Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1580 Autumn Wind Blows the Fallen Leaves

The lord of Shou'an City is a young man with sunken eye sockets, who seems to be overly drunk at first sight.

Look at the brocade and jade he wears, all of which show his rich and noble background.

According to Xue Rushi, this man is the third son of Guangping Hou Lifu. The Marquis of Guangping thought he was too embarrassing, so he drove him out of Guiyi early and transferred him to Bianfu.

It's called Ziye, but it's actually nothing.

Relying on the accumulation of an unknown number of elixir medicines, coupled with some practical talents, he pushed open the gate of heaven and earth and became Tenglong. Since then, he has been mediocre, and the Marquis of Guangping has spent a lot of effort to help him accumulate official achievements, so that he can be mixed into the inner mansion.

There is no one with supernatural powers.

If he didn't have a good father, he wouldn't be able to be the Lord of the City no matter what.

His days in Shou'an City were also high in the sky and far away from the emperor, enjoying himself freely, and full of smoky things every day. Yuan Zhen, the chief general of the City Guard Army and Li Fu's former subordinate, was in charge of the city defense of Shou'an City.

Chong Xuansheng had besieged the city two days before, and Li Ziye didn't even go up the tower. For some reason today, I remembered to inspect the city defense.

Jiang Wang's dry and red pupils could even see clearly that he was still awake.

According to Xue Rushi, this kind of person should surrender as soon as he is persuaded...

Unexpectedly, the reaction would be so intense now.

He yelled loudly on the tower, throwing those dirty slang words back and forth, scolding so vigorously that thousands of people in Xinrongying were ashamed.

There was a burst of applause after scolding the Shou'an City Tower.

Chong Xuansheng didn't care much.

He knows very well that a person's usual performance does not mean everything about this person.

He didn't care how a dude like Li Ziye showed an unusual courage in a critical moment.

Because the situation in Fengli Mansion has been settled, the determination and courage of a few people has nothing to do with the overall situation...

If there is anything worth caring about, it is the morale of Xinrongying. After all, it is a matter of "eating the enemy for one minute, and being me for twenty minutes".

Xue Rushi looked at Li Ziye on the tower, at this dude who he didn't look down on at all... He obviously had the force to crush him to death with one hand, he had the eloquence enough to scold him to vomit blood, and there were countless For example, the reason why a good bird chooses a tree to live in, but in the end he didn't say anything, and returned to Chongxuansheng in disgrace.

"General Chongxuan, I..."

Chong Xuansheng asked him with a smile: "Is the Marquis of Guangping from Changluo?"

Xue Rushi didn't understand why he asked this suddenly, but he said honestly: "The ancestral home is Changluo."

Chong Xuansheng glanced at Jiang Wang, which means, do you think I am right?

Then he said to Xue Rushi: "Is it uncomfortable to be pointed at the nose and scolded?"

Xue Rushi was silent.

Chongxuan Shengyu said earnestly: "General Xue, a mere Li Ziye survives today and dies tomorrow. No matter how harsh the scolding is, it will have no effect on your reputation. I don't know how many Li Ziye there are in Xia Kingdom, but I know ——For the same thing, the records in Xia History and Qi History are completely different.”

"The last general... got it!" Xue Rushi said.

Chong Xuansheng patted him on the shoulder: "The history of Xia will definitely end in this battle. The life and death of a Dai city will not be recorded. But the history of Qi is still very long. It depends on whether you can leave an article or not. Your performance."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Xue Rushi's response, he strode forward, within a hundred steps of the city gate, and looked up the tower: "Li Ziye!"

His loud voice was like thunder, and the flags and flags on the city tower were shocked, and he stopped Li Ziye's scolding: "I know you are a bastard, and you can do whatever you want to domineering the people of Xia, and you don't bother to care about it." You, but Xue Rushi is different! I will give him a seal and record his name, and he is already a member of Qi! You dare to insult Lao Tzu’s generals, do you really want to die happily?!”

He pointed at the city tower with his halberd, as if pointing it at the face of the young man with sunken eyes: "If you don't apologize to him today, when the city breaks down, I will take you to light a sky lantern!"

Its sound, its momentum, its prestige.

Li Ziye was so startled that he took a step back and nearly fell!

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the guard of Shou'an City next to him supported him with one hand and waved him forward with the other.

All of a sudden, the big crossbow on the city tower swayed, and eight nine-foot-long military-made crossbow arrows sealed off the place, roaring and shooting towards them.

Chongxuansheng pushed forward with his big hand, and the power of Chongxuan gathered wildly, directly stopping the eight roaring magic-breaking crossbows in the air! With a grip of five fingers, the eight magic-breaking crossbows were twisted, and they were mixed into a ball and squeezed into a huge iron ball.

"Li Ziye, I'll give you a day to think about it! Surrender and apologize! Otherwise..."

The huge iron ball in the air changed shape with his words, and finally pinched into an iron man with his belly cut open. Following Chong Xuansheng's big move, he smashed heavily in front of the city gate!


"Such an iron man!"

At the same time, he hooked the other hand behind his back.

