Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1603 God Comes! God comes! God comes!

A strong person in the divine realm is a high-level force in various senses in any force in this world.

Putting it in a small country is the pillar of the country, and putting it in a regional power like Zhuang Yong, he is either a prince or a minister, and he is in power if he does not hold military power.

And in a great country like the Great Xia Empire, which was once expected to challenge the hegemony, those who can be named marquis will not be ordinary gods!

For example, Zhou Xiong, the son of Zhou Ying, is also a senior monk in the presence of gods, but he can't get the title of his own. Of course, he has his father's duke of the country to attack. on the current strength.

Beixiang Hou Shangyanhu, who once rioted in Liguo's capital and left a reputation for being brave, is stronger than Zhou Xiong in every sense.

As soon as he appeared, he smashed Zhong Xuansheng's majestic body of Fatian Xiangdi into the sky, and rescued the red blood ghost bat that touched the house.

That burst of soldiers shook violently, and the number of casualties among the soldiers of the Victory Battalion was unknown.

Not only Chong Xuansheng failed to react to this punch, but even Jiang Wang failed to catch it!

Too fast, too heavy, and too abrupt!

The red blood ghost bat with broken wings and narrowed eyes was still screaming in the air.

The battle situation has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The cold fist seemed to still be in sight, and Shang Yanhu had disappeared.

Just so abruptly and awkwardly, he chased Chong Xuansheng——


A sword light rose like a moon.

The frosty white sword thread covered the sky and covered the sky like a tide, drowning him, but Jiang Wang had already rushed there.

It came very fast and cut with precision.

Let him have to.


Shang Yanhu suddenly turned around and smashed the sword with his fist!

At the same time as the fist was turned, the Beixiang Hou glanced at the young man with his cold gray eyes, obviously surprised at his courage and strength.

Of course, the slight wave of emotion will not affect the fist in the slightest.

The gray-white fist hit the sword body of Sauvignon Blanc precisely, and pressed down on the sword body, hitting Jiang Wang's chest, smashing the abruptly condensed amber fire circle, blasting away the starlight that protects the body, and then He crashed!

save people?

It must be weighed by life!

When Jiang Wang's blood spattered the sky, Shang Yanhu twisted his footsteps, turned around abruptly, and with a strange but direct posture, he chased him with his fist.

But he said that the cloud of soldiers that was blasted down shook for a while, and then stabilized quickly.

Chong Xuansheng entangled Bingsha's huge body, stepped on the ground, and made a non-stop reverberating sound.

After the cloud of evil soldiers surged, only 571 corpses of the dead were left on the spot, and they charged back again, heading straight towards Shang Yanhu.

The corpses of the soldiers on the ground were scattered like that, lying on their stomachs or lying on their backs, and they could no longer hear the sound of pain, and they could no longer go home to marry their wives.

The soldiers in the air still devote themselves to the battle with all their strength, entrusting all their energy and blood to the general. As always, believe that you can be led in a winning direction.

It is true that the dead make the living sad, but the living still have to make a living for the living!

With Chong Xuansheng's wisdom, he couldn't understand the current situation any more.

There is no use in mourning, no use in fear, no use in running away.

Thousands of plans and thousands of strategies are all useless.

Only face it!

Shang Yanhu came so fast, but they had no choice but to resist and try to fight their way out.

The God of War is coming alone in the outer building, is it possible?

Absolutely not!

Gather troops to surpass the extraordinary, is it possible?

Might as well!

In the ancient era when not everyone could cultivate, the sages used the power of the crowd to overcome the extraordinary barrier.

In this world, the avenues prevail and a hundred schools of thought contend, but on the battlefield, military strategists suppress everything.

The power of Chong Xuan suddenly pushed Jiang Wang away.

The soldiers were like flowing clouds, surging on the surface of the huge palm, covering the sky and the sun, and stopped in front of Shang Yanhu's gray-white fist.

A giant with a height of tens of feet does not need to jump very far. With a light leap, it is like a mountain pressing down on the top. As long as you lift your palm, you will be surrounded by a high wall.

The five fingers of this colossal giant suddenly closed, trying to grab Shang Yanhu.

