Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1590 Moonlight shines like water on Minxi

The forty-two-year-old emperor of a country wept miserably.

It is because of its respect and dignity that the more you see it, the more it mourns.

He really has nothing to rely on, nothing to rely on, and has always been respectful and obedient to himself, the emperor's uncle who goes back nine generations.

He is indeed lacking in talent and wisdom, but in the past thirty-two years, he has done his duty, and he has not done anything out of the ordinary, nor has he lost the dignity of the Great Xia royal family.

Oh, New Year's Eve just passed, and it has been thirty-three years.

Thinking back thirty-three years ago, when the Empress Dowager took the child by the hand and walked towards the dragon chair, it was he Si Jiao who was the first to bow down and shouted: "I am the Son of Heaven, the Great Xia Zhengshuo!"

Thirty-three years is a snap of the fingers, and a child has grown into a middle-aged man.

Once again, the Qi army approached the city. The forty-two-year-old Emperor Xia was as terrified as the nine-year-old Emperor Xia.

Even if it is someone who has gone through vicissitudes like him, how can he remain indifferent?

"The first emperor created too brilliant a foundation and left behind too powerful an opponent. All of this was not your fault..." Si Jiao looked at him with an almost cruel calmness: "But you sat on the Dragon Throne , became the Great Xia Emperor. This has become your fault."

"Emperor Daxia?" Xia Zi said in a miserable voice: "I, the emperor of the Xia Kingdom, what's the point of doing this? When I get angry, I can still splatter ten steps of blood. He Yu Liyang didn't know the melon fields and plums, so that I, the majestic king of a country, suffered from this." Humiliation! You tell me that I can only stick my ass up?"

"What time is it?" Si Jiao frowned, "How important do you think your face is?"

"Then what about my father's face?" Xia Zi's eyes showed from the radiance, which was decades of depression: "What a hero my father is! During his lifetime, he looked at the world and acted in all directions. After death The mausoleum is disturbed, the reputation is humiliated, and the widowed wife... talk for the world!"

His voice became more and more excited: "This is the era of great martial arts in Daxia Zhongxing. Is this the battle you fought on the front line?!"

Si Jiao took a steady look at the Great Xia Emperor.

He found that he had never seen it clearly, this big Xia who was 42 years old this year.

At this time, he was not angry anymore.

Because he wanted to understand a lot of things.

"Si Cheng, Si Cheng." His tone was filled with disappointment: "It's actually this king who underestimated you! You have the spirit, you should have called you to court long ago."

Xia Zi took a step back and said evasively, "I don't know what King Wu means by this."

"Didn't you ask, you, the emperor of Xia, what's the point of doing this? The point can live now."

At this moment, Xia Zi's hairs stood on end!

But Si Jiao just looked at him and didn't do anything.

"Xi Meng's mansion is loyal to the country, to the king, and to my Si family. Only Guochao owes him, and he never owes Guochao half a cent..." Si Jiao flicked his sleeves: "You can do it yourself!"

When the voice fell, the figure had already dispersed.

Only the emperor's bedroom was left in fragments, and Da Xiazi, whose expression became grim.

He combed his disheveled hair to the sides slowly, revealing his face that resembled the late emperor. With quiet and powerful steps, step by step towards his resplendent seat...

On that day, news came from the Xia Palace that an assassin from Qi had hidden into the palace, but failed to assassinate the emperor.

Thirteen eunuchs and seven court ladies died.

When the people of Guizhou heard about it, they all hated the people of Qi deeply.



From Xijiang Ferry southward to Kuqiao Ridge, there is a large plain in the middle.

This is the widest section of the Minxi Corridor, and theoretically the safest section—it is also the battlefield chosen by Toutian.

Of course, the only ones lurking underground at this time are Touch Min, Zhou Xiong, and Yi Shengfeng.

The advantages of high-end force must be utilized.

At the beginning of the battle, it was necessary for Zhou Xiong and Yi Shengfeng to lock in on the strongest Qi army in the first place and kill the generals. And Tuomin needs to be the coach of this formation, grasping the overall situation here and adapting to changing situations.

The mirror in Touchian's hands does not observe the enemy directly, that would be too dangerous and easy to expose.

What it observes is the force of heaven and earth.

Its function is to show the changes in the vitality of the world within a certain range. From the changes in the vitality, you can get information about the enemy's troops—where tens of thousands of troops march, even if they do nothing, it will inevitably have a huge impact on the vitality of the heavens and the earth. . They hid their troops far away, and it was Zhou Xiong himself who smoothed out the fluctuations in vitality.

No matter how sensitive a person is, it is impossible to detect other people's observation of the heaven and earth energy.

"It's coming." Zhou Xiong said suddenly.

Touch Min looked at the mirror in his hand, except for the normal fluctuation of vitality, and his scorched face... he didn't see anything.

