Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1581

Just when the Qi army swept across Fengli Mansion, penetrated Linwu Fengli, and achieved a great victory on the Eastern Front.

The news that shook the world came from Daye Mansion, like a thunderclap, rolling across thousands of miles——

December 26th, 3920.

The vanguard general of the Qi State Chong Xuanzun led three thousand troops, lay down day and night, took the dangerous road of Leopard Valley, broke into Daye Mansion, attacked and killed the general guarding Qingling, captured Qingling City, and drove the defeated soldiers to invade the imperial mausoleum. Kill the mausoleum guards with godly cultivation, smash the mausoleum guarding army, and surround the mausoleum of Emperor Xia Xiang!

The first battle shocked the world.

How did he disappear from the Linwu battlefield, break into the Daye Mansion, how he made rapid advances in the Daye Mansion where the troops were heavily stationed, how he broke through the Qingling City, and how he beheaded the senior guard of the Mausoleum of God's Linjing... These may be Just wait until after the war to replay.

It is an indisputable fact that the Qi army has reached the vital point of Xia Kingdom!

The front line is still fighting, but the ancestral tombs of the Emperor Xia have been taken by the Qi army in the rear!

It is worth mentioning that Chongxuanzun did not destroy the imperial mausoleum or dig up the emperor's bone. Did not open the coffin and whip the corpse of Emperor Xia Xiang as many people imagined, trampled on the royal family of Xia Kingdom, and crushed the dignity of Daxia's surname.

Instead, he helped Emperor Xia Xiang sweep the mausoleum for a good life, prayed for him personally, wrote an article to commemorate the achievements of Emperor Xia Xiang in his life, sang songs, and remembered him.

Then the soil was built as a platform, incense was burned as a ceremony, and the canonization ceremony was held on behalf of the emperor Qi.

In the name of the Great Qi Empire, Emperor Xiaxiang was granted the title of Marquis of Qi'an Lehou, and he personally carved an inscription and erected it in front of the mausoleum!

The dead, of course, cannot refuse.

No matter how mighty you were in the world during your lifetime, no matter how wise you are, after lying in the tomb, you will be famous for the rest of your life, and you can only be carved by others.

This title of Marquis of Anle is exactly the surrender treatment given by Emperor Qi to Xia Zi in the ultimatum issued by Qi State and Xia State before the start of the Qi Xia War. Of course, Xia Zi tore it up and scolded the old thief Jiang Shu. And in turn, the Emperor Qi should also be granted.

But today, it is self-evident whose face is swollen from the beating.

Chong Xuanzun's literary talent is not outstanding, it can only be said to be quite satisfactory. But in this article "Sacrifice to the Great Qi'an Le Hou Si Name Yuan Zhe", there is such a sentence——

"Now your descendants are unworthy, the emperor of the Eastern Kingdom wants to protect the blood of heroes, so that your descendants will enjoy wealth and honor forever, seal the soil and shelter it in a big country, and be happy with good land and precious jade!"

How can Xia Zi refute this unworthy sentence today?

With Chong Xuanzun's action, he directly downgraded the current Emperor Xia to be the son of Marquis Anle—if you don't agree to accept the title, I will seal your father!

This unilateral canonization ceremony targeting the dead may seem absurd, but in fact, it kicked the royal family of Xia Kingdom off the altar.

It is a fact that today's son of Xia cannot guard the tomb of his ancestors. It is already a fact that his great father, who used to dominate the world, was conferred the title of marquis after his death.

At that time, people might say: Great Xia has billions of people, strong generals are like clouds, famous officials are like rain, with millions of soldiers, and they say that they will step into the Eastern Kingdom, but they are knocked down and their ancestors are humiliated!

Or it can be said: the lower can not protect Li Shu, and the higher can not protect the ancestors. What is the use of the army? What is the general for? What can the civil and martial arts of the Manchu Dynasty, the kings and princes who eat the food, do?

The face of Xia Guo's royal family has been completely lost!

All the prefectures and cities of the Great Xia, the whole country mourned.

