Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1597 Sunrise

A solitary brigade, two generals from outside the building, marched straight into the land of the world's great country, led the army through the eastern part of the Xia Kingdom, and marched to the Xia Capital.

Isn't this just a big name?

This is a story that will go down in history!

It is the model of the protagonist in the storytelling story!

Because this is too unbelievable, too unrealistic.

But if Zhong Xuansheng's judgment is accurate, if Xia Jun really gave up on the Eastern Front, except for a few strong men who supported the skeleton of the army, all the high-level military forces will be transferred to the Northern Front... Then from Huiming Mansion to Guiyi City, they will be able to do so. An army that is almost unstoppable!

On the use of troops, Chongxuan is one of the best. In terms of extraordinary force, Yi Shengfeng died quickly, and he was not vulnerable to a single blow. Who else is there in Xia Guo?

Xia Guo wants to give up the entire east to win back the initiative on the battlefield.

And Chongxuansheng just wanted to take advantage of the vacancy and seize a great achievement of erecting a flag in front of the enemy's imperial city!

This is an almost crazy imagination, but in this complex situation, there is a possibility of realization!

"Blue brick!"

Chong Xuansheng immediately ordered: "Ride a fast horse to Linwu, send a letter to Xie Shuai, saying that the Xia people have given up the eastern front, and most of the high-level military forces are going north!"

Qingzhuan who flew over was a little startled, but he didn't say anything nonsense, he turned around and found a horse that stepped on the wind, and then went to Linwu Mansion.

"Xue Rushi!" Chong Xuansheng shouted again.

Xue Rushi, who was busy showing his own experience to the captives and preaching the benefits of returning to Qi, flew over quickly.

"You are leading the troops of the Xinrong Battalion Headquarters now, and immediately go to get Yangcheng in the afternoon. The sooner the better!"

"Subordinate...obey orders." Xue Rushi hesitated.

Chong Xuansheng frowned and said, "Are you worried?"

Xue Rushi lowered his head to express his absolute obedience: "General Chongxuan fights wherever he wants, there is nothing wrong with being humble. The only thing I am worried about is that I am not capable enough...not to be able to complete the general's mission well."

"If there are no accidents, Wuyang City has no defenders now, and you can take it all by yourself. This is thanks to the pinch." Chong Xuansheng took a deep look at him: "Xue General, after getting along for a long time, you will know my style. If you do things with me, you will always make money."

Xue Rushi's heart trembled, he raised his head and said, "Yes!"

Turning around, he immediately went to summon soldiers and horses, mobilized for a while, and went to Wuyang City without stopping.

Jiang Wang clicked his tongue.

This fat man's thoughts are too obvious, he clearly wants to compete with Xie Xiaobao!

I am ready to go to Guiyi City to establish immortality, and I don't plan to let go of Wuyang City.

Appetite is really good!

But then again, Xie Xiaobao only needs to fight against the 10,000 army led by Tai Yin, perhaps faster than the Minxi battlefield... Yan Po is destined to get no credit for going to the mountains now. Xue Rushi went directly to Wuyang City, but he just hit a shot if he had dates or not.

"General Gu Yong!" Chong Xuansheng didn't care about Jiang's disgust at all, and announced the next order.

Gu Yong, who had just sat down and rested for a while, flew over quickly again. After such a long time, he seemed to have completely convinced himself: "What orders do you have, sir?"

Chong Xuansheng glanced at him: "General Gu, go and tell the brothers, if you are willing to follow me now, you will set up camp here tonight, and you will be in charge of it. There are some luggage over there, you can arrange it yourself... If you don't want to , they dispersed and went back to their respective homes."

"Ah?" Gu Yong was a little dazed, wondering if he heard it wrong.

Especially the second half of the sentence.

Are you sure you didn't ask people to shoot arrows as soon as you turned around?

"Which sentence did you not understand?" Chong Xuansheng asked patiently and gently.

