Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1588 Born a prince, died Xiufeng

As soon as Ouyang Yong appeared, Tai Yin knew that all his strategic goals in Sheshan could all be declared a failure!

It is of course impossible to defeat Xie Baoshu.

He is confident in controlling the army, and under the pursuit of Xie Baoshu, he will fight and retreat, and complete the war goal of preserving the army and retreating to Wuyang City. When it comes to the confrontation between armies, of course he can teach Xie Baoshu to be a man.

But on the opposite side, Ouyang Yong, who is in the presence of God...

Not to mention retreating to Wuyang City, even if he flees with his troops desperately and abandons all the arrangements in Huiming Mansion, he may not be able to take away many people!

Of course, the military formation has the power to cross the realm of practice, but when the power of the military formation is already at a disadvantage, a free-moving powerhouse can easily tear the front line apart.

The situation at this moment is so bad that it can't be worse!

Of course, no matter how the battle situation evolves, unless there is a real person in the world here, there is no problem for him to save his own life with the Qingming Nianshupan in his body.

But the problem is...

When he left, it was tantamount to giving up the layout of Huiming Mansion.

The army in front of us must have time to support the Minxi Corridor.

They made a big bet in Huiming Mansion, Chongxuansheng and Jiangwang who wanted to kill, might escape because of this!

Tai Yin has a deep understanding of Jiang Wang's tenacity. It was impossible for him to forget the scene where Jiang Wang rushed towards him with a savage halberd piercing through his body on the volcanic island in the mountains and seas.

Such a person can fight for a chance even if he has no chance, let alone let go of such a powerful reinforcement?

It was precisely because of his understanding of Jiang Wang that he tried his best to persuade the senior management to call Zhou Xiong to come when Yi Shengfeng had already made a move.

Why even need the army to support in the past?

For a strong man like Ouyang Yong, it won't take long to rush to Minxi Corridor with all his strength. And when the other party was caught off guard, the damage that a strong man in the presence of God could cause was completely conceivable!

Changing the situation of the battle is not a problem at all.

The formation wave that has collapsed in front of him, the majestic figure in front of him, the majestic soldiers sweeping up like a dragon and encircling the mountain in front of him, Liu Liu who formed a steel back formation and filled the mountain road to death in front of him, was being swallowed up quickly. Yu Enbu, as well as all those faces surrounded by panic!


They are all reminding Tae Yin——

time to go!

But there was such a voice in his heart telling him——

can't go.

This time, all Xia Jun's painstaking efforts in Huiming Mansion were in vain!

With this move, the weak advantage established in the Battle of Wuyang collapsed in an instant.

With this departure, the Huiming Mansion will be completely gone, and all the three mansions on the eastern front will be lost!

Tai Yin understands very well.

Xia Guo is now like a giant who has been seriously injured. Every time he fights back, he is exacerbating his own injuries. If you can't get the corresponding results, you will accelerate your death.

He must not let go of the army in front of him!

In the cruel night, Sheshan is like a silent beast. Many lives have been swallowed up, and many more will be swallowed up.

The Qi army, holding high the Jingwei flag and imposing like a rainbow, is undoubtedly the dominant side on this famous mountain in Great Xia.

Ouyang Yong stood out from the formation, Xie Baoshu couldn't independently control the formation of more than 30,000 soldiers, he could only roughly grasp the direction, and the dragon of Bingsha was rushing up completely according to the existing inertia-but this was enough.

Xia Jun was powerless to stop it.

Can't even get away!

There are thousands of thoughts in the heart, and it is only a moment to make a decision.

Tai Yin holds the Mountains and Rivers Ten Thousand Miles Flag in his hand, and his long hair flutters in the air. The figure that was already in the air suddenly fell down, and with one hand, he planted the Great Xia flag on the top of the mountain!

The new wind is howling, and the flags are flying.

He won't go!

Standing on the top of this mountain, he glared at the Qi army that was coming like a tide, and at Ouyang Yong, who was so clear.

"I promise!"

His handsome face was filled with a hot emotion at this moment.

It's hard to describe what that is.

But his voice was so clear in the long night, and every word was poured with resolute force.

He roared full of emotion: "My brothers and sisters, comrade-in-arms Paoze! I, Taiyin, in the name of Taishi's family, promise you!

I promise that your death will reflect the value it deserves!

I promise that your sacrifice will not be meaningless!