But Shang Yanhu only needs to separate his feet, and he seems to be rooted in the mountains and rivers. Flipping the gray-white palm up, it supported the giant's five fingers, making them unable to close together!

This is a struggle between more than two thousand soldiers and a god.

There was a stalemate.


A sword light wiped his throat!

Pulled by the power of the heavy mystery, Jiang Wang's sword was as fast as possible, so fast that it exceeded his original limit!

Even his afterimage is still in the distance, but his sword has fallen.

Shang Yanhu also seemed to be unable to react in time.

Let the sharp edge of Sauvignon Blanc wipe across his neck——

Clang, clang, clang!

But there was only such an ups and downs sharp sound.

The uneven texture makes this sword like walking between rocks.

The defense of the golden body and chalcedony shouldn't be like this... Jiang Wang's sword didn't hurt Shenlin before!

Shang Yanhu seems to have the physique of a diamond, and it is stronger than Jinghai's Immortal Dragon Subduing Golden Body.

How can it be broken?

But is no longer the time to think about this, Shang Yanhu has already stretched out his hand and grabbed Chang Xiangsi with his forehand.

It still has that weird and abrupt feeling. Among the powerhouses at the God's Promenade level, his speed is not too fast, but in an awkward feeling, he can always capture the target accurately.

The gray-white palm approached infinitely.

Jiang Wang pointed to his toes, and he had already made steady progress in the sky, folding three times in a row and going up to the sky.

The invisible heavy profound power surged, but it pulled him to the right out of thin air!

With such a weird mistake, even a powerful man like Shang Yanhu was caught in the air.


Shang Yanhu sneered slightly in surprise, lifted his giant palm with his left hand, twisted his foot, and brought his fist closer to Jiang Wang.

He didn't quite believe that Jiang Wang could successfully escape every time before crossing the gap in the essence of life.

Could the young people of Qi be the reincarnation of gods?

Stepping into the void, the fist covered the southeast. Before this punch landed, the punch had already been crushed.

Jiang Wang's figure sank obviously.

But when Shang Yanhu's fist landed, Jiang Wang's figure had already brushed past him again. Only the white marks left on the tip of the fist when the sword edge was wiped off!

Shang Yanhu opened up a pair of fists, and with one blow, the cloud shook, and the shadows of the fists filled the sky. It was like a violent wind and rain.

The world is ruthless, and his fist reflects his heart.

This is the Fist of the Overlord.

Overwhelm the world with fists, this heart proves itself.

When I say no time, no one is allowed to have it. I want time, no one is allowed!

The gray-white fists are almost everywhere, and they are getting more urgent.

But there was a figure in a blue shirt, coming and going suddenly, like thunder in the rainstorm!

The mark of Qingyun appeared and disappeared, the power of Chongxuan suddenly left and right, Jiang Wang rushed left and right under the lock of Shang Yanhu's fist with a dexterity that surpassed ever before.

Outside the building, God of Fighting is coming.

What made the situation stalemate for a while was the wonderful cooperation between Chong Xuansheng and Jiang Wang.

But not for long.

Because in such a tense situation, neither of them can make any mistakes, and if they fail to cooperate once, it will cause regrettable consequences.

Shang Yanhu's fist was like a cage, and Jiang Wang's agile figure was like a bird.

The bird is in the cage, and the tighter it is, the tighter it is.

The wings are closed, and it is rare to fly.


When Jiang Wang's figure rose again, Chong Xuansheng's giant palm wrapped around the power of the soldier's evil has also been covered.

Jiang Wang's figure pierced through his fingers, and his giant palms were immediately closed. Suddenly, the sun was dim, and the sky seemed to be falling.

Shang Yanhu was not afraid at all, his gray-white fist went straight up——

The giant's slap was opened!

But the sky has not opened up.

What fell was a sword.

Left-handed and right-handed, the mountains and the seas are divided into the sun and the moon.

Jiang Wang, who pierced through the giant's fingers, turned over in the air, held the blade upside down, and cut out a herringbone sword! It just filled in the slap of Chong Xuansheng, and cut off the possibility of Shang Yanhu's continued pursuit.

Fist and sword clash!

Herringbone sword power was directly crushed by Badu fist power.

