Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1586

"My great summer, thousands of miles of splendor, a thousand years of glory! With the mountains and rivers as paper, and the army as the pen, this counter-offensive article, I am waiting for the book, it is just the beginning. But comrades, as long as there are splendid articles, the beginning must be the same. Long Xing! Whether this article can be famous through the ages, our opening is very important! Defeating Qi Guoshuo’s son Bao Bozhao and slaughtering Qi’s army of 20,000 is just the beginning. The next success or failure is related to our mark in the history books of Great Xia !"

Gu Yong and Xu Can are all here.

Touch Min, Wei Guangyao, and Yi Shengfeng were all present.

On the school field, Tai Yin is doing the final mobilization.

The densely packed soldiers of the Xia Kingdom gathered into a sea. Bloodshot faces filled with the courage that this country still lives on.

"Now we have two people to deal with. One is named Jiang Wang. In order to erase him, Jing Guo did not hesitate to move out of the Demon Slaying Covenant. In order to protect him, Qi State did not hesitate to go to war with Jing Guo! Killing him is like breaking the Jingwei flag! One named Chongxuan Sheng is the nephew of Chongxuan Chuliang, Chongxuan Chuliang has no wife and no children, and he is regarded as his son! Killing him is both a national humiliation and an old grudge. Calling that murderer, I also know the pain of my Xia people!"

"The entire Huiming Mansion, and even the entire Eastern Front battlefield, killing these two people is also the top priority!"


Tai Yin bowed deeply: "Please do your best!"

The soldiers present did not shout slogans loudly, because they wanted to press their strength into their bodies and keep their anger on their blades.

Even so, in a world of great strife, there are frequent conquests from various countries.

Today Qin attacked Chu, tomorrow herds and expeditions flourished, Qi State marched south, Jing State expanded westward, one country rose and another country fell, it was just a common thing.

Xia Guo was able to have today's ten thousand miles of fertile soil, and the grand occasion that once spanned the southeast and southeast regions, and it was also the result of destroying countless small countries. The Liang Kingdom of the past, the Li Kingdom of the past, all witnessed...

But people are inherently selfish, and where we stand is our stand. The place where it is stored is the original heart. The country that is embraced is justice.

To Xia Guo generals and soldiers, today's Qi army is the invader, the worst monster in the world.

The land was lost, and the late emperor was humiliated.

This heart hates him so much that he will eat his flesh, drink his blood, and chew his bones!

Many of the 20,000 Qi troops locked in Wuyang City were beaten to death by Xia Jun with their fists. The Xia people are on the land of Xia, and they will not surrender!

At this moment, the school field was silent.

This is Xia Jun's... silent determination.


Taiyin led 10,000 troops and went to Sheshan by himself.

Touch Min led an army of 50,000 troops, together with Gu Yong, Xu Can, Wei Guangyao, and Yi Shengfeng, to rush to Minxi Corridor.

It can be said to come out in full force.

I'm afraid no one would expect that Wuyang City, which is of key significance under the current situation, is already an empty city.

This is of course a risky move, and risk also means "odd".

Under the circumstances that the quality of the Xia army's soldiers is obviously inferior to that of the Qi army, it will undoubtedly require extraordinary courage to abandon the heavy weapons in Xiongcheng and take the initiative to go out of the city to find the Qi army for a decisive battle.

Today's fighters all have the courage to donate to the country, so let's go!


Unlike Tuo Min, Wei Guangyao and others, Yi Shengfeng has no personal likes and dislikes about Qi Jun. If you have to say you hate it, it's just because Jiang Wangshi was in Qi.

He doesn't care how brave the Xia people are. No matter how many people in Xia Guo died, it had nothing to do with him.

He didn't even care about the meaning of Nandou Palace aiding Xia at all.

He has only one goal here - to kill Jiang Wang.

On the day Jiang Wang became famous at the Yellow River Meeting, he was surprised at first, thinking it was someone with the same name. After matching it with the figure in his childhood, he felt absurd. Unexpectedly, the village urchin, who had been left behind for a long time, could catch up head-on after many years of missing the fairy fate.

Then the thought of killing was born.

Killing thoughts never rest together.

He knows that he is a stubborn person. When he was a child, he fought swords with Jiang Wang. It was originally a urchin playing.

But the Jiang Wang in the memory is not eager to win, with a heart as firm as iron?

At that time, Jiang Wang never let him go!

Of course, he didn't think that Jiang Wang did anything wrong, and he never thought that Jiang Wang owed him anything.

He just knew very well that he didn't drown Jiang Wang that time, and once Jiang Wang had a chance to grow up, he would definitely repay him.

So he wanted to kill Jiang Wang.

It's that simple.

Of course the process is not easy...

The first is identity.

When he heard Jiang Wang's name again, he was already the arrogance of the overlord of the Eastern Region. It's not Zhuangguo, a small country like Zhuangguo, where he doesn't have to worry about retaliation when he calls.

