Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1601 Can You Still Fight! ?

Of course, I remember why Jiang Wang traveled thousands of miles, and why Chong Xuansheng took the risk to participate in the Tianfu Secret Realm.

The Tianfu Secret Realm, whose value is seriously underestimated and extremely dangerous, is not the first choice for disciples from top famous schools. Xu Xiangqian did it purely to increase his knowledge, while Li Longchuan also had the confidence to accompany his friends to see the scenery. Only Chongxuansheng is empty-handed, and must venture into the country to gain some bargaining chips for himself. At that time, Wang Yiwu entered the country just to crush Chong Xuansheng's hope!

Of course, I remember that it was Chongxuanzun who was so bright and shining in Linzi that Chongxuansheng had to fight all the way and tried his best to fight. The innate Taoism is as heavy as Xuanzun, as if he has everything when he is born. With the help of Jiang Wang, Chong Xuansheng still tried his best to win the qualification to compete fairly in this battlefield.

Of course, I remember, in the western suburbs of Linzi, under the commanding stage, before the Wanjun, how Chongxuanzun stepped out of the gods one step at a time, completely locking the victory of the vanguard battle!

Chong Xuanzun's behavior is also very similar to that of a delusion-killing sword.

He volunteered to fight for the position of the vanguard of Xia Xia with the courage to face life and death, and the strength to win the three armies.

If Chong Xuansheng doesn't answer, he will lose first!

That's why Jiang Wang went out to fight against him when he was not fully prepared, and stood on the fourth floor on the spot.

Chongxuansheng later said that Chongxuanzun deliberately waited until the start of the Xia Dynasty to suppress his and Jiang Wang's power, and put the battle for the title of Marquis of Bowang above the Xia Dynasty war.

Although it is pretending to be sinister, it is not completely unreasonable.

He forced Jiang Wang out before the Wanjun, wanting to see the last scenery of the Outer Building Realm, but to get rid of the little regrets at the Guanhe Terrace at the beginning, and achieve the God of No Regrets. Maybe it's not about establishing an invincible power and destroying the fighting spirit of Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng!

Chong Xuansheng remembered these things, and Jiang Wang also remembered them.

But seeing Chongxuanzun in danger on the battlefield, Jiang Wang still chased after him without hesitation.

At any time, he would choose to side with Chongxuan Sheng, so he and Chongxuan Zun were born to be enemies rather than friends.

He certainly wasn't one to take a beating.

It is not a wonderful experience to be defeated by Chongxuan Zun before Wanjun.

He tried his best, and even the sword of Dao that he couldn't control trembled, but after all, he couldn't challenge the God of No Regrets, which was achieved overnight...Finally, he faced defeat calmly.

Of course some people applauded him, but there were not a few people who belittled him and wanted to trample him into the mud.

How many people scolded him for his fame, how many people laughed at him for nothing more than that.

Once it was worshiped like a statue of a god, but later it was trampled on like loess.

All these things started with defeat.

But being unhappy is not being happy, he never felt resentful towards Chongxuan Zun because of that battle.

Thousands of armies fought against each other, of course each according to their own abilities. It is Chong Xuanzun's ability to take the first step without regret. How much older Chongxuanzun is and how many more years of practice is Chongxuanzun's ability!

He never hated any unfair fate, only hated whether he didn't work hard enough and why he wasn't strong enough.

From the beginning to the end, he stood opposite Chongxuan Zun because of Chongxuan Sheng. Just like in the mountains and seas, he also faced Dou Zhao for Zuo Guangshu.

Of course, the two sides can be regarded as rivals, and they have fought many times for the position of Bowanghou, and it can also be said that they have long-standing grievances.

But on the battlefield, we are both in the Qi army, and we are each other's robes. How can personal grievances be compared with justice?

If he turned a blind eye today and allowed Chong Xuanzun to die, no one would be able to shake his title as the No. 1 pride of the Great Qi Empire.

But such a first-time arrogance, is Jiang Wang's wish!