"No, no." Gu Yong hurriedly said: "This subordinate understands, let's make arrangements now!"

"..." Looking at the hurried back of this person, Chong Xuansheng sighed: "Uncle's reputation is too bad, so I can't get close to others."

"Why don't you confirm Xia Jun's strategy with him? After all, he came with Tai Yin." Jiang Wang asked curiously.

He could understand the fact that Xia Jun's soldiers were allowed to disperse. If Xia Guo's high-level officials really chose to give up the Eastern Front, then this part of the force is indeed unimportant. On the contrary, the more scattered the defeated army of the Xia Kingdom, the more shaken the will of the Xia Kingdom people.

They are fighting to the death. After Wuyang City is over, they come to Minxi to fight. The general dies, the soldiers die, and they surrender only when they are desperate. What are the high-level officials of the Xia Kingdom doing?

With one easy command, they were all given up.

It would be strange if Chong Xuansheng would let this go.

"What he knows, he has already told me. It is impossible for him to know these things. What's the use of asking him?"

"Eh? When did he tell you what? Why didn't I remember?"

"Sometimes the transmission of information does not necessarily require words."

Chong Xuansheng ended the conversation with this unfathomable sentence, and left the Zhenwu Battalion under the control of the shadow guards to take care of the wounded and transport the captured weapons, and ordered them to return to Qiyue City, which was previously occupied, to rest.

In the end, it was only the re-organized Victory Battalion that was assembled, and everyone rode horses and headed for the northwest through the smoke and dust.

"Why didn't you make other arrangements for Gu Yong?" Jiang Wang asked as the cavalry swept across the land.

"The current arrangement is enough, the rest depends on whether he is smart or not."

Jiang Wang galloped his horse and smiled: "If you want to do something big, you swipe east and west to disperse everyone!"

"Even if we drag all those people to Guiyi, can we really win Guiyi?" Chongxuansheng said indifferently: "Putting the flag of Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang outside Guiyi is already a great achievement." , more than Xuan Zun bullying the dead, only strong but not weak!"

The sound of the ponytail rolling over him, falling in the cold spring wind, feels cold to the warm.

"As long as you have elite soldiers, you only need speed."

"What is a vanguard? The first to attack Guiyi City will be the first with a million troops!"



The coolness of the spring breeze fell peacefully.

Ren Qiuli, who was sitting in the quiet room, sighed softly.

This is a room that can isolate all qi, and can avoid the exposure of the information of Nan Dou Temple's participation in the battle to the greatest extent.

Of course, there was no need to be so nervous now, and Yi Shengfeng secretly sneaked to the Eastern Front a few days earlier.

Her sigh was light and faint, like the thin smoke from the furnace of Feiyunxiang next to her - this was Yi Shengfeng's life and death in Yuyuan, and it was specially dedicated to her.

Even under the collision of national power, all the hexagrams are blurred.

But there was still a deep feeling that gave her the answer.

Yi Shengfeng, Lu Shuanghe's true disciple, died in battle...

The child she passed down the secret step, the stubborn, indomitable little swordsman.

The supposedly long journey of practice ended in the spring of 3921 in the Dao calendar.

It is so lonely to wither when everything is revived and alive.

I knew that the way of heaven is ruthless, and the world is turbulent. It was still hard for her to say clearly what was the reason for her sigh.

Of course she knew very well that the child had no real affection for anyone.

But when he took back the batch of Feiyun incense with his bloody hands, was there really nothing in his heart because of his closeness?

The sixteen years he lived in Nan Dou Temple were, after all, also true years.

The sixteen years of life and death made him grow from a taciturn child to a sharp-edged Nandou Zhenchuan—everything was in her eyes.

She watched the child grow up.

Liangbo is a good character, Liangbo is closer to ruthless, closer to the original appearance of Tao.

But a person with a cold nature like Yi Shengfeng can't overcome his "ego attachment" and can't forget the very beginning of his journey...

