Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1585 Borrow Your Good Words

"Now that the news of Bob Zhao's defeat has spread, Chong Xuansheng Jiang Wang led more than 30,000 troops, and Xie Baoshu led more than 30,000 troops. They are each other's horns and come in two ways... We must not face each other in Wuyang City, or even on the battlefield. Not in Wuyang city area."

In the conference hall, Tai Yin said firmly: "Because Wuyang City is the goal of their trip, all their tactics are formulated around attacking Wuyang City. All their preparations are based on the battle of Wuyang City. In Wuyang City, they must have the greatest vigilance. In Wuyang City, we will be waiting for the strongest opponent."

"And from our own point of view. Wuyang City does have a large defensive array, high walls and thick gates, and sufficient ordnance... But even if we rely on these, we will be able to defend but not attack. Once the Qi army surrounds us, The next best result is just a protracted offense and defense.

With the current situation in Huiming Mansion, we must gain an advantage as soon as possible. Otherwise, after the Qi army has engulfed the entire territory, no matter how firmly we defend, it will be just a dead city. The 60,000 army is sitting in the city of sorrow, waiting to die. "

"So let's not fight here."

His forefinger tapped on the map, with decisive power: "Everyone thinks that we should defend the city... This kind of 'correct inference' based on military common sense is our opportunity! We voluntarily give up the advantage of city defense and seek A decisive battle in the wild will surely catch him off guard!"

In Taiyin's layout, Wei Guangyao went out of the city to feign surrender, set up an ambush in the city, and defeated Bao Bozhao... It was only the first step of Huiming Mansion's counterattack plan.

After slaughtering all 20,000 Qi soldiers, he immediately released the news and set up a banner of resistance to attract the Qi army to attack.

The latter step can be regarded as a change of tactics to surround the spot and fight for aid. The situation in Huiming Mansion has evolved to this point, and Wuyang City is already the key point where insightful people from Qi have to come.

If the Qi army fails to destroy Wuyang City in time, the encouraged soldiers and civilians of the Xia Kingdom will definitely teach the Qi people an unforgettable lesson.

If the Qi army comes...they will hit Taiyin's arms.

His goal has never been just a Bob Zhao, but to use Bob Zhao's head to ignite a chain reaction of the Qi army's defeat.

He believes that Chongxuansheng will definitely see the key significance of Wuyang City, and the development of the situation is indeed as he expected.

Even in the Battle of Wuyang, the reason why he stood up and showed up was because Jiang Wang, who was beside Chongxuansheng, had a strong psychological advantage over him, Tai Yin—in the mountain and sea realm, he had a strong psychological advantage over Jiang Wang twice. Hope to shoot. The first time they set up an array, they were directly crushed by the Huo Dou army. The second attack and kill was broken by Jiang Wang.

No matter how smart Chong Xuansheng is, the judgment of Tai Yin must be based on the existing information. And from Jiang Wang's point of view... how powerful is Tai Yin?

In battle, the side with the psychological advantage can often perform better.

But in turn, the psychological advantage can also be used, causing the opponent to underestimate the enemy!

With the war on the Eastern Front so rotten, it was no longer possible to solve the problem by killing one or two ordinary Qi generals.

Don't you see that the general of Zhao Kingdom died in battle, and the soldiers were immediately gathered by Bao Bozhao?

Didn't you see that the Fengli and Huiming prefectures were defeated, and the outstanding generals of Qi State had more and more people under their command?

Qi Guofang is full of talents, and there is no shortage of good generals.

Only by killing important figures like Chong Xuansheng, Jiang Wang, and Bao Bozhao can we really hurt the Qi army.

"Chongxuansheng's troops are resting in Qiyue City. Every time this person goes to the city, he will destroy the formation and surrender. The camp is extremely stable. And Xie Baoshu's troops have just captured Feilie City. Because of their relationship with Xie Huaian, this man will The bottom is all elite soldiers.

After the news of Bob Zhao's defeat was released, they set off almost at the same time.