Jiang Wang was blasted into the sky on the spot——


Another dark bloody light came directly, almost facing Shang Yanhu who was about to chase Jiang Wang.

The soul-eating blood light of that red blood ghost bat!

He wanted to attack Jiang Wang, but because Jiang Wang was punched away, he fell towards Shang Yanhu.

It turned out that when Jiang Wang pierced through the giant's fingers and jumped into the sky in the first step, he had already unleashed Taoist anger on the red blood ghost bat.

Although the red blood ghost bats at the god's level will not be manipulated by this kind of Taoism below the super level, they still can't help being a little irritable. Although he was seriously injured and the pain was still there, he still took a cold blow. But Jiang Wang regarded him as dead, and led him to Shang Yanhu.

First break through the power of the army formation, then break through the herringbone sword style, and then encounter a fierce attack from "comrades in arms".

Rao is as strong as Shang Yanhu, but he is a little caught off guard!

In a hurry, he moved his body sideways, flipped his five fingers down, and pressed down the soul-eating blood light.

The soul-eating blood light, which has no entity, seems to have more specific details at this moment, or in other words, it has been pressed out of "details", so it was pressed sideways.

But even so, in the process of interlacing the dark blood light and gray palm, it also brought out a blood tank for Shang Yanhu who had a strong defense!

This was the first time he was injured in this battle.

Shang Yanhu suddenly turned his head and roared: "Turn you back, you stupid bat!"

The red blood ghost bat also knew that he had made a mess, so he was a little helpless in the air, and he didn't even dare to scream in pain. The sarcoma that is still bleeding is neither closed nor released.

Touch Rang, who had already fought with Chongxuan Zun in the distance, was not angry, and only shouted: "Bloody Eye, come here, let's have a good meal with you!"

The red blood ghost bat swiped vigorously with its remaining fleshy wings, piercing through the dark blue fire curtain like a fish swimming in water. One battlefield, two battle situations, each dangerous.

It seems to have returned to the original state, as if Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng led 3,000 people to help...but nothing has changed!

It is still a bat and one person fighting Chong Xuanzun!

There is only one more corpse of the winning battalion soldiers, and what Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng have to face...Shang Yanhu who is stronger than Zhou Xiong!

Chong Xuansheng, who had reorganized the army formation, had already felt the weakening of the power of the soldiers. Although the qi and blood pills are sufficient to replenish blood qi continuously, the physique of these soldiers has its limit after all.

If he was given more nine soldiers to rotate, he would certainly not be afraid to confront Shang Yanhu.

But in the Sang Mansion, which is deep into the hinterland of the Xia Realm, how can there be half a reinforcement?

But... so what?

Jiang Wang, who was floating in the air, was trembling with muscles all over his body at this moment, and his viscera were shaking... He just touched it and left, taking a lot of effort! The gap between the Outer Building Realm and the Divine Realm is reflected in the result of this hard punch from Shang Yanhu. If it wasn't for guiding the killing power of the red blood ghost bat, he would never take such a risk.

But... so what?

Neither Chong Xuansheng nor Jiang Wang looked at each other.

Because they had to focus all their attention on Shang Yanhu.

But at this moment, their expressions were surprisingly unified.

There is no agitation or anger there, only calmness in the face of reality.

There is no need to ask why the situation has evolved into this way, there are thousands of consequences for a different thought, and they all know how to face it.

In the shortest time, defeating Chu Rang and the Red Blood Ghost Bat was the only possibility for them to escape together with Chong Xuan Zun.

When Shang Yanhu arrived in such a timely manner, one more Shang Yanhu was needed to destroy the target.

It's hard.

But this is the only way to go.

Then give it a try.

Two people shot at the same time!

One is as majestic as a mountain, and the other is as chic as a banished fairy.

In the complex and chaotic heavy profound force field, Jiang Wang took the lead with his sword.

Shang Yanhu was fearless, he raised his fist to meet him.

The sword walks high in the sky, and the fist divides the sky and the earth.

Chong Xuansheng's huge body followed Jiang Wang closely, resisting the sunlight and falling shadows.

That ray of sword light cut down like a mountain about to fall.

And Shang Yanhu is like the eternally silent earth, punching thousands of ravines and abysses.