I promise that today's battle will be remembered in the history of Great Xia! "

His blood was surging, and his Dao Yuan was rushing wildly.

How he roared—

"Repay the hatred of the country and the family here, lend me your strength..."

Amidst such roars, a blood-red octagonal disk, solidified from void, hung in front of his heart.

A drop of heart blood flew out of the heart, and landed on the strangely shaped octagonal disk. In an instant, the red light burst into full bloom, like blood amber.

The array reproduced in this disk is called [Wanhe Boiling Blood]!

In the Great Chu Empire, there is a imperial forbidden technique called Boiling Blood and Burning Soul.

Tai Yin got inspiration from this technique and built the skeleton of this formation. With the help of my uncle Taihua, I was able to complete it. Because it is too violent and dangerous, it has never been really used.

What burns in this array is blood energy, and what burns is also soldier spirit.

At this moment, in the middle of the Sheshan mountain road, there is a group of soldiers who are shaped like huge hedgehogs gathered together. That was the steel back formation formed by Liu Yu'en's troops, which had been swallowed by Qi's soldiers.

The few remnants of the army were struggling for the last time in the thick cloud of Qi army's soldiers-it quickly subsided.

From the beginning to the end, Liu Yu'en did not show any hesitation to Tai Yin's order, asking him to fill the mountain path to death, he did not hesitate to fill it with himself. Without letting him go, he did not move a step.

How is it possible that everyone is not afraid of death? But when the steel back formation was formed, it had already rejected the separation of soldiers.

All three thousand soldiers of the Xia army were tied together and fell silent in the Qi army's tide.

And Song Xuewu, who led his troops to form a string knife array, was instantly ablaze with blood.

The Wanhe Boiling Blood Formation has very low requirements for soldiers, because they only need soldiers to provide blood power, and no other efforts are required.

Qi and blood were burning like firewood, and the Bingsha controlled by Song Xuewu, his blood, his Dao Yuan, and all his power gathered towards Tai Yin on the top of the mountain.

The red flying blood was like bloody ribbons, instantly connected to the top of the mountain, pouring into the bloody array in front of Tai Yin.

From a distance, it looks like the Wanli Mountains and Rivers Banner representing the Great Xia Empire has been soaked in blood, so thousands of bloody lights are floating in the majestic Sheshan!

Because of the pain, Song Xuewu's face was already distorted, and he couldn't see his true face at all. But he shouted loudly: "General! Will my name, Song Xuewu, be left in the history books?!"

The entire string knife array was on fire.

There was a mixed roar in the army formation.

"I am Li Ah Niu!"

"I, Wei Guozhong!"

"I'm Dulong!"


Three thousand voices one after another, one thousand voices, one voice, obviously so noisy, yet so orderly. With the burning of the entire string knife array, they exploded together!

Together again, annihilated.

Wu Yuming, who led the army in the mountains, was first ordered to lead his troops to blast the mountains, and then he was ordered to retreat. According to the flag order, his troops had to wait until the second batch. While retreating, they had to be prepared to block the enemy.

Talents are as mediocre as him, and it is only through hard work that he can meet Tai Yin's requirements.

But at this time, Tai Yin changed his order to fight to the death in Sheshan!

Instead he breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, don't worry... I can't do what General Taiyin asked me to do!

It's just going to die, how can there be a word "difficult"?

"General, Lao Wu will take a step first, and I will be under your command in the next life... to fight a happy battle!"

The battle in Wuyang City was really fun...

Amidst the roar, Wu Yuming also ignited Bingsha, boiling his blood. This soldier is like a pan of oil, ignited by a little spark, and his blood will burn into a prairie fire in an instant.

Of course, the changes that took place on the top of the mountain cannot escape the eyes of Qi people.

The movement caused by the Wanhe boiling blood array is even more heroic!

Boundless blood energy surged out roaringly, intercepting Ouyang Yong who was rushing forward.

He was a little surprised, but only surprised.

Although these forces are vast, they are heterogeneous and impure... they can only slow down his speed a little, and it is impossible to change anything at all. Even if he is willing to consume more power, this lag does not exist.

But after all, he is the Prime Minister of Rong Country, and he came here only after being recruited - after the fall of Yang Country, Rong Country is even less free than before. In the Battle of Xingyueyuan, the young Tianjiao Lin Xian was recruited. In the Battle of Xia Xia, not only the country's prime minister had to fight, but also an army.

