with him, he naturally flew back to the Linwu battlefield to report the military situation and invite troops.

The most important point of a war at the extraordinary level is the destruction of the enemy's extraordinary power.

As far as the Qi army at this time is concerned, what they are fighting is the major cities in the Xia Kingdom, and what they want is to destroy the nodes of the Xia Kingdom's national defense formation one by one. No place at the village or town level is touched.

Chong Xuansheng was not in a hurry, and after confirming the attack route on the west road, he led the people into Daicheng swaggeringly.

He even wanted to ask Xie Baoshu to invite soldiers on his behalf, the reason is that there are people in the superiors who are easy to handle, and besides, Xie Baoshu and Jiang Wang can be regarded as neighbors!

Xie Baoshu didn't even look at him.

So he found a jade platform green horse, and ordered Qingzhuan to go to Xie Huaian to ask for troops.

He himself took Xue Rushi's hand and asked about the details of Daicheng in detail. Fervently……

Destroyed the large moat formation of Daicheng.

so far.

From the 20th day of the 11th month of the Dao calendar, the opening of the battlefields on the northern and eastern fronts at the same time, and the start of the chaos throughout the Xia Kingdom, to the 9th day of the 12th month of the Dao calendar.

Nineteen days.

The land of Desheng camp spanning the three prefectures has already drawn four big cities: Ximing, Honggu, Xinjie, and Dai.

There is no count for captives, and there is no count for capture.

It is actually the first achievement on the Eastern Front!

Ask for the first monthly pass in March!

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