"The army hasn't come yet. It's some kind of detection method, and it came first." Zhou Xiong explained: "I have blocked it, but in a state of war, restricted by the rules, no matter whether it is an artifact or a secret technique, extraordinary detection The method cannot be too far the person who used the detection method should have approached ten miles."

"Is it Chong Xuansheng, or Jiang Wang?" Surprisingly, Tuo Min found that he was not emotionally excited. Perhaps after the start of the war, it has been too long to wait for this day.

All the patience and preparation will usher in a staged result.

"When you come over, you'll know." Zhou Xiong's voice was soft, but naturally there was a sense of power.

As the son of Zhou Ying, he has lived under the scrutiny of countless gazes since he was a child, which has also cultivated his cautious and even soft personality.

But being able to stand out from the crowd of brothers and sisters, being able to achieve God's arrival early, and being able to guard Changluo for a long time... It's not like he really has no edge.

Yi Shengfeng said, "I have cut off Jiang Wang's perception of danger."

He has magical powers on a whim, but if there is danger, there must be a reaction. It was with this supernatural power that he was able to come and go freely with his sword alone under the unlimited killing order of the Huaiguo government covering the southern region.

He developed this supernatural power to the extreme, and was even able to suppress other people's perception of danger—every living being has an instinctive alertness to danger. The more profound the realm, the stronger the alertness. This instinctive alertness plays a crucial role in battle.

Often "the cicadas are aware of the autumn wind before it moves", and can respond before the danger is approaching.

But Yi Shengfeng was able to erase this vigilance, and with a single strike, the opponent didn't think it was dangerous. Often in battle, if you behead your opponent, the opponent doesn't know how he died.

When he said this, his sword eyebrows sank slightly, because the supernatural power seeds hanging on the dome of the Inner Palace once again surged to his heart, telling him of the danger——Since stepping into Qi Xia's battlefield, this kind of reminder of danger has never stopped Pass.

Even when he was sharpening his sword in Yu Yuan, the dangers were not as dense as here... After all, in the entire Qi Xia battlefield, there are only four true kings on the bright side. These four True Monarchs confront each other, and they are in danger of destructiveness at any time.

The two sides invested millions of troops, criss-crossed, fighting in the vast land of Xia Kingdom. The army, ordnance, formations... the dangers that could kill him are countless.

Responses on a whim are inevitable and frequent.

According to his customary code of conduct, he would flee away as soon as his heart moved. After practicing for so many years, from all the fierce places in the present world, to various small worlds outside the sky, and many dangerous secret places, relying on the whim and supernatural powers, I don't know how many dangers I have avoided.

But this time, he could only smoothen his brows and adjust his fighting stance once again.

This Qi Xia battlefield is probably the last chance to kill Jiang Wang...

It's really scary for his cultivation base to enter the realm. The meeting of the Yellow River is only the inner palace, but now the four realms of the outer building have been completed, and the way is at hand. If I miss this time, I'm afraid I will have to meet God.

If he misses this time, he can't achieve without regrets, can Jiang Wang have no regrets?

He didn't know, he couldn't gamble, and he didn't want to wait any longer.

When Jiang Wang has climbed to a higher position in the Qi State system and borrowed Qi State's rich resources to make rapid progress, how will he catch up? What's more, he couldn't say when he would be able to lead the army to Nandou - if he was in a different position, he would definitely do so.

His five fingers slowly loosened, and then closed one by one.

So all kinds of miscellaneous thoughts have been cut off, and from now on I only look at the sword.

Tuo Min didn't respond to Yi Shengfeng's words.

Jiang Wang has a certain ability to predict danger, and this information was obtained by Tai Yin in the mountains and seas.

Thinking of Tai Yin, for some reason, he suddenly felt something in his heart, and couldn't help but glance in the direction of Sheshan - he was underground, so of course he couldn't see anything.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Xiong asked with some concern.

The Zhou clan and the Touch clan have been friends for generations, and he and Touch Min's father are also somewhat close friends.

"It's nothing." Tuo Min shook his head, took out the command flag, and held it in his hand: "I think this is the most critical moment in my life."

He stroked the command flag, and added: "The last time I felt this way, it was on the viewing platform."

"You have achieved the best results you can get on the Guanhe Terrace. We are all very proud of you." Zhou Xiongkuan said: "Today will be no exception."

Touch Min didn't say anything more, but clenched his five fingers tightly again.

No exceptions, he thought.



The army is like a long dragon, crossing the Xijiang Ferry, winding all the way.

Although there are a little more flags, the military appearance is neat. Not to mention a hundred battles, he also has the temperament of stepping out of blood.

At this time, the 30,000 troops led by Chongxuansheng were complex in composition.

There are the Desheng Battalion, the Xinrong Battalion, the Zhenwu Battalion, and the Allied Forces of the Eastern Regions.

