Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1595 Come on!

It's not that Yan Po has been on the battlefield for a hundred years, but he is not as free and easy as a twenty-year-old young man.

It's just that he shoulders the weight of a country, so he inevitably thinks more about it.

This time he let go of his worries, and Zhou Xiong was at a disadvantage in an instant!

Jiang Wang is not someone who can be killed easily. Even if Zhou Xiong is a strong man with a combination of Confucianism and Legalism, if he wants to kill Jiang Wang, he must mobilize the power of Pang Ran.

However, Yan Po, a veteran on the battlefield, is his opponent.

Why should he be distracted? Why do you dare to share your strength?

Being distracted to kill Jiang Wang means... he also has to give Yan Po a chance to kill him!

He even had the determination to sacrifice himself to kill Yan Po and Jiang Wang, but it was obviously not worthwhile to sacrifice himself to kill Jiang Wang alone. It is not worth it for oneself or the country.

Only then did Jiang Wang's thread of sword energy be eliminated, and Yan Po's fierce long sword was avoided.

Zhou Xiong turned his head suddenly, and sang a long song with a splendid literary spirit——

"The general's reputation has been ruined after a hundred battles! Go to Heliang and look back thousands of miles, the old man will never die!"

Dao Yuan is surging, and there are rivers in his body.

In the vast white air, gold and iron horses suddenly protruded, and swords and guns came out like a forest! Immediately surrounded Yan Po.

The flag was waving, and the horse stepped on the battlefield, so he went to roll Jiangwang.

As a strong man guarding the Changluo Mansion all the year round, although he has made little achievements in the art of war, his ability to fight and kill is extremely strong. Jiang Wang took death as a gamble and broke his game. He quickly turned to the second combat option——

He wanted to drag Jiang Wang and Yan Po into a close-range melee.

In the head-to-head confrontation between Shenlin and Shenlin, a monk in the outer building who can't keep up with the rhythm will only get in the way. And the closer the distance, the more intense the fighting, the harder it is for the monks under the presence of the gods to capture the rhythm... because all the gaps are widened in the battle of life and death in the slightest.

Although Yan Po's spiritual domain is shaking his spiritual domain and interfering with each other, it is difficult to see the merits.

But there is still a majestic culture that moves the world.

To make an article is like a general deploying an array and a soldier dies on the battlefield. There are ups and downs, a beginning and an end.

Good man, with spear as pen and blood as ink, great mountains and rivers, good writing!

Under the influence of such terrifying Confucian secret techniques, the sounds of partridges and cuckoos sounded again, and the sounds were mournful!

The voice of the partridge is "brother if you can't do it".

The voice of the cuckoo is "it is better to go back".

Partridge mourns, cuckoo mourns.

Raising hands and throwing feet are two super-grade Taoism skills, just to restrain Jiang Wang's footsteps and let him join this life-and-death scuffle between square inches!

Of course, Yan Po was trying his best to break this connection, to break up the tricks with him, but what he didn't expect was——

Jiang Wang didn't resist at all!

He didn't resist the call of the two super-grade Taoist arts at all, and even took the initiative to speed up. In an instant, his surroundings were shining brightly, the heavenly mansion opened, and the sword fairy came to the world, and rushed into the battle group with his sword!

In astonishment, Zhou Xiong saw the eyes of this young arrogant of Qi, there was no fear in it, only unparalleled self-confidence, and the excitement of eagerness to try!

This young man, this Jiang Qingyang, has the courage to participate in the battle of God's Appearance at close range, fighting for life and death within an inch!

It should be known that in such a fight, the probability of death of the weak will be magnified many times.

Although it is an enemy of an enemy country, even though it is my enemy. But Zhou Xiong had to admit that this actually made him, who was in his middle age, suddenly feel somewhat proud.

Reminds me of my flamboyant youth!

Although he is a prince, general, and high-ranking family, but there is hot blood in his throat, and the young man draws his sword when he is angry.

At this moment, the spiritual energy is rolled directly, and the spiritual consciousness shrinks infinitely, and it attaches to the golden body and chalcedony body surface.

He decided to let go of the fists and feet that he hadn't fully erupted for many years, so he fought recklessly for this one time.

It's not that only Qi people have the courage to die, and it's not that only Qi has young heroes.

Although I am not old, I also have a youthful heart.

Isn't it just to bet on life and death and fight for courage?

Come on!

The Qi army surged past this side's battle group like a tide, and bumped into another wave of people.

Right here in Minxi Corridor, on the edge of the battlefield where the Qi army and the Xia army were fighting, Zhou Xiong, a monk at God's Landing, Yan Po, a monk at God's Landing, and Jiang Wang, a monk at Wailou, started the fiercest and most dangerous fight for an inch!

The three figures were almost mixed together, fists, feet and swords collided at a terrifying speed.

Among these three people, perhaps only Yan Po is the least willing to face such a development. Because of the battle between square inches, you don't know how many rounds will happen and how many decisions will be made in one breath. It is an all-round fight of will, ability, and combat wisdom.