Of course, Qi State has always given generous treatment to the countries participating in the war. Following Qi State's conquest is also an important channel for many small countries in the Eastern Region to accumulate national resources.

It's just that as far as Ouyang Yong is concerned at this moment, he is in the ranks of the Qi army, but he is not from Qi. When fighting for merit, it is necessary to fight for it. At this time, the military merit has already been obtained, but there is no need to fight for one's life.

Less waste is to earn more resources for Rongguo.

"Stubborn! I'll kill the younger generation!" He shouted like this, with his sleeves fluttering as he climbed mountains.

Although the aura is magnificent and the momentum is unmatched, it is fighting and walking.

As the commander-in-chief of this Qi army, Xie Baoshu finally showed his face at this moment. He flew above the army formation, dancing wildly with his long hair.

"Taiyin, don't kill a hero in a false name! Stop now, and you can save the lives of the soldiers. I can make the decision to protect you from death! To protect your Tai family's wealth!"

Confucianism is the orthodox Confucian Taoism, which is known as asking with the heart, alerting the lost, and it is the method of killing the mind with the sound. Xie Baoshu urged him with mad singing supernatural power, the power should not be underestimated.

But under Wanli Mountain and River, Tai Yin didn't say a word.

He didn't even give Xie Baoshu a look.

There were ten thousand three hundred and seventy-two soldiers of the Xia army who he brought to Sheshan.

These people, all tied their lives, believed in his decision and fought with him.

The voices of the robes that he should be responsible for, the voices in the blood-boiling array of Wanhe...he heard them all.

Before the tears could well up, he had already forced them back.

Because right now he needs clearer eyes!

He looked at this world again with unprecedented seriousness.

All people and things have become very slow...

The powerful Qi army, the heroic Xia army, the mountain breeze and bright moon, the long night earth and rocks.

He still looked at Ouyang Yong who was striding up the mountain, and he could still feel the strength of the other party, but his spirit was no longer shaken!

The Wanhe Boiling Blood Formation transmits a steady stream of power, and every power represents a dead warrior.

These forces sustain him, allow him to stand firm, and make him qualified to face the enemy.

He can see everything!

Everything in the world has traces.

As big as mountains and rivers, as small as mosquitoes and flies in vegetation.

Like the wind passing by, like water flowing through.

The veins of the leaves, the trajectory of the butterfly dance... and even the various emotions that you love, hate, look forward to, and get tired of.

People have left traces, and events have traces.

Tai Yin was able to see all this when he was very young.

And he's always had a sense of being dismissed as ridiculous -- he can change that.

The Tai Clan inherits the ancient way of formation.

It is walking in accordance with the sky, using the human body to embody the heavenly heart, and acting the heavenly way with the human way. Every stroke is the principle of heaven and earth. Every talisman and every note are full of traces of the sun and the moon.

It can be said that what countless masters have implemented since ancient times is the respect for everything that is born and raised, and the natural principle of the sun rising and the moon setting, spring blossoms and autumn fruits.

This is of course the right way.

Countless powerful formation masters throughout history have walked on this correct path.

The person he respects the most, his uncle Taihua, also became enlightened through this.

He was born in Taishi, grew up in Taishi, used in Taishi, and became in Taishi.

All the glory and all the fame come from Tai Shi.

Taishi gave him the best - including exercises, Taoism, cultivation resources, and even the Tao he holds.

How to train the body, what books to read, what pills to use to open the pulse, when to open the pulse, what small circle to set up, what big circle to set up, what exercises to practice, what Taoism to practice, what path to take...

From childhood to adulthood, every step he took was on the path known as "absolutely correct".

On this road, he has indeed enjoyed the brilliance.

But sometimes when he wakes up from a dream in the middle of the night, he looks back at the road, only seeing the brilliance along the way, but not that person.

How did that person get here in such a long time?

No, it wasn't that person who came over. It is a unity of will called "Taishi Future".

Lixing Building, in the Four Elephant Star Field.

They say that Qinglong should take the word "faith", Suzaku should take the word "virtue", Xuanwu should take the word "benevolence", and white tiger should take the word "kill". It should also be his code of conduct, the way he holds.

They say that such an established star building can develop the strongest inverse four-element Hunyuan energy.

they said……

Everything they said was so true and so beautiful.

