Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1583 I Can't

Outside Wuyang City, Bobzhao saw the direction and flew eastward. Although he was injured, he was also driven by desperation and flew to the limit speed.

However, Tai Yin relied on the power of the army to mobilize the soldiers at all costs, and the speed of the explosion in an instant was too terrifying. In just a short while, he had already chased after Bao Bozhao, punched four colors of light, and punched him down without hesitation!

The formation of gathering soldiers, surrounded by stars, the soldiers and evil spirits are mixed, and the four-element Hunyuan energy is reversed!

This punch is far from being comparable to the Guanhetai period, nor is it comparable to the Shanhaijing period.

In an instant, the limit of distance was broken, reaching the gate of life!

After all, Bob Zhao was Bob Zhao, so he still reacted at this critical moment. Before the man turned his head back, the mountain whip, which had been blessed with the power to move mountains, seemed to have eyes, howled the wind and thunder, turned around and swept away angrily!


Tai Yin's fist smashed on the whip, smashing away the force of moving the mountain, and with the gray whip body, it hit Bao Bozhao's back!


The sound of bone cracking.


A large mouthful of blood was sprayed out, mixed with fragments of viscera!

Bao Bozhao's distressed figure suddenly formed a ray of starlight, as if he was being hanged by a star tower in the far sky, and shot away quickly with his strength.

This technique is for the gods!

Using the star tower to move is a first-class movement secret technique.

He still gritted his teeth and continued to run away!

Wuyang City is in the south of Huiming Mansion, to the west is towards Shaokang Mansion, and to the south is towards Jin'an Mansion, so it is impossible to go there.

In fact, his first thought was to go north, because Chongxuansheng Jiangwang's troops were attacking the city in the north, the distance was not too far, and he had enough strength to help him.

But after all, the Bao family and the Chongxuan family have been political enemies for generations, so it is hard to say whether the other party will die or not. After all, the battle was deliberately delayed for a while, and no one could find the problem. For him, it is the difference between life and death! He couldn't gamble on Xuan Sheng's character with his wealth and life.

Going east is the best choice. To the east is Fengli Mansion, which has changed its flag. Several Qi armies are attacking Jin'an Mansion there, fighting against Xia Guo's frontier army.

He can easily pull a team. If you can move to the reinforcements in time, go back to Wuyang. Of the 30,000 troops in Wuyang City, there might be some left!

How could Tai Yin not see Bao Bozhao's intention?

Delicately dispatching the army formation, chasing him all the way, forcing him to turn around frequently.

Use the power of the soldiers' vitality to support the consumption of the army formation, use the consumption of the army formation to maintain their own speed, and then continue to attack!

The army formation of 3,000 men, during the rapid march, put down one or two hundred soldiers with insufficient vitality and blood from time to time.

Tai Yin himself is always at his peak.

And Bob Zhao's state was visibly depressed. As the eldest son of Uncle Shuofang, he came to participate in the war against Xia, so he naturally had a lot of things to save his life.

But in this cruel pursuit, it was consumed too quickly!

If he hadn't used faith, virtue, benevolence, and killing as the road signs in the outer building environment, and possessed the secret art of "alarm bell", which can warn himself at any time, he might have given up on himself long ago.

Immortal Suodu has been caught by Tai Yin and interrupted several times, it really feels like the end of the mountain!


Finally escaped to the side of the mountain!

Bao Bozhao gritted his teeth and was about to fight back, fighting for a chance, when he suddenly heard horseshoes thundering.

As far as the third eye could see, a cavalry army of hundreds of people was treading the ground like a drum, sweeping in from afar. The person in the lead is young and has an extraordinary temperament, but his face is a little pockmarked.

Bao Zhongqing!

"Brother!?" Bao Zhongqing was also inexplicably surprised, obviously he didn't expect that Bao Bozhao, who had a heavy soldier in his hand, would appear here in such a state of embarrassment.

But behind Bao Bozhao, the cloud of soldiers chasing after him high in the sky immediately gave him the answer.

The facts couldn't be more clear - Bao Bozhao was defeated, only escaped with his own body, and is being hunted down by the Xia army!

"Escape separately!"

Bob Zhao didn't have time to explain, he just let out an angry roar, and turned back to go north.

He was already seriously injured, with only one blow left. And Bao Zhongqing will never be Tai Yin's opponent, let alone only a few hundred people, less than one-third of Tai Yin's force, there is no possibility of confrontation at all.

The result of the reunion of the two brothers can only be defeat together.

It's better to escape separately, and one can escape.

"you go first!"

Bao Zhongqing was more determined than Bao Bozhao imagined. After only replying this sound, the soldiers rolled up in an instant, soared into the sky, and with a cavalry formation of 731 people, they rushed straight to Taiyin's troops!


The clouds of evil spirits from the two regiments collided in mid-air.

The soldiers who had exhausted their energy and blood and died from shock injuries fell like dumplings.

Just one fit.

