Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1579 Xin Rong

"Bob Zhao is easy to talk to."

In the treasury of Daicheng, Jiang Wang cleaned up all kinds of Taoist secrets and engraved them in the Taoist platform, and said to Chong Xuansheng who was doing the same thing on the opposite side of the bookshelf.

"In the north of Daicheng, if they don't come, most people come. In the south of Daicheng, if we don't come, no one can come." Chong Xuansheng said casually: "When you break up, anyone can say two things. It makes sense. But the facts are clear to anyone with a discerning eye.”

He smiled: "And I'm already very kind, giving them a share of strategic merit."

"Isn't it because of Xie Baoshu's relationship to control the offensive on Fengli West Road?" Jiang Wang asked abruptly.

Chong Xuansheng stopped his hand of checking Taoism, and looked at him with some surprise.

Jiang Wang added: "Besides, we were exhausted and couldn't eat too much. If they really want to bypass us and do it ourselves, can we still get angry with him? Why don't we just get what we need like now. "

"Amazing, Lord Jiang!"

Chong Xuansheng praised, and then said: "Those who don't know how to fight can go to the battlefield. Those who only know how to fight must not go to the battlefield. This is... what my grandfather said."

He smiled ambiguously.

Then he said: "If you can think of these, you can already be a qualified general. But you didn't mention the more important part.

War is never war itself.

Yes, we worked hard to get behind the enemy lines, worked desperately, and made great achievements.

But what is the basis of this series of feats?

It was Xie Shuai who suppressed Xia Jun on the frontal battlefield.

It is our 300,000 army, pressing down on the enemy city and fighting. Xia Jun was so overwhelmed that he didn't dare to take the lead, so he could only stick to it. Their main force was defeated steadily, and they had no time to care about them. There are only 3,000 of us who come and go freely.

After a big battle, hundreds of thousands of people went up and down, and everyone was desperate.

In the end, if it's just our battalion that is wantonly plundering merit... we won't be able to go far.

In the end, you will find that your soldiers and horses are getting fewer and fewer, your supplies are getting more and more difficult, the strategic space is getting narrower and narrower, and everything is difficult and difficult... The so-called "transporting heroes is not free"! Where does so much luck come from? Most of the people who lost their hearts were people's hearts. "

Jiang Wang was thoughtful: "So you want to bind Bob Zhao and Xie Baoshu?"

"Bob Zhao, the eldest son of Uncle Shuofang, the next Uncle Shuo is a sure thing. Xie Baoshu, the nephew of the commander of the Eastern Front of the Qi Army, treats him as his own son. When we had conflicts with him, Xie Shuai even made peace with him personally..." Chong Xuansheng laughed: "Two good people!"

"It's not bad, indeed." Jiang Wang followed suit with a smile.

At this moment, Fourteen stood quietly at the door with his face armor facing outward. Hearing the two chatting in his ears, he didn't know if they were practicing or in a daze.

No matter where she is, she has her peace.

Jiang Wang searched for a while, and then asked: "By the way, where is Chong Xuanzun? Didn't you say that he will come to Daicheng?"

"Yeah, I was going to put more burdens on him. I thought about it for a long time, thinking about it for him..." Chong Xuansheng sighed, and said with some concern: "Since he didn't come to Dai City, he must be holding back." Putting effort into doing something earth-shattering, in layman’s terms—going crazy.”

"What's the big deal?" Jiang looked curious.

"Who knows? Sneak attack Guiyi? Raid Pinglin? Challenge Yu Liyang? Want to go around and break through the loopholes in Tongyang City's defense line?" Chong Xuansheng lowered his head and continued to check the Taoism.

While sighing casually: "Oh, I blame me for being too good and putting too much pressure on him! Of course, you, Lord Jiang, also have credit for it."

Flipping and flipping, suddenly stopped.

With a snap, he closed the book in his hand.

"Da Ye!"

He is very sure.

"Da Ye? This...impossible? Even if he goes, what can he do?"

No matter how ignorant Jiang Wang was in military affairs, he came to participate in the battle against Xia, and he always had a general understanding of Xia Guo. Know where Daye Mansion is.

When people scold a person, the most vicious words are usually "digging your ancestral grave".

Daye Mansion can basically be regarded as the ancestral tomb of the Great Xia royal family...

Its importance is self-evident.

The official configuration of Daye Mansion is higher than that of other mansions. In addition to its own government army, there is also a mausoleum guarding army that will not be dispatched when the throne is changed. When Emperor Xia Xiang died in battle and was buried after the war, I don't know how many soldiers volunteered to guard the tomb for him. One can imagine the quality of the fighters who survived the Qi Xia War...