Just like when he won the championship at the Yellow River Meeting, he first won the Chongtong Xiang Bei, then the Tianfu Qin Zhizhen, and then the Juedian Huang Sheli. It was a tough battle.

It is to compete with the stars, not to stand out from the crowd!

Everything he has today, none of it was given away by others. None of it was obtained by framing others.

He has walked along the way, and everything he pursues must be pursued with dignity. Whether it is victory or defeat, honor or humiliation, it must be witnessed by one's own hands!

It is true that if Chongxuanzun died on the battlefield of Faxia, there would be no suspense in the battle of Bowanghou. Even if Chongxuansheng did nothing from today onwards, no one would be able to fight against him again.

But how can such a Marquis of Bowang be what Chongxuansheng wanted?

What Chongxuansheng wants is to use his wisdom in fair competition to take back everything that should belong to him. What he wants is to wash away all the grievances he has suffered since childhood.

He doesn't need anyone's consolation or concession, he makes himself stand out!

Jiang Wang understands Chongxuansheng, just as Chongxuansheng understands Jiangwang!

So they made their own decisions without hesitation. And once again, meet each other halfway!

Like-minded people are about brothers.

A congenial person is a close friend!

Jiang Wang leaped into the blue clouds and flew ahead.

Chong Xuansheng mobilized the cavalry, and swept the soldiers behind.

So galloping on the land of Sangfu.

Just like they used to, all the choices they went through.

There were times when they disagreed with each other, but they always supported each other in the end.

The clouds of good fortune and good fortune poured out continuously, and while Jiang Wangtayun was flying rapidly, he had already begun to arouse the power of the distant star dome, the five mansions shook, the fourth floor shone together, the body was bathed in starlight, and he was determined to use his sword.

Only the will to fight and no fear.

The bat beast chasing and killing Chongxuan Zunzhe was almost equal to the combat power of two gods.

Jiang Wang asked himself how many rounds he could entangle, and when Chong Xuansheng led the army to catch up, it would not be impossible to fight with one of the gods.

No matter how badly Chongxuanzun suffers, in a one-on-one situation, won't he be chased away again?

He judged that Xia Guo's side must still have strong opponents blocking the four roads, and the only possibility to rescue Chong Xuanzun right now is to fight fiercely here, concentrate superior forces, and fight for an empty space.

Breaking through the blockade, there is still a chance of victory.

Chong Xuanzun can no longer escape!

Jiang Wang's approaching figure was of course captured by both sides in pursuit.

At that time, Chongxuanzun led a vanguard battalion of 3,000 people to raid the Great Xia Emperor's Mausoleum, and now he was alone, fighting and leaving.

What a tragic chase he has experienced, this will no longer need to be said.

This elegant and noble young man, who is the best among Linzi's peers, is now covered with blood, his temple hair is loose, and his right hand is unnaturally reflexed, which is obviously broken.

But in his left hand, he still holds the moon blade tightly. Those pitch-black pupils were completely emotionless at this moment. A cold murderous look almost filled his brows.

All the clearness of the green mountains is gone, only the solitude and coldness that keeps people thousands of miles away.

The person who fought with him was a middle-aged man with willow beard and thin face. He was dressed in Chinese clothes, with a jade belt around his waist, and he was stepping on a bat beast.

He is the current Patriarch of the Daxia Chu Clan, who was known as Jin'an Hudouhou when he was young!

He became famous in Jin'an Mansion in Bianjun, and because of his outstanding performance in the war against Liang, he defeated many brothers of the same clan in one fell swoop, and took over Daxia's Touch Clan.

Those who competed with him back then, there were many such talents as Huyangguan guard Chu Shuo.

In the end, he had the last laugh.

It can be said that the previous generation's Tun Rang is this generation's Tai Yin and Tun Min. He even has an advantage over them. Among his peers, he is irresistible.

He has achieved God for many years, of course it is impossible for him to ignore Jiang Wang's pursuit.

Originally, this Qi army passed by and passed by. The most important thing right now is to kill Qi's peerless arrogance, the shame of being humiliated in the mausoleum of Emperor Yixue. Guiyi has high walls and thick walls, so how can such a few people be shaken?

