Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1602 Seeing God Again (Add 59/78 for Dameng Yan Shaofei)

Chapter 1602 Seeing God Again (Add 5978 for Dameng Yan Shaofei)

A sound of "Can we still fight!?" After that, the heretic king kong thunder sounded, announcing that this chasing battle had entered a new stage.

Great Qi Tianjiao Jiang Qingyang officially joins the battle!

Lei Yin brought out the electric light and traveled all over the void, but when he was spinning rapidly, he was touched and held in his hand! So the thunder light exploded!

At this moment, of course Chu Rang could tell that the General Qi who came to aid him was not an ordinary person, but also an extremely proud man.

With the cultivation base of the outer building capable of displaying such combat prowess, on this Eastern Front battlefield, who else could there be except for that young Qi State Qingyangzi Jiang Wang?

Coupled with that fat man who is so aggressive with his soldiers, he uses his soldiers with a sense of beauty.

On the entire Eastern Front, some of Qi's most outstanding young generals actually gathered here——

Then it's all in one pot!

Not afraid of difficulties in his life, he went up to the Tiger Mountain, broke into the Tiger's Den, and killed the Tiger's father and Tiger's son.

Chu Rang only stepped on his toe lightly: "Blood Eye, tear him away!"

The human figure and the bat shadow suddenly separated, and he grasped horizontally with one hand, and in the faint blue flames, he grabbed a long flowing flame knife and slammed it into the moon wheel knife.

Jin'an Hudouhou, don't be afraid to fight with others!

The blue flowing flame long knife and the frosty white moon wheel knife are chasing each other in the line of life and death, the cold blue and cold white, and there is a thousand lilies in an instant.

At the same time, as soon as the red blood ghost bat spread its wings, it immediately covered half of the sky!

The dark red blood veins on the inside of the fleshy wings are twisted and intertwined, like ghost lines, which makes people dizzy at first sight.

With the ugly fleshy wings fully stretched, there is visible boiling blood floating in the air.

With the ghost bat as the center, there are more invisible and intangible sound patterns, which spread out round after round.

The blood was soaked in blood poison. The killing of the sound pattern is the best killing move of the red blood ghost bat.

Jiang Wang pressed it with one hand, and the fire world quickly spread out, only three feet around his body, and the glazed amber was Chihuo Bodhi. The flames, flames, sparrows, and meteors are extremely miniaturized, crisscrossing, and fighting with every inch of space in the world of fire.

But outside the condensed fire realm, the invisible and intangible sound patterns surged in an instant, like a pool of spring water being blown and wrinkled.

The sound itself is the barrier.

The terrifying sound pattern has been distorted at this point, and she is locked in a prison!

It was Jiang Wang who, with the help of the sound-hearing fairy state, split the hell of five senses and turned this offensive technique into a separate defense against sound killing.

The fighting in the world of sound is brutal but invisible.

The onlookers can't see it, they can't hear it, it only unfolds in the ears of both sides.

The Hell of Ear Consciousness was quickly breached, and the sound pattern penetrated into the Fire Realm, but was instantly ignited!

In the fairy state of sound and hearing, all voices came to face him. There was a head-on confrontation in the hell of hearing, and the killing of the sound pattern of this red blood ghost bat has been thoroughly understood...

So it really burned!


The ghost bat blood poison sizzled like frying oil in the condensed fire realm.

The sound pattern was decomposed simply, but the blood poison became more and more stubborn, which in turn eroded the foundation of the fire realm.

After all, it was sent by a strange beast at the God's Promenade level, and the Fire Realm's own defense quickly fell short.

Jiang Wang grasped it casually, and held the Fire Realm in his palm, forming it into a ball. Of course, he also wrapped all the ghost bat blood poison in it. The sky is shining with star towers, and under the path of the true self, the ultimate control holds the fireball to the limit, making it like a red and gorgeous glass bead.

With a flick of his fingers, he shot towards the red blood ghost bat.

The huge body of the red blood ghost bat is swooping in, and it opened its mouth to bite——


The Fire Realm Glazed Bead exploded in its mouth, causing it to grin its teeth and tilt its body.

