Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1596

The flames all over the body are restrained, and Yushu is facing the wind for a young age.

Yan Po looked at Tianjiao of the Qi Kingdom who was walking on the clouds under the moon, and for a moment he withdrew his sword and said nothing.

He had to admit that the young man in front of him contributed a lot to killing Zhou Xiong without paying too much.

Although this overlord Tianjiao is still in the realm of the outer building, there is no obstacle to the presence of the gods, and the truth can be expected.

Although I have achieved God's presence, the cave is really far away... almost indefinitely.

For a moment, he didn't know how to speak.

It was Jiang Wang who spoke first, and he bowed his hands sincerely: "Congratulations to General Yan for beheading Xia Guoshen, and making another great contribution!"

In Zhou Xiong's death, he did not claim any merit.

Of course Yan Po could feel the kindness. After thinking for a while, he asked curiously: "I even hid Zhou Xiong's motives. Why did you retreat so suddenly just now?"

"After fighting for so long, he suddenly put on a posture that he wants to die with you. The target must be me." Jiang Wang glanced at him: "General Yan, sometimes I may be a little reckless, but I Not stupid!"

Yan Po couldn't help laughing.

As for Jiang Wang, with one step, he was already galloping towards Chongxuansheng.

Chongxuan Fatty's battle continued, so he couldn't exchange pleasantries with Yan Po.

The sound moved the thunder, and the jump rolled across the field: "Zhou Xiong is dead! The descendant is innocent! Those who don't want to die, raise your hands!"

The body is like blue lightning through the long night, and the sword frost and snow walks through the void!

Thousands of sword threads screamed over Xia Jun, like a galaxy rushing! Jianguang is brighter than moonlight, and it also writes a powerful commentary for his words.

When Xia Jun heard about it, his momentum was taken away.

The one-armed Wei Guangyao raised his sword and shouted: "The one who descends today is the sinner of Great Xia through the ages!"

Most of the Qi army who was entangled with him suddenly pressed up, Chong Xuanpang looked like a hunter who had been waiting for a long time, and the commanding soldiers easily cut through Xia Jun's soldiers, and Jiang Wang also penetrated into the formation like Youdian!

In the chaotic cloud of soldiers. The frosty light suddenly turned a few times, and Wei Guangyao's head, which was wide-eyed with anger, flew into the sky!

The cooperation between these two is really a tacit understanding, leading the army on one side and pressing the sword on the other, without even giving them a look.

Yan Po, who counted Zhou Xiong's harvest, also flew over at this time, and with a single knife, the huge knife light emptied away, and chopped down the mountain in the east that was condensed by the formation-"Those who refuse to descend are so mountainous! "

In the basin surrounded by the Nine Sons Surrounding Mountain Formation, Xia Jun's formation was already chaotic, and was suppressed by Chong Xuansheng, making it difficult for the front team to pick up the rear team. Seeing this situation, morale fell to the bottom.

However, while the Jiuzi Huanshan Formation suppressed the Qi army, it also blocked their retreat.

And on the high mountains around the ring, there are several flags that have changed their ownership.

"For the history of the Kingdom of Xia, the most important crime is the crime. Why are you afraid of it?" Chong Xuansheng leaped into the sky with one step, and his voice was like a bell: "After this battle, there will be no country of Xia. Those who descend today are all my people!"

"Don't believe him!" Xu Can hissed and shouted: "In the battle of Wuyang, they slaughtered 20,000 Qi troops, and they will not let us go! Brothers, all we have now is——"

Boom boom boom!

Yan Po had already grown impatient, so he broke into the army alone.

In the eyes of veteran generals like Yan Po, the army formation he controlled was full of flaws, let alone being overwhelmed by the Qi army.

The scattered soldiers can't stop God's presence at all. Yan Po almost drove straight in without any nonsense, and chopped him to death with a single knife!

And chopped up his words.

Chongxuan Shenghong said: "In the battle of Wuyang, the culprit has been killed. On behalf of the Qi army, I promise not to hold others accountable! The handsome man next to me who wields a sword is Jiang Wang, the leader of the Yellow River. I use his reputation as a guarantee." !"

Jiang Wang really wanted to kick him, but he still put on a confident and reliable posture in cooperation.