He has participated in the chase for so long, and finally pushed Chongxuan Zun to a desperate situation, so of course he didn't want any accidents.

But Qi people have the guts, how dare they rush to help with the repair of a mere building outside the district and thousands of remnants of soldiers!

The man was on the back of the red blood ghost bat, and when he thought of killing, he pressed his backhand——


The faint blue dark fire shuttled into lines, making a sharp hissing sound. The faint blue wires of fire weaved into a net in an instant, almost covering half of the sky, and fell on the person in the green shirt!

Chong Xuansheng, who was still in the distance, shouted loudly: "Be careful, this is the Xuanming sacred fire! This person is a man!"

The master of the famous family is certainly worthy of vigilance.

Even before this reminder, Jiang Wang had already sensed the danger, so he turned his hand and pressed the Bi Fang seal immediately! The phantom of the divine bird Bi Fang spread its wings to the sky behind him.

It sets him off like a god and Buddha shining in the world.

And the crimson samadhi real fire surged out, surging into the sea!

The flames of unreserved supernatural powers swept the sky and earth.

The samadhi true fire of "burning its samadhi and burning everything" met the Xuanming sacred fire of "extremely cold and freezing, burning and killing the nine secluded".

Red meets blue...

And red is drowned!

The jumping red flame stopped jumping.

The scorching flame lost its scorching heat.

The real fire of Samadhi was almost frozen at the touch of it!

The monstrous sea of ​​red flames froze at a terrifying speed. It was too late to "understand its samadhi", and it had already solidified. The blazing red sea of ​​flames seemed to condense into red glaze in an instant. Only the dense blue lines of fire are still moving freely in the crimson glass sea of ​​fire like spirit snakes!

This is an extremely beautiful scene.

But the deadly danger is also flowing in it.

This faint blue flame is so cold that one can even feel the cold just by looking at it.

As they rushed forward frantically, the temperature in the world here dropped sharply, even with Jiang Wang's body that had been strengthened many times. There is a feeling that the flesh and blood are frozen.

Good magic!

Worthy of being the head of a famous family, the real powerhouse of God's presence!

Jiang Wang was startled but not confused, Chang Xiangsi slashed horizontally, thousands of sword threads were like a waterfall, and he rebelled against him, and [Shuangxueming] was already cut out!

At the same time, he spit out his mouth lightly, and the frosty wind blows out.

Every line of fire of Xuanming Sacred Fire is extremely agile, as if it has its own vivid attacking intention. The woven dark blue fire net undulates in the air, like among the waves.

But seeing the moon-white sword silk whistling over the red sea of ​​fire, in the next instant, the sea of ​​fire, together with it, was soaked in a faint blue.

Youlan climbed up the surface of the moon-white sword silk, and froze Shuangxueming, which represented Jiang Wang's sword moves to the extreme!

The gap between the monks in the outer building and the monks in Shenlin is the gap in the essence of life.

In particular, touch is definitely not waiting for God to come!

The faint blue line of fire couldn't freeze Chong Xuanzun's Yuelun Saber, but it easily froze Jiang Wang's Samadhi True Fire, and then froze the thousands of sword threads that integrated Dao Yuan and star power, still moving forward!

At this moment, the wind is blowing.


Like an unspeakable dark dream, blown to pieces in the frosty wind.

The faint blue fire net was blown out of a huge hole.

Buzhou Feng, representing the ultimate killing power, finally defeated the Xuanming Holy Fire after the Samadhi True Fire and Shuang Xueming were both frozen.

But it didn't end there.

The cracked blue fire net fluttered strangely in mid-air.

At the next moment, distorted ghosts emerged from the dark blue fire, wearing white paper armor, holding a devil's fork in their hands, their eyes burning with blue fire, and they were as fast as lightning!

The seeds of magical powers that touched him had already blossomed, and the Nine Nether Ghost Generals were born in the sacred fire of Xuanming.