It is difficult for monks under the presence of God not to get in the way.

Zhou Xiong wouldn't care about Jiang Wang's life and death when he shot, but it was impossible for him not to. Even if Jiang Wang himself said that life and death are life and death, and no one is responsible for death... But it can't include him, Yan Po, who cut up his body and dismembered him in order to win, right?

And if you want to always worry about whether the attack will affect Jiang Wang, then restraint will come into being.

Fighting to the death with an opponent like Zhou Xiong, the result of being tied... can be imagined.

So he would rather fight alone with Zhou Xiong, each with his own life and death, than Jiang Wang to join in. No matter what kind of genius this is, there is an essential difference before becoming a god!

Keeping the current state of the battle is the result of a steady victory. He and Zhou Xiong faced each other, Jiang Wang patrolled around, waiting for the opportunity to make a move, so he maintained the pressure until the end, Zhou Xiong had only one way to go.

But he was trying to prevent the situation from changing... Jiang Wang took the initiative to crash into the battle group

He was too late to stop him, so he was forced to raise his sword to fight.

I just hope——Cao Jie can give enough trust, don't think that the knife he accidentally killed Jiang Wang was intentional.

he thought sadly.

A small country with few people has to think too much!

However, as the battle started, he soon discovered...he was thinking too much!

Jiang Wang was able to keep up with their fighting rhythm.

Although this young man has not yet reached the point where he can head-to-head with the strong God, but there is no problem at all with beating the side drums and creating opportunities for him. Even Jiang Wang's every sword was from a very comfortable angle. He clearly felt that Jiang Wang blended into his rhythm. With his astonishing combat wisdom, he was given a nearly perfect match!

The more Yan Po fought, the more he let go, and the more he fought, the more fun he became, and no matter how freely he swayed, Jiang Wang always appeared in the most suitable position... There is really a wonderful tacit understanding.

No one has given him this tacit understanding for many years.

This feeling even once reminded him of the person who could no longer be mentioned by name, those days when he fought side by side. It's just that at that time...he was still very weak. And that person is as young and brilliant as Jiang Qingyang now.

In a world of great strife, how has the conquest ever stopped.

How many heroes are like a river flowing eastward!

Yan Po's saber light became more and more brilliant, until later, it was like thunder and rain, without any gap. Then, the flames disappeared. More and more unpretentious, simple moves.

Only the indifferent blade approached Zhou Xiong's vitals again and again.

His spiritual consciousness is almost completely close to the body, the more powerful it is, the less impressive it is.

And Zhou Xiong finally began to feel powerless.

He didn't hold back.

How can he hold back at this moment?

Within an inch, he had already used all his killer moves.

This Jiang Wang is not slippery, like a fallen leaf floating in the strong wind, coming and going suddenly, always confused in Yan Po's offensive. If you want to attack someone, you can't avoid Yan Po.

But he couldn't ignore it. Although Jiang Wang failed to transcend the essence of life, he really had the ability to hurt him!

Regardless of swordsmanship, supernatural powers, or Taoism, he has never seen another monk who is so extreme in the outer building.

He was originally looking for opportunities in the scuffle, but as soon as this life-and-death fight started, he was firmly suppressed. And with the development of the battle... already in a dilemma!

no chance...

He realized the truth in his heart—before the war started, he had led an army of 50,000, and God was crushing him. How could he have thought of such a possibility?

It's hard to accept, but we must face reality!

If the Jiangyong Zhou family has any spirit that has been passed down from ancient times, it is the word "face".

Wei Guangyao, Xu Can, and Gu Yong, even with the superior force and the support of a large formation, have not been able to defeat the Qi army for a long time. Even under Chong Xuansheng's dispatch, the Qi army is constantly counterattacking!

There was also movement on the high mountains in the distance, and the battle for the northern highland front had already begun.

With the soldiers killed in autumn as the main body, all of them have harvested a lot, and the fully armed victory battalion faced Xia Fang's defenders who lacked excellent generals.

There is really no chance.

Retreat may be the best option.

But Tuo Mindu died here.

How will he face the temptation after he escapes? How to deal with conflicts?

But there are still 50,000 Xia troops here, and he just left these soldiers behind. How can he face Xia Guo? How to face Zhou's ancestors?

Maybe... Kill Jiang Wang.

He lowered his expectations again in his heart. From desperately killing Yan Po and Jiang Wang to only changing one to go.

Between Yan Po and Jiang Wang, he chose Jiang Wang who was better at attacking and more important to Qi Guo.

Kill such a Jiang Wang who is unimpeded and hopeful. Use your own death to extinguish the visible brilliance of Qi's future!

This is about the only thing that can be done...

His father is the Duke of the state, and he himself is God.

Guarding Changluo has made great contributions to the country and has no shame in himself.

How did... come to this point?

He admired the counterattack plan personally arranged by Xi Guoshi. He even came over urgently as a cultivator, just to know that the Ming Mansion was safe.

