Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1587

The so-called "Flying Light writes heavenly questions with a pen, and the thirteen peaks of Splendid Huafu."

Yu Liyang, King of Min, wandered around the world when he was young, and wrote this poem, which pushed the thirteen famous mountains in Xia Kingdom to the point where "other mountains are not as good as them".

There is a Ming Konghan Mountain in Jin'an Mansion, which is also extremely high, strange and dangerous, but it has not been listed as the thirteen peaks.

Liu Xiyi, who was born in Jin'an Mansion, once told others——

"I don't hate that this peak is not high, I hate that Yu Liyang is not seen on this peak."

Yu Liyang responded during a banquet, saying, "Liu Gong Xiyi is here, how dare you talk about Mingkong."

People ask why they dare not.

Yu Liyang replied: "I'm afraid there is a typo, and I will be beaten by Liu Gong!"

It became a good story for a while.

Of course, later Yu Liyang became a true king, and in public, even Liu Xiyi could no longer call him by his first name.

As a strange mountain among the thirteen peaks, the danger of the mountain is so majestic and majestic, it has always been talked about by people.

For those who are involved, they can walk in the water.

It is said that Sheshan was once in the water, and you will know the danger when the water is poor, and you will see the peak when the tide recedes.

Of course, the first time the name Shishan appeared in history books, it was already Gaoshan. According to the Qing history, there is no such a big river in the southern region that can swallow the mountains.

So legends are just legends.

Tai Yin led the army to gallop here, erased all traces, and lurked early.

Three thousand people shot the moon disk with their palms and hid it in the north of the mountain.

This array has the same name as the Qi Army's Shooting Moon Crossbow, but it has nothing to do with it. The so-called shooting the moon, the long night without the moon means no light. It is the array that played an important role in the battle of Wuyang City before. Tai Yin only had the last two left in his hand, and he took them with the army.

Three thousand people hold the marsh pan and hide in the south of the mountain.

This formation plate is a replica of the five obsessive and evil marsh formations. Once activated, the mud turns into a swamp, and foul air surges, invading flesh and blood, and confusing the senses.

Another 3,000 people held fire pans on the ground and hid them in the depressions of the mountains.

This array is a replica of the Earth Fire Incinerator Array. When it is activated, it can arouse the Earth Fire, turning the ground into a furnace, and burning and killing the enemies in the array.

The advantage of the array lies in its convenience. When it comes to power, it certainly cannot be compared with the complete array arranged according to local conditions.

The more powerful the formation, the more difficult it is to reproduce it into a formation disk.

More resources are consumed, and often only eleven of the original array's power can be exerted.

But it is the word "convenience" that makes it burst into brilliance in the post-formation era, continuing the vitality of the formation.

As an aristocratic array family, the Tai family has accumulated thousands of years, and it can be said that more than half of them are stored on various array disks. But in this Qixia War, the treasury has been exhausted, and all the things at the bottom of the box have been taken out. Even if the Qi army is defeated in the end, it will not be decades before, and it is impossible to restore the old view.

The array boards Tai Yin chose were not too delicate, but very tough and not easy to be scattered by soldiers.

In order to delay more time in the battle.

Because of the lack of time and for the sake of concealment, they couldn't set up formations calmly, but replaced them with formation boards. Such power must not be as good as setting up formations according to the location.

Therefore, the main force of this battle is still the formation formed by the army.

The last 1,000 members of the 10,000-strong army are soldiers from the Tai clan, and the head of the clan, Tai Xu, specially dispatched them to assist him, so he followed Tai Yin and hid in Sheshan.

Although the strategic goal of this trip had already been set, it was just delaying Xie Baoshu's troops.

But in Tai Yin's heart, of course, he also has the expectation of defeating the Qi army—if Xie Baoshu is willing to give him a chance.

His various arrangements have also used the power at hand to the limit.

Man proposes, God disposes!

Xie Baoshu is quite famous in Linzi. He is a noble son with a good talent in cultivation, who is used to dancing and flirting with the moon, and has some literary talents. In terms of military strategy, he can only be said to be mediocre. Don't talk about Xie Huai'an's nephew, who received the best education... Xie Huai'an's own military strategy is also quite ordinary!