Most of Bao Zhongqing's troops were killed or injured, and he himself flew upside down like other soldiers.

"What a brotherly love!"

Of course Tai Yin will not be soft-hearted. In this national war, Xia Guo does not know how many brothers have been separated, how many fathers and sons have been separated forever, and how can they be less affectionate than Qi people?

He only rolled his soldiers, and while reorganizing the army formation, he looked at Bao Zhongqing, stretched out his hand and pressed it, and wanted to end it!


Suddenly a shadow appeared in Gao Tian.

Tai Yin looked up vigilantly, and saw a rocky mountain coming down!

It's not a description, it's not a Taoist imitation, it's a real mountain!

Bao Bozhao turned around in time, drained the mountain whip, and used the power of moving mountains to stop the enemy!

The rumbling stone mountain pressed down.

The gray-white whip shadow just flashed, and Bao Zhongqing was already rolled up, and the two brothers shot away quickly.

Taiyin's side summoned the force of the soldiers, supported the mountain with one hand, and quickly removed all the soldiers of the Xia army under the shadow of the mountain, and then let go, allowing the mountain to crush all the Qi troops brought by Bao Zhongqing to death!

But for a while, the two figures of Bao Bozhao could no longer be caught in the field of vision.

"Back to the army!"

The soldiers dispersed in an instant, and Xia Jun retreated in an orderly manner.

Tai Yin didn't bother much.

In this war, he still has a lot to do. Can't continue wasting time on Bob Zhao.

And if you continue to pursue it, there may not be any good results.

Bao Zhongqing can appear here, and the other Qi troops will probably not be far away...

He had sounded the first horn of the counter-offensive, and annihilating the Bao Brothers' army was only the first step.

He must hurry up!



The rumbling mountain shadow has been left behind.

The wind knife in front of him cut his lungs with pain.

There are not a few good bones left in the whole body.

Bao Bozhao wrapped his younger brother with a whip, and barely flew away.

He can't even tell the direction, is it east? Wherever you go, stay as far away as possible, stay away from...

He was seriously injured in Wuyang City, and after running away for so long under Tai Yin's chasing and killing, he was already exhausted. The mountain-moving blow just now was already the last strength.

The current escape is entirely supported by will.

Speaking of the competition with Bao Zhongqing...

For a long time, their relationship was indeed very bad. I don't know how many methods have been used in the struggle between the open and the dark.

The Lord Shuo Fangbo not only represents the honor status, but also relates to the incomparable strength of the extraordinary monk himself. This kind of power cannot be sought outside, who is willing to share it?

But no matter how much they argue, they are brothers of the same mother and compatriots, and their bones are broken.

It was impossible for him to watch Bao Zhongqing die. His first thought when he saw Bao Zhongqing was to let him escape... just like Bao Zhongqing did not hesitate to lead the army to cut off his heir just now.

"How are you?"

He retracted the dimly lit mountain whip, and held Bao Zhongqing, who was coughing up blood, in his hand.

At this time, he was flying over a high mountain with green trees shaking green.

Bao Bozhao managed to recall that in the local chronicles of Daxia, the name of this mountain was "Xiaojian", which was a very strange name. But after crossing this mountain, it is Fengli Mansion...

"I... Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Bao Zhongqing coughed violently in the air, and Bao Bozhao tried his best to support himself and crossed some Daoyuan.

"Hold on. We'll be in Fengli soon."

"Okay...cough! Cough! Okay...cough!"

Bob Zhao gritted his teeth, did not speak any more, desperately squeezing the remaining strength of this body.

Suddenly there was a sharp pain in my heart!

This sudden and severe pain made Bao Bozhao wake up suddenly from his drowsy state, and the vertical eyes between his brows also opened wide suddenly, and the divine light lit up!


A dagger pierced into the vertical pupil!

The divine light was dimmed, and blood flew.

The blade pierced the eyeball and struck the skull.

Deep in Bob Zhao's throat, there was a sound of pain or sadness.

puff! puff! puff! puff! puff!

The dagger stabbed wildly at Bob Zhao's body!

face! neck! chest! confidant!

The figures of the two brothers in the sky fell in a straight line, and with a whining and crying sound, they fell on the green and vibrant Xiaojian Mountain.

In the process of falling, Bao Zhongqing couldn't tell how many knives he stabbed.

He tied up his own brother, who was a mother and a compatriot, into a broken leather bag full of holes.

Cuckoo, cluck, cluck, bubbling with blood.


The two brothers landed on the top of the mountain.

This short, intimate journey is finally over.

Bao Zhongqing let out a long, indescribable breath from his throat, let go of his hands, turned over and lay beside Bao Bozhao's body.

He just lay there on his back, looking at the sky.

Next to him lay the bloody corpse of his own brother.

They lay side by side, as close as they were when they were children. Look at the clouds, stars, and the world together.

Xia Guo's sky is not as clear as Qi Guo's, but it is also very open.