The situation on the battlefield changed suddenly, and Zhou Xiong's death caused a landslide.

In the blink of an eye, among the generals of the Xia army, there was only one Gu Yong left.

He gritted his teeth——


There was a sudden bang all around.

However, the Victory Camp had broken through the Nine Sons Surrounding Mountain Array, and the surrounding mountains were collapsing one by one.

Gu Yong's last courage also collapsed.

"I am willing to surrender!" He dropped his saber, raised his hands high, and knelt down.

On the huge battlefield, Xia Jun knelt down in large areas, like wind blowing wheat waves.

Xue Rushi glanced at him with some regret, then sheathed his knife and waited quietly for Chong Xuansheng's order.

Seeing that the overall situation here has been settled, Yan Po directly swept across the sky, leaving only one sentence: "I'll go to Sheshan to have a look!"

The figure is far away in a flash.

If we use the analogy of Xia Jun's ambush in Minxi Corridor, the Qi army on the Sheshan side is very dangerous.

On Xie Baoshu's side, there is no Jiang Wang who is almost invincible under the presence of God. When it comes to the ability to use troops, he can't compare with Chong Xuansheng.

Yan Po rushed over this time, one is to be able to rescue Xie Baoshu, sell the Eastern Front coach Xie Huai'an, and the other is to make new achievements.

Chong Xuansheng could fully understand Yan Po's eagerness, but his brows were still furrowed, as if he was thinking about some difficult problem.

With the breeze blowing in the night, Qing Zhuan and the others had already skillfully started forming a formation for the captives.

Rescue the wounded, clean up the battlefield... everything is in order.

Looking at it from the perspective of Fourteen, Chong Xuansheng is hanging in the air at this moment, thinking seriously, exuding the charm of wisdom.

Jiang Wangxu hung not far away, bathed in the starlight, as if he was in contact with the distant star.

In short, neither of them spoke.

Jiang Wang's figure is very well-proportioned, but compared with Chong Xuansheng, it is unavoidably thinner...

At least Fourteen thinks so.

"It's not right..." Chong Xuansheng said suddenly.

At this moment, Jiang Wang's mind had indeed flown to the distant sky.

The change in the star building had already happened when Yi Shengfeng was beheaded.

Only at the moment when the battle of Minxi Corridor had been settled, did he have time to check.

Among Yi Shengfeng's four star-killing towers, there are two star towers, which stand in the star concepts of Po Jun and Tan Lang.

Those who break the army, shake the light.

Those who are greedy for wolves are also Tianshu.

It happened to be in the same domain as Jiang Wang's two star buildings.

The stars in the extraordinary world are originally concepts that reflect the heavens and myriad things.

The two star towers standing in the same star concept are like two faint lights in the boundless starlight, it is impossible to have an intersection.

The monks fight, and those who die and die, the Starlight Holy Building that tells the Tao will naturally collapse and dissipate.

But at the moment when Jiang Wangjian beheaded Yi Shengfeng and accepted the famous sword Bo Xinglang, he stood in the Yaoguang Star Tower and Tianshu Star Tower in the distant star dome, and he did feel some kind of faint echo.

At that time, Jiang Wang turned around and ran to Zhou Xiong, so he didn't have any experience.

It wasn't until the moment when his mind descended on the star tower that he realized...a little bit of starlight, like a lost feather, was flying towards his star tower.

And through the connection of these starlights, he vaguely saw the "over there" that could not be measured by distance, a star building was disintegrating - that was Yi Shengfeng's star building.

Since Jiang Wangjin entered the outer building, there were not a few monks in the outer building killed by his sword. But this is the first time I have encountered such a situation!

When can one person's star building absorb another person's star building?

If this is true, the killings among monks in the outer building will be at least a hundred times more frequent.

Of course, it didn't seem to be of much use to Jiang Wang.

He has his own way and doesn't approve of Yi Shengfeng's way. At the same time, his star power is already abundant, and if he accumulates some more, it is just to expand in the field where he already has advantages.

However, he somehow felt that—although it seemed that nothing had changed outside the star building, something had indeed happened.

After many years, he knew very well that he didn't have any feelings for Yi Shengfeng.

There are many memories about Fenglin City.

Too much.

Those precious memories did not include a person named "Yi Shengfeng".