Wherever the news spread, there was a lot of crying.

On the one hand, many generals were not suppressed at all, no longer sticking to their own defense lines, and swore to defend the late emperor in anger. This meant that the national defense system that Si Jiao painstakingly built had a huge disturbance.

On the other hand, many people have completely lost their fighting spirit!

What kind of person is Emperor Xia Xiang? Bringing the Xia Kingdom to an unprecedented level of prosperity, he can be called the first emperor since the founding of the Great Xia. Decades after his death, he is still the spiritual leader in the hearts of many Xia people.

But for such a great existence, the hegemony was interrupted by Qi during his lifetime, and he will be granted by Qi's imperial edict after his death.

What is this humiliation? How unworthy are the descendants!

The front line of Tongyang City learned the news.

A group of important officials of the Great Xia Empire knelt in the direction of the Daye Mansion, and many of them wept loudly.

Even Uncle Yunhuai Zhang Lingyu committed suicide on the spot, covered his face with hair, and mutilated his body without burying it, calling it shameless to see the first emperor!

Liu Xiyi, the prime minister of the country, took off the seal, wanted to return to Daye in anger, and vowed to kill Chong Xuanzun, but was suppressed by King Wu Sijiao.

Even at this time, Cao Jie attacked Tongyang with the three soldiers of Chunshi, Qiusha, and Chasing the Wind, and called the important officials in Tongyang City, mourning and unable to move!

During this period of time, only three of the seven cities in the south of Linwu were left, and the Qi army's troops had already approached Huyang Pass!

At the same time, the Qi army, which had occupied Fengli Mansion, aggressively attacked Huiming Mansion after a little reorganization.

It is different from the fact that during the Fenglifu War, the soldiers were divided into two groups, each with a governor.

The battle at Huiming Mansion was completely a feast to divide up the military merits, and each general led the chaotic battle based on his own ability.

Among them, Chongxuan defeated Jiang Wang, Bao Bozhao, Yan Po, and Ouyang Yong. These four performed the most outstandingly.

Some Qi troops are attacking Jin'an Mansion through Fengli Mansion.

An army eager to make contributions has already highlighted Huiming and invaded Shaokang Mansion!

At this time today, if all the military lines on the map of Xia Kingdom are outlined, the situation will be clear. It can be clearly seen that on the Eastern Front battlefield, the Jingwei flag has blossomed on all sides.

Chongxuansheng's painstakingly achieved great victory on the Eastern Front, and Chongxuanzun's arrogant strike at the Daxia Imperial Mausoleum triggered a chain reaction.

The eastern battlefield is aggressively invaded, the central line and the central city maintain suppression, and the northern battlefield has only three cities in Youping Mansion to resist stubbornly. Tian Anping has sent troops to Wuxing Mansion!

Xia's defense line, which had been suppressed and tense, was on the verge of collapse overnight!


A pen draws such a outline on the huge map. The mountains, rivers, valleys, and powerful cities of Daxia are so familiar and unfamiliar.

What is familiar is every plant and every tree. What is strange is that there are weapons everywhere.

Maybe it should not be unfamiliar?

It's nothing more than a repeat of the story from thirty-two years ago... Can it be repeated?

The route of the Qi army spread on the map, like a powerful giant, has spread its powerful arms, tightened Xia Guo's neck, and is constantly exerting strength.

In the entire Qixia battlefield, the situation of the Qi army was very good.

Xia Jun looks messed up!

No, where just looks?

Those who rescued Daye Mansion, those who chased and killed Chong Xuanzun, those who rescued Huiming, those who helped consolidate the defense of Jin'an Mansion, those who protected the capital of the king by Bao Shunye...

In the blink of an eye, the entire empire was riddled with holes. It was the result of the chaotic wars and defeats across the board, so people didn't know where to start.

Thinking about it, the reason why Cao Jie chose to spread out the battle situation was based on the absolute confidence in the quality of the Qi army, because he foresaw the situation like today!

Xia people are of course tenacious, and they are stubbornly resisting on any battlefield.