Silently sketching the relevant information about Xie Baoshu in his heart, Tai Yin's breathing gradually calmed down, gradually became erratic, and finally disappeared. As for the traces of this world, he felt more and more carefully, and gradually got along with it——

The more than a thousand soldiers of the Tai clan, including him, became less and less aura.


Many times in life, even if you have given everything you can. For the unpredictable future, we can only wait!

The time is five hours and a quarter later.

It was very late at night.

The distant trembling sound from the earth was quietly collected by the formation during the process of dispersion...perceived by Tai Yin.

The number of people is between 30,000 and 40,000, which is in line with the intelligence detected by touch and compassion.

Tai Yin's body slowly came to life, and the blood began to flow again.

Although he said in front of them that Xie Baoshu was nothing to worry about. But this person is also a genius who is famous in Qi country for a while, he will not really underestimate him, otherwise he will not set the goal of the first battle as a delay.

Xie Baoshu's supernatural power of mirror can rebound the influence exerted on him, just restraining his supernatural power of embarrassment.

Xie Baoshu's crazy singing supernatural power can make him release powerful range of Taoism at a speed like a storm, which is very suitable for the battlefield environment.

There is also an uncle who is a real person in the world, and it is unknown what life-saving means he left for him.

Such a person is not so easy to deal with.

Be cautious and do your best.

The sound-collecting array has stopped and disappeared invisible. This is to avoid being noticed by Xie Baoshufang.

The terrain near Sheshan Mountain was extremely clear in Tai Yin's mind, and he could even outline the marching process of Xie Baoshu's men and horses.

Silently counting the time in my heart.

near, near...

The missing moment in my mind trickled down.

He crushed the token in his hand and sent the message to all ministries.

Simultaneously mobilize one's own blood energy, mixed with the army formation, more than a thousand soldiers from the Tai clan's family unite together, and the soldiers soared into the sky. This lonely brigade of the great summer, unfurled the flag on the top of Sheshan Mountain!

The Shanhe Wanli Banner, which represents the Great Xia Empire, stands on the famous mountain of Great Xia!

Before the national flag fluttered, Tai Yin saw the winding army at the foot of the mountain—hanging lights followed the army, illuminating the road ahead, and the team dragged into a long dragon.

When he showed his trace, the battle flags in the whole army were waving rapidly. Under the command of the general, the transition from marching formation to battle formation is being carried out very rapidly.

"Qi thief Xie Baoshu!" Tai Yin flew up, his anger rolling thunder: "Not punished yet!"

The thousand soldiers of the Tai family who formed an array behind them shouted in unison: "Execute!"

This sound reverberated in the heaven and earth, shook all directions, and sounded the horn of battle.

In the north of Sheshan Mountain, the three thousand soldiers of the Xia Army shouted together: "Be punished!"

Then at the next moment, the night spread like the wings of the sky. The light produced by the hanging lamp has been completely eroded. The bright moon on the other side of the day was hidden in the layer of clouds, and there was no more brilliance in the end.

The moon shooting array has been launched!

Xie Baoshu showed a good ability to command the troops. When he encountered a surprise attack, he did not mess up the formation. Instead, he adjusted the formation very quickly and gathered the soldiers. While the blood was surging, the soldiers were so angry that they were breaking through the influence of the moon shooting formation.

At the same time, in Sheshan and Shannan, the generals and soldiers of the Xia army also yelled together: "Put it down!"

At the foot of Sheshan Mountain, nearly ten miles away, the hard soil turned into mud, causing the soldiers of the Qi army to fall back and forth suddenly, and the formation tended to be scattered! There is even more foul air gushing out from the ground, exuding a depressing stench, permeating the dark night where you can't see your fingers!

Immediately afterwards, at the col of the mountains, the anger of Xia Jun's soldiers also sounded: "Put it down!"

As a result, from the ground where the filthy gas gushed out, smoke gas quickly emerged, followed by scorching gas, and the world suddenly heated up! Earth fire squeezed out of the mud.