When the power of Chongxuan was raised suddenly, Jiang Wang's sword light still shifted at the extreme power, a perfect dislocation, Chongxuansheng's fist like a hill fell first——


This was a no-frills duel, and Chong Xuansheng used the strength of the army to collide with the gods for real.

The results are obvious.

Shang Yanhu stood still, but Chong Xuansheng's huge body, which was tens of feet tall, leaned back.

But in this intersection, Jiang Wang's vertical sword has fallen.

The sword of the peak and the mountain, hit Shang Yanhu again.

Shang Yanhu still greeted him with a punch!

That gray-white fist towered over the ground like a mountain range.

But Jiang Wang suddenly turned around like a floating weed, and the sword turned around involuntarily!

From the extreme state of the Tianzhu toppled, it flowed into a puddle of water and turned into a leaf.

Almost as soon as the fist and sword collided, Jiang Wang was knocked into the air——

He flies so fast!

At an astonishing speed, it slammed into the ground hundreds of meters away!

In a relatively weak state, facing an opponent like Shang Yanhu, the goal is in another battle situation, which is more advantageous.

This choice of combat is audacious, unimaginable, and stunning!

At this moment, Jiang Wang, who was wearing a cloak and was on fire, seemed to be burning inside his body. All his suppressed strength and all his silent perseverance turned into kinetic energy at this moment, pushing him to accelerate and move forward.

quick! Faster!

In the force field controlled by Chongxuan Sheng, all the forces of Chongxuan, whether pushing, squeezing or pulling, are helping Jiang Wang to advance.

And from Chongxuanzun, who was fighting for life and death with Chu Rang, there was also an incomparably terrifying attraction!

The power of heavy mystery continues in the air!

One pushes, the other sucks!

The two brothers, who are like water and fire, have reached a perfect cooperation with Jiang Wang's sword.

Jiang Wang's speed at this moment is already beyond the reach of his voice.

So when he slashed to the rear with his sword, and the sword energy roared like a crowd of people——

He is quiet!

At that time, Chu Rang was being forced to retreat by Chong Xuanzun's desperate knife.

His back heart and Jiang Wang's sword seem to have a tacit understanding at this moment, and they must touch each other.

It is impossible to avoid it any more.


The touch made the faint blue flame condensed like ice flowers ignite outside his body.

Sauvignon Blanc was blocked in the blue flames, and a huge amount of sword energy was stripped before it crashed into Chu Rang's back heart.


The touch made a mouthful of blood spurt out, but the person seemed to go out in flames, and when it ignited again, it appeared on the back of the red blood ghost bat.

His face was pale, and no matter how golden and chalcedony he was, he was almost as if he had eaten Jiang Wang's sword raw. Standing on the back of the red blood ghost bat at this moment, it is almost a little unstable.

Although they are not dead, Jiang Wang, Chongxuanzun, and Chongxuansheng succeeded in injuring the enemy through the perfect cooperation this time, and finally saw the hope of reversing this chasing battle!

But at this moment, a gentle voice sounded——

"Touch Rang, Touch Rang, how can a junior be beaten like this?"

A man in a Confucian uniform with fluttering sleeves came slowly from the high altitude in the east, shaking his head, and his tone was rather regretful.

"My lord, Li Fu." His eyes swept over Jiang Wang, Chong Xuanzun, and Chong Xuansheng one by one, and he saluted very gracefully: "I'm very glad to see the great Qi Tianjiao!"

Li Fu, Marquis of Guangping, Great Xia Empire!

The voice did not fall.


The southern sky rolled like thunder, and a nine-foot man fell down, his voice was like a bell: "Is the Jin'an Hudouhou really old? It's really a pity for Xue!"

Xue Chang, Marquis of Yangling in the Great Xia Empire!

Immediately afterwards, in the northern sky, in the direction of Daye Mansion, a person came dragging Guan Dao.

The blade made deep cuts on the ground.

And the man with the helmet on, just looked at the blood-stained Chong Xuanzun in white.

"We meet again, Chong Xuanzun. This time, where are you going to escape?"

It was Jin Ling who had fought in Linwu Mansion before and had chased and killed Chong Xuanzun once.

Great Xia An Guohou!

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