But at such a moment—

The moon shines in the middle of the sky, and the cold stars are few and far between.

At the end of the battle, both the victorious soldiers and the defeated soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

Stacks of weapons are piled up. Not far away, the Victory Watching Flag is still flying.

The Yaoguang Star Tower and Tianshu Star Tower are absorbing star power at the same time...

He vaguely seemed to see the small river in his hometown.

Reflected in the water, two small figures by the river.

Fate seemed to have diverged in two paths at that time, and he and Yi Shengfeng actually made their own choices.

Destiny... has its own way.

A fat hand swayed in front of Jiang Wang's eyes, breaking up the water waves and bringing the real world: "What are you in a daze for?"

Jiang Wang came back to his senses: "What did you just say?"

"I said..." Chong Xuansheng looked at him suspiciously: "It's not quite right."

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that Jiang Wang didn't have any problems, and it wasn't that his brain was damaged by secret injuries, Chong Xuansheng continued to think, while muttering: "According to the current situation of the war, Xia Guo, a strong man in the divine realm, is definitely drawn won't come out."

"Why can't it be drawn out? Isn't it just drawn out? It's very simple." Jiang Wang said with a relaxed tone: "You are only allowed to invite General Yan, but no one is allowed to ask for help? Admit it, you just miscalculated."

Chong Xuansheng snorted through his nostrils: "I can't possibly be wrong."

Jiang Wang greeted the harvest of the star building, while perfunctory said: "Then tell me what's wrong?"

Chong Xuansheng shook his head again: "There is too little information, all inferences must be based on the corresponding intelligence."

He suddenly remembered something, and flew to the General Xia who surrendered: "How many people have you deployed on the side of Sheshan?"

"Ten...ten thousand people." Gu Yong said nervously.

"Is there any strong man?" Chong Xuansheng asked: "Are there any monks who come to God?"

"No." Gu Yong shook his head, his expression depressed: "Only Tai Yin."

Tai Yin alone led 10,000 people to Sheshan to intercept them, just to create opportunities for them in the Minxi Corridor. It can be said that he has done everything he can and has undertaken the most dangerous and most difficult task to gain.

And what did they do in Minxi Corridor?

Chong Xuansheng naturally ignored his mood.

Instead, Jiang Wang who came over patted him on the shoulder: "The general has done his best, I believe no one will criticize you. Go over there and take a rest. By the way, comfort the brothers, we will never abuse the soldiers, Qi Xia Ben’s family will be our family from now on.”

Fourteen looked at Jiang Wang a little strangely, and felt that this set of words and tone were very similar to his own Mr. Sheng. The two people have such a good friendship, they are getting close to each other subconsciously... Subconsciously, they flew closer and pinched the corner of Chong Xuansheng's clothes.

Chong Xuansheng is still stuck in his entanglement: "There is only Taiyin in shouldn't be. Starting from Wuyang City, setting up ambushes in Minxi Corridor and Sheshan, such a big effort, the eastern front should be the main battlefield That's right. How come there are only 10,000 people in Sheshan? How come there is only one Zhou Xiong in total? Strange, so strange!"

"Unless, unless the strategic mission of the Huiming Mansion is not the case, Taiyin artificially increased the difficulty... Zhou Xiong was transferred after defeating Bao Bozhao and seeing more possibilities. This can explain why there is one and only one Zhou Xiong it's here."

"Wait." Jiang Wang said, "Aside from other things, how do you know that Tai Yin is in charge of these things?"

"Whoever leads 10,000 people alone to stop Xie Xiaobao is the one who bears the main responsibility. Besides..." Chong Xuansheng said in a faint tone, "Isn't Gu Yong's attitude obvious just now?"

"Oh, it's quite obvious." Jiang Wang was perfunctory, but he couldn't help but think of the scene where Tai Yin took the initiative to twist his own neck in the mountain and sea realm—that is indeed a very decisive person.

"Then what should be Tai Yin's original strategic goal? Tai Yin and Tuo Min are all talents, but they have not achieved the gods. These generals in the outer building are even more mediocre. What can they do in Huiming Mansion?" What to do? It seems that this place is important and not so important. The person behind all this...does it want to do?"

Chong Xuansheng said to himself: "The problem is going back to the beginning again, how can we still call a strong man from God's presence? How can we be willing to take this risk?"