But the more he walked forward, the more he felt constrained.

The further he went, the farther he felt from himself.

I don't know when it started, but the traces of everything in this world have gradually become blurred.

He knew he was slowly losing himself.

But there was nothing he could do.

Why is the family more important than mountains? Burdened on the shoulders, the spine collapsed.

How could he, Taiyin, dare to shake the foundation of the orthodoxy that was already struggling to survive?

But the defeat of Guanhe Terrace and the defeat of Mountain and Sea Realm has broken up those radiance time and time again.

But today, rivers and mountains have fallen, and the country is in danger.

He has no choice!

No choice is the best choice.

The words "no choice" opened up the world for a while, giving him a reason to take that step.

What family burdens, what perilous survival, what uncle's expectations...

He can't even think about it for a while!

He gazed at the world, at the mountains and rivers of this great empire, at Shiyama. With his endless power of blood and energy, he observed the "truth" of this world, one by one, one by one...

It seemed as if I heard the heavy voice of the Patriarch again——

"You don't die, the Tai clan doesn't die, and the Dao doesn't die."

He erased the trace of this voice.

"Heaven's movements are permanent, and the way of formation has its own destiny. It does not exist for Tai Yin, nor does it destroy Tai Yin!"

He declares so!

"The so-called Dao of Formation! The Dao of Humanity plays the Dao of Heaven, yes!"

"Humanity can change the way of heaven, yes!"


The world is like thunder!

Surrounding him, and dedicating all their vigor and power to him, the thousands of soldiers of the Tai family all showed panic!

This goes against their deep-seated cognition.

This is a statement of great treason.

Taiyin betrayed the Dao and the Tai family.

He is...shaking the foundation of Taishi's existence!

Some are angry, others are struggling.

But at the moment Tai Yin is so calm.

"Everything has traces, wait for me to see! Everything has traces, wait for future action!"

As soon as these words fell, countless fine lines suddenly appeared in Tai Yin's eyes, as intricate as a spider's web!

In his vision, the world has changed. Everything he saw at this moment was composed of various lines. Including the mountain at the foot, including Ouyang Yong who was already close!

He has grasped the truth of his life, he has seen his way.

The name of this path is [Hern]!

It is the way of the mark, the mark of the way.

At this moment, Tai Yin burst into tears, because grasping this path is very promising. He saw a future that was different for him.

He had doubted himself, he had doubted himself more than once.

After the meeting of the Yellow River, after the trip to the mountains and seas.

When he gritted his teeth, pretended not to know Xiang Bei's plight, and took away the elixir that made up for his soul.

When your own way conflicts with your family's way!

He suspects that he is not a truly talented person, and he suspects that he has been wasting resources for so many years. He suspects that he is not a proud man at all!

But now he knows.

The child who once uttered the so-called disobedient words and was punished to kneel for three days, he was right!

There is not only one right in the world.

The opposite of right is sometimes another right.

In different people, there are different manifestations. On different scales, there are different measurements.

Courage is needed to overcome difficulties and dangers, and courage is needed to overcome love and responsibility sometimes!

He was lost, and now he is found.

boom! boom!

There was an angry sound like thunder in Tai Yin's body.

Jin Hui flowed across his body surface, and his blood flowed like a river.

As soon as he grasped the way, he recklessly began to advance to God's Landing!

"court death!"

Faced with this situation, Ouyang Yong naturally couldn't delay any longer.

If Taiyin left due to his negligence, a large sum of credits after the war would inevitably be erased. Every resource is precious to Rongguo!

He opened himself all of a sudden, and his spiritual consciousness spread out in an instant, surging on this steep mountain. As gentle as he is, once the wear and tear is not considered, the divine power will shake the world. Both hands are covered with endless ups and downs of characters, just torn to both sides, the boundless sea of ​​blood energy has been torn apart in two!

The man is approaching, and he is facing Taiyin!

On the top of this mountain, Ouyang Yong of God's Landing met Tai Yin who was attacking God's Landing.

Xie Baoshu also rolled up the soldiers, and rushed up as fast as he could, trying to destroy Tai Yin before he came to God.

All the forces in this world seemed to go berserk at this moment.

It was a frenzied, wild sound that had no scruples.

In this situation, Tai Yin just said in a loud voice: "In the thirty-third year of Shenwu, on the third day of the first month, Tai Yin defeated Qi's army in Sheshan!"