However, the victories of the Qi army are constantly accumulating, the sharper the swordsman is, the fiercer the flames of war.

Yu Xia Guofang is to tear down the east wall and mend the west wall, a dilemma!

The pen finally stopped on the map, and was pinched into smoke by a hand with bulging veins. Delicate, curling smoke.

On the sign of the city named Wuyang on the map, there is this wisp of smoke and this hand hanging.

Er, his hand fell heavily, like a mountain!

So this huge map was also smashed to pieces.

A voice in the darkness said: "Hatred means that you have been hurt but cannot repay it..."

"Anger is the result of being dissatisfied with the status quo but powerless to do anything about it..."

"These are signs of weakness!"



The New Year's Eve in the 3920th year of the Dao calendar came during the war.

It was a very complicated experience for Qi Ren and Xia Ren to think about this day of celebration for thousands of families.

Bob Zhao didn't feel much about New Year's Eve.

As the eldest son of Uncle Shuofang, he has been under strict self-restraint for a long time, and rarely indulges himself. I have learned a lot, but I only hate the passing of time. The art of war, the magical powers of Taoism, the law and etiquette, the practice day after day...

The so-called New Year's Day is nothing more than welcoming and seeing off, and maintaining the relationship between all parties. It is really not an easy day.

Especially at this moment in Qi Xia's battlefield, all he saw in his eyes were military exploits.

Shuofang Bo's succession to the title has been settled, but he will not let it go. From now on, what he wants to pursue is how to surpass the honor of "Shuofang"!

The Qi army is in a great situation, and the Xia army's will to resist is not as tenacious as before.

An obvious phenomenon is... For Xia Jun, surrender seems to have become less difficult.

Chongxuansheng was forced to surrender to Daicheng, and he succeeded only after the army attacked the city for two days and nights, surrounded on all sides, and exerted extreme pressure. Later, I was forced to surrender Shou'an, and I was able to complete it with only one surrender battalion...

And now, there are even defenders who have surrendered as soon as the Qi army's banner is unfurled.

Like this city in front of you.

Everyone can understand the situation...

Before Da Qi's soldiers came forward, Xia Guo had no power to fight back!

The so-called King Wu, the so-called King Min, the Ximeng Mansion, and Liu Xiyi were all crushed to death in Tongyang City and unable to move.

With the main forces of the three soldiers all on the battlefield in the same central city, the Qi State only used the county soldiers and the coalition forces of the Eastern Region countries, and the wind was still blowing the fallen leaves and sweeping across the Xia territory.

The two countries that competed for supremacy in the past are no longer rivals at the same level today.

What a fight between dragon and tiger, it's just a hungry tiger attacking a sheep!

Therefore, Emperor Qi had no intention of finishing it himself at all. Si Yuan was dead, and Emperor Qi was too lazy to look after Nan.

So the Great Qi Army God did not come either.

People certainly have the feelings of family and country, and the heart of defending the land and the frontier. These generals and soldiers of the summer are of course full of passion.

But how long can the hopeless battle last?

Qi Xiaben is one!

Bao Bozhao recited it in his mind, and felt that this sentence was really wonderful, and it could make people feel the political wisdom of former Prime Minister Yan Ping.

Follow the heavens and obey the fate, unite with the same clan, how much hostility will be dispelled!

Now is the time to be surrendered.

Bao Bozhao got off his horse neatly, helped up the general Xia Jun who was kneeling in front of him, and said very kindly: "When I see the general, I feel kind! The general can abandon the dark and turn to the bright, and bring the city back to Qi, which really makes Bao Touched! From now on, we will be a family, so don’t let me be separated from you!”

Bao Bozhao certainly does not lack the means of courteous and virtuous corporals, and it is very natural to do it, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

He held the man's hand and smiled warmly: "A certain family's name is Bozhao, what's the brother's name?"

The Xia army guard in front of him was still a little flustered: "The guilty general Wei Guangyao."

"Good name!" Bob Zhao praised, and patted him on the shoulder again, alleviating his uneasiness: "Brother Wei has a good-looking talent, and he also has an extraordinary conversation. He will definitely be able to make a difference in Daqi!"