Obviously there is nothing wrong with every step, how did it come to such an ending?

when? Fate? Lucky?

God knows it, but it's hard to understand!

The spiritual domain is compressed like a cloak, and the fist is like a tiger. At this moment, Zhou Xiong's eyes were red, and he looked at Yan Po full of murderous intent. The clean energy of Confucianism is condensed on his fists, and the shadows of the fists are full of wind, tiger, cloud and dragon, and he is ready to die with Yan Po. .

Yan Po's saber did not waver at all.

In this advantageous situation, he is not afraid to fight for his life. The more you fear death, the easier it is to die. There is no reason for people who have been on the battlefield for so many years to understand.

And beheading Shenlin and repelling Shenlin, the feats are very different.

By killing Zhou Xiong, Yi Kingdom can keep the harvest of Kaimai Pill for one year! How many talents can this produce?

He was very happy to send Zhou Xiong off for the last time.

So instead of retreating, he advanced, using the edge of his blade to meet the bone of his fist!

And Jiang Wang...

Zhou Xiong noticed that Jiang Wang was like before, stepping on the Qingyun fairy technique, going and coming again——


He went this time and never came back!

Zhou Xiong's power was fully charged, and he was on the verge of going, but he watched Jiang Wang suddenly jump out of the battle group, flying all the way, flying farther and farther, never looking back!

Actually ran away!

He is ready to resist Yan Po's attack.

Combined with Jiang Wang's fighting rhythm, flying speed, and the fighting positions of the previous three people... His life and death seal has even been calculated where Jiang Wang should be printed.

But what about people?

What about the older one?

Is this Qi Guo Tianjiao?

It's agreed to bet with your life, I'm at the table, you run away?

Zhou Xiong couldn't help but wonder if this guy surnamed Jiang also had a whim!

However, with his god-like cultivation base, he clearly used the Confucian sect's secret method of fighting to kill, and covered up his motives.

This gentleman has a dark and clear decision, so it doesn't make sense to be cracked by Jiang Wang from the outer building.

At this moment, the accumulation of killing momentum has reached its peak, and it has no choice but to use it.

Zhou Xiong lost his original goal, so he could only flip his hands, and he really threw himself at Yan Po!

"Where righteousness lies, even if there are tens of thousands of people, I will go there!"

The clear air of the universe is like clouds, and the generous ambition makes the world hear.

His hand holds the mountain, opens it to the sky, each finger is a kind of person, and each kind of person has a kind of generosity.

All go to die!

There was no loud noise, but the space that enveloped Yan Po was completely sunken!

Feel free to seal life and death!

But at this moment, he suddenly became alert.

The vigilance is not because of Yan Po's head-on knife like a mighty river - no matter how strong Yan Po is, he has expected it.

Be alert because...

His spiritual consciousness swept through, and he saw through the concealment from the Huo Dou seal behind him.

An indomitable sword, under the unification of the Divine Sword Immortal, came at it with overwhelming force!

Jiang Wang went and came again, and he came at the moment when he was deciding between life and death!

The ability to grasp such fighter opportunities is truly unparalleled in the world.

But as the opponent whose opportunity was seized, Zhou Xiong only felt extremely uncomfortable.

It was an awkward feeling that could not be dispelled since Jiang Wang joined the battle group, and it reached its peak at this moment, like a stick in his throat.

This person is not dead, Xia Guo's younger generation, who can be it?

Even if he can retreat from the Qi army in this battle, he will be another Jiang Mengxiong in the future!

With such thoughts in mind.

Zhou Xiong held the seal of life and death, and suddenly turned around!

He first spit out a mouthful of blood under the backlash.

Immediately afterwards, Yan Po drove straight in with the knife.

He felt that his spiritual consciousness had been dissected, his back was cut open, his golden body and chalcedony were disintegrating, and his soul was withering.

But he manipulated his lore seal to move forward recklessly!

Yet he saw—

Jiang Wang's clothes are fluttering, one step at a time.

It's gone in a moment!

That incomparably powerful sword of no return to the mountain, unexpectedly received it as soon as it said it, it really didn't seem like the control that could be achieved without condensing spiritual consciousness.

Relying on his last obsession, he kept chasing——

Until the windy figure in the green shirt finally stopped.

Only then did he realize in a daze that he had reached his limit.

Infinitely scattered Dao Yuan and spiritual consciousness, constantly collapsing golden body and chalcedony body...

He has hardly seen how many powerful handprints pressed forward.

Xu pressed in front of Jiang Wang's face.

And Jiang Wang just looked at him calmly, without moving.


A circle of red fire spread out.

Zhou Xiong's body, which had been slashed by Yan Po, maintained his final attacking posture, and disappeared without a trace.

The process of its samadhi started from the previous battle between Yan Po and Zhou Xiong, when Jiang Wang saved people while using the real fire of samadhi to stop the aftermath of the battle... It had already begun.

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