Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1591 Frost Yukimei

You can see the shadow of Kuqiao Ridge from a distance. Under the moonlight, it looks like a giant beast crawling quietly, as if it is waiting for something, and it seems to be devouring something.

After crossing Kuqiao Ridge, it is not far from Cilai Road.

The war in Huiming Mansion will probably be the last one.

Everything is normal.

Except... the muffled sound suddenly came from the distant land!

"The whole army is on alert!"

As soon as Jiang Wang sent out the alarm, he heard rumbling!

The series of vibrations covered the hearing in an instant.

The earth is shaking!

Relying on Jiang Wang's attainments in sound, the sound of warning still pierced through this bang and was clearly conveyed - but it was indeed unnecessary.

I saw high mountains suddenly rising from the vast land.

The momentum is like a sword pointing at the sky.

The mountains suddenly appeared, standing around the Qi army.

While supporting the sky and the ground, it also seems to shake people's hearts.

The most open section of Minxi Corridor, surrounded by nine high mountains, instantly turned into a basin!

The array at the bottom of Daxia Taishi's pressure box was used at this time.

It's for—Nine Sons Surrounding the Mountain Formation!

The landform changes in an instant, and the flat land becomes a basin in an instant, and the steep mountains completely block the way. It seems like a cage of heaven and earth, imprisoning these more than 30,000 Qi troops!

In the "cage", there are even mountains stuck in the air, sinking in all directions, making all the Qi troops within the range of the formation feel like a boulder!

Jiang Wang precisely controlled Dao Yuan, rippling outside his body like water, and resisted the power of the formation in a way that did not show any trace. In an instant, the fairy state of sound and hearing is opened, and the ears can hear what they hear, and the sound of thousands of voices comes to court!

"There are more than 50,000 enemy troops!" He quickly sent a voice to inform Chong Xuansheng: "20,000 people in the east, 10,000 in the west, 10,000 in the northwest, and 10,000 in the south. They have formed an army and are approaching!"

Chong Xuansheng reacted immediately, and the Qi army flowed like water while the flag was shaking. Even in this huge change of heaven and earth, he still showed his military power like flowing clouds and flowing water!

His instructions were not complicated, but simply adjusted a few key positions, and he had already made the most perfect dispatch under the current conditions according to the information given by Jiang Wang.

It is really pleasing to the eye.

At the same time, suddenly there was a soft shout, which slammed into the ear consciousness brutally, causing Jiang Wang's ears to feel tingling——

"caught you!"

The sound was extremely light, but the force was extremely heavy.

If it weren't for Jiang Wang's success in cultivating Avalokitesvara, his ears would be injured this time.

He disguised himself as a bannerman to parade the army, and when he spoke, he also used spells to transmit his voice, in order not to expose himself to the eyes of the enemy. But it was caught out at the first time!

The enemy is indeed coming!

But the green shirt flashed.

The back of the Windwalking Demon's horse is empty.

Seven green cloud imprints in succession were shattered into the air, and Jiang Wang suddenly folded his body seven times in an instant before pressing his sword to look back!

Waiting for the enemies at the level of the outer building, I'm afraid they can't even touch the corner of his clothes.

With a glance, one can see a middle-aged man with an elegant temperament, stepping on the moonlight. He is gentle, with a gentle posture, but one hand is spread wide in front of him, covering the sky and covering the earth, and his five fingers are like a prison, as if he has already imprisoned the world!

Jiang Wang didn't know who Zhou Xiong was, but he had clearly sensed that this was a cultivator in the presence of God!

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, you come to seek death!"

Jiang Wang glared furiously, and for a moment his face shrouded in divine light, mighty and inviolable!

It was as if he wanted to use the method of subjugating demons immediately, and cut this god under the sword.

When the voice fell to the word "court death", there was already a roar of thunder. The thunder light loomed high in the sky, and in an instant it turned into countless thunder sparrows, rushing towards the people with explosive roars.

It is for descending heretics King Kong Lei Yin!