He even said that when Jiang Wang came to kill him one day, he didn't really believe that Nan Doudian would stand up for him.

At the beginning, he hit the attention of assassination, and found an opportunity to touch it quietly, and he was killed with a single blow.

Although Jiang Wang was already the leader of the Yellow River in the inner mansion at that time, he was perfect on the fourth floor, held the way in his hand, and his supernatural powers, spells and swordsmanship were all in line with the way, and it was not difficult to kill himself if he asked himself.

But after Huang He won the first prize, Jiang Wang returned to Qi surrounded by Qi's spectators, and he really couldn't find a chance.

Finally, when Jiang Wang was forced to leave the country, it was Jing Shitai who hunted down demons all over the world, and even Zhao Xuanyang personally took was not his turn at all.

That's all. As long as Jiang Wang can die, he doesn't have to die by his hands.

What I didn't expect was that Jiang Wang didn't die in that situation, and he was still beheading the four great demons in the Duanhun Gorge. Under the witness of Yu Beidou, he surpassed the old man of Tianfu and was certified as the number one inner palace in Qing history!

That is, when Jiang Wang was cleared of the crime of mastering demons and Du Ruhui went to Yujing Mountain to be punished, he saw the contradiction between Zhuang Ting and Jiang Wang.

He vaguely knew that Jiang Wang's departure from Zhuang Shiqi was probably related to the Fenglin city that had been reduced to a ghost—that's not important. The important thing is to see who Jiang Wang's enemies are and how many people want to kill Jiang Wang.

He has no emotion for people and things in his hometown. Otherwise, he would not have practiced in Nandou Hall for so many years and never went back once. The so-called parents and relatives, the so-called neighbors and playmates, in terms of the long path of practice, are just fleeting bubbles.

He can see through.

This heart is only Tao, only sword.

He doesn't hate Jiang Wang, he doesn't hate Jiang Wang.

No matter how vicious people are, they still hope to live in a good world. No matter how hypocritical a person is, he also hopes to be treated sincerely by others.

He believed that no one would hate someone like Jiang Wang.

He even admitted that if there was no fight by the river, he would be willing to maintain friendship with Jiang Wang.

But when things happen, they happen, and when they happen, they need to be faced and resolved.

As soon as the murderous intention moves, the sea of ​​hearts grows, and the road opens up.

The more he couldn't kill, the more he couldn't even touch Jiang Wang's shadow, the stronger his killing intent became.

Later, wanting to kill Jiang Wang gradually turned into a mental block, which was on his way.

The more famous Jiang Wang became, the stronger his mental barrier became.

The more Jiang Wang traveled, the more it seemed that his time was wasted.

Those astonishing deeds just reminded him time and time again—what is the first person of the young generation in Nan Dou Hall, but he is just a despicable villain who steals other people's chances, a worthless bastard!

If there is a gap in his path, God will shake him!

The grievance between him and Jiang Wang has evolved to the present, and it has become a fundamental contradiction that involves a long-term journey and is endless.

Hearing the news that Jiang Wang would participate in the Mountain Sea Realm, he immediately started to prepare.

But he failed to catch Jiang Wang on the way, so Zuo Guangshu directly led his troops to meet him in the border town, which also gave up his intention of assassinating him in Chu.

Later, he found out that the Duke of Huai State was investigating him - that was undoubtedly Jiang Wang's action.

That is to say, from that moment on, he and Jiang Wang stood on the battlefield, each already aware of the other's existence, and both were preparing for the battle of life and death.

And his biggest advantage is that Jiang Wang is a well-known figure in the world, and his magical powers, as long as he has shown it in front of others, have been studied to a great extent.

Such as Samadhi True Fire, such as Uncirculated Wind, such as Sword Immortal, such as the so-called Eight Sounds Burning the Sea, the so-called Fire Realm...

He can recite the name, and of course he knows how to deal with it. Jiang Wang only knew that he was the true biography of Nan Dou Dian, but he didn't know what his cards were.

This is a factor that can determine life and death, so of course he will not participate in the mountains and seas where life and death cannot be separated, and leak his information for nothing.

He was stuck outside the state of Chu, asking for the latest information about Jiang Wang from everyone who had fought against Jiang Wang. Revise the killing strategy again and again.

When Jiang Wang left the state of Chu, it should have been his time to act.

But he didn't expect that the Huaiguo government would protect him so far, and completely disregarded Nandou Palace. After the warning failed, he directly issued an unlimited killing order, which made him overwhelmed!

He couldn't get away, so he had to hand over all the preparations he had made to kill Jiang Wang to Zhuang Guojun and his ministers, and came to kill someone with a knife.

It's a pity that those people in Zhuangguo were too incompetent, Du Ruhui didn't dare to take action himself, and only sent two young people under cover.

