Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1584 It starts today

The defeat of Wuyang City undoubtedly dealt a sap to the complacent Qi army.

One of the most outstanding young generals on the Eastern Front, Bao Bozhao, the eldest son of Uncle Da Qishuo, led an army of 30,000 to attack Wuyang.

On the same day, the news of Wuyang City's surrender came.

But it was also on the same day, before it was dark, the latest news came that Bob Zhao defeated Wuyang!

The 20,000 Qi troops were massacred, and Bao Bozhao fled out of the city alone, dead or alive!

The 10,000 new troops (Xia's surrendered army who surrendered to Qi) returned to Xia.

Tai Yin said: "There are powerful enemies outside, but there are no pillars and bones inside. It is not the fault of the soldiers to surrender after disbanding the troops! How can you force it when you are in life and death!"

So he killed the general who surrendered to Qi and recovered the soldiers who surrendered to Qi.

In Wuyang City, he announced to the entire Huiming Mansion and even the entire Qixia battlefield that the Battle of Wuyang was the beginning of Xia's counterattack. The so-called "capturing Jiang and describing it before the imperial court begins today!"

In the entire Eastern Front battlefield, the Qi army totaled 300,000. Xie Huaian's main force fought fiercely with Zhou Ying in Linwu Mansion, advancing inch by inch. The total number of Qi troops assigned to Fengli and Huiming prefectures was only 120,000.

The whole territory of Fengli Mansion changed banners, and Qi Fang gathered a large number of Xia Guo's surrendered troops to defend the city. Some of the main forces of the Qi army are attacking Jin'an Mansion.

It is conceivable how many Qi troops can fight in Huiming Mansion.

Wuyang City lost 20,000 yuan in the first battle!

For the Qi army, the defeat of Wuyang City was definitely a traumatic loss.

It was rumored that Bao Bozhao, who had been chased and killed by Tai Yin's army, was the death of Qi's arrogance!

Who is Bob Zhao?

A figure that can be counted among the young generation of Qi State.

If he does not die, he must be the future high-level general of Qi State and a powerful part of Qi State. Its value is inestimable, and its significance is extraordinary!

It can be said that the defeat of Wuyang really made Qi people wake up from the overwhelming adversity and truly realize the cruelty of this war.

Don't think that the cavalry hedging on the Jiangyin Plain is already the entire will of the Xia people.

Xia Guo is not some weak person who can be rubbed by others!

In addition, the 10,000 Xia troops who surrendered and rebelled also greatly curbed the Qi people's use of the surrendered army.

There is a rumor that has been widely circulated... It is said that the core reason why Bao Bozhao was defeated in Wuyang City was that the troops surrendered before the battle. What is Qi Xiaben's family, after all, are people from two countries, how can they really be trusted?

The war of overthrowing the country is not limited to defection, nor is it just a bloody fight.

In life and death, but also in honor and disgrace.

What is fighting is people's hearts, and what is fighting is also power.

Mie Xia not only destroys his flesh and blood, but also his spirit, and vice versa.

Except for the army to kill each other.

In the vast land of the Xia Kingdom, the Qi army's bannerman and the Xia army's jade platform patrol riders fought countless times.

From Linzi to Guiyi, the spies of the two sides have confronted each other countless times.

And in this all-round confrontation.

The Battle of Wuyang is undoubtedly the most eye-catching stroke of Xia Jun so far.

This battle showed Xia Jun's aura, and the invincible Qi Jun finally realized Xia Jun's tenacity again. Taiyin also became famous for this battle!


Speeding through the city streets, Tai Yin was not in a relaxed mood.

He is very aware of how bad the current situation has become.

Of course, the Battle of Wuyang can be regarded as a great victory, but compared to the entire Eastern Front battlefield, after all, it is only about the victory or defeat of a city!

Before the Wuyang Battle broke out, there were only three cities left in Linwu Mansion, the entire territory of Fengli Mansion had changed flags, and most of Huiming Mansion had fallen.

The current Huiming Mansion cannot be said to be the Huiming Mansion of Xia Kingdom.

The Qi people here already have a relative advantage!

In this battle, the annihilation of Bao Bozhao's troops is certainly a high-spirited, but it also stabbed a hornet's nest. The people of Qi will never give up the advantage they built in Huiming Mansion.

In the next period of time, Wuyang City will be a key banner.

The Qi army who can see this will definitely not allow its existence.

The next period of time is the key!

He ambush Wuyang, chased and killed Bao Bozhao, and immediately led the army back. While overhauling the city defenses, he assumed the posture of defending the city. On the one hand, they selectively released news about the battle of Wuyang City, and quickly started the next step of the layout... without stopping for a moment.

Don't dare to delay the time on the road.

He suddenly raised his head while walking quickly.

Then I saw a phantom flying across the sky, stopped suddenly at the corner of the street, and solidified in an instant. Tall and thin, in a blue military uniform, with a scorched yellow face. When the eyeballs were rolled over, one pupil with a gray smoke bird printed on it was turned inside.

The whole person is also alive.