Pressing the sword in his hand, the sword was about to explode, and even the sword energy began to soar.

This body suddenly changes into two, one comes from the east and the other goes from the west.

The phantom body of the red makeup mirror!

In the army, he didn't need to be afraid of God's presence at all, of course, the premise was to give Chongxuansheng time to dispatch the army.

"Small tricks!"

With a move of Zhou Xiong's big hand, he actually caught the boundless thunder sound and thunder sparrow, all visible and invisible powers, and moved them to one side.

The other hand is still protruding forward, reappearing [Five Fingers Prison]! Hold both hands!

Zhou Xiong was not from a legal family background, but a serious Confucian monk. But this technique of the gimmick really makes the lifting of the weight as easy as it is light, and it is so wonderful.

The phantom created by the red makeup mirror dissipated on the spot.

His hand grabbed Jiang Wang's deity again.

The five fingers are like a mountain and more like a prison, but Jian Guangyao, with amazing dexterity, folded nineteen times in the air, narrowly slipping through the gap in the finger prison.

What a bold man.

The little monk in the Outer Building Realm actually fiddled with his body skills in front of the divine and clear powerhouse!

Zhou Xiong glanced at it lightly, and the surging spiritual consciousness spread like a tide in an instant, locking the world here, wanting to kill the person's soul. At the same time, with a point on the toes, the body moves forward again.

His movements were not violent, but his clothes fluttered, and all the soldiers, energy, and air had been pushed away, and he bumped into Jiang Wang unavoidably, like an encounter that was destined to happen!

Suddenly, a group of sword lights hit the head!

To cut open his realm of spiritual knowledge, and to cut his power into pieces, that is an extremely violent, mad knife like a hail of spears and arrows!

"I caught you too!"

The thunderous sound made the eyes open.

With an incomparable arrogance, the one who forced his way into Zhou Xiong's field of vision was a majestic man with tiger eyes and swallow beard. The majestic momentum is like a mountain like a mountain. The blood is fierce, like a river like a river.

Facing each other with a single knife is like cutting through thousands of troops.

It is the number one general of Yi Kingdom, Yan Po!

Qi Jun has also been prepared!

In a sudden change of mind, he has already understood the situation of the entire battlefield... Although there are accidents, the advantage is still there! Zhou Xiong was completely fearless, and directly flicked his sleeves: "Aid the evil, die!"

The two supernatural beings collided in one place in an instant, and the nearby soldiers who had not had time to disperse were immediately affected, and dozens of people were killed or injured on the spot!

It was too late for Chong Xuansheng, and it was difficult to control it here. He even consciously cut out this area of ​​​​the army, hoping to let other parts of the Qi army quickly form soldiers and form combat power—if the two gods were allowed to It is really a disaster for the leader of the army to fight in the army.

Yan Po needs to kill Zhou Xiong, and use the power of a strong man to open up the situation for the Qi army, which is far inferior to the opponent.

Zhou Xiong needs to kill Yan Po as soon as possible to help the Minxi battlefield to determine the outcome, and then hurry up to rescue Tai Yin who is lying in Sheshan.

So they didn't hold back, and entered a life-and-death fight in an instant! The two figures turned back and forth, up and down suddenly, and their spiritual consciousness almost sparked!

The brilliance of the technique is like fireworks bursting.

If you get a little closer, you will end up smashed to pieces.

But the aftermath of these terrifying battles, outside a certain range, was divided by a jumping line of fire... It was the true fire of Samadhi that Jiang Wang used to prevent the aftermath from expanding.

It's safe!

Such information comes from perception.

After the first battle in Wuyang City, the Xia army really had a second hand, and even detonated the war outside Wuyang City, and subdued Minxi with a large army! What's more, under the situation of being suppressed, monks at the level of god's presence were secretly called to participate in the battle!

Fortunately, Chong Xuansheng was cautious and found a way to transfer Yan Po.