It's not really indifference after all.

But then again, when people grow old, their hearts grow old too, who can really keep everything in check?

What if Lu Shuanghe didn't stand by the river in Fengxi Town, but just handed out a sword to help Yi Shengfeng completely end the cause and effect?

Is today's Yi Shengfeng really no regrets, no omissions, no mistakes?

As soon as he thought of this, a hair on his forehead suddenly broke and fell in front of his eyes. In the process of falling, it has withered and lost all luster.

Ren Qiuli cut off this terrible thought.

Hexagram tellers are the most taboo to move cause and effect rashly.

Once you start to underestimate fate, fate will give you a cruel response.

"Man's calculations are never as good as heaven's calculations. Those who talk about good and bad will not enter the door of heaven."

Ren Qiuli murmured this sentence.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered that when Yi Shengfeng decided to come to Xia Kingdom, Lu Shuanghe didn't say anything.

Sauvignon Blanc is still Bo Yukiro.

A fork in the road of fate, to the left or to the right.

Lu Shuanghe always watched.

And even if she is a real person from Tianji, she can't say right or wrong.

"A real person."

Someone whispered outside the door.

Although there is a deal between Changsheng Jun and Xia Guowu King.

But for the others in Nan Dou Hall, this was a purely voluntary action.

Xia Guo set very high conditions, but several real people have their own important tasks, and no one is willing to come.

She can only represent Nan Dou Dian to go through this experience.

After sitting in this quiet room for so long, it was finally time to act.

Once the Taoist robe was rolled up, Ren Qiuli had already appeared outside the door.

Standing outside the door and waiting was Taixu, the Patriarch of the Tai Clan, who was cultivated as a divine presence.

A strong man who is divine and clear, should be immortal with a golden body and chalcedony, but now it seems that his exhaustion can no longer be concealed... However, there is still a tenacious spirit in his eyes, which makes him not to be underestimated.

She had seen this kind of spirit... in the real person Taihua who trekked across the mountains and realized the way of the heavenly formation.

"Really, please follow me."

"Where are you going?"


A name came to Ren Qiu's mind - Chen Fu.

The court official of Qi State who said that "no law prohibits freedom, and virtue can be forgiven no restrictions". It was also the commander of Qi Fang who was in charge of the war on the northern front during the Qi Xia War.

Immediately, she realized what this action represented, and what Xia Guo paid for this action...

What a great deal!

"Who is responsible for this?" She couldn't help asking.

As far as the Xia Kingdom is concerned, who actually dared to risk the displeasure of the world?

Could it be that the person in charge of the Xia Kingdom's northern line is making a difference? But this real person has not asked about political affairs for a long time, and came out of the mountain in the face of danger, can he really bear such a responsibility?

Taixu hesitated for a moment, and said, "It's the Master of the National Teacher."

Ximeng Mansion!

"Let's go." Ren Qiuli said.

He could already hear the sound of troops gathering in his ears, and every army in Tongyang City had already rotated on the city wall no less than twenty times.

I wonder if Mr. Changsheng will make a move this time?

It's also a pity that I can't see it in person.

Ever since he was stripped of the title of Emperor by Emperor Chu, Lord Changsheng has been practicing outside the world all the year round. He just returned to the Southern Region not long ago, and has yet to show his strength in front of people. It is not yet known what the harvest has been over the years, and how unpredictable the strength has evolved to.

In short, every time she saw her, she felt more and more unpredictable.

But, so be it.

She is curious about the current strength of Lord Changsheng, but she doesn't care much about the outcome between Qi Xia.

She thought, for Yi Shengfeng's death...

Lu Shuanghe probably wouldn't care too much.



"Xi Meng Mansion!" "Xi Meng Mansion!" "Xi Meng Mansion!"

"The first emperor relied on you for state affairs, so you just use such a mess full of holes to repay it?!"