The sound moves all over the world.

His unfinished golden chalcedony began to disintegrate in an instant!

Those soldiers of the Xia Army who died in the Wanhe Boiling Blood Formation had their blood and energy at home for a while.

The majestic and heterogeneous power quickly completed the integration in a mysterious way that Xie Baoshu could not understand for the time being. It seems that a god or man wields a paintbrush, wantonly sketching between the heaven and the earth.

Above the sky, in the boundless night, an ancient portal suddenly appeared!

Once out of this gate, the stars and the moon will be silent, the clouds will be fixed, and the sky will be locked!

It's for the Absolute Heaven Sect!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

There were six rings in succession.

The ancient portals seem to be launched from time. It has crossed the boundaries of history and blocked the freedom of space.

There is one gate in the sky, one gate in the ground, and one gate in the southeast and northwest.

The aura of antiquity converges, as if bringing people back to the dark ancient times.

In those desperate years, these six gates—

It is the gate of the absolute sky, the gate of the absolute earth, the gate of the absolute man, the gate of the absolute will, the gate of the absolute power, and the gate of the absolute heart!

Including the more than 30,000 Qi army, including the entire Sheshan, and of course Xie Baoshu and Ouyang Yong.

Everything is trapped and locked by these six ancient portals.

Boundless murderous intent is rising, and indescribable terrifying power is gushing out!

Mastering the way means that after the arrival of the gods, there will be a real opportunity. But it doesn't mean that if you master the way, you will definitely be able to achieve God's presence.

Still need to accumulate, need to understand, need more accumulation. After all, it has always been a one-in-a-kind adventure to cross the life span and complete the transition of the essence of life.

Tai Yin rushed to attack the gap between heaven and man rashly, and he was not sure that he could succeed.

But he didn't do this for success!

All he wants is the moment of shocking God's presence, the sympathy between the human body and the world, and the reaction of the rules of the world to the extraordinary monks!

What he wants is this scar of heaven and earth!

Then disintegrate itself, to approach the body of God, and use the enlightened path to move the scars of the world, and use the power provided by the Wanhe Boiling Blood Formation to form a killing formation!

He can't achieve God's presence, but at the moment when the heavens and the earth are in harmony, he can exert a power far beyond the level of God's presence with his small and broad!

Because this is the shaking of the mark of heaven and earth!

Is it possible for God to come?

Witnessing that Taiyin suddenly grasped the way, suddenly attacked the gods, and suddenly disintegrated himself.

Feel the madness and determination.

Feel the power of the terrifying array that traps Liuhe.

Even in the army, Xie Baoshu couldn't help feeling chills down his spine, and while quickly returning to the army, he shouted in surprise: "Taiyin! Are you crazy!? Grasp the way, and you have seen thousands of years, are you going to pay for it tonight?! Worth it not worth it!?"

Tai Yin gave him a contemptuous look for the last time, and said——

"I, Taiyin, was born a prince, died Xiufeng, and revolutionized the way. I did my best to do state affairs, and I have no shame in my admiration. I can rest in peace of mind. I did not come to this world in vain!"


The whole person was resolutely shattered, turned into extremely complicated lines, and spread out between the heaven and the earth.

Between heaven and earth, there is still one last trace left.

He disintegrated himself and filled him with his body!

Ouyang Yong's hair stood on end at this moment, and he felt fear!

He can't die!

The country is small and the army is weak, and the strong are poor. If you lose your mind, the country will be in trouble!

He can't die!

Lin Xian is far from growing up, and still needs someone to guide him in the maze and escort him.

He can't die!

Everyone who sets foot on the battlefield has a reason why he cannot die.

Ouyang Yong turned around quickly, wanting to take over the army formation and resist with the force of the army formation.

But it was too late.

Those lines, those "traces" formed by Tai Yin's disintegration, instantly outlined an ancient portal made of peach wood on the top of Sheshan.

The door is locked.

Only in Daoist text, a word "Dao" is engraved.

It is because, the fundamental door of the absolute path!

The seven gates gather, the killing formation is formed, and the world is overthrown!

Everything is swept away!

One of them was added by Dameng Yan Shaofei (55/78.)

Thanks to the book friend "Friends of Wegener" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 289th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

This reader wrote a book about Chixin Tianxun, saying no thanks, just push the chapters, hereby recommend "Chixinxuetian: Song of Qin"!

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