Among them, the Victory Battalion was filled with elite soldiers from various ministries, with a full staff of 3,000 people. The soldiers are not divided into Qi and Xia people, but only the quality of the soldiers themselves, and they are all in the army.

In the army under Chongxuansheng's command, it can be regarded as the core unit, and it is also a battalion that other battalion soldiers want to join. Approved by soldiers. Of course, it depends not only on large rewards, but also on his ability to build a system and his grasp of people's hearts.

The Xinrong Camp was still led by Xue Rushi, and Chongxuansheng gave him the right to surrender. Following Chong Xuansheng all the way to attack the city and pull out the stronghold, after each victory, he also expanded the 5,000-strong Xinrong Camp to 8,000.

The main body of the Zhenwu Battalion was the surrendered soldiers from Shou'an, who were the "hometown people" of General Chongxuansheng. Later, a group was removed and replaced, and some surrendered troops from other cities were added. Now there are also 8,000 soldiers.

These two battalions are fully capable of replenishing more soldiers, and only expanding the army by 8,000 is precisely the restraint of Chong Xuansheng.

What he wants is to use his arms and fingers, and to hit the back, he already has the power to choose calmly, and he can seek refinement but not excess.

In addition, there are 14,000 people from the coalition forces of the Eastern Region countries. About half of it was obtained by Chongxuansheng from collecting the disorganized armies on the battlefield. In order to attack Wuyang, he temporarily recruited some friendly troops.

Such an army of more than 30,000 people was assembled, and under the unified command of the fat man, they formed a marching formation that echoed back and forth.

The entire army is like a rainbow, not like a new army at all.

Successive victories have raised this army to "potential".

Yan Po, the general of Yi Guoshen Linjing who was urgently transferred, has hidden in the army at this moment, and even Jiang Wang doesn't know which department he is hiding in.

Jiang Wang himself rode a wind-riding monster horse, dressed as a "flagman", holding a red makeup mirror, and parading in the ranks of the former army.

The red makeup mirror could see the details in a radius of fifty miles, but on the battlefield, the range of action is only ten miles - beyond this range, it is regarded as a long-distance message.

This effect is really tasteless, the army forms a formation, explodes, and the soldiers can rush to them in an instant.

To put it bluntly, I have not yet flown to a high place, and I can see far with the pupil of Qianyang.

Of course, Jiang Wang didn't have the guts to fly so high in a battlefield environment... Isn't that clearly making people a living target? Any round of military array Taoism coverage, people are gone.

Even when he used the red makeup mirror to detect information, he did not leave the army alone. To avoid being besieged and killed violently, it will be too late to regret.

The red makeup mirror's insight into the details of the environment within ten miles, combined with the scouts who have already spread out more than ten miles away, is a complete early warning system - of course only Chong Xuanpang's smart brain can put the dignified Jiang Jue Grandpa made the best use of everything.

As soon as the news of the accident in Wuyang City came, Chong Xuansheng knew that Xia Jun must have a backup.

He could have avoided it and continued to play steadily.

But the influence of Bob Zhao's defeat must be erased as soon as possible. The flag of the Xia State in Wuyang City must be pulled out immediately... This is related to whether Huiming Mansion can be settled quickly, it is related to the grand strategy of the entire Eastern Front, and it is also related to his battle with Chongxuan Zun for military merit.

He must catch up with time!

So he went to Hushan and took the initiative to contact Xie Baoshu. The two sides each led a large army to serve as horns for each other. At the same time, they secretly asked Ouyang Yong and Yan Po to leave and join the army.

In this way, both armies have the strength to rampage Huiming Mansion, but if they are attacked, Xia's army will definitely hit the iron plate. If there is no trouble on the way to Wuyang City, then the two armies will meet at Cilai Road and forcefully push Wuyang City directly.

To use Yan Po's words to evaluate, it is "the coincidence of the right and the odd, and when the troops are launched, they are already invincible."

The scattered scouts did not report any abnormalities, and the place illuminated by the red makeup mirror was also calm.

The black and white supernatural power seeds hanging from the dome of the inner mansion are quiet.

This supernatural power seed that leads opponents astray, occasionally has a slight sense of its own "mistakes", but it does not take effect at all times. Jiang Wang never regards warnings of going wrong as the only reliance to deal with crises.

Not to mention that the warning of going astray is very accidental, even if it can warn of danger in advance under any circumstances, Jiang Wang will not give up his vigilance beyond the effect of magical powers.

The good swimmer drowned in water, and Zhuang Chengqian, who used the wrong way, died in the wrong way. He was very impressed.

So the red makeup mirror is also looking at it, the pupil of Qianyang is also looking at it, and the ear consciousness is also collecting information about sounds.

Stepping on the wind demon's horse's hooves lightly.

The moonlight streamed on Jiang Wang's tall and straight ridges.

This night in Minxi Corridor was actually quite gentle.

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