How could Jiang Wang let go of this opportunity?

Qing Yun smashed the man close, and when he approached the face of the Red Blood Ghost Bat, he turned upside down delicately, like a flying fish jumping into the sea, he had turned over on the Red Blood Ghost Bat's back.

At the same time as it fell, Sauvignon Blanc had also turned upside down, falling straight!

I don't know if the alien beast controlled by humans is not as clear as the natural beast raised by nature, or the red blood ghost bat that is simply manipulated is stupid.

Kong has the combat power of the God's Promenade level, but does not have the combat wisdom of the God's Promenade level.

Ask Jiang Wang to get close so easily.

But God's presence is God's presence after all!

The sharp and impeccable sword edge of Sauvignon Blanc just pierced into the back of the Red Blood Ghost Bat when it felt a huge resistance. The dark red muscle group tensed instantly, like steel, strangling the sword body!

More blood and poison rushed in quickly, devouring the sword energy frantically like a school of fish robbing food.

The clear and crisp sword cries are the sad sound of the embarrassing pressure of Chang Xiangsi.

If it hadn't been for such a long time to be warmed by the light of the five supernatural powers, there would have been a substantial leap, I'm afraid this time the sword would have to be broken.

Jiang Wangmou turned red gold, and immediately ignited the wound of the piercing sword, and there was a circle of red fire, which walked around the edge of the sword, and together with the constantly urging sword energy, rushed into the body of the bat beast.

The red blood ghost bat raised its head suddenly, and made a sharp and chaotic sound pattern. This time, it actually broke through the air and penetrated the barrier, so that the sound could be heard by the ears of ordinary people, resounding between heaven and earth.

It made a strange sound like "Ang Lv~!"

Hearing this sound, there was a needle in my mind.

A sense of separation from the mind and soul!

This is its natural soul sound, which has the power of killing both the sound and the god.

In the sudden severe pain, Jiang Wang instantly opened his ears, and cooperated with the fairy state of the voice, and immediately resisted the attack of this voiceprint. Fire flowed all over the body, burning away the voiceprints that approached.

At the same time, in the sea of ​​five mansions, a round of heart jumped out of the sky, and the divine light shone on the five mansions!

The supreme secret method of Xuankong Temple is to watch the ears freely, superimposed the fairy state of sound and hearing, supplemented with the knowledge of wrong paths, and the burning power of the true fire of samadhi, which breaks the sound and kills.

Chixin supernatural power sits in Wufuhai, suppressing its gods and killing them.

Compared with the huge red blood ghost bat, Jiang Wang is as small as an ant.

But at the moment when he was half kneeling on the ghost bat's back, stabbing the bat with his vertical sword, he was covered with fire and frost, without losing the slightest power.

One person and one bat rolled in the air, both sides endured pain at the same time, and collided with each other with various forces. Blood energy, Dao Yuan, and starlight scattered and flew in all directions, and the surrounding air was twisted into turbulent flow.

This is still in the entanglement, suddenly a giant hand descended from the sky, and precisely grabbed the neck of the red blood ghost bat!

But Chongxuansheng has just led the army to kill him.

It is easy for him to control the army formation of 3,000 people.

At this moment, the soldiers were rolled up, manifesting the law, the sky and the earth, and immediately formed a cooperation with Jiang Wang. The giant hand held the bat beast's neck, and with the infinite blessing of the profound power, it directly smashed it into the boundless earth!

Jiang Wang's sword qi and real fire fought in the ghost bat's body. Chongxuansheng, who gathered the power of 3,000 soldiers, was the outer body that firmly suppressed the red blood ghost bat.

The inside should be combined with the outside.

The wind is howling!

The huge body of the red blood ghost bat kept struggling and being cracked, screaming and falling, and when it was less than five feet away from the ground, its wings suddenly swung horizontally, and it was fixed in the air like this!

A dark sarcoma swelled from its abdomen, and this sarcoid seemed to provide it with infinite power, making it float firmly in the air, and turned against Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng.

Up, up, and up.