Jiang Wang on the horseback had a tacit understanding, his eyes turned to red gold, and he only glanced at the iron man, and a ray of flames gathered at the position of the iron man's belly button, burning fiercely!

It really looks like a person who was lit with a sky lantern alive!

Where had Li Ziye seen such a battle? It's true that he has patriotism, and it's true that he hates Qi people deeply, but after all, he is just a pampered playboy who is good at flirting with women from good families, but he has never really experienced the test of life and death! Seeing his possible death with his own eyes at this time, presented in such an intuitive way, the whole person almost collapsed, so he didn't care about his demeanor.

"Put it out, put it out!"

He pointed to the tower and shouted.

The non-commissioned officer nearby quickly pinched the Taoism, causing the waterfall to fall.

The Taoist water rushed onto the flame, but was ignited by the fire instead!

The fire flowed backwards along the waterfall, almost reaching the top of the city tower, and the flames spread their teeth and claws.

A group of non-commissioned officers on the city tower were so shocked that everyone fell back.

Li Ziye fell even further——

Only then did I realize that the flame had been blocked by the brilliance of the Great Array of Protectors. It was impossible to hurt him...

Yuan Zhen watched all this silently, knowing that the city of Shou'an could not be defended at all.

Morale has collapsed and reinforcements are gone.

No matter who comes, there is no way to recover.

The lords of the city were so frightened that it was inevitable that Shou'an City would just depends on whether they are willing to die for the city.

He himself was not afraid of death. Li Ziye had blood in his bones, so he might be able to die with the city by gritting his teeth, but what about the others?

When Li Ziye was stunned, the eyes of many people had changed...

Anger breeds courage, hatred breeds strength. But when the cold water is poured, fear quenches everything.

Yuan Zhen stepped forward, blocked Li Ziye behind him, and said to Zhongxuan Sheng, "We can surrender, but—"

Chong Xuansheng waved his hand and cut him off: "I don't like people talking about conditions with me. Now let me repeat my conditions. If you can accept it, you will open the city! If you can't accept it, you will die!"

"Open the city gate and surrender now. This man named Li Ziye sincerely apologizes to my generals. In this way, when the city opens, no one in Shou'an City will die. I promise you the same treatment as the defenders of Dai City, and I promise you The dignity of being a Qi person!"

Having said that, he rolled up Xuansheng's robe sleeve: "Choose!"

"I won't apologize..."

Li Ziye, who couldn't stand upright before, murmured, then turned up the volume and became hysterical: "Don't even think about it, I won't apologize! Traitors should be scolded! I will scold again! Xue Rushi, you dog—— "

"You don't have to apologize!" Chong Xuansheng suppressed his scolding with a louder voice, and said extremely fiercely: "You can also commit suicide before I break the city, so as to avoid suffering! But how many people do you have in the Guangping Houfu? People? Did everyone have enough time to commit suicide? When the city of Guiyi was destroyed, I swear in the name of the Chongxuan family that I will pay back for the insults my generals suffered!"

Xue Rushi stood behind Chong Xuansheng, silent for a moment.

Of course he knew that Chong Xuansheng's gesture was mostly for show, but his heart was still inevitably touched.

He is just a side branch of the Yangling Marquis Mansion, so he is attached to him because of his relatives. Seriously, how many people would care about his dignity?

Although he had never looked down on Li Ziye, didn't he always have to smile in front of Li Ziye?

He cherishes his reputation, works diligently, and has worked hard for many years before he will be in charge of Daicheng one day. Li Ziye, who had achieved nothing, had to become the Lord of Shou'an City because of his incompetence!

In Li Ziye's heart, why did he ever think highly of him?

Chong Xuansheng was actually protecting his dignity, supporting him extremely domineeringly.

No matter what the starting point is...

It did erase his remorse, cut his shame.

Not far away, the soldiers of the Xinrongying, who were dejected by the scolding, straightened their waists unconsciously. In an extremely subtle way, the recognition of the identity of "Qi people" has arisen.

But at this moment, Li Ziye, who was gnashing his teeth on the tower, was in a completely different mood.

He wants to scold Qi Gou, his father is Marquis of Guangping, so why not be afraid!

But what the other party brought out was the name of Chongxuan's family!

The Chongxuan family who produced Chongxuan Mingtu and Chongxuan Chuliang.

In particular, the title of Ji Tu can stop children from crying at night in Xia Di.

How dare he say, I am not afraid, if you have the guts, you will kill my whole family?

Why can't someone with the surname Chongxuan kill his whole family!

He gritted his teeth but couldn't make a sound, he gritted his hatred, but he couldn't avoid the panic.

Chong Xuansheng's grasp of people's hearts is really excellent. Every sentence falls on the key point, easily defeating Li Ziye's psychological defense line, and at the same time completing the further assimilation of Xinrongying.

On the tower, Yuan Zhen finally realized that everything could not be undone.

This obese young general was indeed the most terrifying opponent he had ever met in his life.

He can only sit in the city of sorrow, can only witness the morale of the defenders slipping into the abyss step by step, and watch his young master's psychological defense line being torn apart.

There was nothing he could do.

But he still decided to launch his final counterattack.