The leader of the younger generation of Daxia's Chu family, Touching!

Tai Yin was not surprised, and continued to walk forward, only asking: "How is it?"

Practice a long way, if you don't advance, you will retreat. Those who are interested in the future, no one is willing to waste time.

Today, Tuo Min is also a cultivator in the Outer Building, and has erected three Star Towers, and of course he has also domesticated even more outstanding beasts... such as this smoked bird hidden in his eyeballs.

By means of the Tao, Yu Beast simulates his body, allowing him to walk between the virtual and the real.

Therefore, in the chaotic battle situation in Huiming Mansion, he relied on this beast to risk himself and personally investigate the enemy's situation!

"There are two armies, with each other's horns, approaching Wuyang City." Tuo Min said very simply.

"Chong Xuansheng and Jiang Wang must be here?" Tai Yin asked.

Tie Min said: "As you expected."

The two walked side by side, hurriedly.

Taiyin walked and said: "Chongxuansheng and Chongxuanzun are fighting for the title of Marquis of Bowang. For this reason, Jiang Wang and Chongxuanzun fought once before going out. Wanjun fought for the vanguard before, and the competition has been placed on the top of the list. On the bright side, now that Chongxuanzun has the credit for disturbing the imperial mausoleum, Chongxuansheng and the others can no longer allow the great achievement of penetrating the three prefectures to be greatly discounted...they must come to Wuyang City!"

Tuo Min added at the side: "In their intelligence perception, you, Tai Yin, presided over the battle of Wuyang City alone. The city defense force of Wuyang City is the defenders of Wuyang City under Wei Guangyao's command, as well as you. He personally commanded and ambushed Bob Zhao's army, and together with Bob Zhao's 10,000 men who surrendered and returned, the total would not exceed 30,000 troops. Moreover, Marquis Xuan Ping recaptured Xinjie City and was fighting in Tianfeng Ranch. God's presence powerhouses can't get away, and this incident will also lower their vigilance..."

While talking, the two had already walked into the school grounds together.

On the school grounds, soldiers were surging, with swords and guns like forests.

The one-armed Wei Guangyao is doing his final war training.

Severed limbs can be restored, and there are many ways. With Wei Guangyao's cultivation base, the resources needed to repair a severed limb would not be too scary. Xia Ting will be responsible, and Tai Yin's family property can also pay for him.

The problem is time.

At this critical moment of the war, there is no time for him to slowly repair his broken limbs and recuperate. He himself refused to go.

Tai Yin said: "The elite of Huiming Mansion are in Huyang Pass, while the rest of the cities are weak. This is the reason why the Qi army became extraordinarily presumptuous after they entered Huiming Mansion from Fengli Mansion, and it is also the basis for us to successfully ambush Bao Bozhao. After defeating Bob Zhao, this cognition will inevitably be broken. But we still have to find a way to make them underestimate us as much as possible... This is the key to intelligence misleading."

Tie Min said: "They arrived so quickly, it shows that our information misleading has been successful."

"In the intelligence model we constructed, me, Wei Guangyao, and the 30,000 army are the upper limit of Wuyang City's strength. Moreover, Jiang Wang has a strong psychological advantage against me. I hope he will be careless because of this..."

Tai Yin said: "However, with the prudence of emphasizing Xuansheng, even if he believes that Wuyang City has only 30,000 troops, he will never respond with only 30,000 soldiers and horses. Because Wuyang City is so critical now, he at least I will find a way to bring 50,000 people here, so as to form the momentum of goshawks fighting rabbits."

While talking, the two hurried past the school grounds and walked into the meeting hall.

Perhaps the two best young people in the entire Xia Kingdom, their eager footsteps and speed of speech are just the performance of a race against time. In the long river of cruelly passing time, try their best to save the fate of Xia Guo!

There was some admiration in the voice of Tuo Min: "I can't get too close, but there are at least 30,000 people over Chong Xuan Sheng Jiang Wang's side. The same is true on the other side where they are horns."

"See their flag?"

"Yes. What victory is in sight."

"That's it. What is the banner on the other side?" Tai Yin asked.

"Thank you." Touch Min said, "It should be Xie Baoshu."

"This is good news." Tai Yin said: "This person is nothing to worry about."

"Xie Baoshu will definitely not agree with your evaluation, he is very flamboyant on the battlefield."

"It's best if he doesn't agree." Tai Yin turned and asked, "Is the Qi army's offensive in other places still continuing?"

"According to reports from the horse scouts." Tuo Min said: "I'm too short to do it all, so I can't see everything with my own eyes. But when I went to Xuanmu City, they were still attacking and defending. I didn't alarm them."

While thinking, Tai Yin continued: "The situation is so severe, we must be cautious..."

At this time, in the corner of the meeting room, a voice sounded——

"I seem to... heard Jiang Wang's name."

Accompanied by this voice, a stern man with jade crown and hair, sword eyebrows and thin lips came into view.

Holding a sword in one hand, standing like a green pine.

When he was silent, it was as if he didn't exist. When his voice sounded, he was already impossible to ignore!