Although Chong Xuanzun is a peerless genius, after all, he is only in his twenties, with a vanguard battalion of 3,000 people, what can he do in Daye Mansion?

"Yes, it's impossible." Chong Xuansheng murmured, "But among all the impossible choices, this is the most likely..."

"Are you starting to worry?" Jiang Wang couldn't help teasing when it was rare to see the fat man slip up.

"What's there to worry about!" Chong Xuansheng sneered, "Did I not notice the place Daye? I didn't choose it, of course, because it was impossible to succeed! With both of us being wise and brave, the chance of success is very slim. How can he be an exception if he respects Xuan Zun?"

Jiang Wang thought to himself, I am indeed wise and brave, but I am afraid that your courage is not enough.

But Chong Xuansheng murmured again at this time: "Maybe the only thing beyond my calculation is his personal strength..."

"I am better than him in every way, but in things like fighting, I am indeed not as brutal as him."

He said, looking at Jiang Wang: "Brother Wang, tell me, how strong is he after God's presence?"

This is the second time Chongxuansheng has confirmed Chongxuanzun's strength with Jiang Wang.

With Chong Xuansheng's wisdom, it is almost unimaginable.

It can only be said that the matter of competing with Zhong Xuanzun is indeed his deep obsession.

Human wisdom can only enlighten others forever, but it is difficult to break the "self-attachment".

That's why Buddhist monks regard "non-attachment" as the state of Dzogchen.

Jiang Wang said very seriously this time: "Facing him in the outer building, if I fight in the arena, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to win now. Let's be open. If life and death are fought, whoever lives or dies may die. Facing God I don't have a chance for him who is in the realm of the gods. At that time, he lost all his magical powers, but my sword could not capture him... But I have no way of measuring how strong he is in the realm of the gods."

Chong Xuansheng knew Jiang Wang very well, and knew that his evaluation was very reliable. This is a man who does not belittle his opponents, and never underestimates himself.

But there is no way to measure these four words... It really makes it difficult for him to make an accurate judgment. And this is precisely related to the possibility of Chongxuan's trip to Daye Mansion.

After thinking for a while, he asked again: "If you are a god, how strong are you?"

He wanted to use Jiang Wang's strength to judge Chong Xuanzun's strength.

But Jiang Wang shook his head: "I haven't really reached that step, and I can't really understand it."

He squeezed the Taoism book in his hand: "I can only say that I have a premonition that 'I'..."

Immortal red gold flowed through his eyes, and he whispered the last two words: "Very strong!"

This ancient surgery library in Dai City was suddenly swallowed up by silence.

In fact, Jiang Wang didn't say anything substantive.

But deep down in Chong Xuansheng's heart, indeed, there was a huge sense of security. Suddenly, he didn't care too much about whether Zhongxuan Zun could succeed.

The person next to you doesn't always do the "right" thing.

There are often even choices that run counter to their common interests.

He often does things he considers "stupid".

However, among those "smart people" that Chong Xuansheng knew could always make choices that were in his interests, it was impossible for one of them to gain his trust without suspicion.

The guy next to him doesn't always win.

When he stood up to face Wang Yiwu at Linzi Dongjiekou, he was not sure. But he stood up anyway.

When he stood up to challenge Chongxuanzun in the western suburbs, he was not sure. But he also stood up.

Without a bit of hesitation, the sword blew as the people stood up.

Just like the essence of all tactics on the battlefield, it is to create a situation where the many outnumber the few and the strong attack the weak.

No one is willing to take on an unsure challenge.

But there are always some choices, above personal safety, honor and disgrace.

People call it - "fetters".

It is an emotion that can't be cut off and cannot be given up.

Yu Jiangwang, Yu Zhongxuansheng, the friendship between them has gone through too much, too much.

Before interests, there can be no distinction between each other.

Before the crisis, we can live and die together.

So at this moment, Chong Xuansheng did not speak.

He just wanted to-

"I'm really looking forward to that moment."



Chong Xuansheng rectified the city defense of Dai City in the shortest time. Those who surrendered were directly used in formation, and those who refused to surrender were temporarily imprisoned.

Compared with Ximing City, Dai City's recruiting and surrender work is much easier.

Because Xue Rushi, the lord of the city, helped to negotiate and persuade, and because Daicheng really chose to surrender when the army was besieging the city, there were no reinforcements, and the enemy army attacked from the rear.

more importantly--

At that time in Ximing City, the Qi army was isolated, and Chong Xuansheng's rhetoric was just a big picture. At this time in Daicheng, there will be a steady stream of Qi troops coming, but Xia Jun will not come again.

The final result of the war may still be unknown, but for a foreseeable long period of time, Daicheng must be in the hands of the Qi army.