Chong Xuansheng saw the criticality of Wuyang City, and Xie Baoshu probably because of his friendship with Bao Bozhao... The two armies are horns of each other, and they also maintain a certain tacit understanding. "

On the map, Tai Yin's fingers meandered with the sound, and finally landed in one place: "If there is no accident, they will meet at Cilai Road. From Cilai Road to Wuyang City, it takes one day to march quickly."

Yi Shengfeng listened quietly, his eyes were like an ancient well, and the boundless killing intent was submerged at the bottom of the well.

He had been waiting for this day for a long time since he was surprised to hear Jiang Wang's name at the Yellow River Meeting.

From the Mountain Sea Realm to the present, every time he presses the sword, it is all for this time to release the sword... He can no longer wait any longer.

At this time, Wei Guangyao walked in from the outside, and was drawn into a shadow: "According to the intelligence, the relationship between these two groups of people is not good."

Tie Min said: "It is a fact that there are conflicts between them, but on the battlefield, they will not abandon the public for personal reasons. Don't underestimate the military literacy of these Qi people."

Wei Guangyao nodded, and asked again: "So we set up an ambush on Ci Lai Road?"

"The terrain on Tsz Lai Road is complicated, it's a good place to set up an ambush."

Tai Yin said, shaking his head: "But Ci Lai Road is already close to Wuyang City, they must be very vigilant. More importantly - our troops do not have an advantage, we can only concentrate and quickly solve one side, Can't wait for them to merge."

"Which way to solve?" Wei Guangyao asked subconsciously.

In fact, he felt that it should be easy before difficult, and deal with the party who is more sure.

But Yi Shengfeng said calmly, "My sword is only for Jiang."

Tai Yin took a deep look at this senior disciple of Nandou Hall: "There will be a chance."

Then he said to Wei Guangyao: "Of course we should concentrate our efforts to deal with Chong Xuansheng and Jiang Wang's subordinates. Killing any one of these two people is better than killing ten Xie Baoshu. We have prepared for so long and endured for so long, but It's not for petty trouble."

"Especially Jiang Wang!" Touch Min said, "From the time when the Yellow River Meeting was selected to the Sanxing Palace, he has become the most representative young talent in Qi. To a certain extent, he represents the new Qi people." In the future of Qi State, it exists like a banner. Qi people provoked the battle of Xingyueyuan, even in the name of defending him. Killing this person will disintegrate the future of Qi State. The blow to the morale of the Qi army will be Devastating!"

"Therefore, there is no room for loss in this battle, and the goal must be completed. It must be completed at any cost!"

Tai Yin's fingers continued to move on the map, and began to make specific strategic arrangements: "Qiyue City, Wuyang, can only go through Minxi Corridor. Flying Lecheng to Wuyang, must go through Sheshan. We are in these two places Set up an ambush. Although the key point is to attack the Chongxuansheng Department, the Xie Baoshu Department must also use troops to contain it. Firstly, Wuyang City must not be lost, and secondly, the Xie Baoshu Department cannot be given the opportunity to support the Chongxuansheng Department. Otherwise, all previous efforts may be wasted .”

So why is it said that Huiming Mansion is a good place. In addition to the Huyang Pass to stop the military disaster, the war has been less experienced. There is no shortage of beautiful resources here.

Sheshan is one of the famous "Thirteen Peaks of Splendid Huafu" in Xia State, which is dangerous and beautiful.

As for the Minxi Corridor, it is the fief of Min King Yu Liyang - after Yu Liyang became a true king, his childhood hometown was ascended to heaven. Xia Ting originally wanted to designate the entire Huiming Mansion as his fiefdom, but he refused many times, and finally only sealed off a piece of Minxi Corridor.

This place is narrow, long and fertile, and it is a famous corridor that runs through the central and southern areas of Huiming Prefecture.

Yu Liyang's childhood friends and relatives are long gone, and he doesn't have any plot about his hometown, so he rarely goes back to Minxi. But after all, the name is there, even if he doesn't care at all, this place is developing extremely well.

Of course, with the spread of the war, a large number of people fled to the farther west of the empire. The Minxi Corridor, which was once prosperous for a while, is now empty.