Your ears must hear him, your eyes must see him.

Even though you are so calm, you seem to have been cut.

His hand holding the sword was extraordinarily strong, as if he was strangling something. It seemed that there were countless souls howling in his palm.

It is Yi Shengfeng, who is an outstanding disciple of Nandou Hall, the seven-kill real person Lu Shuanghe, who has successfully survived the unlimited killing order of the Huaiguo government some time ago, and thus became famous!

He had sneaked into Xia Guo quietly.

This means that Nan Dou Temple has already joined the war!

But until now, there was still not a single word of wind leaking out. Even Xia Jun's headquarters knew about it, very few.

Just like Yi Shengfeng hid in Wuyang City, before today, only Tai Yin and Tuo Min, who were in charge of the Huiming Mansion's counterattack, knew about it.

Nan Dou Hall's backhand, which has been brewing for a long time, will die if it is not uncovered. Once it is uncovered, decisive results must be achieved!

Looking at Yi Shengfeng at this time, Tai Yin said calmly: "Yes. Like I told you, Jiang Wang is already on his way to Wuyang City."

Tai Yin didn't know about the grievances between Yi Shengfeng and Jiang Wang.

But Yi Shengfeng has a deep understanding of Jiang Wang's determination to kill.

When he came out of the Mountain Sea Realm last year, Yi Shengfeng blocked him specifically to get information about Jiang Wang. This time Nan Dou Palace participated in the Qi Xia battle, Yi Shengfeng also approached him who was temporarily in charge of the battle in the Huiming Mansion, and asked him to kill Jiang Wang by name - of course he would not refuse.

Yi Shengfeng stood indifferently in this meeting hall, with a prominent coldness and sharpness. It is incompatible with this meeting hall and the entire Wuyang City.

He wasn't planning on rapport, either.

I don't know when, the name Jiang Wang has become a lingering nightmare.

Obviously he won the first-class fairy fate in the world, but suddenly looking back, Jiang Wang, who should have lived a mediocre life in Fengxi Town, stood on the viewing platform, bathing in the most glorious scenery in the world.

The childhood that I thought I had forgotten, flooded back to my mind again and again uncontrollably.

Reminding him time and time again——

The heir that Lu Shuanghe fell in love with back then was Jiang Wang!

How could he forget?

The turmoil in his heart is beyond words.

But he just asked, "Then what are you waiting for?"

Tai Yin shook his head.

Nan Dou Temple is a strong support, and Yi Shengfeng is a sharp sword.

Only in terms of personal combat power, he knows that he is definitely not his opponent.

To be able to survive under the order to kill the entire southern region issued by the Duke of Chuhuai State, is it possible for a genius to do it? Although running for life is different from fighting head-on, but if you really want to compare... Looking at the entire southern region, probably only Dou Zhao at the outer building level can accomplish such a feat.

There is no doubt that Yi Shengfeng is powerful.

But war is not a battle of rangers. There must be one leader, and there must be a leader.

He Taiyin did his part in this regard.

So he just said: "Chongxuansheng is the soul who changed the situation on the Eastern Front, and Jiang Wang is the example of the younger generation of Qi, who has won the title of the Yellow River. If you can kill these two people, even if the entire Ming Mansion falls , we are not considered a loser!"

"Killing a chicken requires a sledgehammer, and fighting a rabbit requires all your strength." Yi Shengfeng said, "Since you think Jiang Wang is so important, I remember that you have a Marquis in Huiming Mansion, why didn't you come over?"

Touch Min didn't like this so-called high disciple of Nan Dou Temple very much, from the tone of his speech to the indifference that oozes from his bones, it made him feel uncomfortable.

But he expresses nothing.

Today, he has no right to push away any forces approaching Xia Guo.

For more than 20 years of my life, I have always been proud of Daxia, thinking that this is the greatest country in the world, and one day, sooner or later, it will be able to reach its proper position.

Once on the Guanhetai, he did everything he could for the national honor and did everything he could.

This time, he felt the fragility of this country for the first time amidst the ups and downs, and found that this country was not as strong as he imagined. But the feelings for the country are stronger than ever.

Tai Yin responded: "Xuan Pinghou needs to contain the Qi army at Tianfeng Ranch. Currently in Huiming Mansion, we are at a disadvantage. If Xuan Pinghou comes over, it will only attract more Qi army's strong... and he As long as he makes a move, Chong Xuansheng will never come to Wuyang again. Once a smart person like Chong Xuansheng is alert, there will be no possibility of entering the game again. We have spent a lot of thought and invested a lot to create the opportunity to appear now. Not to be taken lightly."

Yi Shengfeng raised his chin slightly: "So what are you going to do?"

With a wave of Tai Yin's hand, a circular array plate was suspended, and the light seemed to move, manifesting a detailed map in midair.

Mountains and rivers are all in sight.

First find the location of Wuyang City, then go north and west. His fingers moved lightly on the map, as if stroking his lover's skin... so soft.

"Mr. Yi, are you ready to go all out?"

Tai Yin said in a flat tone: "Fight their lives."

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