Their speed is terrifying.

While showing his figure, he had already fallen towards Jiang Wang, densely packed strange shadows, like a mountain collapsing, like a sea pouring down, buried him in an instant!

Everything seems to be quiet.

But at the next moment, five balls of blazing light pierced through the shadow, and a sword that stood on the ground suddenly exploded.

The incomparably bright sword light seemed to explode a white sun on the spot!

The densely packed Nine Ghost Generals and the bone-chilling blue flames were swept away.

The Sword Immortal, whose cloak is bathed in fire and whose eyes are shining with golden light, came to the world like this!

"Chongxuan Zun! Can you still fight!?"

The figure above the blue cloud shouted so loudly, and then there was the sound of thunder rolling.

Boom boom boom!

Chong Xuanzun turned around abruptly, his eyes were cold, and the light of his sword was even colder. Without the slightest hesitation, he swiped his eyebrows across the face of Chu Rang!

"How can I not?!"

What he pursues is perfection, control, and no flaws. In his life, there were very few times when it was so intense.

But he did not expect that it would be Jiang Wang who came to save him.

At this moment of near desperation, it will be the cunning fat brother who leads the army to chase him away.

He had already avoided it, and he didn't want to involve anyone else.

From December 26, 3920 in the Dao calendar, when he appointed Xia Zi on behalf of Emperor Qi in the Mausoleum of the Great Xia Emperor, until today, January 6, 3921 in the Dao calendar.

He has been hunted down.

Constantly fighting, constantly breaking through, and the number of people around him is constantly decreasing, but more and more powerful people from the Xia Kingdom are participating in this chase - in his original judgment, the number of strong people that Xia Jun can draw is very limited, the biggest danger It should only be in the battle of the imperial mausoleum. He attacked the city tower, drove the defeated soldiers, disrupted the enemy's formation, led the snake out of the hole, and then beat it... After going through untold hardships, he smashed the Daxia Emperor's Mausoleum in one fell swoop, and it should be all smooth after that.

In the chaotic Xia Kingdom's eastern front, no matter how raging the crowd, it would be difficult to surround him to death.

Qi Jun's advantage will only get bigger and bigger, and Xia Jun will only be more and more powerless.

This judgment should not be wrong!

In the first few days, as he expected, there were quite a few Xia Guo generals who chased him angrily, and they all regarded him as killing their father and enemy, but in terms of their strength, they were not that strong.

He still has the leisure to wander among the various mansions, interspersed with military training back and forth.

But since yesterday, there have suddenly appeared a lot of Xia Guo powerhouses, so many that it is unimaginable! It seems that the Xia people have given up the entire battle on the Eastern Front, just to kill him, Chong Xuanzun, and then hurry up!

The tide of battle turned down overnight.

Don't say anything flawless or graceful.

His arms were punched upside down.

There is only endless escape, and a sharply compressed escape range.

The newly recruited Liu Yitao died, and Zhong Xin, who had followed him for many years, died.

None of the 3,000 pioneer battalions he brought out survived!

He has never been so miserable, even when he was in the Lost Realm, he was hunted down by the king of the sea clan when he was outside the building - at least he didn't hurt others at that time!

A person as proud as him is not afraid of sacrifice, not afraid of death, not afraid of challenging his limits and proving his courage between life and death. What I am afraid of is that it is his mistake that caused all the bitter fruits!

Was it wrong for him to attack Daye alone?

He thought that after the Great Xia Imperial Mausoleum was defeated, the eastern route of thousands of miles of land would be smooth, was he wrong in his judgment?

The absurdity of the way can be cut, how can the choice of life be decided with a knife? !

Jiang Wang's voice of "Can he still fight?" instantly ignited his majestic killing intent, making him feel an unprecedented intensity and boiling.

He holds the moon blade with one hand, the sun is shrouded around him, his blood-stained white clothes are fluttering in the gust of wind, and he is once again facing him head-on!

If you, Jiang Qingyang, dare to come to save me, how could I, Zhong Xuanzun, let you underestimate me!

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