"The Minxi Corridor has been raided by Bao Bozhao before, and all the fortifications have been destroyed - this can just reduce Chong Xuansheng's vigilance." Tai Yin continued: "The battle of the Minxi Corridor must be Be decisive, fight quickly, don't fight a war of attrition, long-term consumption will lead to loss."

"Xia's army is inferior to Qi's army in field battles." Yi Shengfeng raised the question from a personal point of view: "Even if the ambush is successfully completed, how can we ensure victory?"

"Of the more than 30,000 people under Chongxuansheng, the real elite is only about 2,000, from the Autumn Killing Army. Half of the remaining people are recruited and surrendered to the army. The situation is slightly wrong, let's raise our arms Huh, you can turn back. The other half is made up of piecemeal troops from other countries in the Eastern Region, and the hearts of the people are hard to unite." Tai Yin methodically analyzed: "And we are united as one, and we have the ambition to defend the land. If you have a heart and an heart, It will definitely be broken in one battle!"

He added: "And I also have a set of Nine Sons Surrounding Mountain array here, which is a good thing at the bottom of Taishi's box. It can quickly create a geographical advantage. This time, the right time, place and people are all here, so why worry about Xuan Sheng Jiang hope not to die ?”

"Then, who will restrain Xie Baoshu?" Touch Min asked.

"I'll go in person." Tai Yin said, "I'll only take 10,000 soldiers to Sheshan, and you will take all the remaining 50,000 soldiers to Minxi Corridor. You should be sure that you pay 50,000 volts and 30,000 things."

Touch Min slightly frowned: "Us?"

"You, Wei Guangyao, Gu Yong, Xu Can, and Mr. Yi from Nandou Hall!" Tai Yin said, "You all go."

Gu Yong and Xu Can, both generals from the Outer Building Realm, came from Huiming urgently from Shaokang Mansion. Same as Tuo Min and Yi Shengfeng, in the ambush of Bob Zhao, he didn't show up at all in order to conceal information to the greatest extent. Even if the news about Wuyang City is leaked, Qi Jun will only be further misled, and it is impossible to accurately judge Xia Jun's strength.

There was a worried look on the face of the touch: "You lead the army to Sheshan alone, can you do it?"

"Mr. Yi is right, a goshawk needs all his strength to fight a rabbit, not to mention that what we want to kill is not a little white rabbit. To kill Jiang Wangzhong and Xuan Sheng, we must mobilize the greatest strength. Whether I can do it or has to be like this .”

Tai Yin looked at his expression and smiled: "Okay, there is nothing to worry about. I'm not going to divide life and death with Xie Baoshu, I just want to hold him back. Don't let him lead his troops to support Minxi Corridor. The goal has been achieved. If nothing can be done, I will retreat to Wuyang, and then abandon Wuyang City, and use this process to buy time for you... In any case, eliminating Chongxuan Sheng and Jiang Wang is our most important right now Things. All options must be compromised for this.”

If there is only one person to lead the army to delay Xie Baoshu's troops, no one is more suitable than Tai Yin who is proficient in formation.

Wei Guangyao said: "Mr. Yi looks at Jiang Wang, me, Mr. Chu, Gu Yong, and Xu Can are against Zhongxuan Sheng. Such a general victory, military victory, and potential victory, is intentional and unintentional. I really can't think of it." , What chance do they have of surviving!"

"Yes!" Touch Min also calmed down and acted full of confidence.

In fact, he didn't think that Yi Shengfeng could be Jiang Wang's opponent. Anyone who had seen Jiang Wang's demeanor at Guanhetai could not have confidence in Yi Shengfeng.

Even if the person is the number one genius in the South Dou Palace, even if this person is all over the southern region, after surviving the unlimited killing order of the Huai government, his reputation has already surpassed that of Dou Zhao.

Go after Dou Zhao... After all, it's not Dou Zhao.

But the strength of Yi Shengfeng and Jiang Wang is not important, as long as he can hold Jiang Wang a little bit, that's enough.