"Great Xia regards you as the national teacher, and you use nearly half of the people as pawns, and you will abandon them at every turn! If good and evil are rewarded, you will die in the Ximeng Mansion!"

Ximeng's mansion sat on a corner of the city tower, looking into the distance with a dazed look. He could see the tall Rongchong building car in the Qi army formation... He once wanted to dismantle the imitation, but he couldn't win one. Many dark men in Linzi were sent to steal the blueprints, but none of them came back alive.

Even the eyes of real people who penetrate the essence of the world can't see the secrets of this kind of ordnance just by looking.

Up to now, all he has left is emotion.

I really hope that these good things... Xia Guo can also have it.

"Xi Meng Mansion, Great Xia will never lose the hearts of the people in the east, you are a sinner through the ages!"

"The overthrow of the thousand-year society began with your Ximeng mansion!"

There were bursts of shouting and cursing in my ears, faint, rising and falling from time to time, and never stopped.

How can real people have auditory hallucinations?

The reason why he heard it was because those were "truths" that would inevitably happen in the future.

"Xi Meng Mansion!"

Oh, this sound is "true" now.

Xi Mengfu raised his eyes lightly, and sure enough, he saw Liu Xiyi striding towards him.

The old prime minister who used to blow his beard and stare, this time, he didn't point his nose and scold his mother directly, his eyes were very complicated.

"The people of the eastern prefectures will never forgive you." He said so.

Xi Mengfu did not speak.

The hurried steps of the Prime Minister of Great Xia eased up somehow.

He came closer, and his voice was very quiet: "This strategic plan led by you is to open up the country, use the expensive city as a bait, and put the emperor in a dangerous place. Today, you are too narrow-minded, and I will not forgive you."

Xi Meng Mansion remained silent.

Abandon the entire eastern part of the empire, and tens of millions of living soldiers and civilians. Someone must stand up and take responsibility for this matter. It was the plan formulated by his Ximeng Mansion, and it was he who "struggled against all opinions" and "persuaded" the civil and military forces of the Great Xia. It was he who personally made the arrangements and wrote down the transfer order, so of course he should be responsible.

The emperor can't help but forgive King Wu, and dare not not forgive King Min, so of course he can only not forgive the national teacher...

How could he not understand these principles?

But his silence was too stubborn.

It is more durable than the towers of Tongyang City.

"Your hatred and grievances are added to the body, do you know how you will die?" Liu Xiyi walked closer, and even asked a little angrily.

Xi Mengfu frowned in distaste, he had never been able to stand the smell of this big smoking gun. He has a bad temper, smokes a lot of dry tobacco, and is always relying on the old to sell the old.

"My man! What kind of expression is that on your face!" Liu Xiyi's voice rose again.

In the end, Xi Mengfu didn't say anything, stood up directly, patted his buttocks and walked downstairs. Still like that wild boy who just ran off the boat many years ago, with no manners and no education——

Indeed, no one taught them, no one raised them.

The east is pale.

On the tower of Tongyang City, the two emaciated figures of Xia Guoguo and Guoxiang, who looked disgusted at each other, staggered each other, completing this rotation.

"Urgent report! Urgent report!"

A general of the Shenwu Army flew around the city with joy that couldn't be hidden in his voice——

"Jingguo Nantian Master Ying Jianghong killed Beigong Nantu and smashed the iron pagoda. Muguo has already been defeated!"

Liu Xiyi and Xi Mengfu suddenly turned around, and the two real people in the world were moved by it! Liu Xiyi's expression was both surprised and happy, while Xi Mengfu's expression seemed to be crying and laughing.


This inspiring news spread throughout the city in an instant, and the whole city was shaken by it.

Throughout Tongyang City, the atmosphere of joy exploded, sweeping away the depression for many days.

Seeing from the tearful eyes of Ximeng Mansion, a round of red sun leaped out of the sky, dyed the rays of light for thousands of miles, so brilliant!

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