He also complained: "From now on, you are already a member of Qi, and it is a great achievement to sacrifice the city. How can you use the word 'crime' again?"

"I made a slip of the tongue." Wei Guangyao obviously relaxed a lot, and slapped himself on the mouth: "It really deserves a slap. I haven't turned the corner yet!"

Both of them laughed.

While speaking, Bao Bozhao's lieutenant general had already led people into the city, and quickly took over the key points of the city defense, controlled the ordnance, collected the weapons, and reorganized the surrendered army.

No matter how smooth it is, there must be some vigilance, this is the duty of a general.

As the chief general of an army, he must be responsible to the whole army and cannot be neglected in the slightest.

The subordinates do the work of the subordinates, and the master general does the work of the master general.

Bao Bozhao's attitude was really warm, and the general Wei Guangyao's state gradually calmed down, and he began to talk and laugh.

"General Bao is the dragon and phoenix among men! Daqi Bao family, a famous family for generations, who doesn't know? To be honest, I still had the intention of resisting, but when I saw that the flag with the word 'Bao' came from outside the city, I suddenly lost my leg." It's all soft!"

Wei Guangyao shook his head, with respect and bitterness in his tone: "General Bao's reputation has spread throughout the Great Xia!"

Bao Bozhao grabbed his hand, smiled to the left and right: "Brother Wei, this is to give me face and praise my reputation!"

In just a short while of talking, the well-trained Qi army has already completed control of the key points of the city defense. Grabbing the hub of the city defense formation, he began to block the treasury and count the military supplies.

A group of people talked and laughed, so they walked into the city gate.

While chatting and laughing, Bao Bozhao glanced at the city tower against the light, and saw the word "Wuyang" clearly.

He suddenly laughed and said, "Speaking of which, Zhao in my name also means 'Yang'. I really have some fate with this city!"

Wei Guangyao laughed: "As the general said, your character 'Zhao' is bright and sunny, and my Guangyao is also bright. I should kiss the general!"

Bob Zhao said: "Qi Xia is originally a family. Now you and I are both from Qi, how can we not be relatives? If Brother Guangyao doesn't dislike it, we will be brothers in the future!"

Wei Guangyao suddenly looked solemn, and bowed his hands to Bob Zhao: "How can I, Wei Guangyao, be favored by a person like you! No other words, from now on, I will treat him as my brother! I wish to be my brother!"

Bao Bozhao is a well-known genius in Daqi, while Wei Guangyao became the guard of Wuyang City in his thirties. When it comes to age, no matter how you say it, Wei Guangyao is older. But the so-called master is the eldest brother, this elder brother is not shabby! He yelled very fluently.

Bao Bozhao smiled and hugged him: "Your younger brother is not in charge of small things, but to make achievements, you must join hands with your younger brother!"

"Elder brother is willing to support and help, so how can younger brother refuse to follow? From now on, Guangyao will have no choice but to fight wherever elder brother points out!"

Bob Zhao smiled brightly.

He fought a war against Xia, and he had already recognized four righteous brothers, and they were all in his team after returning to Qi. Those who can manage a city in the Xia Kingdom, move a mansion with fame, and hold soldiers and horses in their hands, these people have real skills, and it is not easy to recruit them in a hurry.

If not for this war, where to find it?

He needs the ability of these people. After these people are in Qiqi, their half-life accumulation is emptied, and they also need to rely on the power of his Daqi Baoshi.

Such a relationship is called solid.

"Come on, Brother Guangyao, tell me about Wuyang City." Bob Zhao walked while observing this colorful city with a typical summer style.

Wei Guangyao also accompanied him with a smile, and dutifully explained: "Wuyang City has a long history, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and has a beautiful environment. Since killing the ghost-head man—”


The city gate, which was clearly controlled by the Qi army, was suddenly closed!

This sound is like a strong man beating a drum, like thunder shaking nine heavens.

The entire Wuyang City suddenly went dark!

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