Hit the air, hit the clouds, hit the sky.

One is an existence that is almost invincible under the presence of God, and the other is leading a powerful army like the Deshengying Camp, borrowing the strength of thousands of troops.

But you can't hold it down at this moment!

God comes, God comes!

No matter what the original body is, what race it comes from. Once it is achieved, it is already a god and it is clear, it is already like a god!

The power of God is manifesting.

Bang bang, bang bang!

The dark sarcoma was beating like a living thing, provoking confusing and disgusting emotions.


I have hatred in my heart!

Hate comes from the end of the kalpa, and goes to the place where it returns.

Hatred must be drunk with blood, and hatred must be ground with bones.

I can't let go of this hatred, it's hard to survive in this world!

Jiang Wang has the supernatural power to suppress Wufuhai, so he will not be infected by these forces that invade the divine will.

Chong Xuansheng's body, which is like the sky and the earth, is wrapped in the rolling soldiers. The soldiers are used to breaking the law, and the collective will of the three thousand people is not so easy to be affected.

This attack was canceled out for a while.

Chong Xuansheng was still pinching the red blood ghost bat's neck with one hand, freed his other hand, and grabbed the right wing of the red blood ghost bat - before this, Jiang Wang had already blown out the bad wind, and the killing nail was nailed to the ground. The root of the wing was pierced, the blood vessel connection was pierced, the muscle texture was shattered, and a hollow was created.

The cooperation between the two parties does not need words or eyes at all.

It's not very gorgeous, but simple, smooth, and natural!

With a sudden force, Chong Xuansheng tore off the bat's wing, and blood spilled into the sky.

"Ang Law~!"

The red blood ghost bat hissed.

The ugly body trembled violently, every twist of muscle texture could make people feel its pain.

At the same time, the dark sarcoma hanging on the abdomen suddenly parted to the two sides, revealing a ferocious vertical pupil that affected the blood vessels.

The blood vessels protrude.

The edges of the pupils are prickly and undulating.

No wonder Chu Rang called it Blood Eye, which is where it got its name from.

Those were cold, bloody and crazy eyes. When they opened, a dark bloody light shot out immediately, penetrating hundreds of feet into the sky, and burrowing into the ground, creating a terrifying hole, black and endless.

So is its prestige!

This catharsis seemed to briefly restore the red blood ghost bat to sobriety from the severe pain. The dark sarcoma elongated suddenly, bent like a python, and wrapped around the back. The vertical pupils with entangled blood vessels were aimed at Jiang Wang!

Almost before the dark sarcoma stretched, Jiang Wang had already kicked hard—with scattered sword energy and real fire of Samadhi, Sauvignon Blanc was pulled out from the back of the ghost bat, and the person also folded abruptly, and then rose up And rise up, go straight to the high sky.

The dark blood shot out quickly, as if deliberately cooperating with Jiang Wang, piercing through the void, and killing Chu Rang and Chongxuan Zun on the battlefield, and facing Chu Rang.

It was just a light turn by Jiang Wang to attract the attack of the red blood ghost bat to interfere with the move, which is really a master hand. With the cultivation base of the outer building, the god of war interferes with the god of war!

This is the soul-eating blood light, it hits at once, it really has the ability to eat souls.

Chu Zong made a dangerous turn, and while holding the Moon Wheel Saber, he also avoided the sudden bloody light.

At this time, of course he noticed that the Crimson Blood Ghost Bat, which was suppressing the alien beasts of the family, and the God's Promenade level, had already lost one of its wings and opened its blood eyes in such a short period of time.

It is not uncommon for military monks who can perfectly use the military formation to step up and fight on the battlefield, let alone have Jiang Wang, who has a top-notch outer building, to help out.

He was mentally prepared that the red blood ghost bat would find it difficult to suppress his opponent.

Unexpectedly, the Red Blood Ghost Bat would be suppressed so badly and so quickly, that he hadn't even had time to establish an advantage over Chongxuan Zun!

Jin'an Hu Douhou is by no means a self-absorbed generation, but this moment of confrontation, he fully admits that Chongxuanzun, Jiang Wang, Chongxuansheng and the three thousand soldiers he leads have a chance. Beat him out of touch.