The sun shines through the clouds and falls impartially.

very warm.

Bao Zhongqing wanted to sleep right there, but of course he couldn't sleep now.

He took off the miniature storage box hanging on his belt, took out the wound medicine from it, and swallowed it slowly.

Due to physical reasons, this series of movements is very difficult, but methodical.

He couldn't understand the insight power of Celestial Eye. So his body is really bad... but it doesn't matter, now he has enough time.

He's bought enough time...and a bright future like this one.

He just lay down like this, carried Dao Yuan, tried his best to dissipate the power of the medicine, and carefully recuperated his injury.

He didn't want to say anything at first, and he never had the habit of talking to dead people.

But I don't know why, but I feel that I should say something.

In short, you have to deal with the injury anyway.

"Uh... ah..."

He groaned like this, stretching his painful muscles a little.

I heard a difficult response from all limbs.

This kind of pain made him have more to say.

So he said: "You are two years older than me, and you eat a lot more than I do. It's normal to have a higher cultivation base than me, right? If you have the ability, you stay where you are, and wait for me to practice for two years to try? Dare to say that you are better than me, how can you not let me be a prince because of this?"

He breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued: "Your business is in a mess. In my hands, the business of the Golden Feather Phoenix Immortal Flower can open up channels in Chu State and earn more Yuanshi. In your hands, I Just ask a few people to cooperate with Fatty Chongxuan to say a few words, and you sell it. Are you too stupid to see the value of this business, or are you simply arrogant? Hehe, you are in the same line as our father, no wonder he likes you Dislike me."

"I don't have a good reputation in the inner mansion. You are in the outer building, and you are also trampled under by that heavy Xuan Fenghua? Why am I not as good as you?"

"Obviously the art of war, I am stronger than you...Brother, do you know that I am stronger than you?"

"Don't think that you have caught up with Fatty Chongxuan's strategy, and you have flourished in this war. If I had 10,000 troops, I would do better than you. I can get more from Fatty Chongxuan, I I know him better than you, and I also know Xia Guo better than you, and I have made more preparations...but I only have one soldier."

"Fatty Chongxuan's father is a sinner of the Chongxuan family, and almost ruined the entire Chongxuan family. Even so, Bowanghou gave him a fair chance to compete. Chongxuan is invincible in the same realm, a peerless arrogance, and came to Qi Xia On the battlefield, he and Fatty Chongxuan each have 3,000 soldiers each, depending on their abilities."

"We two brothers go to the battlefield, you command 10,000 soldiers, I command 1,000 soldiers... What does his grandma have enough for?"

"Other cousins ​​can open up their posture and make it clear that horses and horses compete. Why are we brothers, the same father, and the same mother, and they don't even give me a chance to compete fairly?"

"Brother, do you know that you are stupid?"

"Why do you think Fatty Chongxuan slowed down his offensive in Huiming Mansion? Do you think he and Jiang Wang can't beat you?"

"The movement of the Xia army in the north of Huiming is obviously not right. Either there is a big problem, or there is a big move, but you are indulging in a short-term victory, and you haven't been able to see the crisis at all. Your Celestial Eye is wasted!"

"Or, you rely too much on your Celestial Eye. You don't know that there are many things in this world that the Celestial Eye cannot see through!"

"I've been waiting for you, and I've been waiting for you very seriously. I told myself to wait only this time. If there is no chance, forget it. I won't do anything to you again. But you still sent the opportunity to me..."

"I know you can still escape, so I use myself to stop you...I...forget it."

Bao Zhongqing sighed for a long time: "Actually, I also know that what I said are all excuses."

"But people need an excuse to keep themselves going, don't they?"

"Brother, tell me, what is going on in this world? Is the human heart really that vicious? I always thought that I could accept the result calmly...but I can't."

"I can not."

He shut up.

For a moment, he thought he was going to cry.

But he didn't.

After being silent for a while, he sat up and began to deal with the dead brother's body very carefully.

Muscle, bone, blood, hair...everything.

Use the secret medicine to break it down inch by inch, mix it into the soil, into the rocks, and into this quiet little sharp mountain.

Of course you can't use Taoism...

Doing these things with Taoism can easily leave permanent marks.

He finished all this calmly, flew up again, flew back and forth, and began to deal with all the traces he could detect—even though this was Qi Xia's battlefield, even though Bao Bozhao's death was not an inconceivable thing.

Wuyang City suffered a disastrous defeat, and all the troops under his command were wiped out. It is rather strange that the main general survived.

What's more, Tai Yin led his army to chase and kill him for so long...

Besides, when this war ends, I don't know when it will be. At that time, all traces have been erased by the laws of nature...


There are so many though.

Bao Zhongqing is still doing things very seriously.

Repeatedly, cleaned up the traces thirteen times.

He told himself, never forget how Bob Zhao died.

Never be careless.

Thanks to the book friend "Papa Bubble" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 288th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you to everyone who supports this world in their own way.

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