At this moment, the battle of God's Prominence aroused Fei Guang Lv Ying, killing Yuan Li to collapse. Jiang Wang was like a bird, circling outside the range where the two gods were fighting. Suddenly back and forth, the soldiers who could not get out of the battle group were thrown out, one in each hand, like throwing guns.

He is extremely fast, but he has a chic posture, walking in the air like walking in the courtyard. Even long-term lovesickness is waiting to be released... With Yan Po in front, Shenlin is also right!

At this moment, he was in an absolutely safe environment, and the battle with the gods was just the aftermath, and it was impossible to hurt him.

Although on the entire battlefield, it was the Qi army who was imprisoned in the formation. But the small battle group that broke out suddenly here is within the control of the Qi army.

In every sense of the word, it's safe now.

Jiang Wang asked himself that he didn't have the ability to command the army, but it was still within his power to save a few more robes.

Perhaps it was his confidence in Chong Xuansheng's ability to use troops, or his confidence in his own strength. Even though the army was fighting each other, Jiang Wang's mood was very calm and he was not at all vigilant.


How can you be completely unaware? !

The instinctive perception of danger no longer exists, but the most direct logic told Jiang Wang something was wrong. On the battlefield, tens of thousands of troops on both sides are fighting each other, and the soldiers are rolling, how can there be no danger?

Almost as soon as the thought moved, there was a little fire, centered on the body, and instantly expanded.

Like a group of bright fireballs, surrounding oneself in it.

Gorgeous Fire Realm, only three feet away!

Like a burning Bodhi.

After mastering the way of the true self, Jiang Wang's control over Taoism became more and more subtle, and it was only then that he was able to control the art of the fire realm to such a fine level.


Although the eyes do not notice, the ears do not perceive.

But the rapidly expanding Fire Realm bumped out a sharp and incomparable figure.

When this person did not come out, he was silent. In this world, there is nothing to check. In the senses, he does not exist.

When this person appeared, he showed his sharpness! In a trance, the heaven and the earth are sheaths, and the moon sprinkles the clouds to reveal this front!

It's a bit sharper.

It is an unstoppable sword.

He is a murderous person.

From outside the senses, into the senses, smashing the sight, hearing and feeling!

What a terrifying sword style this is!

Jiang Wang's fingers jumped slightly, and landed on the hilt of the sword again.

Although his feeling about this sword has been killed, but the memory of this person flooded his heart——

Childhood friend Yi Shengfeng!

They used to laugh and play, they used to be inseparable, they used to be asked by a fairy... Later, one of them went to Qingming with a sword, and the other fell into the water!

The meeting after so many years was actually in this dangerous battlefield of Qi Xia, among the thousands of armies!

Jiang Wang looked at the sudden appearance of this young man full of sword aura, as if separated by the sparkling water waves and the river in his hometown.

It was the first time for him to really see Yi Shengfeng's real appearance as an adult, which was exactly the same as the portrait sent by the Huaiguo government. But that portrait is far from describing the temperament of this person.

No matter how skilled the painter is, he can't draw such eyes——

Indifferent, cold, and as deep as an ancient well, but it hides endless murderous intentions.

At this moment, Jiang Wang is stepping on the blue sky, holding the long sword in his hand, and the information in his mind flows like water——

Yi Shengfeng, the true disciple of Nan Dou Hall.

The disciples who killed real person Lu Shuanghe seven times.

Build a building with four killing stars, call it Yinghuo, call it Seven Kills, call it Breaking the Army, call it Greedy Wolf, and its killing power is extremely strong!

The way has been mastered, the way is unknown.

Majoring in superb swordsmanship [Nandou Killing Sword], the famous weapon is called [Bo Xinglang].

Good at water Taoism, wind Taoism.

It is known to master the super-grade yellow-rank Taoism [Moon on the Sea], when dealing with it, you must start with the picture of the bright moon...

Suspected to possess supernatural powers [on a whim], this supernatural power has the ability to predict danger, if there is harm, it will happen on a whim...