The world here is like a cauldron like a furnace for an instant, and the Qi army is all cooking in the cauldron!

The fire poison broke out and the fire spread!

The ground fire burns up!

Tai Yin almost cried out in admiration.

Under the strong pressure of the Qi army, these brothers under his command performed perfectly!

The application of the array plate this time is not simply to let the leading general infuse Dao Yuan and activate the array plate, but under his redesign, each Xia army uses the power of the army array to activate the array plate, and uses the army array to form a formation. , so as to restore the power of the formation itself to the greatest extent!

This is not something that can be done easily. The modification of the match sheet is already very difficult, but he has completed it.

However, using the power of the formation to activate the formation and make the formation of the formation match requires fine control and cooperation.

He didn't have so many excellent generals under his command, and frankly speaking, the soldiers of the government were not elite enough-so he had already ordered in advance that if he couldn't do it, he could give up the combination of troops and activate the formation board directly.

But the officers and soldiers of the Xia Army who were ambushing in three positions did it all!

How could this not cheer him up!

The shooting moon array, the five obsessed marsh array, and the earth fire incinerator array, the three major magic arrays erupted at the same time. Under Tai Yin's remote control, they never interfered, but overlapped with each other. Xie Baoshu's troops consisted of more than 30,000 troops.

This is definitely a perfect ambush!

Then he saw—

The soldiers at the foot of the mountain were like dragons, and although the 30,000 Qi troops were not disturbed, they stabilized the formation, formed smaller formations to defend themselves, and launched a counterattack!

Those formations came and went, responding to the power of the formation in an orderly and efficient manner.

The muddy swamp was flattened by hard soil. The rampant ground fire was crushed by the soldiers. The pervasive fire poison and turbid air were all pushed away by the majestic soldiers like the sea! The darkness has been pierced, and the bright moon has reappeared in the world!

This kind of military use has the feeling of flowing clouds and flowing water...

This is definitely not how Xie Baoshu should behave!

Or, Xie Baoshu is actually a master of military art, but he has always hidden his front in the dark, so he can calmly deal with this level of ambush. Or, he had already prepared for this ambush!

No matter what kind of possibility it is, it makes Tai Yin feel uneasy.

He would rather believe it was the former, because if it was the latter, how could the other party's preparations stop there?

There seemed to be such a voice in my heart scolding——

calm! calm!

Tai Yin, you are now in control of the lives and deaths of 10,000 people, and you are in control of the situation in the entire Huiming Mansion!

Don't be angry, don't hate, erase the fear you shouldn't have, show your strong posture, and face it!

The most respected person since childhood, the voice of my uncle...

"Shannan Song Xuewu Department, form a string knife array, and quickly cut the enemy's front army!"

Tai Yin tried to control the collapsed magic circle, so that it could still play some role before it completely collapsed. While commanding calmly: "Shanbei Liu Yuen Department, with a steel back, I want you to fill the mountain road to death!"

"Shankou Wu Yuming, I order you to bombard the main mountain and quickly create a landslide!"

On the top of the mountain, the national flag of Daxia waved rapidly, conveying Taiyin's order.

Although this Xia army has only ten thousand people, although it is only from the army, and its conditions are not as strong as Shenwu and Zhen Guo's, it faithfully carried out Tai Yin's order and quickly completed the formation change.

They did the best performance they could!

But at the next moment, the Qi army at the foot of the mountain actually gathered together, and all the troops were connected together, mixed with all the soldiers, leaping up in an instant, like a dragon traveling up the mountain!

Does Xie Baoshu have the ability to control a 30,000-level army formation and perfectly exert the power of all soldiers?

The answer is obviously no!

If he really had such military skills, he would not have been overwhelmed by Chong Xuansheng and Bob Zhao on the Eastern Front.

Nothing can be done!

Tai Yin hurriedly issued another order: "Song Xuewu and Wu Yuming retreat immediately! Withdraw troops towards Wuyang City!"

He has already decided to switch to the second option—that is, to retreat to Wuyang City first, and then abandon Wuyang City, using this process to complete the purpose of delaying the opponent's soldiers.