This time it was a large army attacking each other, with 50,000 people united as one, ambushing 30,000 people who were disorganized. Surround unintentional divisions with a well-prepared army. No matter how strong Jiang Wang is on his own, how can he kill thousands of troops by himself?

"The only thing to worry about is..." Tie Min said: "According to what Xuan Pinghou said, Jiang Wang is now complete in the four realms of the outer building, and can step into the God's Landing at any time, but he is still waiting for the perfect opportunity. Once he breaks through God, it is difficult for us to keep him."

As he raised the question, he gave a solution: "So at the beginning of the ambush, we will use the army to lock him up and cut off the possibility of him escaping. Gu Yong will be responsible for this army of ten thousand people. He is a Legalist monk, good at trapping enemies."

He looked at Yi Shengfeng: "How about letting Gu Yong cooperate with Mr. Yi at that time? It's not because he doesn't trust your strength. It's just that Jiang Wang is a cunning person, and he fears that it will be easy to lose but hard to kill."

Yi Shengfeng said in a low voice: "Of course the arrangements for the war are based on your country's side. I, Nandou Hall, come to Xia Xia to support, so it's up to you."

He raised his eyelids, and said again: "In addition, regarding the possibility of Jiang Wang's impending breakthrough... I have already consummated the outer building, the way is in my hands, and I can become a god at any time."

"That would be even better!" Wei Guangyao was really pleasantly surprised, because if he didn't have Shenlin's combat power to restrain Shenlin, even if he was killed by an army, the casualties would be very heavy. In the war until now, every soldier is precious. He admired: "With Mr. Yi here, Jiang Wang can't do anything!"

Tie Min then said: "Since Mr. Yi has already completed the outer building, why not achieve God's presence first? At that time, we will directly destroy the landslide and not give Jiang Wang a chance to break through, wouldn't it be safe?"

Yi Shengfeng was silent for a moment, and said: "If I don't kill Jiang Wang, I will regret it."

In the chamber, there was a moment of silence!

As the direct disciple of Lu Shuanghe, the real seven-killer, Yi Shengfeng's goal is to have no regrets, which is of course not surprising.

He doesn't intend to achieve without regrets, so it will be surprising!


Yi Shengfeng and Jiang Wang, what kind of deep hatred do they have? Will it be regarded as a heart obstacle? It even reached the point where God would feel regretful if he didn't kill him!

Yi Shengfeng didn't intend to explain.

Everyone in Xia Kingdom didn't ask either.

Tai Yin thought for a while, and then said: "It is true that it is easy to defeat but difficult to kill. Back then, Zhao Xuanyang of Jingguo captured Jiang Wang himself and told him to run away. The kung fu of people running away can also be seen. Today he is standing at the gate of Shenlin, and he is even more slippery when he thinks about it, running very fast... With his talent, if he does not die, he will become a serious disaster in the future! So besides you, There is one person who will also rush to Minxi Corridor."

Touch Min frowned, obviously guessing who it was.

"Who?" Wei Guangyao asked.

Tai Yin said: "Zhou Xiong...Master Zhou!"

Zhou Xiong, the son of Duke Feng Zhou Ying!

A real powerhouse in the presence of gods!

Zhou Ying had three sons and three daughters, and only the third son, Zhou Xiong, became a child, and he had already achieved God's presence twenty years ago.

Wei Guangyao was surprised: "Master Zhou? Can he get out?"

"He is already on his way." Tai Yin said: "We will meet you at Minxi Corridor then."

"This is due to the importance of Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng. We put our hands together to make a perfect plan." He said to Yi Shengfeng: "I think Mr. Yi will be able to achieve this time without any regrets!"

Tuo Min was worried that Yi Shengfeng would be too proud, that he would not bully the few, that he would not ask for the cooperation of the army... This was obviously overthinking.

In Tai Yin's judgment, Yi Shengfeng is a person who only cares about the result and doesn't care about the process.

So he mentioned Zhou Xiong very directly.

But Yi Shengfeng just flicked the long sword lightly, and said: "I have a good word from you!"

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