The rest of the supernatural powers are unknown.

This extremely detailed information was collected by the Duke of Huaiguo, and passed on by Zuo Guangshu through the illusionary realm.

Jiang Wang has long been familiar with it.

His eyes were extremely calm.

This moment.

The Qi army was deeply trapped in the Nine Sons Surrounding Mountain Array, the Kui Niu battle drum had already sounded, and Chong Xuansheng showed an extremely exquisite command art. In such a sudden chaos, he calmly dispatched all the ministries.

Zhou Xiong confronted Yan Po.

Gu Yong, Xu Can, and Wei Guangyao, each leading a large army, are rushing forward with an army formation.

Jiang Wang and Yi Shengfeng met in Wanjun.

The only obstacle between them is the Fire Realm, which is compressed to a three-foot radius.

It seems that the fire opens Bodhi, and people are in amber.

Calculating with one's fingers, the pair of childhood friends have not seen each other for more than ten years.

But the two sides have a deeper understanding of each other than anyone else.

Because they both seriously... studied each other.

We haven't met each other for many years, knowing each other is like pressing the sword!

No dialogue.

Yi Shengfeng, who had sneaked up to this point, was suddenly knocked out of his tracks by the Fire Realm. Before he said a word, the sword was out!

Of course, this is not the most ideal timing, but the matter has come to this point, there is no more suitable words than this sword.

In the army where the soldiers began to surge, a cold light pierced through the gap like a dragon, its head and tail did not meet, it was in the cloud and not in the cloud!

The sword was actually blurred.

Or rather, it's actually very specific. Just after it was unsheathed, it escaped the sight of nobody.

Only when you are cut by its sharp edge can you see what it looks like——

With a horizontal handle and a vertical edge, both sides of the sword body have natural lines, one side is the flowers before the moon, and the other side is the willow shoots on the moon. There is endless tenderness and tenderness. However, the blade is extremely sharp, and the blade is as thin as a line.

There has never been a weapon that combines gentleness and cruelty so completely.

Those who use love hurt their feelings, and those who have no heart hurt people's hearts!

This is the famous sword [Hasukiro]!

Yi Shengfeng's long-prepared sword slammed into the Fire Realm without saying a word.

The vitality of the radiant flame world was compressed to this point, causing Jiang Wang's three-foot body to generate terrifying heat that could burn steel and melt iron.

A cold sword slammed in, and there was a long sizzling sound of a soldering iron entering the water, like the confrontation between two worlds.


A terrible explosion happened!

Withering Flame Flower, Broken Flame Sparrow.

The brilliance of fire, the vitality of fire, the enthusiasm of fire!

It's not that the Fire Realm can last longer, but Jiang Wang chose to use its destruction to seize the opportunity.

The divine light of Samadhi True Fire surrounds the body, so that the damage caused by the explosion of the fire world does not invade itself. Amidst the falling fireworks all over the sky, Jiang Wang strides forward!

In this crumbling world of fire, he draws his sword.

Stars suddenly appeared in the sky.

Then came Moon White.

It seems to say that the long night is already bright, and suddenly there is a bright moon.

One sword opens the world, one sword makes frost and snow brighter!

Thousands of sword wires crashed into ear-piercing screams, piercing through endless fireworks. In Yu Wei Youlie's raging fire fragments, countless strands of silver light have completely covered Yi Shengfeng.

So far, the sword that can embody Jiang Wang's strongest sword is still the overwhelming sword. It is the herringbone sword that can embody the strongest sword intent.

The sword energy into silk technique imitated from Zhang Xun. With the help of his supernatural power, he controlled it in advance and practiced a sword of ten thousand snows, which is the pinnacle of his sword move.

Today, this sword has a unique idea. Thousands of sword qi have been formed, coherent with the sword of lovesickness achieved because of Dong A's hatred. Turning the sword intent into the ultimate sword move, a brand new sword style has been achieved...

It's called [Shuang Xueming]!

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