As for Liu Yuenbu, who he didn't give orders...

He could only stay to block the Qi army, and was cut off for the retreating Xia army.

It's for tail docking to survive.

He also turned around and pulled out the flag, and with the thousands of Taishi's soldiers, surrounded by soldiers, he rose into the air, as if he was about to pounce on the mountain, but in fact, he secretly used the power of soldiers to quickly outline a simple formation, and used it to block The enemy's preparations will buy more time for the army to withdraw from Shishan.

Xia Guo's national flag fluttered, these thousand people were extremely brave, following Tai Yin's attack, it was as if the arrow had left the string.

But the worst thing still happened!

At the foot of the mountain, out of the cloud of evil soldiers transformed by the Qi army, a figure with awe-inspiring aura suddenly jumped out.

He looks about forty years old and is dressed in scholarly clothes. The appearance and appearance are quite literati, but when he leaps out of the army, he is proud of the high sky, and his momentum is as surging as mountains and seas.

This is a divine existence.

A strong man who has crossed the gap between heaven and man.

Looking straight at the top of the mountain, the eyes are clearly gentle, but they seem to have pierced through Tai Yin, making him shaken!

It's Ouyang Yong!

Ouyang Yong, Minister of the Kingdom of Rong!

He actually hid in Xie Baoshu's army formation!

No wonder the Qi army remained calm when it was supposed to be chaotic. No wonder the army of more than 30,000 people can be mobilized freely!

Ouyang Yong is the Jade Pillar of the Kingdom of Rong, an existence that allows both literature and martial arts. It is no problem at all to control the formation of 30,000 troops freely.

Tai Yin understood everything in an instant.

For example, he mobilized all the power he could mobilize in Huiming Mansion, just to ensure that he could kill Chongxuan Sheng and Jiang Wang.

After Bob Zhao's defeat, the two Qi armies who came to attack Wuyang City quickly... also mobilized all the forces that the opponent could use in Huiming Mansion in the shortest time!

Xuan Pinghou's endless battles in Tianfeng Ranch, of course he was blinded by Qi's army, but why didn't he become Qi's blinded to them?

After the news of the Battle of Wuyang spread, the Chongxuansheng Department and Xie Baoshu Department immediately dispatched troops to come.

The other party realized the importance of Wuyang City, and at the same time realized that Xia Jun's strength might be far above intelligence, and realized that Xia Jun must have follow-up actions!

Under such circumstances, it was obviously too late to deploy troops, and it was impossible to hide from Xia Jun's intelligence detection, so they chose to deploy the strong!

At the risk of repeating itself in the cities in the northern part of Huiming Mansion, he moved southward with the powerhouse of Tiaoshenlin. Secretly sent Ouyang Yong to hide in the army, and Xia Jun who set up an ambush was ambushed instead, and Tai Yin fell into a predicament in an instant! It's a good move to push the boat along!

A name appeared in Taiyin's heart - Chongxuansheng.

If he had guessed correctly, another powerful Qi army god in Huiming mansion, Yan Po, a famous general of Yi country, should be in Chongxuansheng's army.

So is the situation unresolved? In the situation where the ambush has been seen through, or even used by the opponent?


still have a chance!

Tai Yin's thoughts changed sharply.

It's impossible for Chong Xuansheng to be right about everything. He can figure out that Xia Jun will set up an ambush, but it is impossible to know what kind of strength Xia Jun will use to set up an ambush!

On the Shishan battlefield, his side is already at an absolute disadvantage.

But in Minxi Corridor, because of our own prudence, Zhou Xiong, Yi Shengfeng, and Tzumi are there, because of our prudence, Xia Jun still has the advantage with 50,000 Xia Army against 30,000 Qi Army!

In other words, even in the worst situation, Yan Po did hide in Chongxuansheng's army, and there was still a great chance of winning in the Minxi Corridor battle.

If the other party can succeed, this ambush will not be considered a failure!

And the premise is——

We can't let the army in front of us go to Minxi Corridor for support!

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