In this way, the will to resist of the Daicheng defenders can be imagined.

In Honggu City and Xinjie City before, there was neither time nor conditions. Chong Xuansheng didn't want to surrender and drove the defenders out.

In Daicheng, he used a lot of means.

All the people from Xue Rushi to the next one have been adjusted to be obedient.

Excluding those who died in the offensive and defensive battles, and those who surrendered but resolutely refused to "help the evildoers", in the end a total of 6,000 people chose to surrender to Qi.

Of course, they may not be very reliable, and Chong Xuansheng would not use them to carry out such difficult combat missions.

It's just to fill the vacancy before the reinforcements from Linwu direction arrive, so as to make the most of the time.

Chongxuansheng left 1,000 men to garrison Daicheng, and appointed a shadow guard to be in charge of city defense affairs, waiting for most of the Qi army to come. The other 5,000 people will be formed into the "Xinrong Camp", with Xue Rushi still as the general.

It took two days to complete the work of rectifying the city defense and reorganizing the surrendered army here.

He didn't wait for the reinforcements from Qingzhuan, he led Deshengying and Xinrongying to march, aiming directly at Shou'an City, which is south of Dai City and close to Huiming Mansion.

Before the soldiers left Daicheng, Chong Xuansheng had this conversation with Xue Rushi——

Chong Xuansheng asked him to stay in Daicheng and take charge of the city defense, saying: "I don't want to make you hurt your robes, but your enthusiasm. Qi will never forget the merit of dedicating the city."

Xue Rushi replied: "I have no other thoughts in my heart, and I am planning for future wealth and honor."

So take him along.

In the process of leading the army to surrender, I had a face-to-face meeting with Fan Ao, Marquis of Xuanping, and saw Fan Ao's painful return process. Xue Rushi has no room for change in the case of Xia Guo.

Only when Qi State finally won a big victory and destroyed Xia State Sheji in the first battle, can he hold his head up again.

So such a person might be more loyal and useful than the generals in the coalition forces of the Eastern Region countries.

Take the Desheng Battalion as the cavalry army, and the Xinrong Battalion as the infantry army, and the soldiers will be sent to Shouan.

A day later, the Victory Camp first arrived at Shouan.

Chong Xuansheng did nothing else, but joined forces with Jiang Wang and Shisi to lead the cavalry around the city and lock it up, prohibiting traffic in Shou'an, and preventing anyone from leaving the city. There are flying beasts that fly across the sky, and they are also shot with an arrow.

In this regard, the city was not fought, but only persuaded to surrender. After all, it is nothing more than the collapse of Linwu, and the collapse of Fengli Mansion, and the soldiers and civilians of Shou'an should plan for themselves.

Two days later, Xinrongying arrived.

Xue Rushi's loyalty and dedication, as well as the means of running the army, can be seen from the speed of this march.

Chong Xuansheng deliberately did not arrange any restrictive means, it all depends on Xue Rushi's self-consciousness. Because of the current environment in Fengli Mansion, the Qi Army really does not lack these six thousand people.

However, Xue Rushi was able to reach Shou'an in two days with a group of soldiers with low morale, and the whole battalion had 6,000 people, and not many people were left behind. Sometimes, it may not be able to do it in such a timely manner.

Of course, in the Xinrong camp, Chong Xuansheng also temporarily bought no less than three informants who did not know each other to verify the news. If Xue Rushi really had something on his mind, he couldn't hide it from him.

So with Xinrongying...

Continue to persuade the Shou'an defenders to surrender.


"It's impossible to fight."

Standing on the ground, Chong Xuansheng looked at the city wall of Shouan, and said to Jiang Wangru, who was sitting cross-legged on horseback and practicing: "Brothers are all tired, and the Xinrong camp has just come down again. They are asked to attack the city and die. They don't take It would be strange if the knife turned around and cut you. Xue Rushi can't hold back!"

"But persuading surrender is good, and persuading surrender has a good chance."

"I blocked Shou'an with the cavalry for two days, and cut off all news. People in the city are already in panic."

He is full of confidence: "Xinrongying is Xia Jun again, and it just happens to show his own experience. As the original master of Dai City, Xue Rushi always has some friendship with these city masters and generals—"

"Go to your mother's Xue Rushi, your mother ate heart-corroding grass and mixed with blinding powder, so she gave birth to you, a vile bastard who betrays the country and seeks glory! I want me to surrender like you, I am afraid! I am afraid that I will have a son in the future! No asshole!" On the head of Shou'an City, the city lord of Shou'an City jumped and cursed at the right time.

"Hey! This city lord is from Changluo!" Chong Xuansheng turned his head to Jiang Wang and said, "Have a bit of that accent!"

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