His fat fingers knocked on his forehead: "I can't figure it out."

Jiang Wang looked at him quietly and thought.

"Is there such a possibility?" He stopped the rhythm of his fingers and looked at Jiang Wang seriously: "They have given up the Eastern Front?"

Jiang Wang frowned and remained silent.

Although he believed in Chong Xuansheng's judgment very much, it was really unbelievable.

The three major battlefields of the Northern Front, Tongyang City, and the Eastern Front, give up if you say you want to give up?

Once the eastern front is released, Guiyi will be in front of the Qi army. How dare the Xia people do this?

The entire Eastern Front battlefield is not a simple sentence or a noun. Instead, it includes Huiming, Fengli, Shaokang, Jin'an, Wanxing and other prefectures. They are the living Xia soldiers and civilians on these lands!

Moreover, it is easy to let go of the hearts of the army and the people, but it is even more difficult to pick it up again.

Yu Liyang gave up Jianfeng Mountain, and Fengjie Mansion changed flags throughout the territory in less than three days. Xia's army fought to the death in the various governments, and it took so many days of fierce battles.

Whoever dares to make such a decision will definitely bear the eternal infamy, and even if he really wins, he will suffer backlash in the future!

But Chong Xuansheng became more and more determined: "I have been thinking, if I am the commander-in-chief Xia Fang, is there any way to make a comeback? Under the current situation, abandoning the Eastern Front and focusing on the Northern Front is a choice.

Anyway, the Eastern Front has been corrupted, so give up at this time and deploy most of the high-level force to the north. There is a high probability that they will penetrate the Qi army on the Northern Front!

To put it more bluntly... if only high-level forces were mobilized, the Xia State army on the eastern front would still be there, as would the city defenses of Zhucheng. With so many soldiers and civilians, they can die for a while.

Even if we can quickly advance to Guiyi City, the capital of a country, it is not so easy to defeat. The Empress Dowager Xia personally took control of the capital, enough to hold on until the Xia army on the northern line returned to rescue.

The most important thing is that the northern line is 300,000 soldiers from Qi State, and the eastern line is 300,000 Eastern Allied Forces...

Although Yu Xiaguo is drinking poison to quench thirst, it also poses a great threat to us.

If the 300,000 troops from Qi State and the prefectures were defeated, it would be hard to tell what the allied forces of the Eastern Regions would be thinking. At that time, the Qi State can rely on only the nine soldiers and horses in front of Tongyang City, which can buy more time for Xia State.

From this point of view, Fan Ao still stayed in Tianfeng Ranch and refused to leave, and Tai Yin came to Ming Mansion to fight, all in order to create the illusion that they were still struggling for the Eastern Front. In fact, their high-level armed forces are already preparing to move northward. Even, it's done now!

The reason why Zhou Xiong came here was because Tai Yin, whose strategic goal was containment, unexpectedly quickly defeated Bao Bozhao, thus gaining the power to mobilize more resources, and using this to gain greater gains. After all, the more he made a fuss in Huiming Mansion, the more he could cover up Xia Jun's strategic concept on the northern front... In this way, everything made sense! "

Jiang Wang blinked: "You remind me of someone."

"You want to say that I rely on guesswork? I'm like a fortune teller?"

Jiang Wang was surprised that his thoughts were seen through.

Fourteen glared at him.

But Chong Xuansheng just said: "Situation. You must have the situation in your mind. We are not doing divination. Which divination master can calculate accurately on the battlefield? But when you stand in the enemy's perspective and do Zhou Xiang's consideration for them, Their options are actually very limited! Especially in today's situation. When you list their options, you can naturally know what they will do!"

Jiang Wang thought, what you said is very simple!

He just said: "If all this is true, what are you going to do?"

"First of all, of course I need to inform Xie Shuai of my conjecture, and he will know after a little verification-although it may be too late... Xia Jun has mobilized so many high-level forces to leave, Xie Shuai cannot fail to find out. But in case thanks Shuai chooses to treat it with caution, our reminder is still very necessary."


Chong Xuansheng suddenly looked to the northwest, and his voice became a little erratic: "Brother Wang, you said that if we fight all the way from here to Guiyi City, it doesn't matter how we get there, or whether we can fight... yes Isn't it famous?!"

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