What is said in the name of personal hatred, not related to the country, to escape the revenge of the Qi State after the event-it is really long-term thinking! Don't even ask yourself if you can really kill people!

A bullshit player in the main match of the Yellow River Games, a scruffy young leader in the Zhuang Guojun, who is targeting ambushes, magic formations and military formations, using everything that should be used and not using it. Can kill someone.

Fortunately, at the critical moment of life and death, he still expended all his efforts to help shield Jiang Wang's ability to predict danger!

Tai Yin and Xiang Bei's attack and killing in the mountains and seas was because of Jiang Wang's ability. He targeted the isolation in advance, thinking that with Du Ruhui's cunning and cunning, he could always make appropriate arrangements...

Unexpectedly, a calculation would end without a problem.

When he finally escaped from the unlimited killing order, Jiang Wang had already returned.

After that, it was the Qixia War that attracted worldwide attention.

He really can't wait any longer, wait any longer, when the Qixia War is over, this Qingyangzi will no longer know whether he is a Bo or a Marquis, and at that time Nan Dou Palace will not even support him in killing people. And at that time, Jiang Wang didn't know how many resources he could exchange for his military exploits. How could he catch up in Nandou Palace?

But the environment of the battlefield...

There are dangers everywhere on the battlefield, and at this very moment, he frequently has a whim.

There are danger warnings all the time, which means that his perception of danger is invalid!

War naturally limited his magical powers.

Correspondingly, Jiang Wang's unknown magic power with the ability to warn of danger will also be suppressed. But Jiang Wang's supernatural power, which was successfully suppressed by him, could not be compared to the whim after all, and he suffered more.

"Mr. Yi, do you consider coming to work in Xia Kingdom? With the blessing of officialdom, Dongzhen will be relatively easy." Zhou Xiong next to him said suddenly.

This son of Feng Guogong is even the Minxi Corridor who came before them.

Under the current battlefield situation, it is extremely difficult for Xia Guo's powerhouses to escape. If the mobilization of every God's presence powerhouse can't achieve something, it will be a loss in the situation.

Being able to underestimate Zhou Xiongzhi to Huiming shows the importance Xia people attach to Chong Xuansheng and Jiang Wang, and it can also be seen how much damage the Desheng camp has caused to Xia.

Of course, to Yi Shengfeng, it didn't matter why the Xia people came. It's important to call in a strong man from the gods.

At this moment Zhou Xiong, Yi Shengfeng, and Tuo Min are hiding underground, waiting for the Qi army to approach.

Of course, Tuo Min is the one in charge of the investigation, and is observing the movement in the distance through covert means—but this observation is also extremely limited.

The sight may be perceived, the voiceprint may be captured, and the fluctuation of Taoism is even more dangerous. There are many keen monks, and there are also many weapons for Taoism fluctuations.

Too much observation means too much exposure.

So be very careful.

When the army marches, scouts and cavalry will scatter.

Xia Fang's 50,000 troops, even with the help of the complex terrain of the Minxi Corridor and the blessing of the secret art of the military array, it is impossible to hide seamlessly without leaving any traces.

Therefore, the army is actually far away at this time.

Just wait for the Qi army to reach the target location, and then quickly form a formation to condense the evil spirits and kill them with the power of the formation.

Gu Yong, Xu Can, and Wei Guangyao are all in charge of the army. The army formation of the headquarters of the empathy is also temporarily commanded by the lieutenant general.

What they asked for was not that they would not be discovered by the Qi army at all, but that when the Qi army found the ambush, they could no longer escape!

Yi Shengfeng did not respond to Zhou Xiong's overtures.

He was too lazy to open his mouth on a meaningless topic.

But Zhou Xiong was not annoyed, and only said in a gentle voice: "That's right. Mr. Yi is such a genius, he doesn't need the blessing of officialdom. If you want to get rid of the shackles at that time, the mighty power will belong to yourself, but it will be troublesome... Mr. Yi will not consider being me." The guest of the Zhou family? Don’t disturb each other with ordinary matters, and the secret arts of Yuanshi are easy to discuss.”

"Compared to this..." Yi Shengfeng said: "How to kill Jiang Wang later is the most important thing. Master Zhou is talking about it now, isn't it too early? He escaped under Zhao Xuanyang's hands Yes, how does Jun compare to Zhao Xuanyang?"

Zhou Xiong has the character of a good old man, not as strong as his old man at all.

Facing the domineering Yi Shengfeng as the son of the father-in-law and a high-ranking official in the Great Xia, he still whispered in a soft voice: "Hehehe, of course I can't compare with Zhao Xuanyang. Mr. Yi is right, we It's time to be cautious."

Yi Shengfeng stopped talking. It's just that the heavier the momentum, the more concentrated the intent, and the killing intent flows in the scabbard.

Touch Min looked down at the round mirror in his hand, as if he didn't hear anything.

The time has finally come to test your resolve.

Waiting makes time very long!

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