Even if he has been divinely aware for many years.

So in the phantom of the knife wheel, he flicked the sky with his fingers.

A drop-shaped Xuanming sacred fire shot high into the sky!

The terrifying chill spread, making Chong Xuanzun's movements seem to be sluggish, and it spread to the entire battlefield environment.

However, on the battlefield of the Red Blood Ghost Bat, Jiang Wang, with his amazing fighting intuition, predicted in advance its incomparably quick and incomparable soul-eating blood light. In the extreme pain, it has no thought of saving its strength at all. The dark sarcoma has turned around again, and it is aiming at Chongxuansheng-this can also be seen that this red blood ghost bat lacks fighting wisdom, and it is clearly the goal of Chongxuansheng It was bigger and more difficult to avoid. Its first attack after opening its blood eyes vented its pain, and its second attack chose Jiang Wang.

It can be said that frequent tricks.

Such two attacks and two rotations have given Chong Xuansheng enough time to react.


The sound was like thunder hitting the sky drum, and when the soldiers were surging, all the power of the heavy mystery was blessed on the arms in an instant. This body, which is like heaven and earth, is already infinitely powerful. At this moment, just a flick of the scarlet blood ghost bat's neck can drive the entire huge bat body, like swinging a giant hammer! This ray of bloody blood suddenly lost its aim and flew far into the sky!

The red blood ghost bat swung in the air for a while, and at this moment Jiang Wang, who was flying away, turned back again. Coincidentally, he stabbed the sword of the peak of the mountain, and slanted into the sarcoma on the abdomen of the red blood ghost bat.

Going back and forth, the timing was extremely precise, and the sword's momentum reached a near-perfect coordination with Chong Xuansheng.

This sword is extremely powerful, it can kill bloody eyes!

Also at this very moment——

The drop of Xuanming Sacred Fire that flew high into the sky exploded with a bang, the chill spread like a tide, and the faint blue fire fell like silk rain.

The endlessly extending line of fire is like a huge hood that has been folded upside down.

Everything including Chong Xuan Zun, Chong Xuan Sheng, Red Blood Ghost Bat, and Jiang Wang will be included! The temperature suddenly dropped to freezing point!

And his spiritual consciousness instantly covered a forty-foot radius, and the Xuanming spiritual domain has opened!

Chongxuanzun exhaled lightly, and at this time the breath had turned into frost, and even his saber posture became stagnant because of it, so he had to use his spiritual sense to fight back.

The battlefield between Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng was forty feet away, so they were unexpectedly affected by the Xuanming Spiritual Realm.

Jiang Wang, who was extremely turbulent, would not be easily disturbed by others. He hit the sarcoid of the red blood ghost bat with his unbiased sword, and the soul-eating blood that suddenly shot out almost wiped his face. Cheeks soar!

Such a thrilling, but calm.

The sharp blade like frost and snow took advantage of the situation to cut down, and cut the sarcomas that had been stretched into the shape of a python vertically, cutting out dark purple blood, which flew like a waterfall!

The pain is unbearable!

The red blood ghost bat rolled in the air in pain.

Chong Xuansheng controlled the power of Bingsha, and grabbed it just right, and he was about to crush the bloody eyes that quickly shrank into the sarcoid.


a fist!

A gray-white fist that looked like a stone sculpture suddenly appeared!

The force of the punch was uncomfortable.

It seemed like it shouldn't have come, but it came easily.

Break the common sense and go beyond the rules.

So it is inevitable.

This punch hit Chong Xuansheng's back, he couldn't help but let go of his hand, the body of his body fluctuated violently, and he fell into the sky in an instant!

Accompanying the fist appeared was a man as cold as iron, with a short body and gray skin.

It was for—Hou Shangyanhu of Daxia Beixiang!

The sacred flame of Xuanming that exploded in the sky is also a signal for Touch to summon his colleagues!

At this time, strong support has arrived!

Two of them were added by Dameng Yan Shaofei (59/78.)

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