On the city tower where people were panicking, this middle-aged military general with a lackluster life said loudly: "General Chongxuan, please listen to me! I am Yuan Zhen, the guard of Shou'an City, and I am in charge of the defense of this city. The city surrendered! My young master is young and vigorous, and speaks without restraint, and his words definitely offended General Xue... You want an apology, Yuan Zhen fully understands! General Xue's face, I, Shou'an City, should pay back!"

"Of course, the lord humiliated the minister to death! Yuan Zhen can't see the young lord kneeling!"

He was on the tower, looking at Xue Rushi.

"I will apologize to General Xue for my young master!"

With a casual move, he had already pulled out a saber from the waist of the non-commissioned officer next to him.

Simply and neatly reverse the tip of the knife, piercing his belly with one blow!

"please forgive!"

He stared glaringly at Xue Rushi in a daze.

The long knife made a mistake, and just cut off half of his body, blood splashing on the tower on the spot!

Hot blood sprayed Li Ziye's face and body.

On the upper floor of Shou'an City, it was quiet.

The downstairs of Shou'an City is also quiet.

It is difficult for people to communicate with each other.

Xue Rushi's mood was like turning on a mountain road, going up and down for several rounds. At this moment, his lips were parted, but he didn't know what to say. forgive? Do not forgive? Even... sorry?

Li Ziye was in a daze.

Jiang Wang felt respectful.

Fourteen had no idea, only a little surprised.

But Chong Xuansheng couldn't help applauding Yuan Zhen in his heart!

With Yuan Zhen's action, he not only saved Shou'an City, protected the young master of his family, but also planted the seeds of hatred and resentment in the hearts of these defenders.

Li Ziye just scolded Xue Rushi a few words, if you value Xuan Sheng even if you protect the generals, why do you want to force Yuan Zhen to death?

It can be said that Yuan Zhen used his death to force Chong Xuansheng into the worst situation when it was impossible to defend Shouan City. So that although he can win the city, he cannot win the hearts of the people.

Regrettably, this is not a big trouble for Chong Xuansheng either.

"What a Yuan Zhen!"

Chong Xuansheng did not hesitate at all, and immediately said in a loud voice: "Knowing mistakes and being able to correct them is the quality of a gentleman. The so-called commitment is the proof of a brave man! I know your heart! The grievances between Li Ziye and Xue Rushi, From then on, I promise not to hurt Li Ziye, may your spirit in heaven rest in peace!"

Facing the defenders on the tower, he continued: "Yuan Zhen surrendered to Qi and then killed himself. Before he died, he entrusted Shou'an City to me. I should treat you as colleagues and fellow countrymen! From now on, Shou'an City will be my Chongxuan city." Sheng's second hometown. I respect Xuansheng as representing the Qi army and accept Yuan Zhen's surrender. I respect Xuansheng as representing the state of Qi and accepting him as a member of Qi! His loyalty, his righteousness, and his courage are ours. I should remember him as a role model, fulfill his last wish, and inherit his spirit!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand again: "Have you not opened the city gate yet? I want to give him a grand burial!"

The defenders in front of the city gate subconsciously obeyed his order and opened the city gate...

Shou'an is now under control, and the Victory Camp is coming to another city!

From now on, until the Qi army took over the Shou'an city defense, Li Ziye sat there in a daze. He didn't say a word, didn't move.

I don't know if I have been in a daze for so long, or I have to be in a daze for so long.

In the end, Xue Rushi sent him back to Yuan Zhen's mansion to rest.

As for the City Lord's Mansion, it was naturally occupied by Chong Xuansheng...

Qingzhuan went to Linwu Mansion to ask for reinforcements, a total of 50,000 troops, and it was not until the day of Yuan Zhenfeng's funeral that they arrived in mighty strength.

Chong Xuansheng finished Yuan Zhen's funeral in one piece, leaving 2,000 people to guard the city.

He personally led the army, including the Desheng Battalion, the Xinrong Battalion, and the Zhenwu Battalion newly formed from the surrendered troops from Shou'an City. He brought all the war resources of Shou'an City and continued to march south.

The main force is of course the Allied Forces of the Eastern Regions. With the current morale of the Xinrongying, they can already participate in a battle of a certain intensity. The Zhenwu Battalion followed the army, mainly to avoid the hidden danger of staying in the city, and at the same time, it also had the effect of strengthening the momentum and helping persuade the enemy to surrender.

Of course, the protective array of Shou'an City was also destroyed by the Zhenwu Camp. Chong Xuansheng is very familiar with this trick.

From this day on, the battle in Fengli Mansion entered the stage of autumn wind blowing leaves.

Governor Chongxuansheng on the West Road and Governor Bao Bozhao on the East Road each attracted 50,000 reinforcements and also served as soldiers in the formation. With sufficient troops and the situation of being a slave and becoming an isolated mansion, they are invincible!

On December 25, 3920 in the Dao calendar, Fan Ao, who had been struggling for nearly 20 days, finally accepted the reality of being helpless, and fled to Huiming with less than 3,000 remnants.

The whole territory of Fengli Mansion changed flags.

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